Customer Support and the Feature Pack
*But if you purchased one set and got a second set free with the game, that’s not a refund that we’d make. *
This seems illogical. I assume you’re referring to the free skin some players received with their game purchase. – that’s not free. Whatever the source of the original skin set (and the original skin had to be the one that came with the game – you misrepresented the order of things) the player still spent gems and potentially out of pocket funds to buy the second skin because he wanted to use it again. He’s in the same spot as everyone else, he spent gems on a second version of a skin which the Wardrobe update rendered redundant.
Even if someone gifted me a skin and I liked it so much that I bought a second version for the old sPvP locker then I’m still due a refund because a major change to the game made gems I spent in the store invalid.
In fairness to the players affected by this change, you should rethink this line of thought – because it isn’t treating them fairly.
P.S. I want to add that I’ve had nothing but good experiences with Support, and I love how communicative Gaile and the others are. I received my skin refund the same day
. This is just honest feedback on a comment I saw in the dev tracker.
I appreciate your kind words and understand your feedback. I do want to say, though, that the refund system is set up to detect two purchases of the item, and not a gift, a trade, a in-game acquisition (say, through a Black Lion Key, if such a thing were possible), a free distribution, or a “gift with purchase.”
So the distinction is not about what someone has in duplicate as opposed to how it was acquired. Again, if you purchased two items, you’d be eligible for a refund. I do take on board that not everyone will agree with that decision, but that is how it works.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Hi there,
I drop myself here just to let you know i’m receiving several automated answers like this one:
Hello,We wanted to apologize for the delay in responding to your support ticket and to assure you that your ticket is in the queue awaiting review. We anticipate that an agent will be able to work on your support request soon, so please watch for our e-mail.
Thank you for your continued patience.
In case you wanna check, my ticket number is 544202: Gem refund (Town outfits)
BTW, it’s been more or less a week since i submited my ticket.
While you might think “Why am I getting these messages,” I’m sitting here thinking, “Thank Dwayna those messages are going out!” Why? Because we set up a auto-update system just to reassure folks that their tickets was still in the queue and would be resolved as quickly as possible. Some players are not getting such mails, so they write “I haven’t had a single response” and we really want to keep them updated, even if in a semi-robotic voice.
I know you’ve been waiting a while, and quite a few others have, as well. We are plowing through the requests and getting them resolved as quickly as possible!
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Is it normal to have to wait a week+ for a refund? It’s just 2 town items that were turned into tonics and I’ve yet to get a response beyond automated one the day I sent it.
I submitted a ticket last week and have not gotten any response. I understand you guys are busy and I appreciate what you guys are doing about this situation. Just wanted to check and see if I am correctly in the queue for my request.
I submitted my ticket for duplicate “Purchased” Flamekissed on the 19th and haven’t even gotten a reply yet beyond the immediate “Transfer” to another group of support personel
Quite honestly, yes, things are that busy! Please keep in mind that these requests will be addressed as quickly as possible. Please note that we have authorized overtime for employees to try to reduce the turn-around time. But I’m sure you’ll also understand that we won’t and shouldn’t pull people from a ticket involving a hacked account to expedite a refund.
All will be processed as quickly as possible, and we’re grateful for your patience.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
So any news on my ticket then? You know, the one I’ve been waiting on since Tuesday when we were told to make our tickets?
I just don’t understand why I am waiting this long for this. People are getting their tickets taken care of in hours to a day, while I am waiting almost a week for mine. All of the information is there, I don’t see why it is taking this long. It feels like you guys are just delaying it on purpose.
Hmmmm… I only see two tickets with this Display Name: One from January and one from last October. Did you get a confirmation e-mail saying your ticket was received? Can you please give me that ticket number?
I updated my ticket this morning, and this was the response they gave me:
We really appreciate your patience while we review your request. We will contact you as soon as we have any new information to provide.
I mean, what? What new information do they need? They have all my information and everything that is needed. They have the list of items, the cost of items, my purchase history (unless they deleted it for some reason), my credit card info, my account info, what more information do they want/are they trying to find?
