Crafting System

Crafting System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shinji.8320



okay seriously.
We need some updates to the crafting. Some ideas are:

-making it cost LESS than 40 dollars worth of gold to get to rank 400
-Letting us name our crafted weapons and armor
-Jesus Christ I’m not even going to begin on legendaries

seriously crafting is waaaaay too expensive and scales waaaaay too slowly.
Good luck fixing this, ANet. I do not have high hopes.

Phnglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu Rl’yeh wga’nagl fhtagn.

Crafting System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PyrateSilly.4710


Expensive? What are you talking about? No money spent on any crafting I have done and with just harvesting everything I come across I have done 500 on some and 400 and higher on the others.

Crafting System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Calcifire.1864


Expensive? What are you talking about? No money spent on any crafting I have done and with just harvesting everything I come across I have done 500 on some and 400 and higher on the others.

opportunity cost, you could have sold all those materials you gathered for a roughly equivalent price it would have took you to buy them

eg, buying 5 iron for 1s each vs gathering 5 iron, you could have sold that iron for 5s so making something with that iron “cost” you 5s no matter how you obtained it

Crafting System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BunjiKugashira.9754


  • Tailoring 400 costs 23-24 gold (state 21.10.2015, which is 184-192 gems, which is less than 2.5 dollars. Tailoring is considered one of the more expensive jobs. People are using crafting to level their alts, that’s how cheap crafting is!
  • Naming our stuff sounds like a nice gimmic. Mostly useless, but I wouldn’t be opposed to it.
  • Legendaries are supposed to be rare and still everyone and their bear is running around with one.
Shana Flamewielder
Sylvari Elementalist of [SFF]
Abaddons Maul

Crafting System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

i hear often that tailoring is one of the most expensive crafts. i would argue that it is the cheapest craft capable of reaching 500.

huntsman = ~ 162g
artificing = ~150g
weaponcrafting = ~ 132g
armorcrafting = ~ 69g
leatherworking = ~ 69g
tailoring = ~ 65g

Crafting System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Expensive? What are you talking about? No money spent on any crafting I have done and with just harvesting everything I come across I have done 500 on some and 400 and higher on the others.

opportunity cost, you could have sold all those materials you gathered for a roughly equivalent price it would have took you to buy them

eg, buying 5 iron for 1s each vs gathering 5 iron, you could have sold that iron for 5s so making something with that iron “cost” you 5s no matter how you obtained it

That is not quite true due to listing fee and tax but that aside you don’t see the problem of that argument in the context of the OP?

Crafting System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ajithls.5948


I also think that the crafting system is really expensive if you buy the mats instead of gathering them.

Also the amount of “time” it takes to either buy or gathering is a huge difference since buying the mats would get you what you need instantly while gathering them would take hours, days or even weeks depending on amount.

“How much grog could a quaggan quaff if a quaggan could quaff grog?”

Crafting System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Enko.6123

Enko.6123 is not the cheapest way to do it; it’s the quickest way.

At ct current prices, it costs 50g to get ALL crafts to 400 and about another 150g to get the three armor professions and the three weapon professions to 500.

Just need to know how to do it and also be patient.

As in most markets, you can get fast, cheap, or good quality. Pick 2.

Crafting System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aerwyna.2541


I gather most everything so it didnt cost me that much.

Renoria Blackheart loves her kitty Kronos. <3
Proud member of the Blackgate community.

Crafting System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oxidia.8103


All crafting proffesions maxed out, 2 legendaryes, didn’t cost me a dime of real money. Maybe 600 gold in total that i sunk in presursors.

Crafting System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Redenaz.8631


-making it cost LESS than 40 dollars worth of gold to get to rank 400

Crafting all professions to 400 costs ~156 gold if you follow the normal guide, or 201 if you follow the “fast” guide. 1 Gold costs 0.09 USD

156gold * 0.09USD/gold = $14.04
201gold * 0.09USD/gold = $18.09

Crafting to 450? 204 gold, so it’s still under $20. Crafting them all (minus Jewelcrafting which maxes at 400,) to 500 is ~666 gold:
666gold * 0.09USD/gold = $59.94

Either the OP is confused about what level crafting tops out at, or the OP has no idea what they’re talking about. Or there’s a third option that needs clarification.

Edit: Sounds like Enko has a more efficient method of crafting, but even with gw2crafts’s guides, 400 doesn’t cost $40.

~The Storyteller – Elementalist – Jade Quarry~

Crafting System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Enko.6123


You need to remember how calculates its numbers. It uses available prices from the TP. There’s cheaper ways to get the same items from the TP and then you can recalculate what you should buy based off those cheaper prices. If you’re only leveling it up once, its probably not really worth it. I’m working on getting max on every crafting profession on all 45 characters so it was worth it to me to set up a spreadsheet to save as much gold as possible.

Also, instead of making stuff for the first 25 of every level, you can just refine materials for that tier as you pretty much get your money back.

Crafting System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linken.6345


You need to remember how calculates its numbers. It uses available prices from the TP. There’s cheaper ways to get the same items from the TP and then you can recalculate what you should buy based off those cheaper prices. If you’re only leveling it up once, its probably not really worth it. I’m working on getting max on every crafting profession on all 45 characters so it was worth it to me to set up a spreadsheet to save as much gold as possible.

Also, instead of making stuff for the first 25 of every level, you can just refine materials for that tier as you pretty much get your money back.

Why would you need all crafting professions 8×45, aint 8 one of each craft maxed enough?

Crafting System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Enko.6123


You need to remember how calculates its numbers. It uses available prices from the TP. There’s cheaper ways to get the same items from the TP and then you can recalculate what you should buy based off those cheaper prices. If you’re only leveling it up once, its probably not really worth it. I’m working on getting max on every crafting profession on all 45 characters so it was worth it to me to set up a spreadsheet to save as much gold as possible.

Also, instead of making stuff for the first 25 of every level, you can just refine materials for that tier as you pretty much get your money back.

Why would you need all crafting professions 8×45, aint 8 one of each craft maxed enough?

Because I want to?

Crafting System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Laraley.7695


Yes, please let’s make the game even easier than it is ^^

Maybe play the game to get cold rather than using your credit card?

Crafting System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


I also think that the crafting system is really expensive if you buy the mats instead of gathering them.

Also the amount of “time” it takes to either buy or gathering is a huge difference since buying the mats would get you what you need instantly while gathering them would take hours, days or even weeks depending on amount.

You forgot about the time to get the gold(either in game or money IRL).