Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TsukasaHiiragi.9730


First off, this isn’t the first time I’ve posted something like this and I will continue posting until the developers finally realise the current process for making Legendarys isn’t fine, its actually contributing to even more BOT problems, and is making the game very un-attractive for new players to join, because of the general state of the TP market place, alot of my ex-hardcore friends from various other MMos refuse to even touch GW2 because of the insane grind for any legendary.

So, lets break it down for new players, and anyone else ~ The cheapest Legendary is probably Kraitkin, however the gold requirements alone are still pretty insane really. Lets not even factor in > DR < which complicates matters even more!!

Venom ~ 12g current TP prices

[Gift of Kraitkin]
Gift of Energy
250 Pile of Crystalline Dust ~ 13g 68s
250 Pile of Incandescent Dust ~ 60s
250 Pile of Luminous Dust ~ 1g 84s
250 Pile of Radiant Dust ~ 79s

Total: 16g 91s

1 Eel Statue
250 Orichalcum Ingot – 13g 17s
250 Cured Hardened Leather Square 3g 20s
250 Armored Scale) Approx cost 13g 27s
Gift of the Forgeman (500 Sorrows Embrace)

Total: 29g 64s

100 Icy Runestones ~ 100g

1 Superior Sigil of Venom (12s)

[Gift of Fortune] ~ Impossible to put an accurate price on Clovers due to RNG
77 Mystic Clover (Every knows how notorious these are)
250 Glob of Ectoplasm ~ 68g 67s
1 Gift of Magic
250 Vial of Powerful Blood ~ 32g 46s
250 Powerful Venom Sac ~ 40g 67s
250 Elaborate Totem ~ 39g 54s
250 Pile of Crystalline Dust ~ 13g 68s

Total: 195g 2s —-> ??? because of clovers

1 Gift of Might
250 Vicious Fang ~ 12g 64s
250 Armored Scale ~ 13g 27s
250 Vicious Claw ~ 16g 58s
250 Ancient Bone ~ 4g 4s

Total: 46g 89s

1 Gift of Mystery (free, just time consuming)

Total approx cost ~ 400g 76s (not counting the cost of clovers)
With approx cost of clovers assuming 1/5 chance ~
Minimum Approx cost ~ 30s 21s (highly unlikely you’ll get that lucky though)
Maximum Approx cost ~ 141g 27s
So, theoretically one of the ‘cheapest’ Legendary weapons will cost you approx 541g obviously, that is assuming you are buying all the mats and not farming, but still that is really an insane amount of farming required, plus having to deal with DR makes it really stupid.

This is why there are so many bots out there ~ If you think the game is more bot free these days? Your dead wrong, there all under the surface of the map, literally hundreds of them ~ both multi-boxers and gold farmers alike.

Legendarys right now, especially with them appearing on the TP raise many serious questions, and right now ~ anet are being quiet on this subject, and its about time the players was given some responses, its high time for some changes. There needs to be multiple-ways to acquire these items, agreed ~ they shouldn’t be easy to get, but the current requirements are just insane and is whats breeding a very unhealthy hacker/bot population fueled by greed.

And finally, the average player of GW2 will just never get a legendary weapon, pure and simple because of the stupid requirements, the non-hacker players will just more or less give up and go quit, which hurts the game in general. Lets face it, the average player, heck even totally LEGIT players probably have less than 200g even if they played from launch, especially considering an unfavorable RNG.

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Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katzyn.9703


While I agree that it IS an insane amount of money and farming to go through…It’s a “Legendary”. It’s not meant to be something easily obtained, something for the casual player to get without a whole lot of commitment. You’re supposed to work hard to get something that incredible. Now, it’s definitely up to you whether it’s really “that incredible” and worth all that work or not, but I honestly do believe that something like a Legendary SHOULD be incredibly hard to obtain.

Katzy (80 Sylvari Ranger), Katarzynea (80 Norn Elementalist),
Katalii (40ish Asuran Mesmer), Katalyn Galadheon (15ish Human Warrior)

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aoshi.4785


1. You don’t HAVE to have a legendary, it’s COMPLETELY optional.
2. If someone wants to buy one on the TP, who are we to stop them? Waste of gold it may be, but that is their decision, not ours.
3. No one is owed a legendary, they are gotten, they are crafted, they are earned, please stop asking for the process to be made “easy mode” and thus water down what they are now.

I can feel your agony about the process, I really can. The difference is that some of us (including myself) got over it, and decided that since we wanted the Legendary, we are taking the necessary steps to achieve them.

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kiba.2768


alot of my ex-hardcore friends from various other MMos refuse to even touch GW2 because of the insane grind for any legendary.

