Crafting legendary weapons difficulty?
Legendary items are a very long term goal in GW2, many of us who have played since launch have none, and have never seen one of the precursor weapons required to make one drop. They’re the absolute pinnacle of progression in the game, so they’re very difficult to get. 2000 gold is going to take you a LONG time, even if you do nothing but farm Silverwastes, the current loot cave of choice for hours a day. If heavy grinding isn’t really your thing, you may as well write the idea off, barring the happy accident of winning the lottery and looting a precursor.
you could buy kudzu for 2500g, or make it after buying/gathering roughly 1800g of materials, plus some account-bound materials such as karma and spirit shards. Neigther is an easy thing to do.
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
Forge & more JSON recipes
Ok so 3 years is not to long? I am sorry but that is insane, I have played many mmorpgs never heard of things that take more then 6 months to get.
Ok so 3 years is not to long? I am sorry but that is insane, I have played many mmorpgs never heard of things that take more then 6 months to get.
Nah, you can craft one in like 3 months if you really wanted it. It all comes down to how much time/effort/gold you want to put into it.
Ok so 3 years is not to long? I am sorry but that is insane, I have played many mmorpgs never heard of things that take more then 6 months to get.
Nah, you can craft one in like 3 months if you really wanted it. It all comes down to how much time/effort/gold you want to put into it.
Can you get it while working towards other stuff or is it extremely grindy? I suspected that that was off, arena net is not like that from what I have seen, is it just a grind or
OP it depends on how you play and how long. If you really focus on it 3-4 months of grinding dungeons and events will get you it. If you’re more casual but play more than 5 or so hours a week its doable in a years time. I’m really lazy with my approach, I just invest in weapon skins/dyes/w/e and sell them later for massive profit. I’m about to get my second legend in 3 years (I’ve not played much this past year).
As I said, it all depends on your willingness to grind for it. I’d agree with dom, 3 or 4 months is pretty doable with what for me would be a mind numbing grinding schedule. You won’t really be working towards other stuff, maybe some dungeon achievements if you decide to farm gold that way? Leveling I guess, if you start running dungeons with lower level characters, all that’s also going to cut down on the efficiency of your farm and prolong the time it takes to hit your goal.
Barring lucky drops that is. Don’t get me wrong, after three years, I could crank out a legendary very easily if I got a precursor drop today, probably several of them even, but if I decided I wanted to WORK for it rather than leaving it to chance, it would still require me to farm enough gold to buy the precursor. Say Leaf of Kudzu to make your Kudzu, that’s around 850 gold, at 5-10 gold per hour in the grindy high reward farming areas(dungeons, silverwastes, etc.). That’s going to take some time and effort even for someone like me who has most of the other crafting materials. No matter how you shake it, grind.
Here’s a pretty good, recent gold farming guide:
Good luck!
Personally i don’t think crafting a Legendary is hard it just takes dedication and initiative.
If you like check out this YouTube series he crafts Legenderys in 6-8 weeks then gives them away. Plus it’s a good basic guide on haw to do it yourself.
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
Been playing 6 months and currently working on my 3rd legendary. They are not that hard, you just have to find a way to work towards getting the materials that works for you. There is no escape from it being very costly, you will for instance have to buy the precursor off the TP unless you get crazy lucky. But don’t count on that. Just work toward crafting it at your own pace and eventually you will get there. Don’t give up & have fun.
The hardest part of crafting a Legendary is getting the precursor, since that is completely random (unless you buy one, which is very expensive). Once you have a precursor, it takes a few months to get everything you need.
You won’t be putting your gold towards anything but the legendary during that time, but you can still work on other things as long as those things earn you gold.
And with Heart of Thorns, you can unlock a Mastery to craft precursors, so you won’t have to rely on the luck of the draw or earning a thousand gold to buy one, which will make it much easier to get a legendary; the only reason many people don’t have a legendary after three years is because they haven’t had a precursor drop for them and they aren’t willing to spend tons of gold to buy one.
I would say roughly 500 hours or so, give or take. It took me roughly 800 hours of game play for a full set of light ascended, light of Dwayna, and sunrise. This is from lvl 0-80. However, it also means no monkeying around and doing mostly dungeons and silver wastes during this time period. I did tequatle, AC p1-3, HOTW p1, CoF p1, and a silverwaste run everyday for about 3 months. What matters is that you do your activities daily fairly religiously. Grinding it out all day is just going to make you want to give up. Work at it a little every day. The finale cost to make sunrise for me at least was roughly 1200 gold. This does not include some mats that I already had saved up. I would highly, highly suggest crafting and not buying directly off the trading post. The time spent to get your crafting up and craft it + time spent to gather the money to craft is far less then the time spent to gather the money to buy it directly from the trading post.
