(edited by rapthorne.7345)
Criticism locked without response or reason?
It’s because a lot of the conspiracy theories within these criticisms have already been addressed multiple times by Anet. If a Dev debunks a claim by a player, and that player keeps bringing up the same claim over and over, it’s no longer constructive.
By blatantly locking all potentially critical threads and posts, all it does it end up looking bad on ANet as a company, implying they simply don’t want to hear what they could be doing better and that their customer’s opinions do not matter.
Haha, have you even scanned the front page of this forum? It is mostly filled with critical threads and posts.
From what I have seen most of the threads that get locked either went way off topic, turned into conspiracy theories, or turned into an insulting match between people participating.
(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)
A lot of the criticism threads end up derailing or become toxic.
Another common problem is that such threads end up repeating themselves. They get nowhere so aren’t constructive.
A lot of the threads become hard to follow as well- often arguments form between particular participants whilst others try to talk about a different point.
In the end, there is no real advantage to keep a thread like that open.
A lot of the criticism threads end up derailing or become toxic.
A lot of those are due to a select few posters that do it on purpose.
Why are topics with valid, constructive critique getting locked without so much as a moderator response?
Is it taboo for players to suggest how things can be done better, or point out flaws in the way ANet does things? Only bad companies attempt to suppress and silence criticism, rather than act on it.
Players post here to vent frustrations because we have no one from ANet to reliably communicate to about issues (even though we supposedly have a dedicated forum communications team, HA!). By blatantly locking all potentially critical threads and posts, all it does it end up looking bad on ANet as a company, implying they simply don’t want to hear what they could be doing better and that their customer’s opinions do not matter.
Take the good with the bad, don’t cherry pick what you want to listen to, ANet
Venting and ranting rarely involve anything close to constructive criticism. A vast majority of complaint threads have nothing constructive about them and quickly veer off into a kitten-fest of trash talking Anet and/or other posters. Those threads that do talk about things constructively and don’t go off topic tend to not get locked.
It’s pretty simple. Be constructive, be factual and be respectful.
Why are topics with valid, constructive critique getting locked without so much as a moderator response?
Is it taboo for players to suggest how things can be done better, or point out flaws in the way ANet does things? Only bad companies attempt to suppress and silence criticism, rather than act on it.
Players post here to vent frustrations because we have no one from ANet to reliably communicate to about issues (even though we supposedly have a dedicated forum communications team, HA!). By blatantly locking all potentially critical threads and posts, all it does it end up looking bad on ANet as a company, implying they simply don’t want to hear what they could be doing better and that their customer’s opinions do not matter.
Take the good with the bad, don’t cherry pick what you want to listen to, ANet
They’re being locked because most of the RNG threads you’re referring to are on a topic who has multiple threads ALREADY OPEN (so go post in one of those already) or are on a topic that has been repeatedly debunked by Anet, including a staff member who’s going to know kitten well what he’s saying when it’s a topic that impacts his area of expertise. Repetitive threads on bunk topics arent constructive by their existence, and exacerbated when they devolve into loops that put a perpetual motion wheel to shame. And you wonder why they’re being closed?
snipped a link no one cares about
I’m actually quite ashamed that a company chose to do that. Link lets the previous discussion continue on Reddit.
You’ve admitted you quit the game. Your thread was pointless. You’re a “lost” player and anet understands that no matter what they change, you’ve already left the game once and probably wouldnt come back anyways. So… yea. Also, threads that amount to “goodbye, I’ve quit the game” generally get locked anyways.
ArenaNet Communications Manager
As forum members have pointed out, threads with truly constructive criticisms are welcome. The front page — any page — proves that. Threads with a lack of constructive input, with a large number of offensive comments, with attacks or name-calling, or with a lot of off-topic comments are closed to allow the forum to continue on a relatively even keel.
There’s plenty of frustration venting on a regular basis, no worries there. Closure does not equate to censorship, it equates to reasonable moderation.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events