And finally, the average player of GW2 will just never get a legendary weapon, pure and simple because of the stupid requirements, the non-hacker players will just more or less give up and go quit, which hurts the game in general. Lets face it, the average player, heck even totally LEGIT players probably have less than 200g even if they played from launch, especially considering an unfavorable RNG.

a few problems with your post.

legendaries are not meant for everyone to have. with a few exceptions, i think(though i hate to say it) they are catered to the hardcore/nolifer player base. if someone who plays casually wants one, then it will take time. i believe anet didn’t think the first legendaries would hit less than a month after launch. 6mo-1yr is acceptable as a timeframe.

secondly, having a legendary is not essential to gameplay. having a maybach is not essential to living. see the analogy there?

as of today in 1h of play time, i made 7g WITHOUT using the tp. this is all i can do with the obligation i have irl, which is 1h more than the usual ZERO i get to play on the weekends. consider how much i can make in a normal 3-4h session. 200g since launch is kinda…well..laughable.

i don’t see your reasoning as effective and the threat of posting until an official answer is probably not going to go in your favor. perhaps making a suggestion in the suggestion forum is better? my 2copper for ya

(edited by kiba.2768)

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TsukasaHiiragi.9730


Its one of the reasons why the bots are getting out of hand, I’ve been sitting at Mount Maelstrom zone entrance for the past 20 minutes, and I’ve seen a really scary amount of bots, both guild tagged and obvious farmers.

Once you have what is considered a best in slot item, and legendary items will be automatically buffed, you’re going to get alot of problems appearing. And considering the time/grind, many players are not just going to sit around for months trying to farm up the requirements, they’ll cheat ~ that is one of the issues I’m steadfastly arguing about, and thus ~ the only way they’ll be able to stop this is by changing how they are crafted.

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Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Urthona.3198


I’m not even bothered by the amount of gold they cost, really. It’s just that it’s almost pure gold farming. Why can’t I make a legendary by actually playing the game? Require 500 tokens from each dungeon or something in place of some of the mats.

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RedBaron.6058


Crafting a Legendary is easy. If you play everyday for 2 or 3 hours for like 2 months you will get it naturally.
If you want it faster, go TP and buy it.
The whole point is Legendary is completely useless. Not worthy the hassle to farm neither the money to buy it from TP. Calling it Legendary is another artificial hype.

“Blackadder: If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.”

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TsukasaHiiragi.9730


Crafting a Legendary is easy. If you play everyday for 2 or 3 hours for like 2 months you will get it naturally.
If you want it faster, go TP and buy it.
The whole point is Legendary is completely useless. Not worthy the hassle to farm neither the money to buy it from TP. Calling it Legendary is another artificial hype.

Yeah, can you afford 1000g? lol You realise how long that will take to farm, and then your contributing to gold farming directly. Its a lose-lose situation. What needs to happen at the very minimum is all crafted legendarys need to be Account Bound.

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Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kiba.2768


Legendarys right now, especially with them appearing on the TP raise many serious questions, and right now ~ anet are being quiet on this subject, and its about time the players was given some responses, its high time for some changes.

might i direct you to this official post:

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RedBaron.6058


Legendary sold via TP boost gems sales..:)

“Blackadder: If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.”

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aoshi.4785


If people want to cheat and RMT for it, that is their issue, and they will get caught eventually. I think you are trying to hide behind this false pretense of psuedo-worrying about bots and their ilk while crusading for easier methods of gaining legendary weapons, so you can get one with less effort. Not trying to call you out, I am saying this is the tone in which you are coming across with in your posts regarding this issue.

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TsukasaHiiragi.9730


No, I want a challenge to get legendary items, not a grindfest. The current process to attain them is stupid, clearly open invitation for hackers and bots and doesn’t help the game in the slightest.

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Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: garraeth.3267


I’m working on my legendary and know several others who are too. I really hope Anet does not nurf the requirements.

I’ll have mine after probably about six months after launch. I’m doing it all 100% solo.

Requirements are steep, yes, but not impossible.

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


Might as well make legendaries easy for everyone to get – even for casuals who might play an hour a day!

So that we can have every single player out there have the exact same weapon for their class.

And then those same people would find something else to whine about, like how ‘everyone looks the same’ and how it’s so ‘easy’ to get end game weapons.

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Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aoshi.4785


Requirements are steep, yes, but not impossible.


Sums it all up quite nicely ^__^

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Coffeebot.3921


After 930 hours of playing the game I’m only 65g, 9 dungeon runs and a precursor off of my legendary. Is it expensive to buy everything? Sure but it’s also one of three gold sinks in the game, the other two being commander and racial armor (or other “rare” skinned exotics) so really, if a legendary became easier to farm (or cheaper to buy) then what would people do with their gold? Inflate the economy (just like WoW) which would be worse for new players than keeping the legendary weapons being quite expensive.

