Crafting Eternity
It would be faster to buy it
if you want to buy it. just buy eternity on TP, but i can tell u. eternity just waste money. waste time.
that legendary just a show off.
i am so regret to craft one. : (
but if you want to craft one. the fastest at lease 2 month
You get alot of stuff to help you craft just doing world completion….but what do I know? Only working on my third legendary. ;0
Without knowing what route you’d go to get the gold, there’s no way to answer your question.
As for the comment above, everyone is entitled to their opinions. For the record, here’s mine…
I made my Sunrise on New Year’s Eve of 2012. Loved it, and wasn’t a huge fan of the Twilight skin, so didn’t ever plan to make Eternity, and basically give up TWO Legendaries to get back one, whose skin half the time would be one I didn’t like.
However, when the re-vamp came for Eternity, I re-assessed, and realized that actually the Twilight skin had grown on me. Add on the special effects that Eternity gets over and above it’s day/night visuals, and I had to have it.
I made Twilight, and then put the two together. And I don’t regret it for a second.
Yes, I could have had two legendary weapons instead of one, but the effects on Eternity are, in my opinion, gorgeous, and at the end of the day, gold in game is just pixels. So I traded some pixels (gold) for others (effects) and am quite happy with it.
i stop, after i crafted my fourth legendary. at the of day it just a skin.
Yes, it’s just a skin, but I’m quite happy to own two skins that I like very much. One of them is Kudzu. As long as what make you happy, go for it.
Without knowing what route you’d go to get the gold, there’s no way to answer your question.
As for the comment above, everyone is entitled to their opinions. For the record, here’s mine…
I made my Sunrise on New Year’s Eve of 2012. Loved it, and wasn’t a huge fan of the Twilight skin, so didn’t ever plan to make Eternity, and basically give up TWO Legendaries to get back one, whose skin half the time would be one I didn’t like.
However, when the re-vamp came for Eternity, I re-assessed, and realized that actually the Twilight skin had grown on me. Add on the special effects that Eternity gets over and above it’s day/night visuals, and I had to have it.
I made Twilight, and then put the two together. And I don’t regret it for a second.
Yes, I could have had two legendary weapons instead of one, but the effects on Eternity are, in my opinion, gorgeous, and at the end of the day, gold in game is just pixels. So I traded some pixels (gold) for others (effects) and am quite happy with it.
Well, the fastest way to acquire the necessary gold, of course. My question is, essentially, if I do choose to craft both Twilight and Sunrise, will doing so take longer than acquiring the money for Eternity? Each legendary would take about one month, right? So that’d be around two months for both of them. Would I be able to get the money for Eternity in a time period shorter than two months?
i stop, after i crafted my fourth legendary. at the of day it just a skin.
Well, to clarify, it’s not exactly true that it’s ‘just a skin’. They do have a special skin but there are other things to factor into it than just appearance, some or none of which may matter to any particular person, but are true nonetheless.
1) Like Ascended weapons, Legendaries are account bound rather than soulbound. This makes them far more flexible than exotics, which are soulbound on use.
2) Legendaries let you select stats for your weapons, making them more flexible than Ascended weapons, which are restricted to the stat they are crafted for.
3) Legendaries are guaranteed to always be ‘top stat’. Even if (God forbid) ANet were to put in another tier between Ascended and Legendary, Legendary will still be ‘king of the hill.’ So no worries about gear creep.
4) Legendaries have not one but two achievements related to them. (again, which may or may not interest people).
5) Legendaries are, for some, a long term goal that guides them in their wanderings in the game. It doesn’t mean you have to do it, but it’s something you CAN work towards and get a sense of accomplishment from.
Well, the fastest way to acquire the necessary gold, of course. My question is, essentially, if I do choose to craft both Twilight and Sunrise, will doing so take longer than acquiring the money for Eternity? Each legendary would take about one month, right? So that’d be around two months for both of them. Would I be able to get the money for Eternity in a time period shorter than two months?
Again, I don’t know how you acquire your gold, so no way to gauge how long it would take you.
There’s lots of ways – you could become a TP Baron, you could farm SW, you could run dungeons 24/7, etc etc.
As for it taking 1 month per legendary, again, that assumes a lot of things. Only you can know if that’s a reasonable goal for you.
I will point out that you can currently sell Sunrise and Twilight for 2400g-3100g and Eternity for 2950g-3080g respectively. If you sold outright, even factoring in the TP tax of 15%, you’d get 4550g (rounded). That’s enough to buy the Eternity for the currently lowest price of 4040g and have roughly 500g left over to spend.