Curious about Tengu
Tengu is a race popularly demanded mostly by the veteran community. Why? Because it is veterans of the first game who were able to see the Tengu in more detail.
They have an interesting Native American-esque culture that stands in contrast to every other race. They are one of the few races in Guild Wars 2 with a fully realized society.
They have interesting physical attributes that lend themselves to unique animations. Guild Wars 1 players will remember Talon Silverwing partially for his reverse grip sword fighting style and sheathing animations.
The combination of their physical attributes and their culture could bring in some great cultural armors.
Additionally, the game is rather lacking in Native/tribal armor sets, despite the Norn being present.
New players only see the reclusive, untrusting humanoid bird people that hide behind a wall. GW1 vets were able to appreciate why this is the case. We got to see a race that was betrayed and nearly exterminated by their own allies, breaking a treaty in the most sickening way.
And furthermore, Tengu were originally slated to be playable. They have more history with our series than just about any other race, and they deserve the inclusion more.
I’m with you. Don’t know why people were looking forward so bad for this, they didn’t mention it this weekend but a lot of things weren’t (new dungeons, new weapons, etc.). I think the announcement was great, the videos and Colin’s presentation really got me into this expansion hype, but guess there are many changes that still gonna take place besides the ones we know about.
About races, I even find the Hylek more interesting and they would fit more with a jungle themed expansion, but that’s my opinion (would love taking massive jumps through the jungle).
I, for one, am not interesting in those bigbirds. Unless it’s killing them for a good profit of feathers.
We are about to have an expansion where the big new PvE feature is gliding with wings.
It would be a shame if a Bird race isn’t included. If it doesn’t happen now it will probably never happen.
The trailer did say “new civilization” but pictured some NPC frogs under the caption.
We are about to have an expansion where the big new PvE feature is gliding with wings.
It would be a shame if a Bird race isn’t included. If it doesn’t happen now it will probably never happen.
The trailer did say “new civilization” but pictured some NPC frogs under the caption.
It should be noted that the Tengu’s primary concern is Primordius. It has been stated that they regularly deal with his minions within their walls. They would be highly likely to join when the world focuses their attention on Primordius, and, if we learn to accept the Sylvari, they would likely become more trusting of us. From a lore perspective, it makes little sense for the Tengu to join the other races while they are at war with one of their own allies – especially given that the Sylvari are perhaps the only race that hasn’t given the Tengu significant cause for concern.
We are about to have an expansion where the big new PvE feature is gliding with wings.
It would be a shame if a Bird race isn’t included. If it doesn’t happen now it will probably never happen.
The trailer did say “new civilization” but pictured some NPC frogs under the caption.
It should be noted that the Tengu’s primary concern is Primordius. It has been stated that they regularly deal with his minions within their walls. They would be highly likely to join when the world focuses their attention on Primordius, and, if we learn to accept the Sylvari, they would likely become more trusting of us. From a lore perspective, it makes little sense for the Tengu to join the other races while they are at war with one of their own allies – especially given that the Sylvari are perhaps the only race that hasn’t given the Tengu significant cause for concern.
Sad but true. The lore hasnt set them up properly to be introduced. Hylek if anything would be a fitting race at this time.
Unless vines crowd the birds out of their home, we probably wont see them until we’re done with mordremoth and have a primordus catastrophe.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
<—Long Guild Wars 1 player. And yes, Tengu is mostly a desire for us veterans. I don’t foam at the mouth about the possibility of having Tengu as a playable race like others do. But having played GW1 for so long, I know the idea of playing a Tengu has been around well before we knew anything about the Norn, Asura, or the Sylvari.
Sorrow’s Furnace
As others have said, there’s a lot having to do with GW1.
Having never played GW1, I still want Tengu, though. Mainly because I like the overall feel and aesthetic of the race (I love beast races, especially ones done with dignity and not just humans with animal heads) and I think there’s a LOT of potential for a whole lot of cool customization options. I mean, given the sheer variety of colors and shapes for real life birds, I imagine the customization options for the Tengu if they used even a fraction of that potential would be second only to Sylvari, possibly even surpassing them.
Compare that to Kodan, for instance, which… are polar bears. They’re big white bears. Not a whole lot you can do with that in terms of customization.
I have no interest in Tengu and would not be in the least way attracted to playing one if they were implemented.
That said, I wouldn’t oppose it either. It would be utterly irrelevant to me.
It pretty much goes back to Guild Wars: Factions. (There were a few tengu in Tyria prior to that, but not really much to draw on from a lore perspective.) There was a long history there of oppression at the hands of the Canthan empire, which had recently been “settled” with a peace agreement – but there were still tensions, and a weaker faction (Sensali) that didn’t agree to it. At the time Factions came out it seemed like they were very much a viable candidate for a playable race when the time might come that ArenaNet chose to introduce non-human playable races – more so than the charr, believe it or not, because they had still only ever appeared as hostiles up to that point.
That was… coming up to nine years ago. Many things have changed. From the perspective of a GW1 player it was nice to see tengu finally gain control of their destiny, but yes, the way they chose to do it means new players understand very little about them.
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