Fornicate like you’ve never fornicated before.
I am anti-censorship, for it doesn’t make sense to pander to a minority.

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Firegoth.6427


TsukasaHiiragi.9730 – you’re focusing on bots while the power traders are the real problem here.

Fluctuating precursors, doubloons and lodestones (list goes on) due to players who got way too much gold at the moment and can literally buy every single piece of precursor that will pop on market, driving the prices to complete new levels.

Even I start to wish for 100% way, as steep as it may be, to get a precursor, just to set a fixed price on the item. Power traders who abused the market should not have monopoly on the whole community.

I agree that cheaters need to be dealt with, but at the moment you can simply not focus on farming the same mats they do, such as T6 mats. which will actually result in you saving money (even buy a whole stock of them, and wait for next ban wave to make a profit).

1+1 = potato

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aoshi.4785


What really gets me is the hate that comes with these gold sinks. Look at what the commanders are going though, everyone hates on them, lol. Starting to be that way with legendaries too “Oh you must have bought that, RMT, hacker, etc”

Oh well. I still am going to craft my Twilight and swing that kitten like there is no tomorrow ^__^

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


What really gets me is the hate that comes with these gold sinks. Look at what the commanders are going though, everyone hates on them, lol. Starting to be that way with legendaries too “Oh you must have bought that, RMT, hacker, etc”

Oh well. I still am going to craft my Twilight and swing that kitten like there is no tomorrow ^__^

Careful bro, a lot of people here will accuse you of hacking or buying gold on this forum!!!

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Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aoshi.4785


Lol, true, strike my previous comment from the records ^__^

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narkosys.5173


What really gets me is the hate that comes with these gold sinks. Look at what the commanders are going though, everyone hates on them, lol. Starting to be that way with legendaries too “Oh you must have bought that, RMT, hacker, etc”

Oh well. I still am going to craft my Twilight and swing that kitten like there is no tomorrow ^__^

Careful bro, a lot of people here will accuse you of hacking or buying gold on this forum!!!

It was yes a few months ago. If you saw one it was 99% and exploiter or gold buyer. But now since about month ago most are legit now. Things have become so legit that they are openly traded and not via RMT by shady website.
casuals should take 5 months to get for a time frame and HC 2-3 months was the time frame for it.

They are far beyond vanity now as they will be constantly BIS and perpetually raised to that level forever. That removes all grind in the future for a weapon slot upon release of a tier.See Lindsey Marshalls post for specifics.
And yes you can just buy one at level 1 by converting gems →gold.

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Firegoth.6427


What really gets me is the hate that comes with these gold sinks. Look at what the commanders are going though, everyone hates on them, lol. Starting to be that way with legendaries too “Oh you must have bought that, RMT, hacker, etc”

Oh well. I still am going to craft my Twilight and swing that kitten like there is no tomorrow ^__^

Careful bro, a lot of people here will accuse you of hacking or buying gold on this forum!!!

It was yes a few months ago. If you saw one it was 99% and exploiter or gold buyer. But now since about month ago most are legit now. Things have become so legit that they are openly traded and not via RMT by shady website.
casuals should take 5 months to get for a time frame and HC 2-3 months was the time frame for it.

They are far beyond vanity now as they will be constantly BIS and perpetually raised to that level forever. That removes all grind in the future for a weapon slot upon release of a tier.See Lindsey Marshalls post for specifics.
And yes you can just buy one at level 1 by converting gems ->gold.

You completely forgot about power traders in that post.
You do realize that if it wasn’t for the gift of mastery, quite a few would have the whole set of legends, aye?

1+1 = potato

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


What really gets me is the hate that comes with these gold sinks. Look at what the commanders are going though, everyone hates on them, lol. Starting to be that way with legendaries too “Oh you must have bought that, RMT, hacker, etc”

Oh well. I still am going to craft my Twilight and swing that kitten like there is no tomorrow ^__^

Careful bro, a lot of people here will accuse you of hacking or buying gold on this forum!!!

It was yes a few months ago. If you saw one it was 99% and exploiter or gold buyer. But now since about month ago most are legit now. Things have become so legit that they are openly traded and not via RMT by shady website.
casuals should take 5 months to get for a time frame and HC 2-3 months was the time frame for it.

They are far beyond vanity now as they will be constantly BIS and perpetually raised to that level forever. That removes all grind in the future for a weapon slot upon release of a tier.See Lindsey Marshalls post for specifics.
And yes you can just buy one at level 1 by converting gems ->gold.