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]
It’s officially been about a week now and I haven’t even gotten so much as a “Hello!” So I’m guessing that the employee that transferred my ticket made some sort of error in categorizing it and I have been lost in the masses. Although it would appear that many others in the forum citing the same transfer to the “game support team” have the same problem. Are all these town clothes tickets being transferred to that team or is that an error? Not sure if that info helps or not. Ticket 546682
Thanks Again
I got my refunds : ) Armor in patience guys! Our support is great but they are only humans as I said before – and humans can’t do multiple task’s like computers do. Imagine that you are working in customer support and you have to check carefully every message and responce to almost 200 people in a day. You have enough after 30. So… treat them like humans, and im sure they will treat you the same : )
P.S. Thanks You once more for Your time Support Team!
P.S. II. Sorry for my poor english : <
I don’t know if this was covered anywhere.
I sent in a support ticket to get a refund, but now I’m not sure if I should have.
I have bought some gem store skins with money, and then there’s some gem store outfits/town clothes that I bought via the ingame exchange ( basically, I exchanged gold for gems to get them). For the whole exchange thing, it’s not possible to get a refund of gems, right?
I don’t really remember which I bought with real money and which I bought with the gem exchange.
Because if not, I think I ought to pull my ticket out so that you have one less refund request to deal with.
I don’t know if this was covered anywhere.
I sent in a support ticket to get a refund, but now I’m not sure if I should have.
I have bought some gem store skins with money, and then there’s some gem store outfits/town clothes that I bought via the ingame exchange ( basically, I exchanged gold for gems to get them). For the whole exchange thing, it’s not possible to get a refund of gems, right?I don’t really remember which I bought with real money and which I bought with the gem exchange.
Because if not, I think I ought to pull my ticket out so that you have one less refund request to deal with.
Pretty sure, if you purchased the item with Gems, no matter how you acquired said Gems, you are entitled to a refund, should you so desire one.
I submitted a ticket on April 16th. I got a reply saying it was being forwarded to a senior member of the support team. I made an addition to my ticket and haven’t heard back. I know you guys are crazy busy, but I just wanted to make sure there was no other information I needed to include.
This was my addendum:
547380:Gem refunds
I’m responding to say that I’d also like a refund for my witch’s outfit (I forgot about that one). So that makes three:
- wintersday outfit
- witch’s outfit
- x1 Kasmeer’s clothes (phoenix thing or whatever it’s called) because I bought 2 sets.
I also included my credit card information in the appropriate forms. Is there anything else I’m missing?
*But if you purchased one set and got a second set free with the game, that’s not a refund that we’d make. *
This seems illogical. I assume you’re referring to the free skin some players received with their game purchase. – that’s not free. Whatever the source of the original skin set (and the original skin had to be the one that came with the game – you misrepresented the order of things) the player still spent gems and potentially out of pocket funds to buy the second skin because he wanted to use it again. He’s in the same spot as everyone else, he spent gems on a second version of a skin which the Wardrobe update rendered redundant.
Even if someone gifted me a skin and I liked it so much that I bought a second version for the old sPvP locker then I’m still due a refund because a major change to the game made gems I spent in the store invalid.
In fairness to the players affected by this change, you should rethink this line of thought – because it isn’t treating them fairly.
P.S. I want to add that I’ve had nothing but good experiences with Support, and I love how communicative Gaile and the others are. I received my skin refund the same day
. This is just honest feedback on a comment I saw in the dev tracker.
I appreciate your kind words and understand your feedback. I do want to say, though, that the refund system is set up to detect two purchases of the item, and not a gift, a trade, a in-game acquisition (say, through a Black Lion Key, if such a thing were possible), a free distribution, or a “gift with purchase.”
So the distinction is not about what someone has in duplicate as opposed to how it was acquired. Again, if you purchased two items, you’d be eligible for a refund. I do take on board that not everyone will agree with that decision, but that is how it works.
My husband and I both play GW2 and what happened for us is that he purchased the Magitech armor and loved it so much he wanted a second set. I had gems in my account so I gifted him a second set. As he had two sets upon the feature patch he contacted support we found out they wouldn’t refund him for the set so he forwarded me his ticket and I contacted support and gave them my information and ultimately they refunded me for the gift of his second set (and I was able to get the magitech set for myself!) It took a while, quite understandably so, but in the end we now both have a set of magitech rather than him having two sets.
