Cultural Tier 3 armor

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arborstone.6053


Please for the love of God, do not give in to the people complaining about it being too expensive. It’s meant to be a prestige armor which only the dedicated will get. Also to the people who complain about the stats, it’s an armor for looks. I have worked hard for the first piece and it’s do-able if you’re dedicated.
People just want everything handed on a golden plate to them these days.

Kurzick Ambassador

(edited by Arborstone.6053)

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: evilbottom.2186


120g isn’t even too much, especially since you earn gold so easily from just playing the game. Considering people have already bought the Commander title for WvW for 100g, its plain to see that people just like to complain that everything and anything is out of their reach and want it served to them just for being a great and powerful level 80.

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sin.8174


I actually think tier 3 went up...

I was looking at the level 80 human assassin chest piece.. and i could have sword it was 27 gold 2 days ago. Now it’s 30 o.O

Orphyn X – 8X Thief – Tarnished Coast
Lady Raevyn – 11 Necromancer – TC
Fanboy- The New Godwin’s Law.

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shiren.9532


Prestige? It’s purchased with gold. You can buy that stuff without even playing the game. The only people able to afford it right now are the ones who have either exploited the game, or exploited players on the trading post. You currently don’t earn this armour by playing the game, you play the market.

I don’t care about the price, I don’t think it’s harmful to have some armor sets at absurdly inflated prices, but I also don’t think there is any prestige to it. So you got gold, anyone with a credit card or the knowledge of the trading post can get this armour easily.

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rukia.4802


Prestige? It’s purchased with gold. You can buy that stuff without even playing the game. The only people able to afford it right now are the ones who have either exploited the game, or exploited players on the trading post. You currently don’t earn this armour by playing the game, you play the market.

I don’t care about the price, I don’t think it’s harmful to have some armor sets at absurdly inflated prices, but I also don’t think there is any prestige to it. So you got gold, anyone with a credit card or the knowledge of the trading post can get this armour easily.

I’m sorry but I can’t see anyone spending 500 dollars or more on the T3 cultural armor, and if they do, lol, they deserve that armor imo.

“I find this rain quite pleasant, it feels as though raindrops are blessing our victory”

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: minikiller.8475


Most people who have Commander
Begged the guild for money
Found a abuseable bug and abused it constantly

And that 1% earn it legit

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fellyn.5083


I feel like they should reduce the gold price of the t3 cultural armors by 65-75% and make it cost both gold and karma. I think making each piece cost 5 or 6 gold and 30000 karma would be a trade off most people would accept.

So you’d be looking at around 30 gold and 180k karma for the full set. I think that’s reasonable. And you would have to play all aspects of the (pve) game to get it.

I’m honestly surprised there aren’t things that don’t cost both gold and karma already.

(edited by fellyn.5083)

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rizzy.8293


Its ugly as hell why do i want it?
Im a ranger not a ninja

even my thief wouldnt wear it, hes a thief not an assassin

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rukia.4802


Its ugly as hell why do i want it?
Im a ranger not a ninja

even my thief wouldnt wear it, hes a thief not an assassin

Opinions. Medium T3 cultural for female looks amazing imo.

“I find this rain quite pleasant, it feels as though raindrops are blessing our victory”

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ounkeo.9138


Here’s playing the game normally:

- Zone down to low level zone to play with wife. 3.50 silver
- Buy gathering tools. ~5 silver because I no longer can buy low level tools to harvest low level nodes.
- Do some exploring
- Do some killing
- Do some Dynamic Events + 6 silver
- Repair cost + 2 silver waypoint rez because some boss or random instgibbed us. On average, maybe 2 times per day. – 10 silver
- zone back to main city – 3.5 silver

My normal play day, my expenditure is about 20++ silver and my revenue for that day after loot sells and DE rewards usually comes up to maybe 10 silver. Maybe. I still have a loss of 10+ silver just for playing normally.

When I DON’T play normally, I can make about 80 silver to 1G Gold per day depending on the rare chance I get a yellow loot drop (it happens some times).

Basically, for me to get that armor skin, I either pay $500, which is what Anet wants us to do – hence the price and narrow avenue for making money, OR I hardcore farm DE every 30 minutes, log out for 30, farm for 30 etc…

so I guess you’re saying that “playing the game normally” is a constant repeat of logging out, logging in, chain repeating Dynamic Events.

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: evilbottom.2186


Here’s playing the game normally:

Here’s you playing the game wrong

- Zone down to low level zone to play with wife. 3.50 silver

Unless its Orr, you can port around main cities and walk for free, or at least get closer to spend half that.

- Buy gathering tools. ~5 silver because I no longer can buy low level tools to harvest low level nodes.

Not only can you still buy low level harvesting stuff, but you can also buy them for karma if you know where. So again, for free or for a fraction of the cost.

- Repair cost + 2 silver waypoint rez because some boss or random instgibbed us. On average, maybe 2 times per day. – 10 silver

No boss or random will ‘instagib’. Not unless you’re well above your level area, or are terrible at judging a bosses power versus your own. Another completely avoidable cost.

- zone back to main city – 3.5 silver

Again, you can get to Lions Arch for free, or walk half the distance for a fraction of the waypoint distance.

So all in all you could be spending as little as 5 silver. From the fact that you also said that you were going to lower levelled areas to play with your wife, that also means you aren’t earning a fraction of what you would be in higher level areas.

I wouldn’t normally just pick a post apart like this, but the whole “Anet make it impossible for me to make money to force me into the cash shop” is such a stupid arguement. Millions of other players are earning money just fine. Ever thought that maybe you’re just playing the game badly?

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ounkeo.9138


1. waypoint cost. I’m not talking about city waypoint porting. I’m porting from city to a waypoint or a way point to the city. It is costing me money. If I’m in Orr and my wife wants me to play with her in the starter zone, or if I’m in a level 40+ zone, it costs money for me to get to her map. It’s as simple as that. I was in 3 starter zones yesterday night and ran out of tools. I went to the vendors and all they had were Mithril tools. Why should I be forced to pay for it with Karma? While Karma is more readily available than ability to earn coin, the anti-farm code has made earning those very precious especially as I’m saving for the karma gear. There is a cap to how much karma we can earn.

3. instagib bosses I’m level 80 in full yellow gear. Sure it isn’t the best, but it isn’t terrible either and well above the quality of the map I like to play in: Norn starting Area because right now I don’t have enough copper ore and cooking mats.

- A. the escort quest: 3 dogs appear (standard mobs). They sometimes open with some kind of ability which will instagib you. this is with Aegis up. I learned after that to use scepter and torch. I have some seriosu issues with a guardian wanding mobs but that’s another topic.

- B There is a raid Event on this map in the centre with the Shaman boss. He has a breath that he breaths out that won’t instagib me, but will kill me over a period of 3 seconds. Try and roll out of the way, you won’t dodge it. I’m using sceptre here. Also, after transofrming to the ice form, he has a stomp that WILL completely override aegis and it will one-shot people. Either that or there is a pre-attack that eats aegis beforfe the big hit.

Most times I do him, I won’t die but there are times when he’ll just ignore all 10 people around him and just run towards me and chase me the entire fight. You can’t get away from him forever because he lays out multipel massive GTAOE’s that slow and DOT. If you run thru it, you’re going to die anyway. He will get to you and he will stomp or he will breath and stomp. Either way my toon is dead.

- C human starting area: Go to the bandit cave and attack the event mob there. He can regularly gib me if he targets me. It doesn’t matter if I survive 1 shot. 2 shots is still gibbed.

I wouldn’t normally just pick a post apart like this, but the whole “Anet make it impossible for me to make money to force me into the cash shop” is such a stupid arguement. Millions of other players are earning money just fine. Ever thought that maybe you’re just playing the game badly

Nope. i’m playing the game exactly hwo they designed it and how they advertised it. For me to HAVE to go to Orr so I can play another zone with a friend (or wife) is really as broken a concept as it can get. One way or another, we have to farm. Implying I shoul dbe in Orr to make some coin pretty much says exactly that – best place to zerg farm DE’s.

The very fact that they downrank you to fit the map says that by design, the player should be able to operate at any map without restriction of it not being max level map. Instead what we have here is downranking, just as easy to die, loot and coin and rewards that don’t scale but cost is still scaled for lvl 80. You’re asking me if the problem is with my playstyle; I’m asking you to consider that the game and design decisions is possibly at fault here.

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smigl.6178


You are doing it wrong. how you ask? you are trying to play “the game” and thats a mistake, big one. If you wanna to have anything in this game play “the TP”. buy gems with $$ then transform them to gold or be ready to farm to extende where china farmers would be a noobies for you stop playing “the game” and you will stop losing money!

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Click.5123


ANet won’t change the costs of T3 cultural or faction armor.

They need as much gold sinks as possible because there’s already way too much gold in this young GW2 economy, mainly due to the various “exploits” such as karma conversion and CoF farming. Non-casual players are already fully geared up and sitting on tons of gold (I know someone with over 350 gold).

In fact, I wouldn’t surprised if they add more gold sinks soon.

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Milennin.4825


1. waypoint cost. I’m not talking about city waypoint porting. I’m porting from city to a waypoint or a way point to the city. It is costing me money. If I’m in Orr and my wife wants me to play with her in the starter zone, or if I’m in a level 40+ zone, it costs money for me to get to her map. It’s as simple as that. I was in 3 starter zones yesterday night and ran out of tools. I went to the vendors and all they had were Mithril tools. Why should I be forced to pay for it with Karma? While Karma is more readily available than ability to earn coin, the anti-farm code has made earning those very precious especially as I’m saving for the karma gear. There is a cap to how much karma we can earn.

3. instagib bosses I’m level 80 in full yellow gear. Sure it isn’t the best, but it isn’t terrible either and well above the quality of the map I like to play in: Norn starting Area because right now I don’t have enough copper ore and cooking mats.

- A. the escort quest: 3 dogs appear (standard mobs). They sometimes open with some kind of ability which will instagib you. this is with Aegis up. I learned after that to use scepter and torch. I have some seriosu issues with a guardian wanding mobs but that’s another topic.

- B There is a raid Event on this map in the centre with the Shaman boss. He has a breath that he breaths out that won’t instagib me, but will kill me over a period of 3 seconds. Try and roll out of the way, you won’t dodge it. I’m using sceptre here. Also, after transofrming to the ice form, he has a stomp that WILL completely override aegis and it will one-shot people. Either that or there is a pre-attack that eats aegis beforfe the big hit.

Most times I do him, I won’t die but there are times when he’ll just ignore all 10 people around him and just run towards me and chase me the entire fight. You can’t get away from him forever because he lays out multipel massive GTAOE’s that slow and DOT. If you run thru it, you’re going to die anyway. He will get to you and he will stomp or he will breath and stomp. Either way my toon is dead.

- C human starting area: Go to the bandit cave and attack the event mob there. He can regularly gib me if he targets me. It doesn’t matter if I survive 1 shot. 2 shots is still gibbed.

I wouldn’t normally just pick a post apart like this, but the whole “Anet make it impossible for me to make money to force me into the cash shop” is such a stupid arguement. Millions of other players are earning money just fine. Ever thought that maybe you’re just playing the game badly

Nope. i’m playing the game exactly hwo they designed it and how they advertised it. For me to HAVE to go to Orr so I can play another zone with a friend (or wife) is really as broken a concept as it can get. One way or another, we have to farm. Implying I shoul dbe in Orr to make some coin pretty much says exactly that – best place to zerg farm DE’s.

The very fact that they downrank you to fit the map says that by design, the player should be able to operate at any map without restriction of it not being max level map. Instead what we have here is downranking, just as easy to die, loot and coin and rewards that don’t scale but cost is still scaled for lvl 80. You’re asking me if the problem is with my playstyle; I’m asking you to consider that the game and design decisions is possibly at fault here.