Are you aware that this game has a gem to gold conversion? Unless of course you want to lump those people who buy and sell gems in the same breath as RMT companies.

Oh, and many months ago, prices were completely different. T6 and globs were cheap. Precursors were relatively cheap.

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Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aoshi.4785


Yeah, I remember complaining that Dusk was on Tp for 50g. Man, I guess those were the good ol’ days ^__^

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chlorure.9763


We may not be entitled to legendairies BUT we ARE entitled to a BOT FREE game.

The way legendairies are acquired, they are SUPPORTING botting.

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kacigarka.5176


First off, this isn’t the first time I’ve posted something like this and I will continue posting until the developers finally realise the current process for making Legendarys isn’t fine, its actually contributing to even more BOT problems, and is making the game very un-attractive for new players to join, because of the general state of the TP market place, alot of my ex-hardcore friends from various other MMos refuse to even touch GW2 because of the insane grind for any legendary.

So, lets break it down for new players, and anyone else ~ The cheapest Legendary is probably Kraitkin, however the gold requirements alone are still pretty insane really. Lets not even factor in > DR < which complicates matters even more!!

Venom ~ 12g current TP prices

[Gift of Kraitkin]
Gift of Energy
250 Pile of Crystalline Dust ~ 13g 68s
250 Pile of Incandescent Dust ~ 60s
250 Pile of Luminous Dust ~ 1g 84s
250 Pile of Radiant Dust ~ 79s

Total: 16g 91s

1 Eel Statue
250 Orichalcum Ingot – 13g 17s
250 Cured Hardened Leather Square 3g 20s
250 Armored Scale) Approx cost 13g 27s
Gift of the Forgeman (500 Sorrows Embrace)

Total: 29g 64s

100 Icy Runestones ~ 100g

1 Superior Sigil of Venom (12s)

[Gift of Fortune] ~ Impossible to put an accurate price on Clovers due to RNG
77 Mystic Clover (Every knows how notorious these are)
250 Glob of Ectoplasm ~ 68g 67s
1 Gift of Magic
250 Vial of Powerful Blood ~ 32g 46s
250 Powerful Venom Sac ~ 40g 67s
250 Elaborate Totem ~ 39g 54s
250 Pile of Crystalline Dust ~ 13g 68s

Total: 195g 2s —-> ??? because of clovers

1 Gift of Might
250 Vicious Fang ~ 12g 64s
250 Armored Scale ~ 13g 27s
250 Vicious Claw ~ 16g 58s
250 Ancient Bone ~ 4g 4s

Total: 46g 89s

1 Gift of Mystery (free, just time consuming)

Total approx cost ~ 400g 76s (not counting the cost of clovers)
With approx cost of clovers assuming 1/5 chance ~
Minimum Approx cost ~ 30s 21s (highly unlikely you’ll get that lucky though)
Maximum Approx cost ~ 141g 27s
So, theoretically one of the ‘cheapest’ Legendary weapons will cost you approx 541g obviously, that is assuming you are buying all the mats and not farming, but still that is really an insane amount of farming required, plus having to deal with DR makes it really stupid.

This is why there are so many bots out there ~ If you think the game is more bot free these days? Your dead wrong, there all under the surface of the map, literally hundreds of them ~ both multi-boxers and gold farmers alike.

Legendarys right now, especially with them appearing on the TP raise many serious questions, and right now ~ anet are being quiet on this subject, and its about time the players was given some responses, its high time for some changes. There needs to be multiple-ways to acquire these items, agreed ~ they shouldn’t be easy to get, but the current requirements are just insane and is whats breeding a very unhealthy hacker/bot population fueled by greed.

And finally, the average player of GW2 will just never get a legendary weapon, pure and simple because of the stupid requirements, the non-hacker players will just more or less give up and go quit, which hurts the game in general. Lets face it, the average player, heck even totally LEGIT players probably have less than 200g even if they played from launch, especially considering an unfavorable RNG.


Legendary weapons are supposed to be long term goal, you should craft it in a year.

Legendary weapons are ment to be crafted by small portion of players.

There are hundereds of players that got their legendaries by legit ways.

They are not ment to be crafted by everyone. They are most unique, rare, prestigue weapons.

If you want to change anything, make them harder to obtain.


(edited by Kacigarka.5176)

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


Yeah, I remember complaining that Dusk was on Tp for 50g. Man, I guess those were the good ol’ days ^__^

I remember looking at Dusk on the tp for 30g (I had probably 4g at the time).

I thought that was overpriced and would go down as more people would farm in cursed shore…

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Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kacigarka.5176


We may not be entitled to legendairies BUT we ARE entitled to a BOT FREE game.