Schrödingers Clone: PvP Mesmer
(edited by Xstein.2187)
Thanks everyone good advice here. Very helpful I will follow the video guides for sure.
Difficult? Not really.
Expensive? Very.
like alot of people are saying if you really want the legendary you will get it, been playing gw2 for about a year and finished my 5th and last (for now). end of the day you dont need to grind for it you can do other bits and bobs. the only grinding bits are the t6 and the dungeon gift. they are just very expensive
Guild- JLAI (Dragon Slayers of Zhaitan)
It’s not difficult, just time consuming. You can farm sw for an hour or 2 a day and make 20g+ which is what I did, took me about a month and a bit + $75 lol. Just do fun stuff to make gold and dont worry about it just let your gold pile up till you can buy the required items so it wont feel like a grind
and always remember: craft/buy a legendary is only worth if you really like the skin by yourself ( or you really want to switch the stats often…) cause nobody will stop in this game and whisper to you: " wow you got an legendary. awesome job. well done!"
and always remember: craft/buy a legendary is only worth if you really like the skin by yourself ( or you really want to switch the stats often…) cause nobody will stop in this game and whisper to you: " wow you got an legendary. awesome job. well done!"
Lol this is likely true, however its ok I do not need anyones approval but its certainly welcomed!
wasnt uinique adressed at you Ryou:
Just to all cause cause there are still enough people in game that link their legendary at map chat and wondering why no response or only [toilet paper] is linked for there show off a legendary isnt something special in gw2
(edited by Zaron.1987)
wasnt uinique adressed at you Ryou:
Just to all cause cause there are still enough people in game that link their legendary at map chat and wondering why no response or only [toilet paper] is linked for there show off
a legendary isnt something special in gw2
Well that certainly explains it.
Ok so 3 years is not to long? I am sorry but that is insane, I have played many mmorpgs never heard of things that take more then 6 months to get.
Nah, you can craft one in like 3 months if you really wanted it. It all comes down to how much time/effort/gold you want to put into it.
Can you get it while working towards other stuff or is it extremely grindy? I suspected that that was off, arena net is not like that from what I have seen, is it just a grind or
a little of column A, quite a bit of column B
theoretically, a legendary is supposed to prove your mastery of all aspects of the game:
the gift of mastery, requires you to have done a good amount of WvW, 100% world completion, 200 skill points (though now it is spirit shards, making it a reward for dailies),and a LOT of karma (events) (thoughnow you can use fractal relics and laurels)
sadly, it all goes downhill from there, the gift of <legendary> only tests your ability to make gold, spam dungeons, and hoard materials.
the gift of fortune is MEANT to be acquired over time, but is practically unfeasible, it requires 250 of ALL t6 drops. I killed over 300 skelk last night for powerful blood for my future revenant’s exotic zerker gear. I got THREE, doing nothing but grinding, and this is for1/8th of the mats needed.
and the final, most utterly STUPID part, the part that should have resulted in the person being fired on the spot for even suggesting it: the precursor, requiring no skill to get, just sheer luck. the single most expensive part of the legendary, not because of skill, not because of effort, but because of luck and market manipulation.
honestly, the ONLY part of the legendary that feels legendary is the gift of mastery, they should have just made it that and a simple white weapon as a precursor, making it not legendary for the cost, but because the person using it is YOU
Ok so 3 years is not to long? I am sorry but that is insane, I have played many mmorpgs never heard of things that take more then 6 months to get.
Nah, you can craft one in like 3 months if you really wanted it. It all comes down to how much time/effort/gold you want to put into it.
Can you get it while working towards other stuff or is it extremely grindy? I suspected that that was off, arena net is not like that from what I have seen, is it just a grind or
a little of column A, quite a bit of column B
theoretically, a legendary is supposed to prove your mastery of all aspects of the game:
the gift of mastery, requires you to have done a good amount of WvW, 100% world completion, 200 skill points (though now it is spirit shards, making it a reward for dailies),and a LOT of karma (events) (thoughnow you can use fractal relics and laurels)
sadly, it all goes downhill from there, the gift of <legendary> only tests your ability to make gold, spam dungeons, and hoard materials.
