Crowd Control & Stun Breaks

Crowd Control & Stun Breaks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mujen.2089


Crowd Control (cc) & Stun Break

No Diminishing Returns on CC
Why do stun break skills not break Immobilize?

What is CC?
Control Effects, by GW2 terms:
These are like, fear, knockdown, knockback, etc. (see above link).

What is a Stun Break?
Stun break is an effect which can break control effects on a character:

Gotta love chain knockdown in dungeons like AC, or being immobilized to death in PvE/PvP. You basically do not have movement control of your character while immobilized so, how is that not CC?

Crowd Control & Stun Breaks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArashiKai.2496


Immobilize is a condition, not a control effect; so naturally, the counter is condition-removal, not a stun-breaker. A “CC” is a Fear, Knockdown, Knockback, Float, Sink, Pull, etc. and is countered by stability/stunbreaks. A slightly easier way of thinking about this is stability prevents your character from being forcibly moved, whereas immobilize simply stops you from moving. sure i can root myself to the ground to prevent being knocked down, but that won’t help me if i get chains of light to imprison me :P

ANet made utilities swappable for a reason: to change and adapt to situations as they come and go. if you know you are coming to an encounter that has several CCs, bring some stability and stunbreaks. if you know the next encounter will be condition heavy (including immobilize), bring condition removal.

Fear not me, but the Tempest that I am!

Crowd Control & Stun Breaks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mujen.2089


Immobilize is not a CC… Interesting, learn something new about this game I guess. Most games that would be cc since ur losing some control of your character. Poison/cripple/bleed/chill/weakness you still have full control. K thanks for the info.

Crowd Control & Stun Breaks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leablo.2651


Someone should tell the wiki if this is so.
“Immobilize is considered a condition and can be broken with condition removal as well as stun breakers.”

Crowd Control & Stun Breaks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArashiKai.2496


Perhaps a better illustration:

Imagine a large boulder embedded in the surrounding landscape. You can push, pull, kick, punch, and try to force it any which way you want it to go, but it simply does not move. However, if you go put chains on it, you simply make it better at what it already is doing: not moving. When we cut the chains, the boulder could potentially be moved again.
CC is the forces on the boulder, and the boulder being embedded in the landscape is stability, preventing CC (forces) from taking their effects on them. The chains are immobilize, holding the boulder in place, and cutting them is the condition removal that can make the boulder move more freely.

I know this isn’t 100% how the game works, but it is a better example than the one I off-handedly mentioned before.

Fear not me, but the Tempest that I am!

Crowd Control & Stun Breaks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TwoBit.5903


CC itself isn’t a bad mechanic (although I think games can do without it), but there is such a thing as poor implementation.

What newly revamped AC does is attempt to make the stability boon relevant in PvE, and it does so by making it absolutely frustrating without it. It’s a blatant check, nothing interesting or skillful about it. And it makes guards even more desirable than they were before.

As for the OP, I think immobilize should be re categorized as a cc, because functionally it basically is a CC.

(edited by TwoBit.5903)

Crowd Control & Stun Breaks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


If you time your Stun breaks badly you will still be knocked down and have to wait the full time for your person to get back up. Do not use stun breaks when your still moving only use them after you stopped moving and laying down.

If you hate cc there is a rune set that make it last a lot less longer as for knocked down i do not think it will effect it.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA