Current DR hurts more than helps
It’s been broken since the beginning they’d be better off just getting rid of the whole thing because really we’ve never seen it keep bots out, only players reporting has done that. We’ve never seen it actually keep the bots from gathering they port now from node to node using online maps to set their coordinates.
It’s an afront to legit farmers who are trying to make enough gold for their bloated economy prices and it’s doing nothing for the excuse they decided to use to keep it in game.
I vote that they remove it immediately and ban IP’s that are know offenders for spamming in the chat channels.
I’d also vote for them to make it so that enemies that are temporary like the bandit run for the farm in QD and the defense of the path bases in Orr that spawn temporary enemies, place those enemies on a no DR flag so that they actually drop normal drops with the magic find rating in mind, this alone would improve the overall drop rates and participation rates in events all over.
I completely agree with this. I have played since launch and can honestly say that farming is the one thing other MMO’s have that I miss in GW2. I have had a few friends who mentioned DR as a major reason they left the game since they enjoyed farming so much. It isn’t game breaking for myself but I can definitely understand how it could be for some.
I don’t know what the answer is to combat bots but I do feel that punishing the people who enjoy farming in their gameplay probably is not it.
Versig 80 Warrior, Joxx 80 Engineer
The Venture Brothers (TVB) Sanctum of Rall
There’s 0 good reasons to have DR in this game to begin with, especially considering their primary form of advertising this was play the game the way you want to play it.
DR itself is one of the major reason events don’t get done, aside from them not being worth it and their fail conditions being more lucrative.
Fix that and you’ll fix open world PvE and Potentially WvW as well.
I have never even encountered DR in regular zones. Only dungeons.
How exactly were you guys playing?
There’s 0 good reasons to have DR in this game to begin with-snip-
Actually, the point is to make playing in an area more realistic.
If you play in an area for X amount of time, then the rewards SHOULD reduce because the area’s resources deplete.
Disagree all you want as a player, but it’s a good DESIGN reason.
Design trumps Player-whims every time (especially since the Designers are the ones in control).
Fix that and you’ll fix open world PvE and Potentially WvW as well.
Removing DR would only cause people to flock to specific areas with the easiest/highest reward:effort ratio. (Orr-frenzy all over again)
It would not improve PvE, just cause it to drop further
- popular zones will be constantly full
- other zones would become more desolate than they are already.
ArenaNet has already started progressing in “fixing” PvE
Example 1:
Twilight Arbor’s new path has chests that require Aether Keys. The pieces that make those keys will only be available from 2 specific zones now.
Those Aether Key pieces creates a niche reason for players to go to that zone – And equally so, get players in the zone to visit the TA dungeon area.
Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~
(edited by DreamOfACure.4382)
The Aether chests dropped nothing but useless garbage for me (go figure..), I just started selling the keys.
There are already so many farmers in the game- it seems to me that all people do is farm all day long.
To me this has hurt the game much more than DR ever did.
I would actually be for stricter DR since I have never actually encountered it- as far as I am concerned it is a forum myth.
Go ahead and flame me now if you want but the truth is if you just play they game you will never see it.
If you run around like a hamster you might but I don’t, so I wouldn’t know
I find the whole idea of time is money and I have to be rewarded or I won’t play a symptom of a bigger/better/more society and it diminishes a gaming experience- which should be about fun and engaging game-play not the best shineys for the least effort or the most repetition.
putting in DR to the game was a kitten move. Im surprised they havent removed it yet. It was for the bots… there are still bots. Can we have our kitten drops now. Its like you kill 10 things and nothing but a giant middle finger to people who arnt bots.
There are already so many farmers in the game- it seems to me that all people do is farm all day long.
To me this has hurt the game much more than DR ever did.I would actually be for stricter DR since I have never actually encountered it- as far as I am concerned it is a forum myth.
Go ahead and flame me now if you want but the truth is if you just play they game you will never see it.
If you run around like a hamster you might but I don’t, so I wouldn’t knowI find the whole idea of time is money and I have to be rewarded or I won’t play a symptom of a bigger/better/more society and it diminishes a gaming experience- which should be about fun and engaging game-play not the best shineys for the least effort or the most repetition.
well we already get crap rewards from most of the game and only get valuable things if rng is feeling generous. Then on top of that we have DR. If people want to farm let them. Least they are making money by doing something rather then someone playing the tp all day long.
There isnt much stuff you can actually ’’achieve’’ Its all rng based. Even the legendary is rng based as you can farm and make the gifts but the precursor has only 1 way getting and that way is rng(sure you can just farm and buy but it came from rng). I bet when the crafting comes there will be a component that will be rng based because thats how anet rolls.
People have to no life the game to get any where or get really lucky. There is no reward for working towards things. Its just rng and DR destroying casuals fun and making them quit. Its no surprise that there are so many low pop servers in the game.