the gift of fortune is MEANT to be acquired over time, but is practically unfeasible, it requires 250 of ALL t6 drops. I killed over 300 skelk last night for powerful blood for my future revenant’s exotic zerker gear. I got THREE, doing nothing but grinding, and this is for1/8th of the mats needed.
and the final, most utterly STUPID part, the part that should have resulted in the person being fired on the spot for even suggesting it: the precursor, requiring no skill to get, just sheer luck. the single most expensive part of the legendary, not because of skill, not because of effort, but because of luck and market manipulation.
honestly, the ONLY part of the legendary that feels legendary is the gift of mastery, they should have just made it that and a simple white weapon as a precursor, making it not legendary for the cost, but because the person using it is YOU
I can maybe see this issue if you only play one character but as others said it doesnt take that long, if you grind for mats you can get others for your other characters as well.
on average you can make 1 legendary for every 6 months if you’re dedicated enough. I made 6 already…
Archeage = Farmville with PK
I have been playing since Beta and Head Start. I had a precursor drop within the first month or so ….. sold it as I had no idea really that they were that hard to get. It wasn’t even a weapon that I use so I had no reason to think I wanted to keep it. Now almost 3 yrs later I get my next precursor drop – Zap – it actually convinced me to finish 100% map completion. Had most of the materials anyway because I do loot and harvest everything. I have had that precursor for about 3 months and I am waiting on more part to do and that is the dungeon tokens, I don’t really do dungeons so I have to plan on when I want to grind that part, lol. I think I have done the story path of one of them ….
It all depends on what you are interested in as to what you will go for.
If you wait 4 more weeks for HoT to release there will be new legendary weapons which will require much more skill, and much less gold to obtain. They will be more of the status symbol you are probably looking for.
Been playing 6 months and currently working on my 3rd legendary. They are not that hard, you just have to find a way to work towards getting the materials that works for you. There is no escape from it being very costly, you will for instance have to buy the precursor off the TP unless you get crazy lucky. But don’t count on that. Just work toward crafting it at your own pace and eventually you will get there. Don’t give up & have fun.
Or persistent I wanted the Dreamer so I kept throwing rare shortbows I’d craft into the forge and eventually got one since I know if you do something infinitely until a certain thing happens it’ll eventually happen. For an experiment just keep shuffling cards and dealing as if you were playing poker. If your goal is to see if anyone got a royal flush then you will meet your goal provided you don’t give up.
This was long before Silverwaste gave decent ecto drops or even existed. Did it the old fashioned way in Orr when it was better.
Making Legendaries is tedious and at times can be extremely boring, but very achievable. I have met, and encountered many friends, or rando’s that go about taking long “breaks” (essentially quitting for months on in) just to come back and wonder how they still don’t have one after working “hard” on one for a week or 2… I have most legendaries, and working on finishing the rest, the HARDEST part on getting them is world exploration as I currently have like 6-8 100%er’s. Reaching your goal is as many on here have put it… SOLELY depends on your participation, will, and eagerness to getting the one(s) you want. I work Full time as a truck driver essentially living from work mon-fri.(for now… muahaha..) so its not that I NEVER get off gw2, but find myself on as much as I possibly can. Tips are Dungeons,Fractal’s, Silverwastes or any major farm that is currently the “meta” as champ trains use to be the big thing (still some going about it now), all while working the tp. Any time you find down time during these dungeons fractal’s etc. * Never * make the tp your #1 priority as this can get ultra frustrating and at times, gambles (that don’t pay off) or waiting on orders simply to be over/undercut can make you want to rip your hair out, instead treat it as a pass-time activity. Of course there are many other gold making methods that are used, but these will at the very least keep a constant flow of gold coming your way. If you want Kudzu, as I mention to many others in-game (on which ever legendary they’re working on) you can achieve it, you will complete it, and its pretty darn rewarding knowing you made it. (buying from the tp imho is kinda lame). I wish you and any others regardless of reading this post or not the best of luck!! (As a wise man once said …. DO IT!!… JUST……..JUST….. DO IT!) shia labeouf’s epic speech
Sorry for any mispellings as im currently at work and my hotspot is acting up >< (slows my pc to Bleh mode, & spellcheck wont even pop up at times). GG,GL,&HF!
Tldr: Making legendaries is achievable if you put the effort in it, possible tips.
