Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923



very well said, maybe farmers will even be able to understand it !

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amun Ra.6435

Amun Ra.6435

its a bit too late already.

legendaries shouldnt have been implemented as they were.
they are a burden the game need to carry right now.
the “endgame goal” is farmable… quite sad.

What “endgame goal” in the history of…anything has not been a boss for a armor/weapon token, farm a boss for a specific item…all end game is farm.

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


it could be skill related.

lets say hit lvl 100 fractal ?

it could be rng, like wow.

it could be a lot of things aside from farming…

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: midsummer.8237


I just think if they are going to make it that much harder to farm, they should make it so getting a precursor is more possible. The people with a lot of gold controlling the market have made them very hard to get. And I understand a legendary isn’t supposed to be easy to get, but really giving 700g to some prick who is making it so expensive when they have loads of gold already isn’t exactly what I like to see. The game economy has become like the real economy where we are just feeding tons more money to the wealthy.

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dreamtrip.6093


At the moment i have mixed feelings about everything Anet has done recently.

As you guys say drop rates have gone down. So the question becomes is it still profitable to farm??? Guess not.

Ascended Trinkets have become readily available, so why still craft your own Exotic Trinkets, when its “free” to get better ones ?? So why have Jewelcrafting when u cant make Ascended trinkets or something thats equal to the ascended trinkets

They open a post saying Choose your own Daillies and choose how u want to be rewarded. Okay we can “choose” our daillies but only from 7 options given to us, so is it really OUR choice? NO. Can we choose what rewards we get in return No, its more karma and mystic coins every night.

Then another thing that really annoys me:

The prices of Gems, if u turn gold in to gems. Have u looked at the prices lately. Let me give you an example of what in my mind is RIDICULOUS:

1 Repair Cannister is 70 gems which at this moment means u have to pay 1 Gold, 50 Silver to get 1 repair cannister. Now even if u have Exotic gear totally broken, i have never seen repair bills ABOVE 1 gold. So the price of gems is way to high for the advantage its given. Another example is the Dye Pack. You can get 10 dyes free every 5 days (5 laurels). Or buy 1 Dye pack with 7 dyes in it for 200 Gems (over 4 gold) 7 dyes in the trading post are 18 silver each x 7 = 1g 26 silver. True you wont know if u get 2 uncommon or rare dyes, but is that chance really worth 3 extra gold????

I think Anet had no idea the price of Gems would go so far out of proportion. And thats the whole issue, it seems like Anet thinks of something and it sounds like a good plan so do it. Not thinking about the consequences to all the other things that it affects in the game.

I for 1 stopped playing as much as i did with all the dissapointments lately.

Hopefully the tides can be turned.


Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


crafting and all white/blue/green item loots are totally unecessary.

basically, bag fillers so you think you have a phat lewt.

and farming… omg…
and people complaining that farming doesnt pay enough… omg…
why are you farming? for a sword with a fire effect that youre gonna use to farm and complain your way to the next item?

i feel i have one feet out of the door :/

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Utico.6908


I don’t think you guys get it. The point of events is that they all have roughly equivalent challenge and reward for the zones they are in. The point is that you shouldn’t feel it’s a good call to stand in one place and do the same stuff over and over again.

Plinx, penn/shelter, centaur bridge, etc. were outliers simply because of their design. Any event that hinges around large waves of enemies was originally designed to make the challenge a large wave of enemies, not designed to be a better source of loot. Sadly, the scaling was never right, so the largest waves of enemies simply drew the largest waves of players, which completely trivialized the events and turned the mobs in to worthless pinatas.

Arenanet doesn’t consciously design “farming spots” because they don’t want you farming in “spots” they want you farming via “adventuring” as in, going out, running around, looking for different events to do, and doing them because they’re fun, or because they’re next to that resource node, or because you hit them on the way to a merchant.

This is why they limit rewards from the same dungeon path, and this is why they’re making events scale better.

Now, there ARE problems with the implementation of vets/champs in event scaling however. Basically, the point of events was always meant to be the event rewards, not the mob loot. However, the event rewards have always, always, since launch always sucked. Thus, people used certain events as a farm for the drops.

The scaling needs to stay challenging, and I’d like to see the new penn/shelter scaling experiment proliferatred throughout the game, but not if event rewards aren’t boosted to account for the fact that gasp you might actually fail some events now.

You know those “screen chests” you get when you do zone completions, monthlies, and dailies? Why not just attach one to events, and make event-spawned mobs not drop loot at all? Then you’ve got a perfect system where people are actually doing events to… finish the event rather than to farm loot. People that want to farm loot can still farm loot from ambient mobs where the spawn and drop rates are tuned to what Anet obviously considers reasonable.

Yes, you used to get more loot from penn/shelter. No, that wasn’t the point of penn/shelter, and it was obvious it would get fixed eventually.

IMO events should simply be more rewarding than the mobs they spawn, which would encourage people to do events they like in stead of the events that are just a good farm.

Yeah, lets completly make Magic Find useless! I’m down with that, that gear and everything involved with it needs to Die in a Fire!!

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hector.5981


how come no dev’s have answered this post yet, alot of people hate this update already and there’s no response from them, in my opinion these changes are going to slowly kill this game

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amun Ra.6435

Amun Ra.6435


Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amun Ra.6435

Amun Ra.6435

I don’t think you guys get it. The point of events is that they all have roughly equivalent challenge and reward for the zones they are in. The point is that you shouldn’t feel it’s a good call to stand in one place and do the same stuff over and over again.

Plinx, penn/shelter, centaur bridge, etc. were outliers simply because of their design. Any event that hinges around large waves of enemies was originally designed to make the challenge a large wave of enemies, not designed to be a better source of loot. Sadly, the scaling was never right, so the largest waves of enemies simply drew the largest waves of players, which completely trivialized the events and turned the mobs in to worthless pinatas.

Arenanet doesn’t consciously design “farming spots” because they don’t want you farming in “spots” they want you farming via “adventuring” as in, going out, running around, looking for different events to do, and doing them because they’re fun, or because they’re next to that resource node, or because you hit them on the way to a merchant.

This is why they limit rewards from the same dungeon path, and this is why they’re making events scale better.

Now, there ARE problems with the implementation of vets/champs in event scaling however. Basically, the point of events was always meant to be the event rewards, not the mob loot. However, the event rewards have always, always, since launch always sucked. Thus, people used certain events as a farm for the drops.

The scaling needs to stay challenging, and I’d like to see the new penn/shelter scaling experiment proliferatred throughout the game, but not if event rewards aren’t boosted to account for the fact that gasp you might actually fail some events now.

You know those “screen chests” you get when you do zone completions, monthlies, and dailies? Why not just attach one to events, and make event-spawned mobs not drop loot at all? Then you’ve got a perfect system where people are actually doing events to… finish the event rather than to farm loot. People that want to farm loot can still farm loot from ambient mobs where the spawn and drop rates are tuned to what Anet obviously considers reasonable.

Yes, you used to get more loot from penn/shelter. No, that wasn’t the point of penn/shelter, and it was obvious it would get fixed eventually.

IMO events should simply be more rewarding than the mobs they spawn, which would encourage people to do events they like in stead of the events that are just a good farm.

Yeah, lets completly make Magic Find useless! I’m down with that, that gear and everything involved with it needs to Die in a Fire!!

What are you talking about…if you want anything top tier in this game you HAVE TO FARM and we need a effective way to do it. I am a casual gamer who can only play 10-12 hours a week MAX, and this is just a hunch, but i am guessing I am not the only one in that boat. I want a legendary and I am dedicating all of my play to FARM/GRINDING my way to my ultimate goal, Twilight.

It just so happened pent/shelter was my last hope if obtaining it. I am close to getting my legendary? Nope, I am maybe 1/6 the way there at best…but i was seeing progress and that made the grind/farm worth it. Now with the latest changes I am getting half of what I was getting before. I don’t mind the addition of Champs/Vets…I actually liked it, but they NEED TO MAKE IT WORTH WHILE DOING EVENTS.

People like me who who can’t play 12-18 hours a day running to all the events/dragons/temples should not be punished.

