Crafting pls Change
i would like to suggest a change to the crafting Professions.
It is not cheap/easy to farm up crafting to 500 and thats ok but if you have more than 1 char you get 0 benefit from it cause crafting cd’s are global to your account.
Which crafting CDs are you refering to? Only a few ascended mats have cooldowns. Most other things aren’t on cooldown. And you can bypass those cooldowns via the TP.
Can you pls make a function where you can go in and say yes i pay for example 5g and activate the crafting at lvl 500 (only usable after you had hit already once the 500 in that crating profession).
Not quite sure what you’re suggesting here.
Would be realy nice so you dont have to log around your characters for the difrent crafting professions.
There’s a gem store item that’ll let you have more than 2 crafting professions for a character.
And if not at least allow to unlearn crafting profession so they arent shown in char select or show them only if maxed out.
You don’t need to unlearn a craft. Just go to a crafting trainer and the will give you an option to replace one of your crafts with whatever he/she is teaching. You can even return to your old craft at its old skill level for a few gold.
yes i am refering to the daylie cds and no its not an option to bypas it with tp … its going about that it brings you 0 Benefit if you lvl 2 crafting professions (you have 3 clases which would need tailor ….)
The suggestion is for as above said to have it on each light armor user on 500 without need to level it 3 times becasue as sayed no benefit you have to log around or waste matterials/money.
The gemstor item haha that has nothing to do with the problem here? its about that it has 0 benefit to level a crafting profession more than once.
and the alst one i think you didnt understand, it is about the char login screen there you se theyr professions and that is what i think should only been seen if the profession is max so i want to unlearn them to not see them cause as sayed x tmes now 0 benefit to level for example tailor 3 times.
Um how about no. The only problem i see with crafting is the one a day ascended mats, but the TP solves that.
You can have all crafting on one character just only so many active. Crafting can level a character and many use that to help level alts. You basicly want to cut out the exp from players so you can have multiple toons with 500 crafting.
ähm no did you read what i wrote?
i sayed to have the option to start at 500 when oyu have it already on 500 not start automatical on 500.
so you can still level with it if you want it or you start it at 500 cause you dotn want to level with it.
Again its pointless. Cause once you go 500 you lose the exp. Plus creating a choice option would be a coding nightmare. There really isnt a need to have more then one character with like Tailoring at 500 anyway. Nothing is soulbound till used.
yes i am refering to the daylie cds and no its not an option to bypas it with tp … its going about that it brings you 0 Benefit if you lvl 2 crafting professions (you have 3 clases which would need tailor ….)
The current economy in ascended cloth/wood/etc is highly dependent on it’s daily cooldown. Until Anet see a reason to upturn that economy, I doubt they will change that.
The suggestion is for as above said to have it on each light armor user on 500 without need to level it 3 times becasue as sayed no benefit you have to log around or waste matterials/money.
So you want to be able to have 3 characters with 500 tailor for cheap because you’re too lazy to change toons. I’m sure Anet will see your point of view and waste not time implementing this great suggestion.
The gemstor item haha that has nothing to do with the problem here? its about that it has 0 benefit to level a crafting profession more than once.
You said, and I quote (with my spellcheck OCD on) “Would be really nice so you don’t have to log around your characters for the different crafting professions.” With the gem store upgrade, you can have up to 4 crafting professions on a character. I believe it upgrades all characters. So for example a character can have Tailor, Artificer, Weaponsmith and Cook. Instead of logging into 4 characters for your crafts, you can just use 2 (I’m assuming most people won’t bother with Scribe). Does that not reduce the need for you to " log around your characters for the different crafting professions"?
and the alst one i think you didnt understand, it is about the char login screen there you se theyr professions and that is what i think should only been seen if the profession is max so i want to unlearn them to not see them cause as sayed x tmes now 0 benefit to level for example tailor 3 times.
