Cross server guild benefits?

Cross server guild benefits?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zal.8241


Does anyone, especially and ANet person know if anything will be changed about how guild bonuses work cross server, I’m caught between a rock and a hard place, I’m on a server with a good friend of mine, but another friend contacted me about joining their guild, only to find out it’s on another server, I joined, but stayed on my server with my friend, and while talking to guild leader I asked if we have upgraded anything, he says a lot of things, but none of it shows for me, so I looked it up, only to find that benefits of guilds do not cross servers.

Will this be changed? cause I like this guild, but I dont want to abandon my friend on my server, and our guild has a quite a few members who are on different servers. I Told the guild leader I would look into it, so… here I am!

I appreciate any answers!

As a side note, my friend who I’m on the server with is co-guild leader for her other close friend’s guild, so she wont change servers. Like I said…. rock and a hard place. If this weren’t the case we’d have both transferred by now.

Cross server guild benefits?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cirth.1543


I have actually ask about this. This whole guilds being cross servers makes no sense at all to me. To what someone told me is that they had it in the beta then took it out. Because they thought it was unfair that a person from a different server would be able to get all the benefits from that guild.
I personally don’t understand how they came up with that. You have actually three choices.

One: You could stay on the server you are on and try to research/upgrade the guild on your server. (Good luck with that if you pick this one.)
Two: You could transfer over to the guild’s server.
Three: Leave that guild.

This is one thing that I think hinders other guilds that are starting out or small that want to become a bit bigger. Guilds max member cap is 500 members. Now think about that if there is a couple of guilds with lets say 100+ members, most likely they have all the research/upgrades done.
Which in turn would mean most people would rather join those guilds than guilds that just have like a guild bank and emblem.

Cross server guild benefits?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nachtnebel.9168


Cross server guilds make no sense, the only feature you need is the cross server guild chat so you can play as a guest on a different server and still read your guilds chat.

Salix Babylonica (Necro), Tharnath (Guardian), N Faculty (Mesmer),
Occam Pi (Ele), Acaena Elongata (Warrior), Finja Salversdotir (Ranger),
Bytestream (Engineer), Vim Whitespace (Thief)

Cross server guild benefits?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zal.8241


I do see your point Cirth about people abusing the ability to join large guilds that aren’t even on their server, but allowing the ability to be in guilds that aren’t on your server if they intend to take it away, especially when they are gonna do guesting, just doesn’t seem logical, they seem live they’ve tried hard to make it a very social game, so to pull that rug out from all the people like myself that are part of multi-server guilds seems a bit counter-productive.

So I’m hoping that this will change change when guesting comes around, I’m just trying to see if anyone knew any definite details about it one way or another. :\

Maybe what they could do is make it so someone on a different server than that of the guilds home server, has to contribute a certain amount of influence to a guild to start gaining the benefits of being in it, I would be cool with that.