1. Press H. Go PvP tab. Go to the Mists. Take portal to Lion’s Arch. Take portal to -insert race- main city. Exit main city to starter area. ??? Profit. And takes what… 1 minute?
2. Merchants in low level areas sell low level tools. I don’t know what you are on.
3. a. So you found 1 event with mobs that you claim to 1-hit you. Congrats. Go report the bug and move on.
b. If you die in close range, go long range. It’s not rocket science. I’ve done that same boss several time and never died there at long range. Not even close.
c. Because that bandit there is a champion mob and part of a -group- event. You don’t solo champions and expect to make it without dying (yeah, some are possible to solo, back off elitists). Learn to pick your fights wisely.

It’s not necessary to farm at all. All I’ve done is just playing the game. Exploring each zone. Doing dynamic events when I see them. Complete the heart tasks. Pick up loot I find. Do a dungeon here and there. I made plenty of gold. More than enough to afford max stats level 80 gear and weapons (exotic) and left overs for extra stuff.
I don’t farm Orr. I don’t speedrun dungeons. I don’t exploit. I don’t play the market.

Just who the hell do you think I am!?

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


My main issue with cultural armor is that the level 80 versions of it don’t have max stats. For such a price, and given the way things were handled in GW1, I’d have expected them to at least have max stats.

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arborstone.6053


I just don’t understand how people say it’s too difficult to get money for the T3 I purchased the chestpiece with money I earned from WvW’ing, Helping out friends in low level content and some dungeon runs. I am by no means a hardcore player an have bareley reached 100 hours. Also I’ve only started saving up for it 2 days ago playing 2-3 hours a day. People who say it’s too hard just want everything handed to them after a single day of work. If you want vanity items you need to earn them.

Kurzick Ambassador

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AsianGForce.7896


Honestly Cultural Armor is really not worth it, especially Tier 3, and Faction Armor is also not worth it. Buy lvl 76 Exotics and you have better stats. If you feel like throwing your money away like I decided buy Faction its cheaper and you can throw on Pirate Sigil and Opal your accessories. grats its turned it into farming gear

To Die in battle would be a good death~

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darmikau.9413


Sorry, but if you think Tier 3 armor is easily affordable or that someone who plays this game casually could ever get it, you’re crazy. I’ve been farming Orr for 6-8 hours a day for over a week now and have enough for one, maybe two pieces (two if it were the cheap, 12g pieces). Even once I can afford the entire set, I STILL have to shell out another 40+ gold for an entire set of exotic armor to transmute it onto. And this is after farming the most valuable spots in Orr using waypoints as infrequently as possible. If you think someone who casually plays the game who has armor repair and waypoint costs could ever earn enough to buy it, I’m sorry, but it’s not going to happen. Either that or you have a really obscured view of what “normal playtime” is because normal people with school and work don’t get to play the game for 8 hours a day.

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eochaidh.4106


It’s the same as spending loads with legendaries. People do it for the skin, not the stats.

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eochaidh.4106


Even once I can afford the entire set, I STILL have to shell out another 40+ gold for an entire set of exotic armor to transmute it onto.

BS. Craftable exotic pieces go for 2g-3g on the TP each.

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amiron.1067


… You people complaining about waypoint costs don’t realize you’re not supposed to port halfway across the world just to get to your friends, right? Go to the Heart of the Mists (free), go through the portal to Lions Arch (free), go to the major city closest to you friend (free), and then buy a waypoint (1-2 silver max.)

Also, making money is easy. I’ve made over 12 gold from just completing every zone that’s 1-25 in level on my new Mesmer (who has already reached level 48 without even touching a zone that’s higher than 25 in level.)

Use the Trading Post.

Sell equipment.

Salvage salvageable items.

Don’t over extend and risk deaths.

Don’t buy crafting materials; go out and earn them.

(Edited to seem less rude. I’m trying to help here)

(edited by Amiron.1067)

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fox.1054


Cultural armor cost is fine, 120G seems quite balanced, especially since gold can be attained on any character you like ( karma and tokens should be made account-bound arenanet ).

