Crafting Ascended Armor & Possible Changes

Crafting Ascended Armor & Possible Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AmFah.4389


Anyone know if there are going to be any updated changes to the meta? I main Engineer and I heard Grouch kinda hinted it in his stream when he was playing Pistol/Pistol engi that changes might be coming. A lot of my PvP friends are trying to learn Pistol/Pistol/Elixir because of it.

I know rumors are rumors, but with cele rifle as OP as it is, and since PvP and PvE skills aren’t split like it is in GW1 this will affect me in PvE as well. The armor itself isn’t being affected, but my stats would kinda have to buff my main weapon, the rifle.

I’m about to craft my first set of ascended armor and I don’t want to have all that I’ve made go to waste because of some future updates. With time gating as bad as it is it’s going to be a pain having to get all the laurels, get the gold, and wait day after day to craft new ascended materials over again. I know I can just roll zojja zerker to be safe, but my build would do better with assassins right now.

Some will just say play how you want to play, but I do a lot of dungeon SCs with my guild and they really don’t want my engineer as it is when other classes can out perform it.

If anything, do you think they are going to make any changes to Engi soon?

Crafting Ascended Armor & Possible Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Well, supposedly they “balance” every 6 months or so, so look up when they last “balanced” the game.
It will be inevitable though that at some point in time a patch will come and mess up your ascended armor build… so yeah. – Not a fan of ascended so I will restrain myself just by saying this.

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Crafting Ascended Armor & Possible Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


Well, if you’re getting ascended armor because of the stat upgrade, don’t bother. If you do high end fractals, then you might want to hold off. But if I remember correctly, while assassins is the absolute best for engineer, berserker isn’t far off.