DEs: have you REALLY done them all?
I remember original Everquest, a dev saying that less than a quarter of the quests were ever completed by anyone, even once. Of course that world was a lot bigger than Tyria, and quests weren’t marked anywhere.
I have the feeling that most spawnable DEs are unsubtle in getting you to spawn them. But that may be an illusion of low-hanging fruit.
No offense…. but just because there are 1500 events, doesn’t mean they’re all significant. By Anet’s design and our reaction to that design, we only make a handful of those events meaningful; not because we hated them out the gate and were like “no, we’re only gonna do these events out of spite and bugger off”, but because the small fraction of events folks do net the most frequency of rewards (xp/karma/coin and sometimes a chest depending on event farm). I bet a bunch of folks haven’t been in the Timberline Falls in awhile and who cares?… All those failed events haven’t impacted any other part of the world and ultimately don’t do a whole lot in Timberline other than a few wps can’t be used anymore.
Sorry if Anet making success/failure of DE’s insignificant for me to care is a lame excuse… but giving people a purpose in a game is usually a big hook in getting folks to play it.
Well, some servers apparently suffer from population issues so you can’t do all DE’s. Some DE’s were or are bugged. Can’t do those either.
Do they count the WvW events in there as well? Also depends on your server.
I think it might be near impossible to have completed all of them, even if you could make the list.
DEs can only be fully explored when there are enough players around. In my experience of the game, that excludes roughly 50% of the current zones.
Why is it like is irrelevant to the topic so I’ll skip this.
Maybe if there was a way to keep track of which DEs have been or not been completed, maybe make that an achievement with a title as a reward ?
If you could that for map completion, surely doing this for DEs should be achievable…
That would be an awesome (and dificult) title to get… but first it would require that Anet fixes all the DE bugs for this achievement to be obtainable… Not there yet I’m afraid
I remember hearing people saying they want raids in this game.
I remember that raids took planning.
Since DEs are open raids I am surprised that those shouting for raids haven’t taken the time to plan DE runs.
This is especially true for Orr. Since those need to be planned.
I see few threads posted in the DE area of this forum doing just that.
The problem is the people not the game.
If the DEs are so “bugged” why haven’t they been reported. Maybe they need more data to fix them.
How can they get more data if people making no effort to do this games end-game and instead try to bring “end-games” that Anet said they would not add.
It is time those playing the game started making efforts to play the game as designed and see what happens.
Especially Orr. I am curious what the different ends are. Are there new toys that would make people start screaming “I want it. How did you get it?”
This thread is my effort to change things. What is your effort other then making excuses?
Here’s 3 suggestion that really don’t require much other than a change of variables…
+ Remove or significantly reduce the travel costs (especially if you’re traveling within the map)… While some argue the travel cost isn’t that bad, it often disregards the reality that people are making decisions based on it, resulting in most players not trying to move around and really see what’s going on. Why am I going to waste 4+ silver to check out the Mt. Maelstrom zone if there’s a good chance nothing is really going on and I’ll need to hop back over to Cursed or wherever I originally was? And I can’t just check the map because I have to port in first to at least see what actually is contested or happening. 3rd party tracking sites often track the meta events, but why not just let a person port in and see what’s going on regardless of it being meta or not?
+ Properly scale xp/karma/coin reward based on the event itself…. A 14 minute defending the gates of arah event that happens every 40 minutes or so shouldn’t give the same xp/karma/coin as a 2 minute shelter defense that happens every 10 minutes. Also, events in lower areas shouldn’t automatically give less xp/karma/coin. If the entire map of Tyria is supposed to be endgame, then it should all be treated as such…. the difference being the drop potentials from the mobs themselves.
+ Adjust timers…. some events need to happen less often. Claw shouldn’t be every 3 hours, the Temples every few hours (not sure the exact time), a gate event, etc. If anything, their infrequency might make the event more significant and the drop rates could be tweaked. Similarly, failed events may push back some timers… so now that treasured plinx or pent/shelt run isn’t happening as often because the entire lower half of the map is contested. At level 80, the entire map of Tyria is at play so why have them mostly bottle necked in a handful of maps rather than wandering the world searching for events?
