Customize screenshot filename?
If you’re a screenshot aholic yes. But I don’t take that many so renaming via file manager works for me
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up
I’m not sure what OS you’re running or whatever, but why not find the screenshot you’re looking for by setting the preview icon size to extra large. Then it’s fairly easy to just scroll through looking at images for a certain background or character. When set to extra large, you can easily see whether the shot was taken in a zone with a snowy background, desert, trees, etc, and what character is in the shot. In Windows, it’s under the View menu>Layout in file explorer.
I take a lot of screenshots also, and this always works fine for me. I actually like them being named sequentially because I remember things chronologically and can find the right screenshot folder (I number them sequentially once each one is full) and image by just scrolling through them and looking at the images.