That’s a fair comment. It’s a matter of preference though. There will be some players that never intend to get crafting up to 500, but still would like to see who their weaponsmith is.
the gemstore item is useles as you see it cause cds are shared so why have 4 profesions when you can have more chars with the 2 if you could at least buy an item what sets you to 500 which is obtainable after you got 1 tiems 500 in that profession it would be a difrent story cause then i doesent need to log around.
When i already have to log around for crafting for what i need 4 slots than?
When i already have to log around for crafting for what i need 4 slots than?
Isn’t the need to log around for crafting one of the main complaints you have? Doesn’t having 4 crafts on a single character help with that complaint?
Why do you need to log onto different characters for crafting one discipline? It’s not like your Necromancer, Mesmer and Elementalist each have to craft their own Ascended light armor. One can craft it, and give it to the others.
Or are you expecting to bypass the daily limit on crafting certain items by logging into a different character with the same crafting discipline at 500?
yes it is to not log around but if one has the 4 professions it ahs no sense to level it on other ones cause 0 benefit.
but if you rerol you need to log all the times bag you want to craft. and if you already have to log arround the 4 prof slots are useles.
and since it has 0 benefits only costs to level the smae prof it would be nice to have an item to set it to max level after you got it once to max
yes, it is to not log around.
This is why I bought the upgrade mentioned above, so each of my toons can have 4 crafting professions active at the same time. I have 2 characters that each got 4 different craft’s maximized. I even plotted so each of them can craft all 4 ascended mats through their different crafts, without needing to swap characters.
but if one has the 4 professions, it has no sense to level it on other ones, cause 0 benefit.
Exactly. There really is no benefit to having maximized Armorsmith for example on multiple characters.
But a lot of people level up various crafting just for the XP on new characters.
but if you re-roll you need to log all the times bag you want to craft.
Nope, I just craft up a few bags before hand, and have them in bank until I roll a new toon. I usually have a few spares ones around just for that situation.
Also, considering the costs for buying the runes of holding, it’s as cheap or even a kitteneaper most of the time to just buy/order them from the TP.
and if you already have to log around, the 4 prof slots are useless.
I disagree, because I still have all my crafting on 2 toons, instead of 4. Much easier when I know that my Guardian + Thief got everything.
But this is personal taste.
and since it has 0 benefits, only costs to level the same prof, it would be nice to have an item to set it to max level after you got it once to max.
What you’re really asking for is making Crafting “Account Bound”. So that once you level up a craft, your entire account learns that craft.
The drawback (for some) is that you would effectively lose the XP for crafting on new toons.
I’m sure others would find other problems with this, but I personally wouldn’t mind as I find the crafting system in the game incredibly boring, dull, a gold sink, and RSI inducing. My main motivation for finishing leveling the crafting skills was “So I’ll never ever have to do that again!” And I still refuse to touch craft on my second account for that reason.
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”
y i have the same atm i have the crafting on 2 char’s.
But as i suggested it it wouldnt make you lose exp, if you can simply buy a book (for example Book of Tailoring “levels tailoring to 500” and as a prerquierement you need to have tailor on 500) so with this you still would have the choice between level it for xp or boost it up with lesser costs but no xp it would be your choice.
-You don’t need to have same craft profession on multiple characters. It does not give you any benefit.
-1 crafter can craft for your other chacters, for example 1 tailor can make tailor stuff for all your other characters too, all stuff is accound bound.
-Shared CD on some things is there for a reason.
yes and thats precisly why it would be good dude ….
0 Benefit for having it multiple so why not having it cheap once you have it once to get it multiple so you dont need to log around ….. it would give even the gemshop more profesions more sense!!!
Or, it might make more sense to the Devs to save the time and resources to implement such a thing, when all a player has to do is log into another character, or use the existing options to put nearly all crafting disciplines on, at most, two characters.
Who knows? Good luck, either way.
One thing I’d rather see is some minor, ideally non-combat, benefit to having a profession. WoW had these minor bonuses though in their case they were combat-related.
For example, cooking could eventually result, via lots of really fancy food, in a special mount type only that character has. The special ability is that the mount functions as a (minor, non-lvl80) feast to other players because it carries food around in bags on the sides.