(edited by Bruno Sardine.2907)
I remember hearing people saying they want raids in this game.
I remember that raids took planning.
Since DEs are open raids I am surprised that those shouting for raids haven’t taken the time to plan DE runs.
This is especially true for Orr. Since those need to be planned.
I see few threads posted in the DE area of this forum doing just that.
The problem is the people not the game.
If the DEs are so “bugged” why haven’t they been reported. Maybe they need more data to fix them.
How can they get more data if people making no effort to do this games end-game and instead try to bring “end-games” that Anet said they would not add.It is time those playing the game started making efforts to play the game as designed and see what happens.
Especially Orr. I am curious what the different ends are. Are there new toys that would make people start screaming “I want it. How did you get it?”
This thread is my effort to change things. What is your effort other then making excuses?
DEs are not raids. They’re public quests, oriented towards mobs of people who arennearby. There is no teamwork required because it’s impossible to have all the random players communicate with each other in that setting. People who wanted raids wanted more serious content that actually requires a preorganized group and teamwork. I stopped reading after you claimed that nobody is reporting broken DEs and I realized that you’re white knighting hard. One of the problems with this game is ArenaNet’s attitudettowards bug fixes. DEs are still broken since August and still require a server restart to reset. Have you seen the bug list for Necromancers? Have you seen the state the Rangers are in? These bugs have been there for months! And yet, anything that makes a more convenient way to make gold than the cash shop is nerfed almost immediately. “The game just came out!” excuse just doesn’t cut it anymore.
(edited by lacrimstein.5603)
Not yet. But I’m working on it completing all of them. With one toon or another.
There are no bugs on Rangers or Necros that make them totally unplayable. I play both with no problem whatsoever.
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon
(edited by Raf.1078)
DEs are not raids. They’re public quests, oriented towards mobs of people who arennearby. There is no teamwork required because it’s impossible to have all the random players communicate with each other in that setting. People who wanted raids wanted more serious content that actually requires a preorganized group and teamwork. I stopped reading after you claimed that nobody is reporting broken DEs and I realized that you’re white knighting hard. One of the problems with this game is ArenaNet’s attitudettowards bug fixes. DEs are still broken since August and still require a server restart to reset. Have you seen the bug list for Necromancers? Have you seen the state the Rangers are in? These bugs have been there for months! And yet, anything that makes a more convenient way to make gold than the cash shop is nerfed almost immediately. “The game just came out!” excuse just doesn’t cut it anymore.
per Guild Wars 2 wiki:
The Straits of Devastation is a high level zone in the Ruins of Orr. The events in the area focus on defending Fort Trinity and capturing the Temple of Balthazar, by moving pact reinforcements further into Orr. Three separate chain events are responsible for movement of the reinforcements to Rally Waypoint. Once at least one of the reinforcements has arrived, the Pact will start to rally towards the Altar of Betrayal. This triggers another chain of events, eventually leading to the capture of the Temple, the spawn of a Glorious Chest and the appearance of the Karma-merchant Tactician Deathstrider, one of the only two merchants in Tyria who sells Obsidian Shards.
gee guess that needs some planning to do correctly.
^^ Not really… just need bodies; although the Balthazaar priest is legitimately tough and can wipe a group easily (mainly cause he’s all one-shot mechanics).
Here’s 3 suggestion that really don’t require much other than a change of variables…
+ Remove or significantly reduce the travel costs (especially if you’re traveling within the map)…
It is my believe that it is setup this way to encourage doing DEs
+ Properly scale xp/karma/coin reward based on the event itself….
better rewards maybe a good idea I have no issues with that at all
+ Adjust timers…. some events need to happen less often.
since I have yet to get to Orr and see this timer issue you speak of I have no comment
In the suggestion thread I also suggested that Anet do a rotation through the DE Meta-events, like one a week. Offering better rewards during these times to encourage participation
Special weekly meta events might be interesting, but I think you’d get a lot of backlash from folks because it doesn’t happen at a time where they can play…. the whole adjusting timer thing can fall victim to this issue as well if the adjustments are too “harsh”. Though, with a more scaled DE system giving these weekly events uniform rewards regardless of where they occur, you could have a special weekly meta per map adjusting when they occur so that the majority of the population can participate in at least one weekly event.