I love the customer support folks and know how hard it can be. Where can I send them a thank you gift? (PM me the address) I still have an open ticket regarding a missing item but I’m fine to wait patiently until they can get to me. Every ANET person I’ve ever talked to has been pleasant and wonderful. Just wish I could give everyone there hugs. <3
Ticket 550150 refund of gems for town clothes, submitted 6 days ago.
No word after the initial escalation, I altered my ticket slightly and heard NOTHING, no acknowledgement, no indication that it is being looked at.
Honestly you guys should have expected this volume of requests after you completely changed a purchased item, so I’m not feeling very patient about it. Thanks for looking into it.
I got my refund finally so I’m good now. To Feycat, I didn’t get a single response until they told me they had issued me a refund. So it is possible for the same to happen to you. Just kind of annoying because you’re left wondering the entire time whether or not anyone is actually looking at the case or even has it. Best of luck to you all, thanks for the help CS!
Dead Smexy – it took you over a week? Well, I guess I’m getting close then… hopefully…
Hopefully too much more stuff/sales won’t drop out of the gem store while I’m waiting for the only refund I can get. :-/
I’m waiting for 8 days. After the ticket that sent followed by a response in less than an hour. It must be examined more closely. But what could there be to look closely? Specifically, you can not describe that a problem. And in the purchase history so you can see everything. Ticket number 539982. I hope it clears up slowly because many have already gotten their gems back.
There seems to be a little confusion about why if items are in one’s purchase history, they haven’t been refunded automatically. And the simple answer is that with the volume of tickets, an agent has not been able to review that account history, and a review is required to process things properly.
As you can clearly see in this thread and amongst other comments, not every item that someone may have in duplicate is refundable. Therefore, our agents need to review each and every purchase history on each and every account, make sure the item is as described and that it qualifies for a refund, and then process that refund.
This is a painstaking process, but pains must be taken so that everyone gets that to which he or she is entitled and, it goes without saying, doesn’t end up with more than is appropriate.
It’s not something that can be done automatically, like “scan my account and give me XX gems.” One example of the reason each account requires individual review is because a player could have two of an item through a Gem Store purchase, an in-game reward, a drop, a gift, a trade, and so forth.
If we refunded Player A who purchased a set of skins and Player B, to whom those skins were gifted, we’d be reacting incorrectly. Doing that on a broad scale would have negative effects on the economy. Consider: If XX,XXX gems should be refunded, but through an erred process XXX,XXX,XXX gems are given, we get gem inflation, meaning each and every gems you possess is worth less. Definitely not something that any of us want, right?
I hope these details help answer the question that, in inelegant terms, might be expressed as, “Why is it taking so #*%^# long to get me mah stuffs!?”
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
So does this mean I can put in a request for refund on the witch/executioner outfits that I now cant stand?
Im affected that my aetherblade wasn’t unlocked skin because i purchased it and eventually transmuted i think also i missing many skins that i used many skins and transmuted and they aren’t unlocked for me.Light Helm from dungeon Fireheart i had it ago but it wasnt unlocked .
Im affected that my aetherblade wasn’t unlocked skin because i purchased it and eventually transmuted i think also i missing many skins that i used many skins and transmuted and they aren’t unlocked for me.Light Helm from dungeon Fireheart i had it ago but it wasnt unlocked .
Per Knowledge Base:
How does Wardrobe affect my Gem Store purchases?
If any of your characters are wearing or own any piece of an armor set (such as the Profane armor set or the Magitech armor set), all of the remaining pieces will be unlocked in your Wardrobe in addition to any pieces currently on your character or in your inventory. Any newly purchased armor sets will need to be taken from the in-game delivery mail and the bundle then will need to be used in order to unlock the full armor set. Please note that skins or partials skins that you previously purchased but which you no longer possess will not be unlocked on your account. The Guild Wars 2 Support Team cannot unlock skins that fall into this category.
So does this mean I can put in a request for refund on the witch/executioner outfits that I now cant stand?
Per Knowledge Base:
If I don’t like the changes, can I get a refund for my town clothes purchase?
Customer support will be able to fulfill refund requests only for items which were originally purchased from the Gem Store and have been converted to Tonics or Outfit-slot items. Town Clothes which have been converted to individual armor skins are not eligible for refund. If you would like a refund for a qualifying item, please submit a request detailing which items you would like refunded and our Support team will be happy to assist you.