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Utico.6908


I don’t think you guys get it. The point of events is that they all have roughly equivalent challenge and reward for the zones they are in. The point is that you shouldn’t feel it’s a good call to stand in one place and do the same stuff over and over again.

Plinx, penn/shelter, centaur bridge, etc. were outliers simply because of their design. Any event that hinges around large waves of enemies was originally designed to make the challenge a large wave of enemies, not designed to be a better source of loot. Sadly, the scaling was never right, so the largest waves of enemies simply drew the largest waves of players, which completely trivialized the events and turned the mobs in to worthless pinatas.

Arenanet doesn’t consciously design “farming spots” because they don’t want you farming in “spots” they want you farming via “adventuring” as in, going out, running around, looking for different events to do, and doing them because they’re fun, or because they’re next to that resource node, or because you hit them on the way to a merchant.

This is why they limit rewards from the same dungeon path, and this is why they’re making events scale better.

Now, there ARE problems with the implementation of vets/champs in event scaling however. Basically, the point of events was always meant to be the event rewards, not the mob loot. However, the event rewards have always, always, since launch always sucked. Thus, people used certain events as a farm for the drops.

The scaling needs to stay challenging, and I’d like to see the new penn/shelter scaling experiment proliferatred throughout the game, but not if event rewards aren’t boosted to account for the fact that gasp you might actually fail some events now.

You know those “screen chests” you get when you do zone completions, monthlies, and dailies? Why not just attach one to events, and make event-spawned mobs not drop loot at all? Then you’ve got a perfect system where people are actually doing events to… finish the event rather than to farm loot. People that want to farm loot can still farm loot from ambient mobs where the spawn and drop rates are tuned to what Anet obviously considers reasonable.

Yes, you used to get more loot from penn/shelter. No, that wasn’t the point of penn/shelter, and it was obvious it would get fixed eventually.

IMO events should simply be more rewarding than the mobs they spawn, which would encourage people to do events they like in stead of the events that are just a good farm.

Yeah, lets completly make Magic Find useless! I’m down with that, that gear and everything involved with it needs to Die in a Fire!!

What are you talking about…if you want anything top tier in this game you HAVE TO FARM and we need a effective way to do it. I am a casual gamer who can only play 10-12 hours a week MAX, and this is just a hunch, but i am guessing I am not the only one in that boat. I want a legendary and I am dedicating all of my play to FARM/GRINDING my way to my ultimate goal, Twilight.

It just so happened pent/shelter was my last hope if obtaining it. I am close to getting my legendary? Nope, I am maybe 1/6 the way there at best…but i was seeing progress and that made the grind/farm worth it. Now with the latest changes I am getting half of what I was getting before. I don’t mind the addition of Champs/Vets…I actually liked it, but they NEED TO MAKE IT WORTH WHILE DOING EVENTS.

People like me who who can’t play 12-18 hours a day running to all the events/dragons/temples should not be punished.

His post was relating to reward chests from finishing events with no loot dropped from mobs. Which I was jokingly saying Magic Find would be useless. His suggestion will not work, because people like you want legendaries and the gear already is in the game, and Arenanet is not going to make it useless.

I’m with you though. I didn’t want them to nerf the Pent and Shelter.

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kalowg.7659


Really when it comes down to it not many items are out of reach price wise.

Although I’m not a fan of the recent chest changes, it does help bring the ecto market back under control, and gives people yellows which they like. Win win.

However, and maybe this will take some time, the precursor market hasn’t seemed to budge. The chests were apparently suppose to allow more precursors into the marketplace, and thus far, at least for Spark that hasn’t happened.

Unless the market on precursors takes a turn for the better they’ve turned a situation where dedicated farmers could possibly achieve savings for the item in say 4-6 months to double that time.

They’ve made what was already a problem even worse.

There needs to be a means by which people who want to put in the time to make money in the open world the ability to do so. Not auto attack dragon spawn camps with 8 alts. Took more effort to farm. At least you earned those rewards.

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nhalx.9735


I can see it from a farmers point of view. Since i still use that farm spot daily to get gold.
Although, it does give a bit more of a challenge, which i don’t mind at all. especially when we had like 5/6 players it got considerably harder nad made it less boring then usual, but even when your around 20 players Aoeing it actually doesnt change it by that much, it just makes it alot more slow paced.