The way legendairies are acquired, they are SUPPORTING botting.

So what about ban bots/hackers instead of wanting Legendaries to be easyer so even casual player can have them in 2 weeks? hm??

I am really amazed about these posts … How can anyone complain that Legendary weapons are hard to obtain WHEN THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE HARD TO OBTAIN.

Its like asking manufacturer of Bentley to make theirs cars cheaper because they are hard to obtain, expensive… really?

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rukia.4802


ANet have obviously never played MMO’s like WoW where acquiring legendary weapons actually have you out doing a raid and a legendary quest line instead of simply grinding 24/7 oh and having DR in the game just immediately makes me think they want us to just bot and afk and the other obvious motive getting us into the gem store.

“I find this rain quite pleasant, it feels as though raindrops are blessing our victory”

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


We may not be entitled to legendairies BUT we ARE entitled to a BOT FREE game.

The way legendairies are acquired, they are SUPPORTING botting.

You must be new to MMOs. There are bots in every game.

Anet has done a great job with the purging of bots. You would know if you had played before early November.

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Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kacigarka.5176


We may not be entitled to legendairies BUT we ARE entitled to a BOT FREE game.

The way legendairies are acquired, they are SUPPORTING botting.

You must be new to MMOs. There are bots in every game.

Anet has done a great job with the purging of bots. You would know if you had played before early November.

totally agree on this

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kacigarka.5176


ANet have obviously never played MMO’s like WoW where acquiring legendary weapons actually have you out doing a raid and a legendary quest line instead of simply grinding 24/7 oh and having DR in the game just immediately makes me think they want us to just bot and afk and the other obvious motive getting us into the gem store.

If you want to craft a Legendary weapon you have to play every aspect of the game. WvW, dungeons, events …

In WoW all you have to do is RAID … nothing else

So first think about what you post WoW example is really bad …

Everyone who thinks Legendary weapons are about grind are unpatient players who wants their Legendaries in 3 months. Legendary weapons are supposed to be long term goal (1+ year) IF YOU GRIND FOR IT, ITS ONLY YOUR CHOICE !!! Not anets

Who would you blame for working 2 jobs a day just because you are unpatient to wait few more months to buy a car and you want it now? YOURSELF.

DR is there to prevet grinding They want you to enjoy game and simply play whats fun for you, but when you still want to grind because your are unwilling to wait few more months till you craft your Legendendary, its only your choice and you cant blame anyone but yourself … So please, act like an adult and take responsibility for your actions.

(edited by Kacigarka.5176)

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TsukasaHiiragi.9730


What really gets me is the hate that comes with these gold sinks. Look at what the commanders are going though, everyone hates on them, lol. Starting to be that way with legendaries too “Oh you must have bought that, RMT, hacker, etc”

Oh well. I still am going to craft my Twilight and swing that kitten like there is no tomorrow ^__^

Careful bro, a lot of people here will accuse you of hacking or buying gold on this forum!!!

It was yes a few months ago. If you saw one it was 99% and exploiter or gold buyer. But now since about month ago most are legit now. Things have become so legit that they are openly traded and not via RMT by shady website.
casuals should take 5 months to get for a time frame and HC 2-3 months was the time frame for it.

They are far beyond vanity now as they will be constantly BIS and perpetually raised to that level forever. That removes all grind in the future for a weapon slot upon release of a tier.See Lindsey Marshalls post for specifics.
And yes you can just buy one at level 1 by converting gems ->gold.

Are you aware that this game has a gem to gold conversion? Unless of course you want to lump those people who buy and sell gems in the same breath as RMT companies.

Oh, and many months ago, prices were completely different. T6 and globs were cheap. Precursors were relatively cheap.

Yes, but if you use a gold farming website, the exchange rate you would get is very significantly better, and because of that fact ~ you’re always going to get people willing to risk it and speaking from knowing people who have brought gold from farmers in ‘other’ games, its not always possible for developers to monitor those transactions, and so far, we don’t know what happens here, but I’m willing to bet ~ more than a few people with legendary probably did buy gold.

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Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TsukasaHiiragi.9730


We may not be entitled to legendairies BUT we ARE entitled to a BOT FREE game.

The way legendairies are acquired, they are SUPPORTING botting.

You must be new to MMOs. There are bots in every game.

Anet has done a great job with the purging of bots. You would know if you had played before early November.

They haven’t purged nothing, all the bots are under the maps surface so you can’t see them. Want proof? I can provide it ~ if anything, the bot problem is 10x worse now than it was a month ago

protest this travesty of a patch -
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Do whatever it takes if you care about this game -

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TsukasaHiiragi.9730


I am ENTITLED to a free legendary!! I paid for this game! I DESERVE! 2 legendaries PER character!!! Just for gracing you all with my precense.