Yup, it did take me over a week. I submitted on patch day, so you should be close! To Gaile, I think the auto-update system is a great idea. You should keep it in effect permanently. It’s always reassuring, even if only an automated message, to know that you haven’t been forgotten about.
Yup, it did take me over a week. I submitted on patch day, so you should be close! To Gaile, I think the auto-update system is a great idea. You should keep it in effect permanently. It’s always reassuring, even if only an automated message, to know that you haven’t been forgotten about.
I like it too, even though I know some people are irritated by the “auto-send” nature of the response. But with delays, I personally like to know things are moving along, that the company still knows I’m waiting, and so forth.
Thanks for the vote of confidence.
And yes, things are moving along, albeit not as swiftly as either our players or we would like! :-/
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Yup, it did take me over a week. I submitted on patch day, so you should be close! To Gaile, I think the auto-update system is a great idea. You should keep it in effect permanently. It’s always reassuring, even if only an automated message, to know that you haven’t been forgotten about.
I like it too, even though I know some people are irritated by the “auto-send” nature of the response. But with delays, I personally like to know things are moving along, that the company still knows I’m waiting, and so forth.
Thanks for the vote of confidence.
And yes, things are moving along, albeit not as swiftly as either our players or we would like! :-/
So my ticket was transferred to another department on April 17, 2014. I have yet to receive an auto-update message of any sorts, nor have I received any confirmation that my ticket is being looked into. When can I expect this?
Leader of The Hardcore Caravan [HC] – Blackgate
Yup, it did take me over a week. I submitted on patch day, so you should be close! To Gaile, I think the auto-update system is a great idea. You should keep it in effect permanently. It’s always reassuring, even if only an automated message, to know that you haven’t been forgotten about.
I like it too, even though I know some people are irritated by the “auto-send” nature of the response. But with delays, I personally like to know things are moving along, that the company still knows I’m waiting, and so forth.
Thanks for the vote of confidence.
And yes, things are moving along, albeit not as swiftly as either our players or we would like! :-/
So my ticket was transferred to another department on April 17, 2014. I have yet to receive an auto-update message of any sorts, nor have I received any confirmation that my ticket is being looked into. When can I expect this?
That’s exactly what I’d like to know. Is anyone tracking these tickets? In the other thread we could put our ticket number and have Gaile tell us what’s happening with it. These tickets were put in over a week ago and we have NO ONE who will tell us what’s going on with them? That’s some pretty shoddy CS. Especially considering the only refund we can get is gems, and sales continue to drop out of the gem store.
You should be receiving automatic updates. I know that’s not the best way to communicate, but it is a way to let you know your ticket didn’t fall into the abyss, and with the heavy volume, it’s something we want to send, just to touch base and let you know your ticket is properly assigned and will be addressed as soon as possible.
Jamin and Feycat — are you not getting any communication from us whatsoever, not even the automatic updates? Or are you getting those but are not seeing forward movement on the ticket?
Thanks for that info.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
You should be receiving automatic updates. I know that’s not the best way to communicate, but it is a way to let you know your ticket didn’t fall into the abyss, and with the heavy volume, it’s something we want to send, just to touch base and let you know your ticket is properly assigned and will be addressed as soon as possible.
Jamin and Feycat — are you not getting any communication from us whatsoever, not even the automatic updates? Or are you getting those but are not seeing forward movement on the ticket?
Thanks for that info.
I have gotten no automatic updates, I haven’t heard anything for 8 days. I put in my ticket, was told it was being transferred to the “Game Support Team” and an agent would contact me. No one has, at any point, even when I updated one item on my ticket. Nada.
So far I have not received a single update message. So I checked it twice but no answer so far. I hope that is something else. Since 9 days, no answer.
You should be receiving automatic updates. I know that’s not the best way to communicate, but it is a way to let you know your ticket didn’t fall into the abyss, and with the heavy volume, it’s something we want to send, just to touch base and let you know your ticket is properly assigned and will be addressed as soon as possible.
Jamin and Feycat — are you not getting any communication from us whatsoever, not even the automatic updates? Or are you getting those but are not seeing forward movement on the ticket?
Thanks for that info.