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PopeUrban.2578


It’s a fair point about magic find, but honestly MF gear is still perfectly viable to farm with, even if the “screen chests” would replace mob loot for event mobs.

The difference is that you wouldn’t be able to easymode aoe massive hordes of risen with little to no danger to yourself while doing it. That’s the problem with events they’re trying to fix. There are still planty of non-event mobs to farm, the difference is you’re not nuking 10 mobs every six seconds without even a hint of danger to yourself, but you’d actually have to work a little bit for your farm.

I feel like that’s reasonable, makes events fun and rewarding for the sake of the event, and allows better event scaling for more epic battles without those battles feeling like a waste of time.

In short, simply nuking penn/shelter or similar events all day wouldn’t be a better income than doing any other task, but rather players could do any number of events, dungeons, boss chests, etc. and experience a generally uniform reward to risk ratio. There simply shouldn’t be a handful of tiny corners of the world that are just plain better. Harder battles should reward better loot, and easier battles should reward less.

If you’re facerolling something like the old pen/shelter, you simply shouldn’t be rewarded as well as doing something that’s actually dangerous (Also, the new boss chests are awesome, but the events are still way too easy)

Guild Master – The Papacy [POPE] (Gate of Madness)/Road Scholar for the Durmand Priory
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest

(edited by PopeUrban.2578)

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: trane.4569


4 pages and still not even 1 dev comment?

these changes won’t go back.

uuuhmn… yeah.. that’s about it.

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

You know what else was surprising? Hidden among the krait were Veterans and Champions during the Fabled Djannor mission. And they cleaned house until people realized there were some tough baddies there.

Some of these events really needed to be tweaked to be anything other than “loot pinatas” and feeling like you were watching a tower defense game.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


the most rewarding farming done without any danger/challenge is not good for the game. not smart.

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


Oh there’s champs now. I was like why there were a bunch of people on the ground.

Honestly I wouldn’t mind them if they actually dropped better stuff. Orr should be one of the hardest areas in the game, but it shouldn’t just give you crap. One of the bigger problems is that the game should reward you for playing it and not funnel you to where Arena thinks it’s “fun.”

If people want to mindlessly run between those two camps, don’t rain on their parade. Not all of us want to build berserker warriors and kitten that one dungeon all day.

Orr is still fine though. Maybe it’s good I spent yesterday doing the Melandru Chain instead. However, I usually get most of my gold from Moldy Bag contents, and rarely from drops. Even firing off an MF booster and having about 30% mf and MF food didn’t seem to give me anything.

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

(edited by ArchonWing.9480)

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: schwaahly.3254


Ya the drops are really kittenty now even with all MF buff going ..guess I will have to join the heard and farm those chest events.. seems to me that those events are even weaker than grindin pen/shelt hell man all I have to do is show up at one of them events and like just get 1 hit in and BAM a rare sometimes a exotic … fighting the lag is often times harder than the event it self .

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Prodigy.6971


I honestly wouldn’t mind more vet mobs, but the champion ones are just ridiculous. Most of the time when I start to attack one, it turns around and one shot downs me without any warning whatsoever with a regular melee attack. Thats about 19-20k HP gone with one hit in less than a second. At least lower their attack speed so we can see it coming.

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raire.7983


I like the changes. I don’t mind people farming, but they were doing it so robotically at those events, that it had become hard to participate. The mini-zerg would just glide from spawn to spawn, evaporating every mob the moment it became vulnerable.

Champs still need better loot, though.

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amun Ra.6435

Amun Ra.6435

So I take it that the lack of a dev response I could assume its pretty much “Casuals, if you want a legenday go kitten youself”?

I had the day off of work today and made about 3-4 gold grinding pent/shelter/jofast and only a total of 100 or so moldy bags. I used to be able to do that in 3-4 hours of grinding. I was so prepared to grind another 6 months or so go get my Twilight but with these stupid changes its going to take twice that, at least, assuming I keep playing this game. A casual who likes to grind should see some real results in 6 months…not going to happen with events the way they are now. I mean, I can only play 10-12 hours max a week.