Actually, the point is to make playing in an area more realistic.
If you play in an area for X amount of time, then the rewards SHOULD reduce because the area’s resources deplete.
Thats not why they have it, its purely to control bots, the amount of mats entering the market and farming.
It is not good design because it is anti player and actively punishes players, and given the complexity could lead to bugs on individual players. Plus its not used extensively in the genre.
There are other ways of controlling the flow of mats that don’t individualise.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
I play everyday which means DR is on me every time I log in. I can’t remember the last time an exotic dropped for me from either mob, chest or boss. No I do not sit in one zone farming champs. It shouldn’t be that way.
Players should be lifted of DR the second they move to another zone or dungeon path. If it works this way I am not seeing it.
Champion farming is killing this game and its it not even the game’s fault. Player’s feel like they need to keep up with the magical leet player that they think exists so they champ farm.
There should be a system in place where every time you do a different event you go up a tier in rewards. Kind of like building up MF like on Diablo 3(*huge gasp. did I just say that?).
The Aether chests dropped nothing but useless garbage for me (go figure..), I just started selling the keys.
Not to mention they really don’t help people get the items they’d like. The one time they did the whole system right was the dragon celebration. They had boxes in all of the zones dropping off of every critter and creature out there that had a high chance of dropping one of those previously online store only ticket. I accidently ran across one and I have one of the worst drop rates in the game for anything (using the older system of loot).
It was a far better system than forcing people into the dungeon yet again. Doesn’t make any sense that LS was supposed to bring people into the open world not just 1 zone and that LS was supposed to be all about the open world, the answer to the critique of them not taking the open world seriously after advertising for so long that open world would be their key focus.
I just wish they’d finally and at long last open a PTR so that they could test these things properly and take out all of the major bugs before they release it live because they’d find people’s reactions to it far earlier and change the way they implement these patches and then people wouldn’t get mad at them when they post a patch that has tons of bugs every month or more yet post patches that don’t have the things they promised us in an online video would be implemented (71% increase in pets hp’s universally).
People have to no life the game to get any where or get really lucky. There is no reward for working towards things. Its just rng and DR destroying casuals fun and making them quit. Its no surprise that there are so many low pop servers in the game.
“People have to no life the game..” hits the nail on the head perfectly. Farming Punishment (DR) does nothing to stop the bots. It probably wasn’t more than a few weeks before the bot coders had enough data on their hands to reprogram their bots to compensate for DR. Meanwhile casual players who play the game an hour a night and a few on the weekends have no choice but to pull out their credit card (key point) to obtain materials for their goals.
Much as I’d like to believe all the excitement created by the collaboration thread, I think in the long run that Arenanet will only change things by changing their obsession with money. Everyone knows that they need real money in order to keep the game going, but if they don’t back off on this rather foolish behavior, people are simply going to start leaving, and with them, so will Arenanets income.
I have never even encountered DR in regular zones. Only dungeons.
How exactly were you guys playing?
Actually, the point is to make playing in an area more realistic.
If you play in an area for X amount of time, then the rewards SHOULD reduce because the area’s resources deplete.Disagree all you want as a player, but it’s a good DESIGN reason.
Design trumps Player-whims every time (especially since the Designers are the ones in control).Removing DR would only cause people to flock to specific areas with the easiest/highest reward:effort ratio. (Orr-frenzy all over again)
It would not improve PvE, just cause it to drop further
- popular zones will be constantly full
- other zones would become more desolate than they are already.
ArenaNet has already started progressing in “fixing” PvE
Example 1:
Twilight Arbor’s new path has chests that require Aether Keys. The pieces that make those keys will only be available from 2 specific zones now.
Those Aether Key pieces creates a niche reason for players to go to that zone – And equally so, get players in the zone to visit the TA dungeon area.
While you may like to believe this is fixing and actually helpful. It does nothing to promote people to play other zones. Instead it actively encourages people to not play.
As far as being a “realistic” response that counteracts farming, i’d like to ask how that has helped the current state of open world PvE. Considering we have people still flocking to zones to farm. Honestly, farming shouldn’t be an issue, the real issue should be how to provide reasonable incentives to move players from zone to zone, not force them to log off.
Given what we have currently and what the OP is suggesting, i’d favor more reason to spread out via being rewarded for doing so. Also, some people just really like zones with a ton of events (Orr, Frostgorge, etc…) It would be to Arenanet’s advantage to add more event specific zones with rewards and loot on par with the above.
That alone won’t solve the problem though. There needs to be a reason to go from Zone Y to Zone A, currently that’s materials at best. There’s no distinct rewards from boss / champion encounters that make anyone go anywhere else to farm.
This is why, no matter what you may say about DR, i will always think it’s implementation was poor and ill conceived especially given they could have promoted more options and places within the world for players to go to.