Making Legendaries is tedious and at times can be extremely boring, but very achievable. I have met, and encountered many friends, or rando’s that go about taking long “breaks” (essentially quitting for months on in) just to come back and wonder how they still don’t have one after working “hard” on one for a week or 2… I have most legendaries, and working on finishing the rest, the HARDEST part on getting them is world exploration as I currently have like 6-8 100%er’s. Reaching your goal is as many on here have put it… SOLELY depends on your participation, will, and eagerness to getting the one(s) you want. I work Full time as a truck driver essentially living from work mon-fri.(for now… muahaha..) so its not that I NEVER get off gw2, but find myself on as much as I possibly can. Tips are Dungeons,Fractal’s, Silverwastes or any major farm that is currently the “meta” as champ trains use to be the big thing (still some going about it now), all while working the tp. Any time you find down time during these dungeons fractal’s etc. * Never * make the tp your #1 priority as this can get ultra frustrating and at times, gambles (that don’t pay off) or waiting on orders simply to be over/undercut can make you want to rip your hair out, instead treat it as a pass-time activity. Of course there are many other gold making methods that are used, but these will at the very least keep a constant flow of gold coming your way. If you want Kudzu, as I mention to many others in-game (on which ever legendary they’re working on) you can achieve it, you will complete it, and its pretty darn rewarding knowing you made it. (buying from the tp imho is kinda lame). I wish you and any others regardless of reading this post or not the best of luck!! (As a wise man once said …. DO IT!!… JUST……..JUST….. DO IT!) shia labeouf’s epic speech
Sorry for any mispellings as im currently at work and my hotspot is acting up >< (slows my pc to Bleh mode, & spellcheck wont even pop up at times). GG,GL,&HF!Tldr: Making legendaries is achievable if you put the effort in it, possible tips.
Truth be told, I had dismissed the idea of a legendary as a “not very important” goal.
Then, after guild missions a couple of months ago, I tossed some random yellows into the Mystic Toilet and was shocked to the core of my being when Zommoros rewarded me with Dusk.
Well, I took that as a sign from the RNG gods, so I went to work. My charrior was indignant when I took her Zoija’s Claymore away and gave it to the mesmer, but I handed her Dusk and told her if she worked very, very hard she could have one of the most awesome-looking weapons in the game. So she’s been doing map completion, PvP matches, crafting ingots until she’s cross-eyed, and getting help from my other characters (the mesmer’s been a regular in the Silverwastes, the thief has been making daily ori runs in Frostgorge and Cursed Shore, and the ele has been following the world boss train around). It’s a slow process if you don’t want to bankrupt yourself, but it’s doable.
The key, I’ve found, is patience.
Guardians of the Vault [GotV] and Guíld of Dívíne Soldíers [GoDS]
Gate of Madness server
(edited by Tanith.5264)
They key, I’ve found, is patience.
You couldn’t be more right, best of luck! you’ll get there!
I would hold off till HoT to see what the legendary crafting track has to offer along with obtaining the items including the precursor. The expansion is not necessarily going to make Legendary weapons easier to craft but more accessible to players who commit to doing it and not having to bow down to RNG or the trading post
Ok so 3 years is not to long? I am sorry but that is insane, I have played many mmorpgs never heard of things that take more then 6 months to get.
Nah, you can craft one in like 3 months if you really wanted it. It all comes down to how much time/effort/gold you want to put into it.
Can you get it while working towards other stuff or is it extremely grindy? I suspected that that was off, arena net is not like that from what I have seen, is it just a grind or
Well I have 3 (I could probably finish a 4th) plus all crafting professions maxed. I don’t really focus on making them. I just set a goal for one and check back from time to time to see if I am done. So that is around 1 year each without really trying. A friend who puts in a lot more effort and took something like a 3 month break from the game has 8 …
The main complains really comes down to the fact that these are supposed some sort of epic item but instead of “hey look at this awesome thing I got doing some equally epic thing” it is “hey look at this thing I bought with the money from winning the lottery”.
Crafting Juggernaut is one of the factors which caused me to take a very long break from the game and almost made me quit it entirely. Specifically, 32 hours spent throwing pebbles at mystic toilet. I do not understand how this is supposed to be non-grindy, fun, adventurous or challenging. The silver doubloon market at the time would have required me to spend roughly 4-5k gold just on them as it was swinging wildly, don’t know what it is now. The lowbie chest drop rates are an outright idiotic joke making it not applicable.
I made a mistake of getting the other components 1st so there was no turning back, overall, crafting my legendary still IS to this day the absolute worst, grindy, horrible, and idiotic experience I have had in any MMORPG and I have played them for a very, very long time since UO and original EQ and have played the vast majority of major MMORPGs released since those times. Seriously, I have never before experienced anything as stupid as this in any of these types of games.