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Ya the drops are really kittenty now even with all MF buff going ..guess I will have to join the heard and farm those chest events.. seems to me that those events are even weaker than grindin pen/shelt hell man all I have to do is show up at one of them events and like just get 1 hit in and BAM a rare sometimes a exotic … fighting the lag is often times harder than the event it self .

Drops are better for me than they were before the patch, a lot better.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


I dont see a huge problem. Adding a few more vets and a champ, OK. However, I wouldnt mind it if they reverted the changes either. Doesn’t matter to me.

Lets face it guys, the two events were faceroll to begin with. Now, it not neccesarily so. Its not that you’ll die during these events, but you cant just tag one group, tag another group.

Also, lets be perfectly honest here….what are you really farming? I have nearly a full magic find set on my necro, a wellmancer…tagging everything I can via two wells, plague form, insect swarm, and life transfer. Thats a lot of AOE, and with a magic find set, I do decently on drops. However, what are we really farming these events for? You very rarely see a T6 mat drop. You can see a few rares drop in an hr. I have yet to see a precursor drop. Maybe one or two exotics, ever, have dropped from these events.

What are you really farming? And are yuo really missing out on that much? I farmed for T5 mats really…stocking up on those. Once I hit 250, I sell off the excess and make some extra coin.

There are better farm spots in the game, trust me. Go find them.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


It’s funny that those champs they added give the same loot as normal mobs (but taking 10 times longer to kill) making most players ignore them until the normal mobs have been taken care off first…

it isnt about gameplay, its a LOOT game.

and it will die as one unless they can find a way to make the utmost challenging content also the most rewarding.

Exactly. I have one possible “solution”:

Mobs no longer give loot, you only get a chest with loot based on your contribution. The game’s philosophy has no “mob-tagging”, but in large World Events, it DOES have mob-tagging, the more you tag, the more loot you get, instead rewards AND loot should be based on doing the event, not based on how many mobs you tagged.

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


So I take it that the lack of a dev response I could assume its pretty much “Casuals, if you want a legenday go kitten youself”?

I had the day off of work today and made about 3-4 gold grinding pent/shelter/jofast and only a total of 100 or so moldy bags. I used to be able to do that in 3-4 hours of grinding. I was so prepared to grind another 6 months or so go get my Twilight but with these stupid changes its going to take twice that, at least, assuming I keep playing this game. A casual who likes to grind should see some real results in 6 months…not going to happen with events the way they are now. I mean, I can only play 10-12 hours max a week.

Im in the same boat. On normal days, I can play from 8pm till 11pm. Other days I can play a few extra hours more each. Total, ikittenday work week, 10-15 hours. Like you I have no problem grinding for 6 months for the materials needed for my legendary. The problem isnt the materials. Its the precursors. you can farm all the t6 mats you want. If you dont have a precursor and you dont have 600 gold to spend, youre efforts are for none. its why I have slowed my playing. some nights now I log in for the daily and log out. No point in doing anything else.

My Ultimate endgame was the legendary. With precursor prices being stupid, thats almost gone.

My goals for the game were:
1. Level as many alts as I can stomach to 80 (5, done)
2. Choose two or three and gear them up via exotics (3, done…crafting and dungeon grinds)
3. Progress through fractals decently (obviously a late edition, lvl 23 I believe. done)
4. Enjoy the scenery/exploration (Done, after two characters)
5. Legendary/Wvw

For me theres not much else to do in game besides legendaryand some WvW. Guild Missions..we’ll see how fun they are WHEN my guild can do it and IF I can attend this scheduled event. Sad, I had high hopes for the game. Still do. Still think its the best MMO out there. But for me, its going in the opposite direction I had hoped and time wise, I cannot follow.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


I will repost what I made in my other thread here:

After having a full weekend to test out this new event scaling system in Cursed Shore, I must say I’m very disappointed and hope that this scaling changes back to the way it was before – or if possible, tweaked. I was so turned off by this change that by Sunday I was already playing another game rather than playing GW2 (which I haven’t done since release).

