Since dungeon reward changed, and so did the champion one people started farming cursed shore and are failing events there to farm the most champions. I think the only solution to that should be the reconstruction of champion quantity for each events and also a big event, that happens once a couple of hours and only if certain points are under players’ control, like Karka Queen. I kinda invented this new big event and wanted to share it with you guys.
Event name: Escort weaponry to the gates of Arah
Duration: about 20 mins
Reset timer: 2 hours and only if all given points (ABCDEF on map) are not-contested
This is more event chain than a single event, while escorting players will come across large horde encounters with risen, as well as champions in certain areas. Point holding event and a Legendary Boss at the end. If this event is successful the timer is 2 hours, if failed timer is 2.5 hours, as well as certain points should be uncontested to start the event.
so this is what happenes
1.New weaponry to be delivered to the gates of Arah will arrive at points A, when the event start players will have to hold this point so that airship that holds weaponry can land safely. This point holding event features 2 champions, and tons of other ordinary mobs.
2.Escorting weaponry from point A to B, players will encounter several attacks featuring veterans, 2 for each attack.
3. After arriving at point B players will go through the tunnel and reach point C safely, but as soon as weaponry arrives there a new point holding event will start that features 3 champions.
4. Upon successful completion of event at point C players will continue moving to point D, on the way several risen attacks will happen.
5. When you arrive at point D 3 champions will be waiting there to destroy the weaponry, these 3 champions attack at the same time so players will have to focus on all of the champions at once.
6.Escorting from point D to E is different, instead of attack on the way players will meet 3 Risen Champion Giants and 1 risen champion spider.
7. When players arrive at point E they will have to hold the point agains 5 champions, that will attack during the event, separately. Also tons of other mobs and veterans.
8. escorting from point E to F will be ordinary, but players will encounter 3 champions waiting for them just before they arrive at point F.
9. This is final stage, here players will be attack by 3 champions at a time, 3 times and finally a legendary enemy waiting at the gate of Arah. The final stage will be sort of Meta event and players will get chest for that. For FULL participation players will receive GOLD medal, 1300 karma 20 silver and 60 000 exp. for silver 1000 karma 15 silver and 40 000, and for bronze 750 karma, 10 silver and 25 000 exp.