In fact, it is so bad that the thought of crafting another one or even getting partial map completion to get 175 hero points to unlock the new upcoming specs makes me wanna puke and hence not even purchase the expansion.
These aspects of the game literally disgust me.
When HoT arrives you will able to craft a precursor and obtain mats via events in maps.
It is highly likely legendaries will start to drop in price in the coming months.
When HoT arrives you will able to craft a precursor and obtain mats via events in maps.
It is highly likely legendaries will start to drop in price in the coming months.
That may be so but remember, legendary back items are coming, which i expect to be even harder to get then weapons.
True and you’re probably right about that difficulty, but that doesn’t have anything to do with the OP getting his Kudzu
Crafting Juggernaut is one of the factors which caused me to take a very long break from the game and almost made me quit it entirely. Specifically, 32 hours spent throwing pebbles at mystic toilet. I do not understand how this is supposed to be non-grindy, fun, adventurous or challenging. The silver doubloon market at the time would have required me to spend roughly 4-5k gold just on them as it was swinging wildly, don’t know what it is now. The lowbie chest drop rates are an outright idiotic joke making it not applicable.
I made a mistake of getting the other components 1st so there was no turning back, overall, crafting my legendary still IS to this day the absolute worst, grindy, horrible, and idiotic experience I have had in any MMORPG and I have played them for a very, very long time since UO and original EQ and have played the vast majority of major MMORPGs released since those times. Seriously, I have never before experienced anything as stupid as this in any of these types of games.
In fact, it is so bad that the thought of crafting another one or even getting partial map completion to get 175 hero points to unlock the new upcoming specs makes me wanna puke and hence not even purchase the expansion.
These aspects of the game literally disgust me.
Wow… You sir… need a pretty large sum of the “get good kid” medicine… getting legendaries again is NOT easy, but you flat out make it seem like its a task made out to be unobtainable… I would rather have something that is hard to get by either challenge or grind, than being offered by the staples “easy” button that at the push of the button itself anet would send you an apology letter, completing the game for you, and the legendary of your choice. I get it, not many people like the grind, and would rather have a strict 1 and done type of challenge, maybe HoT has that answer maybe not, but the games legendary layout has been here since forever. You should question your patience, and question people who have them, if the grind is NOT what you like their are always ascended weapons.
When HoT arrives you will able to craft a precursor and obtain mats via events in maps.
It is highly likely legendaries will start to drop in price in the coming months.
Meh … +1 crafting material every x-y events from a system that seems to be built to prevent “farming” a single map. From the short interaction with the system over the previous beta weekend it did not feel like it was any better than existing methods of acquiring things(farm gold and buy whatever) except maybe when reward is something like a charged lodestone.
I’ve crafted 2 legendaries now, so maybe I can help give some direction.
Things you will absolutely need to grind money for:
Precursor: unless you plan on praying to the RNG gods for years, the only reliable way to get a precursor currently is to purchase it. Not sure the price on the Kudzu precursor.
Icy Runestones: you need 100 that cost 1g each and are only available from a vendor in FGS. Can’t get around this one.
Kudzu seems to be one of the legendaries that does not require lodestones (that I can see in any online guide), which will save you a ton of money. So that’s nice.
These are the only things you will need to farm gold for it seems.
All legendaries require 77 Mystic Clovers. These are largely RNG based from Mystic Forge, but the good news is if the recipe fails in MF, you get a bunch of T6 materials instead, which you will need a full stack of each one. I always start with Mystic clovers, since it is RNG. Might as well get that out of the way first, plus you end up with a bunch of T6 that you need anyway.
T6 materials: Best way to get a full stack of all 8 T6 mats is a combination of gold farming, the mystic clover thing, and laurels. When you are crafting your legendary, put all of your laurels towards the Heavy Crafting bags. In fact I would suggest this in general, but HoT is coming out soon so I’ve been saving up in case something new comes out at the laurel vendor.
Everything else is easy enough to work on (exploration, badges of honor, the hero point stuff, ectos, etc.)
If you buckle down and actually do some SW farming or dungeon running, 3 months is definitely a realistic goal, heck you could do it sooner.
The people who have been playing since early release and still haven’t made one is not because they’ve been trying to get one, they’ve been playing normally and still don’t have everything they need, which is their own fault. They are the ones that don’t like to farm, or chose to try and do Mystic Forge for their precursor, or simply wait for a drop, rather than be proactive about it.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
The people who have been playing since early release and still haven’t made one is not because they’ve been trying to get one, they’ve been playing normally and still don’t have everything they need, which is their own fault. They are the ones that don’t like to farm, or chose to try and do Mystic Forge for their precursor, or simply wait for a drop, rather than be proactive about it.
or simply dont like the skins
Take a piece of paper and draw a circle on it. Now write inside it “I Win!”.