What really needs change is the waypoint cost, it’s simply only preventing the player from having a more fun experience. I’m losing money for helping my friends. It’s not stopping me from doing it, but it’s not supportive at all, and totally against the design principles of the original Guild Wars. Do not add rubbish that only hurts the player, only to funnel them towards some sort of premium gem shop.

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

It may not seem expensive, but relative to the crafted stuff…. I can get totally tricked out, head-to-toe with rings and accessories, all with better stats for about 1/3rd the cost (or less) of a cultural set of armor.

Same thing is true with the legendary… the cost and/or time spent for some of those are insane yet their stats are no better (in some cases worse) than their exotic equivalents.

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agenteusa.6380


I’ve made over 12 gold from just completing every zone that’s 1-25 in level on my new Mesmer

Yeah, right. I haven’t bought crap aside from the required tools/kits with karma with my mesmer and im lvl 40 with around 3g.

And you have 12g just from doing all content in 1-25. Stop bullkitten people. Unless you picked up profits from your main.

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eochaidh.4106


I’ve made over 12 gold from just completing every zone that’s 1-25 in level on my new Mesmer

Yeah, right. I haven’t bought crap aside from the required tools/kits with karma with my mesmer and im lvl 40 with around 3g.

And you have 12g just from doing all content in 1-25. Stop bullkitten people. Unless you picked up profits from your main.

It’s perfectly possible if you’re selling materials.

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Debsylvania.7396


Its ugly as hell why do i want it?
Im a ranger not a ninja

even my thief wouldnt wear it, hes a thief not an assassin

Opinions. Medium T3 cultural for female looks amazing imo.

The female T3 cultural armor looks amazing, alright. Amazingly awful, that is. The under-boob aspect makes it appear to fit really badly, and it’s incredibly tacky to boot. This looks like nothing anyone would ever fight in. Sandals? Really? Are they fighting over a beachball at a picnic? I wouldn’t buy it if it were free.

Deb ~The Chewbacca Defense [TCD];
Waiting For Death [WFD]
@ Borlis Pass Server

(edited by Debsylvania.7396)

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodtau.4672


It’s not worth the cost due to how bad it actually looks.
That much money for such poor skins? I’ll pass.

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


Try avoiding waypoints if you can and save bagspace for trash pick up. Don’t forget to bring salvage kits and such too and sell what you can’t use. I’m tailoring so I’m going to buy wool off the trading post (to speed up my tailoring leveling) to ensure I can make those 12 slot bags as fast as I can. I have a feeling that even that when grinding Orr would be too little =( Oh well, then it’s time to grind out for the 16 slot bags ^_^

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amiron.1067


I’ve made over 12 gold from just completing every zone that’s 1-25 in level on my new Mesmer

Yeah, right. I haven’t bought crap aside from the required tools/kits with karma with my mesmer and im lvl 40 with around 3g.

And you have 12g just from doing all content in 1-25. Stop bullkitten people. Unless you picked up profits from your main.

It’s completely possible. Eco is onto something, mate. I got both my crafting disciplines to 150+ using crafting mats I found/gathered and then sold all the rest. There’s a lot of money in that. Especially when you don’t buy materials from the Trading Post. Use the TP to make money, not spend it. Do you -really- need that rare quality weapon to successfully kill that mob and gather its loot? Do you -really- need those 30 crafting mats that would take you perhaps 15-45 minutes to earn out in a field? Quit spending money on unnescessary items, and you’ll start raking in the cash.

And no, I’ve picked up no profits from my main. Only extra bags.

(edited by Amiron.1067)

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


Its ugly as hell why do i want it?
Im a ranger not a ninja

even my thief wouldnt wear it, hes a thief not an assassin

1. My thief found an emerald dye and I thought it made him look a bit hunterish but despite that was still very happy with the look. He is now currently in midnight ice armor with some oxblood (found on my elementalist but had a feeling it’d be more appropriate for a leather character and turns out I was right =) ) boots and looks amazing! Thieves in this game have assassin like skill sets and maybe more appropriately labeled as such.

When my thief wears emerald he feels like a dashing hero of the forest while in midnight ice he feels like a mercenary assassin out to do a job and it’s great changing depending on my mood.