As a hardcore farmer who would spend hours upon hours running shelt/pen, the event has turned from the steady 5g/h farm into one less than half of that.

If the purpose of this new scaling system was to make the content challenging, then yes, I would agree that it succeeded in that objective. But by doing so it has made it unrewarding. And it is by no means efficient in scaling.

#1: Champions
Problem:They are a huge time sink .On several servers it can take more than a minute to kill them. It also doesn’t help that some players will outright ignore them and would rather tag the regular mobs – I know cause I do it. I can get more loot simply by tagging that cluster of 7 mobs than focus on 1 champion who will most likely drop a blue.

Solution: Remove champions entirely. They are not worth the effort and they are a nuisance. If you must include better scaled mobs, I suggest replacing champions with veterans or more risen classes with more special abilities. If you must include champions, then please limit them to the highest scale for events (say +15 people) and to make sure no more than one is alive at any time.

#2: Waves being blocked
Problem: Related to the above, the waves for shelt/pen are blocked until the preceding wave is completely killed (this system has actually been in place before the patch). This unfortunately involves killing off all veterans and champions. Theoretically, if you had the first wave of mobs spawn with a champion with them, and if you never killed that champion until the end of the DE, that side would not spawn another wave again. And while that system alone would be incentive to kill the champion, it still takes too long for the event to be rewarding loot-wise, especially when you’re on a low-pop server.

Solution: This can be solved simply by removing champions entirely. But if you cannot do this and must keep champions in the DE, then please let waves spawn after a set period of time. Now of course, you don’t want a low-pop server to have the camp being overrun – you could turn off this spawn system when there are <10 people at the event.

#3: Event scaling is not accurate/representative
Problem: Event scaling seems to be spawning champions even when we have very few active players to take care of them. I remember having five people around me one time at pen and saw a champion on the first wave. Of course though, it’s entirely possible that there were people afk’ing back in the camp that were pushing up the scaling.

Solution: Scale the events more appropriately – with the huge boost in champion damage, as well as having to deal with 5-7 extra upscaled mobs, I think it needs to be toned down. Something more realistic for five people – 5-7 regular mobs along with 1-2 veterans. For 10 people – 10 regular mobs, 2 veterans. For +15 people – 10 regular mobs, 1 champion. Also, only 1 champion at a time! In shelter, you could have three champions available all at once! Ain’t nobody got time for that! As for dealing with afk people who are boosting up the scale, I’m not entirely sure how to deal with that or if it is technically possible to keep them out of the calculation :/


[Permabanned on Forums]
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


#4: Bring back the old scaling system
Ideally, I’d love if this whole system was scrapped and put back to the way it was for the past 6 months. Now, I understand that the old system wasn’t pefect. Countless times I’ve seen people fail to get loot because they couldn’t tag a mob taht died in less than 1 second. Well, why did they die so fast?
Problem: Mobs had insufficient HP to deal with zergs
Solution: Buff up Mob HP. The old system had an appropriate scaling system up until a certain point. I think you could add more lvls above lvl 84 which will just add more HP to the mob.

Problem: Waves were all clustered together, making it possible for players to wait at a spot and aoe one very small area.
Solution #1: Spread out the waves so that mobs are not clustered together and instead ‘fan out’ or are not clumped together. For example, both penitent and shelter currently have four spawn points that have 5-10 mobs spawn from. Unfortunately, they’re all clumped together. Instead, at pen you could have 10 spawn points but have 2-3 mobs spawn from those and arrive at the camp all spread out.
Solution #2: Have waves spawn simultaneously so that it splits the zerg up. The more simultaneous waves, the better and less spiking

#5: Champion loot is terrible
Problem: The time it takes to kill the champ is not as rewarding as tagging a wave of mobs.
Solution: Make it so that the champ drops not necessarily better loot, but the same # of loot that tagging 5-10 mobs would bring. I.e. Killing one champ will make me loot 2 heavy moldy bags, 50c worth of trash, and maybe a blue and green. This will make it worthwhile to spend time on the champion.

