Cultural armor, stats based off race.

Cultural armor, stats based off race.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Estes.3107


Hello i wasnt sure where to post this topic so i figured this was a spot.
Anyways so as the title says this topic is about cultural armor.
So according to the wiki cultural armor has a specific stat set for each race (i.e. Sylvari is con/per/tough and asura is con/vit/power) and i was wondering if anyone else is disapointed in this decision?
I was hoping that each cultural armor would have more then 1 stat set (i.e. a set with power/tough/per and a set with con/per/vit) so that way since im paying so much for the armor in the first place id atleast have the ability to make a choice that would benefit my traits.
As a Sylvari guardian all my cultural armor is set to con/per/tough and as a guardian i almost have no to little use for the condition stat since all i can do is burn people and the majority of my attacks dont apply burn besides the virtue (every fifth or fourth attack if traited).
I could apply 1 burn from judges intervention and i could also apply a burn from the consitration utility (forgot the name) so you could see why condition is not really big for me.

So as i asked earlier does cultural armor being specific in what stats you gain based on what your race is bother anyone?

here is a link to the wiki that i mentioned above

Cultural armor, stats based off race.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jrunyon.3012


It doesnt bother me because I wouldnt even think to use the actual stats. I just transmute it into better armor that have the stats I want.

Nesmee – Thief
[OHai] – Northern Shiverpeaks

Cultural armor, stats based off race.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


I hadn’t even noticed the stats on my cultural. Cuz it’s really just a skin to apply to the gear you actually want.

Cultural armor, stats based off race.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Estes.3107


Well imagine you dont have a transmute and your never going to buy them off the gem store and you have no idea when youll get one from a chest would you rather be stuck with the stats it gives or would you rather have the cultural armor as a skin that way you could just apply it to armor you already own that benefits you.

Cultural armor, stats based off race.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dybryd.1358


Why would you not have a transmute? Aren’t they part of the early story quest rewards?

Cultural armor, stats based off race.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OdinBudd.5298


You can buy gems with in-game gold, so you can buy a transmutation thingy. If you don’t know transmutation thingies exist, then I would wonder how you get internet in a cardboard box.

Cultural armor, stats based off race.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jrunyon.3012


Transmute stones are given in dailies and monthlies, sure its rare that you get the fine ones but it happens. And also, theres no reason not to buy from the gem store when theres gold > gem conversion. Its just like buying from an npc.

Nesmee – Thief
[OHai] – Northern Shiverpeaks

Cultural armor, stats based off race.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conncept.7638


Or they could just sell them as a skin like they did with the halloween items, let people choose their own stats.

Cultural armor, stats based off race.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


no one buys them for the stats.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

Cultural armor, stats based off race.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xx Legacy xX.4027

Xx Legacy xX.4027

Well imagine you dont have a transmute and your never going to buy them off the gem store and you have no idea when youll get one from a chest would you rather be stuck with the stats it gives or would you rather have the cultural armor as a skin that way you could just apply it to armor you already own that benefits you.

Looking at it this way, you better already have a set of exotic armor ready to apply the skin to. Because if you don’t, you will be applying the skin to a sub-par set of armor. If you do that, you’ll be stuck in the same situation as before. Once you get your max armor you now need fine transmutation stones again to add your cultural skin to. This way, you at least have a placeholder set of armor while you get your transmutation materials ready.

Cultural armor, stats based off race.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


The tier 2 and 3 armors, if you’re buying them, you obviously have enough wealth to get transmute stones. But I have to admit, I have enough transmute stones to last a lifetime, despite never having purchased ’em, just from quest completion and black lion chests.

I do think it’s a little cheap that they don’t come as applicable skins, but what can ya do…

Cultural armor, stats based off race.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


I got more then enough level 80 transmute stones from chests over the process of getting to 80. Most of the keys were quest rewards, think I had 2 keys drop. In total I had maybe 8 stones. Though I never blew the stones on changing my exotic gear to other stuff I saved them for the items I really wanted, which in this case was my tier 3 stuff.

Wish we could do something with all the low level transmute stones though. I have to force myself to use them. xD

On topic though, for the low level gear the stats are interesting. Like tier 1 syvlari stuff is condition damage, and could be useful to some. But like everyone else says, you aren’t buying them for the stats. And I’d rather not be buying them for the stats personally. They should just be statless gear imo, but I guess its just in case people really do want the stats I suppose, or don’t happen to have rare gear for that level, for some reason.

Cultural armor, stats based off race.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Senik.6549


Wish we could do something with all the low level transmute stones though. I have to force myself to use them. xD

Yeah, there really should be a mystic forge recipe (or some other way) to convert some number of low level transmutes to a level 80 one. Won’t ever happen though since it would cut into gem store sales.