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: knightblaster.8027


Yeah, right. I haven’t bought crap aside from the required tools/kits with karma with my mesmer and im lvl 40 with around 3g.

You’re just very bad at the financial aspect of the game, it seems.

I had 20g at level 80, and at level 40 I had already 7-8g. How? Use Mists for most travel. Never waypoint in the same or in an adjacent zone. Don’t die much (run away). Sell all blues and most greens (some greens may sell for more on TP, most don’t when you’re leveling) to the vendor, sell all whites to vendor other than stuff that salvages into jute (sell the jute on the TP), gather everything and sell everything that will sell on the TP at market prices, sell stuff that doesn’t to the vendor. If you do this, you will have no cash problems and should have plenty, plenty of cash by level 80.

It goes without saying that you should NOT buy stuff on the market, either.

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amiron.1067


Yeah, right. I haven’t bought crap aside from the required tools/kits with karma with my mesmer and im lvl 40 with around 3g.

You’re just very bad at the financial aspect of the game, it seems.

I had 20g at level 80, and at level 40 I had already 7-8g. How? Use Mists for most travel. Never waypoint in the same or in an adjacent zone. Don’t die much (run away). Sell all blues and most greens (some greens may sell for more on TP, most don’t when you’re leveling) to the vendor, sell all whites to vendor other than stuff that salvages into jute (sell the jute on the TP), gather everything and sell everything that will sell on the TP at market prices, sell stuff that doesn’t to the vendor. If you do this, you will have no cash problems and should have plenty, plenty of cash by level 80.

It goes without saying that you should NOT buy stuff on the market, either.

This man knows his finance! Also, I would like to say some things are worth buying. Considering I have no tailor for armor nor weaponsmith for weapons, I resort to buying green items on the TP for leveling. They are dirt cheap. I never spend more than a silver on one piece of gear and/or weapon. ABUSE IT, PEOPLE.

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agenteusa.6380


Why are you guys extracting just a part of my post???


He said he had 12g from doing content from 1-25. I can also get items to sell for good cash if I’m lucky ofc (even though you have to be REALLY lucky). And I’m talking bout a normal lvling experience. Not farming mats to sell at TP.

Not the point. No TP involved. You won’t get 12g from leveling and selling stuff at the vendor by 25 , period.

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amiron.1067


Read up, mate. You’ll see I’ve stated that I made it using the Trading Post along with regular earnings. I made a good 2-3g from just regular vendoring and exploration however. But to even disclude the idea of using the TP is limiting yourself beyond imagining.

As for reference, my character already has 34% map completion.

EDIT: I forgot to mention. I’m not “Farming” mats. I was simply gathering nodes as I did every zone that was 1-25 in the game. That racks up quite a large sum of materials that can be sold for quite a lot. No farming involved, mate.

(edited by Amiron.1067)

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eochaidh.4106


Not the point. No TP involved. You won’t get 12g from leveling and selling stuff at the vendor by 25 , period.

Why anyone would choose not to use the TP is beyond my understanding.

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amiron.1067


Not the point. No TP involved. You won’t get 12g from leveling and selling stuff at the vendor by 25 , period.

Why anyone would choose not to use the TP is beyond my understanding.

They’re basically asking to be poor lol.

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

120g for prestige of purchasing essentially a lemon set?….

Anet might have thought these prices would be reasonable based on some assumption made on what the costs of a lvl 400 crafted set might go for, but they were wrong.

If you want to justify their costs, make them better than crafted stuff. If not, lower their prices significantly. Cause really… you’re just dumping gold for looks. I suppose that’s fine for some, but that’s just lackluster imo.

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shroom Mage.9410

Shroom Mage.9410

I decided crafting was a horrible money sink so I gave up on raising it and started selling every crafting material I get. Best source of money yet.

“Be who you are and say what you feel
because those who mind don’t matter
and those who matter don’t mind.” -Dr. Seuss

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amiron.1067


I decided crafting was a horrible money sink so I gave up on raising it and started selling every crafting material I get. Best source of money yet.

