Creating an Anti-Botting Guild
Except the problem isn’t with reporting the bots. It’s actually getting them to disappear.
Also the bots that you see are not the problem. The ones you don’t see are the problem. They are “smarter” they are farming more material and lowering the value of items far more then the obvious bots.
Only way to tell the smart bots is to whisper them. They roam in random spots and look a bit more realistic. Not much, but enough to fly under the radar.
And that is why a anti-bot guild is needed
we search the crevices and crannies in search of the less obvious bots, whisper them, then report them
And that is why a anti-bot guild is needed
we search the crevices and crannies in search of the less obvious bots, whisper them, then report them
And you’re also gonna report to people who just don’t wanna respond to you or speak a different language.
And that is why a anti-bot guild is needed
we search the crevices and crannies in search of the less obvious bots, whisper them, then report them
Yeah it’s hilarious when I afk for a few minutes then find I’ve been whispered and invited to a bot guild. I can’t wait for people to start reporting me that don’t haven’t even seen me.
Standing still wearing sylvari cultural armor = botting
@the last two responses: obviously we wouldn’t just rely on whispers and would observe the players behavior over days weeks
on tarnished coast we have a team of 40man dedicated players growing bigger that go around snooping for bots and report them as a guild when we are sure they are bots
we dont just go for the obvious bots either we will monitor a player for weeks and spy on them its really fun like playing detective
What if each realm had a big group of people who made guilds specifically dedicated to raoming around the world as a big search group to find and report bots?
I think maybe this would be fun it would be like a police patrol looking for criminals
Imagine a big 50 group of people finding botts and cheaters sending multiple reports to get the attention of arenanet faster
your guild can also play detectives and hunt for people who are doing other malacious activities in game on your server
Totally and utterly ridiculous idea which will most certainly also result in reported players instead of bots.
Any more “bright” ideas to add?
Here is another one from the OP
roll a Mesmer and portal the bots to a corner of the world where there are no mobs, if they aren’t bots they wont use to portal. If they aren’t bots and accidentally use the portal they can cry you a river about it. It’s not hard to mess with the bots, a guild running round with pitch forks won’t help one iota unless you have Mesmers in it.
Great non-response gwawer, you must work for a PR firm. Observing players doesn’t help if you’re observing someone who just likes to grind materials (you know, typical bot behavior). Or do know the algorithms and pathing used by bots to differentiate them between legitimate grinders?
if the servers allow player killing, then your advocacy will be effective.
Obviously we avoid reporting players who “simply like to grind”
as stated, we observe them for weeks
we dont simply go OMG ITS A BOT REPORT BAN NOW
(edited by gwawer.9805)
Funny, I thought people were playing GW2 cause they didn’t want an MMO as a 2nd job
lol, no offense but if ANet can’t solve this problem through their own time/efforts/wit ~ then reporting bots or expecting other people to dedicate their time to “stalking” potential bot isn’t gonna help.
Obviously if people didnt have fun doing this they wouldn’t be in the guild
Keep in mind we ENJOY playing ingame police/detectives finding bots and reporting them
it’s like saying people who grind are “dumb because it’s not fun and feels like a 2nd job”
people can play the game however they want
@the last two responses: obviously we wouldn’t just rely on whispers and would observe the players behavior over days weeks
on tarnished coast we have a team of 40man dedicated players growing bigger that go around snooping for bots and report them as a guild when we are sure they are bots
we dont just go for the obvious bots either we will monitor a player for weeks and spy on them its really fun like playing detective
if you were doing this to me, id report you for harrasment, just saying.
ive seen people who seem to be botting, I was almost certain they were a bot, but out of no where, they talked, and I was like “WUT”
So no, this might seem fun, but imo, its like the people irl who play “Block watch” but really are just more a nuicence then helpful.
Ive seen bots do many things from mining to healing but bots don’t like candy corn. So if a player runs right pass a candy corn nod it a very good chance he’s a bot.
Actually it’s pretty kitten easy to spot bots over actual players farming. Bots move and act in a synthetic way that actual players do not.
I love this, so you’re either gonna have marginal efficacy because you’re gonna wait around for weeks before reporting someone (and whose account has most likely been stolen and reported already), or you’re gonna go all out and report people who appear to be bots and have a negative effect by bogging down the reporting system.
Ive seen bots do many things from mining to healing but bots don’t like candy corn. So if a player runs right pass a candy corn nod it a very good chance he’s a bot.
Ummmm, I ran by 2 of those candy corn nodes today on my way to the merchant because my mining tools got used up just previously and I’m not a bot. heh.
Redrumickey (No quote button again) “Ive seen bots do many things from mining to healing but bots don’t like candy corn. So if a player runs right pass a candy corn nod it a very good chance he’s a bot.”
I really hope you’re joking.
I’ve got over 1200 kittening candy corn, and still getting more from drops. Excuse the kitten out of me for not wanting to waste any more picks on the crap!
To anyone that has never seen a bot: Go to Yak’s Bend, Frostgorge Sound. Walk south.
You’ll see hundreds of bots.
I don’t want to be reported as a bot simply because my playstyle doesn’t conform to your ideals, thanks very much…
In other words: “silly idea”
lunawisp was my peacebringer on City of Heroes – she lives on in memory as my gaming id.
I wana see if I have this straight. Your plan is to lock onto a suspected person who may or may not be botting. Once you have a suspicion you’re going to stalk them for days or weeks at a time..somehow. If they don’t respond to your whispers then..BOOM BOTS!
Let me tell you how many of your whispers I’d respond to, zero. You weird stalker, you’re not Tyrian Batman and your guild aint the justice league. Let the professionals at Anet screw this up, I mean handle it. They don’t need you helping.
If this Guild pays £ then sign me up!
I wouldn’t advice it, pick on a legit player and you could find your own account banned for harassment.
“After several hours I’m still swinging this sword with1 lodestone drop”
And you’re also gonna report to people who just don’t wanna respond to you or speak a different language."
- if they dont speak english they got no business playing on american servers unless……drumroll ur an asian/taiwanese/whatever farmer and got no need for comunicating with other players so yes , id report them and let CS sort it out
I don’t want to be reported as a bot simply because my playstyle doesn’t conform to your ideals, thanks very much…
In other words: “silly idea”
well if your playstyle includes running around on a ranger naked letting your pet tank everything while you spam 1 for hours on the same circuit around the same zone, yes ill report you stop being hardheaded, you know what we are all talking about…
that said, the ops idea is monumentally stupid too
As mentioned earlier…
there is no sense finding and reporting the out of the way hard to spot bots… when the obvious level 80 bots in places like Cursed Shore are still running their routes 24/7 months after being reported.
a vigilante in game!
Neighbourhood patrols, and the occasional pogrom or witch hunt going wrong (and those were always wrong…).
Who needs pvp servers?
The best thing players can do is keep on reporting every incident of suspected botting behavior using either the in-game tool or contacting directly the support. Thanks for the continued reports and everyone’s patience.
Thanks for your help, the topic is now locked.
(edited by Moderator.9672)