Since my ticket was transferred on April 17, I have not received any communication; no messages from an employee and no automated messages.
Leader of The Hardcore Caravan [HC] – Blackgate
Feycat and Lotusklee — I see an outbound updates sent on Tuesday. Can you please check your junk, spam, and other possible in-boxes? I need to know for certain that you didn’t receive it because it was routed to an other bucket.
Lotusklee — I do see the update to your ticket you made today.
Jamin — I cannot see any new ticket from you, not since February. I suggest you find the auto-receipt confirmation e-mail or if you do not have that, submit a new ticket. Because if this is the account for which you wish to get a refund, this account has no current/unresolved tickets in its folder.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
Feycat and Lotusklee — I see an outbound updates sent on Tuesday. Can you please check your junk, spam, and other possible in-boxes? I need to know for certain that you didn’t receive it because it was routed to an other bucket.
Checked both those things, and I have no emails since April 17, at which point it went into my inbox. I can’t see any reason why I’d receive my initial emails just fine and not follow-ups.
Jamin — I cannot see any new ticket from you, not since February. I suggest you find the auto-receipt confirmation e-mail or if you do not have that, submit a new ticket. Because if this is the account for which you wish to get a refund, this account has no current/unresolved tickets in its folder.
The number/title for the ticket is — 549929:Re: Gem Store Item Refunds
Glad to see you guys lost my ticket and I have been wasting my time. I’ll submit another one.
Leader of The Hardcore Caravan [HC] – Blackgate
(edited by Jamin.6528)
I have reviewed all of the in-boxes. The last message I got for my ticket Gem Refund is 15 April. No update message since the day. I mean that ticket 539982
Do consumer support work at weekends? Should I wait or don’t even think about it until the mid of the next week? Or the end of next week, or the week after next .. It’s been 9 days ago since I submitted my ticket, no hope! :C
I really did not expect that, especially when everyone around is like: “Hey! I got my refund”, “My wife and I got our refunds”, “All my friends got refunds” and you sit alone and look at empty inbox.
(edited by ferr.6403)
Are the skins of black lion weapons eligible to refound? Do Anet refound a ticket of each duplicate skin of black lion in this case?
Gem Store’s dyes are elegible, seems logical that the skins of black lion also elegible.
Delivery of a black lion ticket or skin without using for each duplicate skin . Eg: if I have 3 aetherized shields? Delivery 2 black lion tiquet? Or two atherized shield skins without using?
(edited by Toritaka.8390)
You should be receiving automatic updates. I know that’s not the best way to communicate, but it is a way to let you know your ticket didn’t fall into the abyss, and with the heavy volume, it’s something we want to send, just to touch base and let you know your ticket is properly assigned and will be addressed as soon as possible.
I have not gotten any response since the initial “we’ll forward this” email. My ticket is 556264 from the 19th. I checked other folders, but nothing.
Also, a friend of mine submitted a ticket via the ingame system, should she resubmit via the web site?
Also, a friend of mine submitted a ticket via the ingame system, should she resubmit via the web site?
Yes, as the in-game report window states that no response will be given to those reports.
One must submit a request to CS to receive a refund.
Today I have the jubilee – 10 days. Yay :d
I haven’t gotten a response at all beyond this email on the 19th
- Please type your reply above this line -##
Your request (556234:purchased multiple of a gem store skin) has been updated. To add information to your request, simply reply to this email. If you no longer need assistance, just reply with “I no longer need help” in the body of your email.
- (Guild Wars 2 Support)
Apr 19 13:53
Hi *,
Thank you for contacting us.
I’m transferring your ticket to a member of the Guild Wars 2 Game Support Team to further assist you. Someone will be in contact with you as soon as possible
Thank you for your patience,
Guild Wars 2 Support Team
Hi I bought two sets of zodiac medium armor before the update one for pvp and one for pve, but since the update with the wardrobe I lost the one I had in pvp just like that. Would I still get a refund for that?