Seriously, 450g for a legendary? Man thats actually cheap as kitten. Stop killing zombies in orr and learn how to play the market. When the trading post isnt busy glitching, eating your money, or just being downright stone-age garbage to interface with (always) , you can make a ton of gold barely trying.
They ought to raise the requirements if anything. They’re LEGENDARY. You’re sposed to have to work for it dip kitten.

But you realize right?, playing the market and being a power trader is also what is screwing up the game?

protest this travesty of a patch -
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Do whatever it takes if you care about this game -

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kain.9127


ANet have obviously never played MMO’s like WoW where acquiring legendary weapons actually have you out doing a raid and a legendary quest line instead of simply grinding 24/7 oh and having DR in the game just immediately makes me think they want us to just bot and afk and the other obvious motive getting us into the gem store.

…You realise some bosses in WoW just DROPPED legendaries? That was it. Just a drop.

You really didnt think this post through huh?

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TsukasaHiiragi.9730


We may not be entitled to legendairies BUT we ARE entitled to a BOT FREE game.

The way legendairies are acquired, they are SUPPORTING botting.

So what about ban bots/hackers instead of wanting Legendaries to be easyer so even casual player can have them in 2 weeks? hm??

I am really amazed about these posts … How can anyone complain that Legendary weapons are hard to obtain WHEN THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE HARD TO OBTAIN.

Its like asking manufacturer of Bentley to make theirs cars cheaper because they are hard to obtain, expensive… really?

They are not hard to obtain, they are mindless to obtain. There is a difference!! The mindless way is what caters to gold farmers, hackers and cheaters bypassing the insane grind and don’t give me to lame kitten response because, I know it ~ you know it, everyone knows it that a significantly population of players currently owning Legendary weapons cheated to get them, the problem is actually knowing who is legit and who isn’t ~ simply put, there isn’t ~

Before ascended came out, no one really cared if they got a legendary or not. But now, its a problem ~ and something anet needs to address.

ANet have obviously never played MMO’s like WoW where acquiring legendary weapons actually have you out doing a raid and a legendary quest line instead of simply grinding 24/7 oh and having DR in the game just immediately makes me think they want us to just bot and afk and the other obvious motive getting us into the gem store.

…You realise some bosses in WoW just DROPPED legendaries? That was it. Just a drop.

You really didnt think this post through huh?

You also realize those drops was extremely rare too, in fact the chance for any player to get one is actually lower than GW2 method to attain them. The difference between this game and WoW is that everyone had more or less an equal chance to get them, there wasn’t any bot/hack to interfere and most importantly of all, that legendary didn’t effect the economy in any way.

protest this travesty of a patch -
Get it taken down -
Do whatever it takes if you care about this game -

(edited by TsukasaHiiragi.9730)

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conncept.7638


What is with all these people who can’t seem to read? And it’s always the same first two posts, don’t you guys ever get off? And more importantly, don’t you do any research before you spout your ill-informed opinions as facts?

Arenanet has blatantly stated, Legendaries ARE NOT supposed to be exclusively for the most hardcore players. Stop spreading this baseless lie! If it is your opinion that they should be that exclusive, well sucks for you, because the game designers don’t think so. As stated by ANet they are meant to be a long term goal for everyone. But ANet admits they are currently unobtainable by most of the playerbase because of how much inflation outweighs gold gain for the casual player.

However, Arenanet is working to fix this, and it will be implemented, regardless of how hardcore players, gold-buyers, elitists, and market exploiters feel about it. Don’t like it? Leave, there are plenty of games out there where the progression and accomplishment are entirely based on exploiting and putting down your fellow players. Try Eve Online, you’ll love it.

Precursors ARE getting a defined way of obtaining them, certain legendary components ARE being made easier to obtain, and inflation will be reigned in given time. Gaining a legendary will still be difficult, and time consuming, but it will actually be possible for everyone. Sorry if that makes elitists feel less special, but honestly with the terrible way you treat your fellow gamers, you deserve that and worse.

(edited by Conncept.7638)

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


We may not be entitled to legendairies BUT we ARE entitled to a BOT FREE game.

The way legendairies are acquired, they are SUPPORTING botting.

You must be new to MMOs. There are bots in every game.

Anet has done a great job with the purging of bots. You would know if you had played before early November.

They haven’t purged nothing, all the bots are under the maps surface so you can’t see them. Want proof? I can provide it ~ if anything, the bot problem is 10x worse now than it was a month ago

I guess you can’t explain the rapid increase and drop in supply of t6 mats in early November.

Want proof? I can show you the dev post about it.

