Crafted Mawdrey II, why did I bother?

Crafted Mawdrey II, why did I bother?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oxidia.8103


Mawdrey II is one of the cheapest ascended back piece ingame. You just need to do a little scavenget hunt and that’s all.

Crafted Mawdrey II, why did I bother?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Yes, OP, every single person who crafted Mawdrey should get at least 50 gold a day. Aside from the fact that the results of Mawdrey have been public in the wiki for a very very long time, a tiny bit of research would have told you what you’d get.

And you know, sometimes you get more than 20 silver, sometimes less. I’ve gotten t6 mats occasionally. I’ve gotten exotics. It’s an extra 3-5 bags a day every single day that you have extra dust, which for many people is most days.

Imagine what it would do to the economy if you actually got more for it? I mean besides completely destroy it.

I knew before I made Mawdrey exactly what I’d be getting, because there was no possible way that something as common was bloodstone dust could possibly give you hard profit without RNG.

Sometimes I don’t get people.

Crafted Mawdrey II, why did I bother?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fanolian.8415


Well if you are lucky enough…
(Other junks before and after it are from Mawdrey II and Star of Gratitude.)


Crafted Mawdrey II, why did I bother?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cocowoushi.7150


Dropped 100 gold to craft it cuz my bank was getting out of control and still don’t feel gipped because it’s turning my useless bloodstone into something of value and freeing up my bank.

Not sure why OP was surprised by how it looks, there are multiple ways to see the end product before you make it.

Crafted Mawdrey II, why did I bother?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

So far, I think you are the only person I’ve seen that has voiced dislike about the skin… but we all know that beauty is subjective.

Just voicing my opinion on it: the back piece does look pretty crappy, to me. It’s not horrible but it’s hardly uuntarnished by criticism. But frankly, it’s mostly the nature of back pieces in this game. Hardly any are meant to complement a variety of looks but instead meant to show status. The vine back pieces are fine. . . If your Armor look is meant to incorporate plant motifs which can go well with a sylvari who is using plant Armor but hardly much else (not to mention there aren’t that many plant themed armors to easily go with it). There are far more better looking back pieces that aren’t generic themed (like the dream catcher) that aren’t used as often as the bulkier flashier ones meant to show off wealth or status (wing/ fractal back piece). For alk the work I put in to finally get my mawdrey, I’d still transmute a skin over it (but the ascended stats are welcome).

I’d much prefer a more practical back piece skin similar to the quivers, like a Cape or a spare weapon there for show like a crossbow kit or chain sickle that you can add to various looks to differing effect.

Actually, I find that mine looks quite nice on my elementalist who is a human noble and looks it. She doesn’t even incorporate any of the colors, but it works.

Whatever flats your boat. Personally, to me, a noble doesn’t really walk around nature as much as around aristocracy, much less wear nature on their back. My noble-type sylvari uses an elegant bird motif, with gold, jewels and feathers. I’m sure you could make a nice flower motif that works the same angle but finding weapons and Armor that complement the back piece is harder than simply making your back piece invisible.

It isn’t about nature. It’s an extremely exotic pet, considering it’s a sentient vine. If you read the flavor text you get that through the process you are raising a wild plant creature, then the next generation is a tamed plant creature, and the last generation, Maudrey II, is a domesticated plant creature.


Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

(edited by Kal Spiro.9745)

Crafted Mawdrey II, why did I bother?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

So far, I think you are the only person I’ve seen that has voiced dislike about the skin… but we all know that beauty is subjective.

Just voicing my opinion on it: the back piece does look pretty crappy, to me. It’s not horrible but it’s hardly uuntarnished by criticism. But frankly, it’s mostly the nature of back pieces in this game. Hardly any are meant to complement a variety of looks but instead meant to show status. The vine back pieces are fine. . . If your Armor look is meant to incorporate plant motifs which can go well with a sylvari who is using plant Armor but hardly much else (not to mention there aren’t that many plant themed armors to easily go with it). There are far more better looking back pieces that aren’t generic themed (like the dream catcher) that aren’t used as often as the bulkier flashier ones meant to show off wealth or status (wing/ fractal back piece). For alk the work I put in to finally get my mawdrey, I’d still transmute a skin over it (but the ascended stats are welcome).

I’d much prefer a more practical back piece skin similar to the quivers, like a Cape or a spare weapon there for show like a crossbow kit or chain sickle that you can add to various looks to differing effect.

Actually, I find that mine looks quite nice on my elementalist who is a human noble and looks it. She doesn’t even incorporate any of the colors, but it works.

Whatever flats your boat. Personally, to me, a noble doesn’t really walk around nature as much as around aristocracy, much less wear nature on their back. My noble-type sylvari uses an elegant bird motif, with gold, jewels and feathers. I’m sure you could make a nice flower motif that works the same angle but finding weapons and Armor that complement the back piece is harder than simply making your back piece invisible.