That’s all the suggestions I can think of at the moment and I hope the folks at Arenanet will look at this and take these points into consideration. I love this game very much up to this point, and I’m afraid that these changes from the Feb patch will make me move towards other games. I play for fun and I have a lot of fun grinding out gold and farming. But now that this area is removed from the game, I’m having trouble finding other things in the game that are fun for me.

This game was built on playing how you want to play and I hope Arenanet continues to build this game with that mantra in mind.
Some people like to do dungeons and do fractals and cof1 farms
Some people like to do open world exploration and wvw
And some like me find fun and relaxation in grinding/farming. Heck, I’ve met all of my in-game friends through farming shelt/pen.

-remove champions or replace them with veterans
-let waves spawn without having to kill champions
-fix scaling – champions spawn even when we have insufficient #’s to kill them.
-bring back the old scaling system please, but add some improvements:
-increase mob HP
-introduce more spawn points to spread out mobs rather than clustering them
-have waves spawn simultaneously

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[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Toxophile.6215


ANet should just make it so that grinding for gold isn’t the ‘end game’ any more.

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ScrubieSouce.3724


Is there a place that people have moved to for a better farm? I have noticed a big decrease in the amount of players in cursed shore and I am still relatively new to the game so I am unsure where to go now if anywhere. I spend most of my time searching for events now when before I was rushing to try and get to them in time.

Wonder if this was the point of the developers or if this is an effect they did not think would happen.

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raine.1394


-remove champions or replace them with veterans
-let waves spawn without having to kill champions
-fix scaling – champions spawn even when we have insufficient #’s to kill them.
-bring back the old scaling system please, but add some improvements:
-increase mob HP
-introduce more spawn points to spread out mobs rather than clustering them
-have waves spawn simultaneously

Agree. I feel the problem would be solved simply by reverting it to 2/25—I mean they fixed Orr with the 1/28 patch. Of all things that needed to be fixed or made “more interesting”, pent/shelt in Orr was not one of them. BTW, your mention of the social aspect is significant here. There were a couple people that I enjoyed partying with that were no longer interested in the “more interesting” Orr. I miss the loss in a sense of community with these changes. What’s missing most in the game at this stage is simple reality-testing. The changes to Orr, DE’s, and dungeons introduced with the 2/26 patch are simply the exercise of bad judgment.

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SadieDeAtreia.8912


…and no Arenanet employee has anything at all to add to this discussion.

Should we continue to be surprised by this lack of communication or expect it as the norm?

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bartas.4908


guys, at first i was annoyed by the changes to Peni/Shelter but after few days I noticed I am actually making WAY more gold/XP/rares per event. With no changes to my really-low-mf gear i am getting at least 2 rares per event there, tons of Heavy Moldy Bags and greens I turn to more rares in Froge.
Only thing which may kitten your profit there is no AoE spec. Rest is the same as it was before and I see tons of ppl doing those DEs every time of a day. Just ignore the champs and kill trash. Hit champs few times to get loot, move on, profit.

Proud member of [BOO]
Thief/Necro/Guardian/Mesmer/Elementalist of SFR EU

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


Literally all they have to do to make lower level content more appealing is make mobs drop crafting mats appropriate to your level. I want t5-t6 mats, not kitten.

This is not a good idea, and would hurt everyone except those who already are past the need for kitten crafting materials.

Oh right, I forgot that it was impossible to make alts and that low level characters wouldn’t benefit from a higher sale value on their materials.

Terrible, terrible idea, aye?

Yes, it is. Because due to how the game works your alts going after Fine items dropped will steadily rise in level. Tiers will, inevitably, pass out of focus. So then you start another character . . . and eventually the only way to handle the problem is to delete a character and start over.

And lower level characters would eventually also pass beyond certain tiers and be unable to earn their materials. So the savvy ones wouldn’t be selling anyway if they ever intended on using them even in the slightest “maybe on a rainy day” way. And of course, if they want it? Better start a character and start farming. And hope you get enough drops before you leave tier 1 drop level range . . .

No. This is, as I said, not a very good idea.

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zenleto.6179


Not quite sure why there’s a necro and no comment. Intriguing…

There’s a few names on this last page I haven’t seen on the forums for a while.

Fire up the Hyperbowl ma, we’re going to town!

Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?