Again, maybe if you played this game during that period you would know what you’re talking about.

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Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ansultares.1567


Might as well make legendaries easy for everyone to get – even for casuals who might play an hour a day!

Actually, I think people just want questing/achievements to replace most of the grind. It’s currently almost entirely a gold grind funneled through the TP, and that’s just not fun gaming for most.

Stop killing zombies in orr and learn how to play the market. When the trading post isnt busy glitching, eating your money, or just being downright stone-age garbage to interface with (always) , you can make a ton of gold barely trying.

I doubt most people bought this game with the belief that they’d be expected to play the Day Trading Post mini-game. I can’t fault people who do enjoy playing the game that way, but I’m starting to think MMOs were better off without a trading post/auction hall feature.

(edited by Ansultares.1567)

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TsukasaHiiragi.9730


What is with all these people who can’t seem to read? And it’s always the same first two posts, don’t you guys ever get off? And more importantly, don’t you do any research before you spout your ill-informed opinions as facts?

Arenanet has blatantly stated, Legendaries ARE NOT supposed to be exclusively for the most hardcore players. Stop spreading this baseless lie! If it is your opinion that they should be that exclusive, well sucks for you, because the game designers don’t think so. As stated by ANet they are meant to be a long term goal for everyone. But ANet admits they are currently unobtainable by most of the playerbase because of how much inflation outweighs gold gain for the casual player.

Arenanet has also stated that they are working to fix this, and it will be implemented, regardless of how hardcore players, gold-buyers, elitists, and market exploiters feel about it. Don’t like it? Leave. Precursors ARE getting a defined way of obtaining them, certain legendary components ARE being made easier to obtain, and inflation will be reigned in given time. Gaining a legendary will still be difficult, and time consuming, but it will actually be possible for everyone. Sorry if that makes elitists feel less special, but honestly with the terrible way you treat your fellow gamers, you deserve that and worse.

I hope everything you’ve posted does actually come to fruition, this change will benefit everyone. But, clearly put ~ your post is great

protest this travesty of a patch -
Get it taken down -
Do whatever it takes if you care about this game -

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aoshi.4785


What is with all these people who can’t seem to read? And it’s always the same first two posts, don’t you guys ever get off? And more importantly, don’t you do any research before you spout your ill-informed opinions as facts?

Arenanet has blatantly stated, Legendaries ARE NOT supposed to be exclusively for the most hardcore players. Stop spreading this baseless lie! As stated by ANet they are meant to be a long term goal for everyone. But ANet admits they are currently unobtainable by most of the playerbase because of how much inflation outweighs gold gain for the casual player.

Arenanet has also stated that they are working to fix this, and it will be implemented, regardless of how hardcore players, gold-buyers, elitists, and market exploiters feel about it. Don’t like it? Leave. Precursors ARE getting a defined way of obtaining them, certain legendary components ARE being made easier to obtain, and inflation will be reigned in given time. Gaining a legendary will still be difficult, and time consuming, but it will actually be possible for everyone. Sorry if that makes elitists feel less special, but honestly with the terrible way you treat your fellow gamers, you deserve that and worse.

Is asking for a hand-out making you any better?

Lot’s of people just like you spouting off about “elitists are this, elitists are that”, kind of like the pot calling the kettle black. It’s all the same game, you just think you are more important, is all.

How about we all try to enjoy this game, yes? I’ll go ahead and coin a phrase I recently read…

Don’t like it? LEAVE.

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Condas.7056


I have always been in favor of shorter, more challenging content as opposed to very long, boring grinds. Make several challenging encounters/challenges that must be soloed to replace some of the more “grindy” parts of the process. Make these encounters so challenging that only a small percentage of the population could hope to complete it. Make them truly legendary in my opinion. I have Sunrise and don’t feel like it was earned properly, it was just long and easy the whole way through.

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conncept.7638


Is asking for a hand-out making you any better?

Lot’s of people just like you spouting off about “elitists are this, elitists are that”, kind of like the pot calling the kettle black. It’s all the same game, you just think you are more important, is all.

How about we all try to enjoy this game, yes? I’ll go ahead and coin a phrase I recently read…

Don’t like it? LEAVE.

Read before posting. I blatantly stated that Legendaries will yet take a significant amount of time and effort to earn, it will become a long-term goal instead of an unreachable one.

And I entirely agree with you about leaving, the difference is, I’m not leaving because this game is good and the developers are only interested in making it better for people like me. If that screws over the 1% of gamers that have so little life they can farm up a legendary as things are now, we ninety-nine percent are perfectly happy seeing them leave. Bye.

(edited by Conncept.7638)

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


Might as well make legendaries easy for everyone to get – even for casuals who might play an hour a day!