A while ago, they said they would add, disable and rotate dynamic events throughout the life of the game to keep it fresh. Adding in hidden events and the odds of completing them all is unlikely.
As for their difficulty, most of them require 5 players or less to complete. I’ve only seen a few that require around 3 more and only because of the mechanic of the event, where the group has to be split up between multiple objectives.
Once you’ve done 1 event you’ve done them all.
Some to a degree are similar but if you sticck around a bit you may start to see differences; like a story
If they added an internal timer to DE’s that upped the reward the more time that went by since it has last been done would help incentivize players to explore more DE’s in out of the way places and help people levelling up in sparsely populated maps since doing DE’s by yourself takes longer then with other people.
DEs are not raids. They’re public quests, oriented towards mobs of people who arennearby. There is no teamwork required because it’s impossible to have all the random players communicate with each other in that setting. People who wanted raids wanted more serious content that actually requires a preorganized group and teamwork. I stopped reading after you claimed that nobody is reporting broken DEs and I realized that you’re white knighting hard. One of the problems with this game is ArenaNet’s attitudettowards bug fixes. DEs are still broken since August and still require a server restart to reset. Have you seen the bug list for Necromancers? Have you seen the state the Rangers are in? These bugs have been there for months! And yet, anything that makes a more convenient way to make gold than the cash shop is nerfed almost immediately. “The game just came out!” excuse just doesn’t cut it anymore.
per Wikipedia:
Instanced or public raiding
Raids can occur in an instanced zone or a public zone. An advantage to a raid being in an instanced zone is that the raid leader can control who participates. An advantage to a raid being in a public zone is that anyone is free to join the raid when they like, although they may be removed from the raid if they disrupt the original raid group. Disadvantages to public raids are that they are more susceptible to griefing, and sometimes cannot be rezoned, as an instanced raid can, unless the boss is reset by the server.
in addition:
A raid is a type of mission in a video game in which a very large number of people (larger than the normal team size set by the game) attempt to defeat a boss monster
True some can be consider quest. Especially the early ones. Once you get into the Meta-events you are actually doing “open world” or “public” raiding. The plus here with this game is griefing is reduced if not totally eliminated.
I have ran into the end of a meta-event and I was able to assess the best way to take on the boss. Others will be able to do this as well.
Also as mentioned above you have Orr with its Meta-event web. I know these will require planning. Especially if you first figure out the different endings and then second orchestrating them to happen the way you wish to get the reward you desire.
We are talking about the DEs as the end game. Orr is the main DE end game but not the only DE that have more then one ending.
Folks need to start working through these and that will take organization to a degree. Even if people come and go during it. That actually makes it more interesting.
Sure you can zerg through some of the areas but as was also said the bosses can be a pain. Don’t you think planning will be important there?
(edited by Krosslite.1950)
according to the achievement, i am not even CLOSE to doing them all. i still have a ways to go.
according to the achievement, i am not even CLOSE to doing them all. i still have a ways to go.
well I can say with confidence that I am no where near completing.
I don’t see it happening unless DE runs start to take place more often and get announced ahead of time in the DE forum
I still haven’t seen the Skritt-Burglar or the Modus Sceleris. I did find a random Moa boss that opened a portal to a new puzzle zone and that was neat.
There is so much going on that it’s really hard to legitimately say you have done everything. I’m sure there is a ton of content that most people don’t even know exists. Like I knew the Burglar and Modus were active, and have even gone to hot spots looking for them and had no luck. But the Moa guardian and secret instance with the puzzle and chest I had no idea about and probably wouldn’t have found without going down the list of achievements.
I have run into the skritt-burglar twice.
::hint:: have a root handy
(edited by Krosslite.1950)