It isn’t about nature. It’s an extremely exotic pet, considering it’s a sentient vine. If you read the flavor text you get that through the process you are raising a wild plant creature, then the next generation is a tamed plant creature, and the last generation, Maudrey II, is a domesticated plant creature.

Right, still doesn’t make it look that good or applicable in my eyes such as the quivers or some of the crafter backpacks.

But then I’m one of those crazy people that think “If you like your pet, why ruck it around the dangerous world for no reason?” Like, I went and bought a couple minis that I think are cute but find it impractical to have them following you around in combat. I just don’t buy minis now. But now I’m going on a tangent about how immersion breaking most of the junk of GW2 is. I’ll just leave it at “It doesn’t look that applicable to a variety of styles”.

Crafted Mawdrey II, why did I bother?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094


It’s only a slap in the face because you chose to receive it in such a way.

An ascended and exotic backpiece (with selectable stats) is an awesome reward. Last time I checked, the ascended backpiece you get from crafting Mawdrey is good value for money. The skin is unique and a lot of people really like the look of it. So far, I think you are the only person I’ve seen that has voiced dislike about the skin… but we all know that beauty is subjective.

So.. why did you craft something you didn’t like the look of?

Also, the rewards you get from feeding Mawdrey are random. I certainly haven’t made my money back on her yet, but I’ve received plenty of silver doubloons, t5+6 crafting materials along with some exotics, rares, cores and lodestones (and a load of merchable junk). Certainly better than throwing my heaps of bloodstone dust away.

I’ve also heard a lot of people who made Mawdrey simply because they found the scavenger hunt a thrill.

I hated the skin, plus I already have the spine blade back item, up to ascended level, so I skipped. Plus at the time I didn’t have the time to farm DT to get the stuff or have the needed crafting to the needed levels.

i5 4690K @ 3.5Mhz|8GB HyperX Savage 1600mHz|MSI H81M-E34|MSI GTX 960 Gaming 2GB|
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Crafted Mawdrey II, why did I bother?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Who, What,Where,When,Why ….the amount of money IN GAME or BOUGHT.

You can only buy gold that already is in the game with gems, you cant create new gold via gems.

That would imply it is possible to buy out all the gold in the exchange. Seems unlikely.

Crafted Mawdrey II, why did I bother?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kysin.6349


As other have said… Cheapest ascended back item + a way to use bloodstone that would otherwise be thrown out (look at the loot you can get + exclusive skin. What on earth is there to actually complain about? You didn’t make back all the money you put into it in the first day? Maybe it was a mistake for you, but not the vast majority of most people.

Co-leader of Knights of Eminence[Sir] – PvX
Reap The Weak[Reap] – WvW 5-man havok

Crafted Mawdrey II, why did I bother?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spirited Was Eceni.3869

Spirited Was Eceni.3869

Fed Mawdrey again and got 15 silver today.

To clarify, I didn’t make this for the ascended back item, as I mentioned I already have infused ascended spinal blades. The back items I got while crafting this are just sitting in my bank. I only mentioned those as they are part of the reward for crafting Mawdrey II.

I crafted Mawdrey II so I could stop dumping Bloodstone Dust and maybe get something in return. I honestly expected around 50 silver to 1 gold a day. I thought that would be a reasonable return for the work involved in crafting but instead it seems to give the same kind of drops as from the Star of Gratitude which I made with next to no effort. It’s a little under-whelming to me and so I started this thread.

“Judge a person’s character by how they behave when given anonymity.”

Welcome to the Internet, exposing characters since the early 80’s.

(edited by Spirited Was Eceni.3869)

Crafted Mawdrey II, why did I bother?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

I didn’t craft one, too much kittening around for a back piece. Too many steps and I don’t have the patience. I dislike pretty much all back piece skins and they are hidden on most of my characters anyway. Since back pieces are only for stat purposes I prefer to buy 250 vicious claws for a Quiver of 1000 arrows and craft it in 10 mins. There are other ways of converting bloodstone into gold.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

(edited by Julie Yann.5379)

Crafted Mawdrey II, why did I bother?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andraus.3874


Fed Mawdrey again and got 15 silver today.

To clarify, I didn’t make this for the ascended back item, as I mentioned I already have infused ascended spinal blades. The back items I got while crafting this are just sitting in my bank. I only mentioned those as they are part of the reward for crafting Mawdrey II.

I crafted Mawdrey II so I could stop dumping Bloodstone Dust and maybe get something in return. I honestly expected around 50 silver to 1 gold a day. I thought that would be a reasonable return for the work involved in crafting but instead it seems to give the same kind of drops as from the Star of Gratitude which I made with next to no effort. It’s a little under-whelming to me and so I started this thread.

Even though star of gratitude is easier to get, you also get the ascended back piece with mawdry. Of course as you’ve said this didn’t matter to you but that’s why it was harder to obtain than the star of gratitude. And as others have said its the cheapest option for an ascended back piece. So to most people it’s the back piece that matters more than the blood stone dump.