Actually, I think people just want questing/achievements to replace most of the grind. It’s currently almost entirely a gold grind funneled through the TP, and that’s just not fun gaming for most.

Stop killing zombies in orr and learn how to play the market. When the trading post isnt busy glitching, eating your money, or just being downright stone-age garbage to interface with (always) , you can make a ton of gold barely trying.

I doubt most people bought this game with the belief that they’d be expected to play the Day Trading Post mini-game. I can’t fault people who do enjoy playing the game that way, but I’m starting to think MMOs were better off without a trading post/auction hall feature.

So you want primarily quests/achievements in order to get a legendary.

That makes it SOOOO easy that everyone would be carrying around a Twilight. and that would bring down the allure of holding a legendary, won’t it.

Again, the method is fine as it is. Some PvP, some dungeon grinding, some gold grinding, some karma grinding. It’s fine. I for one don’t want to see every single person running around with Eternity.

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Magic find works.

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: forrae.6708


sure its difficult and not impossible to get one.

it just seems so freakishly boring..

legendary. the weapon should have a story behind it, there should be some sort of story to acquiring it with its own challenges and the likes on the way. not a legendary amount of farming/doodling on the auction house. just makes the game feel more like an auction house simulator a la diablo 3.

thugged out since cubscouts

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


sure its difficult and not impossible to get one.

it just seems so freakishly boring..

legendary. the weapon should have a story behind it, there should be some sort of story to acquiring it with its own challenges and the likes on the way. not a legendary amount of farming/doodling on the auction house. just makes the game feel more like an auction house simulator a la diablo 3.

You know it’s cute how everyone says “make it skill-based” or “challenging” but no one provides specific ideas.

If you make it skill based, the casuals will complain. And how the heck can you make something ‘skill’ based in an MMO s complicated as this one?

How are you going to make it so difficult that it won’t result in every single player having a legendary?

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[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Erasculio.2914


Some PvP, some dungeon grinding, some gold grinding, some karma grinding. It’s fine. I for one don’t want to see every single person running around with Eternity.

Grinders are happy with the current Legendary requirements since most of them are very easy. Grinders don’t want requirements that require skill – no, all they want is something that requires time spent, even if it is time spent doing something so mindless that a bot can do it better than a human being.

The requirements need to be changed so they do not require grind. This would mostly have the positive effect of rubbing on the face of grinders how they do not deserve any kind of reward for face-rolling through the game 10 hours per day during four months. If the requirements were changed to actually demand skill, not just time spent, Legendaries would be more satisfying to get and as uncommon as they are today.

“I think that players are starting to mature past the point of wanting to be on that
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: forrae.6708


sure its difficult and not impossible to get one.

it just seems so freakishly boring..

legendary. the weapon should have a story behind it, there should be some sort of story to acquiring it with its own challenges and the likes on the way. not a legendary amount of farming/doodling on the auction house. just makes the game feel more like an auction house simulator a la diablo 3.

You know it’s cute how everyone says “make it skill-based” or “challenging” but no one provides specific ideas.

If you make it skill based, the casuals will complain. And how the heck can you make something ‘skill’ based in an MMO s complicated as this one?

How are you going to make it so difficult that it won’t result in every single player having a legendary?

lol. i didnt even say make it challenging or skill based. i just said make it more interesting than farming for crap all day. its mind numbing and just bad. give it a story line to get the weapon, or something like that. force people to go places other than the places where the vendors that sell the gifts are. and more than just running dungeons to get marks to get the gifts from the dungeon vendors.

thugged out since cubscouts

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShaiHulud.7410


Some PvP, some dungeon grinding, some gold grinding, some karma grinding. It’s fine. I for one don’t want to see every single person running around with Eternity.

Grinders are happy with the current Legendary requirements since most of them are very easy. Grinders don’t want requirements that require skill – no, all they want is something that requires time spent, even if it is time spent doing something so mindless that a bot can do it better than a human being.

The requirements need to be changed so they do not require grind. This would mostly have the positive effect of rubbing on the face of grinders how they do not deserve any kind of reward for face-rolling through the game 10 hours per day during four months. If the requirements were changed to actually demand skill, not just time spent, Legendaries would be more satisfying to get and as uncommon as they are today.

Are you serious? And why then Legendaries are buy-able now from TP directly? You know you can just flush your wallet and get a legendary in like 10 seconds? Where is the skill involved in that? Right.

Again, don’t listen to this guy. His thoughts are messed up.

I actually smell a huge jealosy here from your part. The Jealousy that you can’t get the legendary item and other players can because : they have more time to spend in the game, they enjoy farming etc.

Good luck