Cut out the circle and paste it on your chest.
See how little the reward you get is from little effort?
The effort required for the best you can get in game should be the most or hardest in the game.
I had my first precursor random drop a month ago, The Colossus. As of a few days ago I have everything I need for Juggernaut except the silver doubloons. I was not hoarding anything beforehand except 350-ish laurels which did help a ton. My other 2 precursors I turned into legendaries were forged and bought.
During the gem store sales price spike I could have spent $30 on gems and just payed anet for the gold(bleh) but wheres the fun in that?
Hopefully Anet adds a way for us to make silver doubloons because there is going to be much higher demand with 2 new hammer wielding classes coming with HoT. I’m just building back up my gold (from practically zero) until the new map rewards and hopefully adjusted drop rates/crafting recipes come along and mix things up.
(edited by Solo.9027)
The hard part is getting the precursor. All other mats eventually come to you by doing pvp dailies, dungeons, daily rewards and trading mats for laurels.
I consider myself a casual player, I typically only play for a few hours at a time, can’t play every day and prefer to do whatever I find fun rather than grind for rewards when I’m online. I’ve been playing since launch and got just over 2,500 hours and 2 level 80’s on my account.
It took me about a year and a half to make my legendary (the Dreamer), but that was with numerous “distractions”, and by distractions I mean things like finishing levelling Leatherworker and making an ascended chest piece. I’ve heard of other people doing it in a couple of months.
I wouldn’t say any part of it is difficult, mostly it just takes the willingness to put most of your gold and other in-game resources towards that goal rather than anything else you could be doing with them.
But you probably will at some point have to do a content type you don’t enjoy. For example you need dungeon tokens, which means either running a dungeon or doing PvP, WvW badges and ranks which means doing WvW (or getting badges from achievement chests and spending laurels on WXP for ranks), you have to craft some parts, and you need 100% map completion.
What I found helped was to focus on the stuff that has to come from specific places first – because while you’re working on those (say running a dungeon for tokens) you’ll also get gold, crafting materials and other ‘general purpose’ rewards which can be put towards other parts of the legendary. So it reduces the overall effort, rather than, for example, grinding gold to buy a precursor, then running a dungeon for tokens and getting gold you no longer need.
Also make sure to check the wiki for options for each part, as there may be ways to get them you hadn’t considered. Like using laurels to buy T6 mats instead of farming them. Or using laurels to buy T6 mats to sell rather than grinding gold.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
If you focus on farming, it wont take you “that long”.
Id start with the map completion, spending laurels on T6 material bags, rolling for laurels (I did 10 at a time because even if you dont get laurels, the mats will help) selling mats you wont need, obviously maxing the crafting proffessions you need aswell as running dungeons daily for the gold / tokens / lodestones.
Good luck!
- Theodore Roosevelt
The people who have been playing since early release and still haven’t made one is not because they’ve been trying to get one, they’ve been playing normally and still don’t have everything they need, which is their own fault. They are the ones that don’t like to farm, or chose to try and do Mystic Forge for their precursor, or simply wait for a drop, rather than be proactive about it.
I would agree with this, I prefer leveling alts and screwing around doing map completion and story completion on all of them, so my gold reserves stay pretty low. If I got serious about making legendary I could, I’ve just preferred to leave it to chance so far since frankly they mostly look like terrible, oversized joke weapons and the stat swapping is about the only thing I find at all interesting about them.
Take a piece of paper and draw a circle on it. Now write inside it “I Win!”.
Cut out the circle and paste it on your chest.See how little the reward you get is from little effort?
The effort required for the best you can get in game should be the most or hardest in the game.
You know I did not ask you to come into my thread and be rude to me, and stop assuming, I am far from instant gratification, but guild wars 2 is not the only game I play, geesh.
Thanks for all the info, but this thread went bad quickly.
Thanks for all the info, but this thread went bad quickly.
Getting a legendary isn’t hard at all. I can’t believe someone earlier said they have been playing since launch and haven’t acquired a legendary. kitten …. You have to save dat money. I’ve played since launch and have made incinerator, howler, and soon to be twilight.
If you want ways to make money search “bodydoc” on YouTube he has some great tips.
P.S. the mystic forge gets a lot of negativity but is arguably the best money maker in the game. Cheers.