At 400/400 it’s alllll worth it, mate. Just gather mats as you level and don’t buy mats from the TP. It’ll make life easier. Plus, EXP!

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


You can decide not to buy your mats but if you buy mats you’re basically paying for faster crafting leveling. You should still get most of your stuff from mobs but sometimes the mats drop slowly =(

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amiron.1067


You can decide not to buy your mats but if you buy mats you’re basically paying for faster crafting leveling. You should still get most of your stuff from mobs but sometimes the mats drop slowly =(

They can drop slowly, but after 4 zones that are all levels 15-25, I have so many mats it’s hardly ever a problem.

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eochaidh.4106


120g for prestige of purchasing essentially a lemon set?….

Anet might have thought these prices would be reasonable based on some assumption made on what the costs of a lvl 400 crafted set might go for, but they were wrong.

If you want to justify their costs, make them better than crafted stuff. If not, lower their prices significantly. Cause really… you’re just dumping gold for looks. I suppose that’s fine for some, but that’s just lackluster imo.

Given that people are investing a LOT more on legendaries, it seems fine. It’s all about looks.

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agenteusa.6380


Typical, people don’t even read posts… Who said I don’t use the TP? Read thekittenposts that caused the answer before giving stupid replies.


I noticed you edited your post. I posted my reply before you did it. You didn’t mention you were using the TP on your first post. Case settled.

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


1. Tastes are subjective.

2. These games need to have stuff that only the truly dedicated can obtain. No, I don’t mean you have to be a 12 year old boy on summer vacation or plays Guild Wars all day when he’s home unless he’s eating, sleeping, or doing homework who doesn’t go outside to get them either.

3. Bots give skewed metrics for what people could reasonably achieve. If there are thousands of bots grinding all day then the devs have access to those metrics and would buff the time it takes to get prestige items accordingly. Stuff should be hard or even not hard per se but just long (think flameward hippogryph from WoW. I miss mine since I haven’t been there in awhile) to obtain. It makes obtaining the items that much more meaningful.

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rgrwng.4072


i don’t mind the price, i suppose, but i wish the stats were better, so it would feel better to have finally achieved getting a full set. i got the Scholar Shoes & Pauldrons (shoulders?) for my fem-ele so far, cause after looking at cabalist for most of my leveling TO lv80, i got bored of it fast. and the Dungeon armorers in Fort Marriner offer dungeon gear (i think that’s what it is), but it’s the cabalist(?) themed armor for all merchants (when i previewed them on my character). so i could either farm events for karma armor of Orr, or try to earn enough golds to get tier 3

just make tier 3 feel like some kind of tier 3. compared to the mish-mash of armor i have now, stat-wise it cannot compare. i really don’t mind the “current price” i just wish it was better in stats.

i will continue to work towards getting the full set, in hopes that by the time i do get it it would have been changed to be good.

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Caroigne.6812


I love some cultural tier 3 armors, and don’t like others. Most of them have at least one piece that I think looks good.

The real reason I’m posting though is that nobody answered this right yet:

“- Buy gathering tools. ~5 silver because I no longer can buy low level tools to harvest low level nodes.”

Cities will still sell all levels of crafting tools. Buy your low level crafting tools in cities, using the Lion’s Arch teleport mentioned. For whatever reason, merchants in the world tier their gathering tools based on your character level rather than the zone they are in. Thankfully they at least still sell all tiers of salvaging kit.

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Caselia.6451


Everyone seems to forget the prices for tier 3 cultural set was originally 1-3g per piece until the karma to gold “exploit” as ArenaNet calls it happened. This includes faction gear and cultural karma weapons. They were all increased ten times the original value.

Cultural Tier 3 armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyrlol.8497


Everyone seems to forget the prices for tier 3 cultural set was originally 1-3g per piece until the karma to gold “exploit” as ArenaNet calls it happened. This includes faction gear and cultural karma weapons. They were all increased ten times the original value.

I wish it were still the same. I’m lv 67, and I’ve basically hovered around 3g the whole game. Only time I was below 3g was when I bought the Training manuals, or buying green armor sets from the TP.

Plus side is I have never used karma yet