Just a point of curiosity that has me puzzled. This thread is about the Feature Pack (I presume this refers to the update of Apr 15th) and customer service, which in my experience before on requesting a support ticket has not been an issue, and there are obviously numerous responses from Anet here. However, the related, but somehow thought to be a separate item of the wardrobe, transmute charges, etc., thread has 17 pages (and possibly more by now) with very little official response from Anet. Judging by the tone of many of the messages posted there, by me and others, it would seem to be a HUGE customer service issue, and it also seems odd that there is no official response. There has not even been “we are aware of your concerns, and are working on it” post made. It is very frustrating to see when it appears that the numerous and repeated customer issues are not being addressed there, and yet this less populated thread has numerous responses.
Been almost 8 days, still no response from anet about refund beyond
“Thank you for contacting the Guild Wars 2 Support Team.
I am transferring your ticket to our Game Support Department so that an agent on that team can assist you. We will be in contact with you as soon as possible."
Following up expressly on the three players I had pinged here about their refunds:
Feycat and Lotusklee — I see an outbound updates sent on Tuesday. Can you please check your junk, spam, and other possible in-boxes? I need to know for certain that you didn’t receive it because it was routed to an other bucket.
Checked both those things, and I have no emails since April 17, at which point it went into my inbox. I can’t see any reason why I’d receive my initial emails just fine and not follow-ups.
I don’t know how to determine why you were missing e-mails, but I assume you saw the refund granted on April 26th?
Jamin — I cannot see any new ticket from you, not since February. I suggest you find the auto-receipt confirmation e-mail or if you do not have that, submit a new ticket. Because if this is the account for which you wish to get a refund, this account has no current/unresolved tickets in its folder.
The number/title for the ticket is — 549929:Re: Gem Store Item Refunds
Glad to see you guys lost my ticket and I have been wasting my time. I’ll submit another one.
Your ticket was never lost. I simply was unable to find it, and I apologize for that. Since you provided the number, I was able to review and see that your refund was processed on April 27.
I have reviewed all of the in-boxes. The last message I got for my ticket Gem Refund is 15 April. No update message since the day. I mean that ticket 539982
Refund processed April 29th.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Are the skins of black lion weapons eligible to refound? Do Anet refound a ticket of each duplicate skin of black lion in this case?
Gem Store’s dyes are elegible, seems logical that the skins of black lion also elegible.
Delivery of a black lion ticket or skin without using for each duplicate skin . Eg: if I have 3 aetherized shields? Delivery 2 black lion tiquet? Or two atherized shield skins without using?
These items are not eligible for refund.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Here are updates to posts in this thread:
556264 – Processed April 28
556234 – Processed April 28
Creatos Zel Ael.1936 – If your purchase was an exact duplicate (no matter how the armor was used) you would be eligible for a refund, so please submit a ticket.
Noctology.7238— One cannot submit a ticket via the in-game system; that system is exclusively for reports. So yes, your friend should submit a ticket by clicking “Support” at the top of this page, and the “Submit a request.”
sil.4160 – You are in the queue for assistance. We’re sorry for the delay.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Hi, I did submit a ticket, and thank you for your clarification Gaile
Oh and the armor sets are an exact duplicate and I can post a screenshot of my gemstore purchases if need be.
I retained the one i used for pve but lost the one in pvp. Again thank you for your reply Gaile
Ticket numeber : 581755
Submitted a ticket as well on 25th April 2014.
Ticket number – 569624
Yay, after a week or two I just got my refund, thanks
I have one little question. I got 2600 gems (500x for Profane/Krytan sets, 800×2 for Phalanx/Magitech sets). I had also bought 2 Glacial Sky dyes (directly from the TP) but I guess they didn’t qualify as eligible items? Is that right?
Thanks again guys.
Re: Dyes, from the first page of this topic, (a list of the eligible dyes is on the first post as well)
“Dyes exclusive to Dye Packs from the Gem Store will be replaced in the event they were applied to multiple characters on the same account prior to the Feature Pack on April 15th. Duplicates of these dyes will be replaced via the in game mail by May 11th. In order to receive replacements for these duplicate dyes:
Log in to every character on your account after the Feature Pack goes live on April 15th and before 12:01 AM on May 6th (PDT).
We will not be able to process any refund requests via Customer Support tickets before May 12th. If you expected to receive dyes and do not receive them by May 12th, feel free to create a Customer Support ticket at that time.
All requests for refunds must be submitted prior to July 15, 2014.”
Ticket submitted on 04/24//2014.
Ticket no: 569397.
Any update would be appreciated