Daily Achievements improvements

Daily Achievements improvements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aenia Shadowforce.9148

Aenia Shadowforce.9148

Lets keep it short, if such need arises I’ll elaborate on unclear points in comments.

1. Daily section of achievements tab is difficult to navigate, there are some map specific, there is mix of PvE/PvP/WvW and Festival in one bucket, fractal dialies are in different segment, some of them give AP some not, some count toward ‘daily meta’ some not
2. Some dailies are hidden and some become disabled if player owns HoT
3. Variation of PvP and WvW achievemnts is poor

1. Split PvP, PvP, WvW and Festival dailies into categories (in similar fashion to Bloodstone Fen and Ember Bay), add there daily Fractals aswell
Count each of them (from any category) towards meta that grants 10 AP upon completion – I imagine this part might be tricky to implement.
2. Allow accounts with certain status (HoT available, contains lvl 80 etc) unlock addidtionl dailies, but do not remove/hide/disable any old ones. If too big variation is problem, increase requirement for meta from 3 to 4 or 5.
3. Increase number of possible dailies in rotations:
– Daily Berry Synthesiser
– Daily Skyhammer winner
– etc, there must be plenty suggestions on forums already

- Completing FOTM dailies would be really fast for dailies if you run T3 or T4 – maybe instead of 4 separate achievements it would be possible to introduce single achievement that grans rewards after each step of completion? Only completing it fully would then count towards daily meta.
- I think additional ‘mid range’ achievements would be beneficial to game aswell. Monthly or weekly – These could include list of Jumping Puzzles to complete, meta event chain to do fully and so on. maybe ‘weekly meta’ could grant Mystic Coins instead of Spirit Shards? wink wink

Daily Achievements improvements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

I’m afraid I don’t find the Daily Achievements tab difficult to navigate, at all. The 3 (sometimes 4) categories are already separated, where on can pick and choose which 3, or more, Dailies to place on the HUD for completion (or choose to place fewer, or even none).

The ‘hidden’ achievements were implemented so that achievements that were of a higher level could be featured. That way, accounts with only low-level characters could complete the Daily Achievement, as well.

As for PvP and WvW, what other achievements would you suggest that could be completed in a reasonable amount of time each day?

Adding weekly or monthly Dailies would just hasten reaching the Daily/Monthly cap, so I’m not sure has any advantages…at least, not long-term.

Daily Achievements improvements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dark Jericho.8609

Dark Jericho.8609

1. Split PvP, PvP, WvW and Festival dailies into categories (in similar fashion to Bloodstone Fen and Ember Bay), add there daily Fractals aswell

I like this one. I don’t really have any suggestions for improvement myself.

Daily Achievements improvements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amaimon.7823


I’m afraid I don’t find the Daily Achievements tab difficult to navigate, at all. The 3 (sometimes 4) categories are already separated, where on can pick and choose which 3

Thats the HUD you see upon login. But if players wanted to do dailies later after logging in, the same HUD can’t ever be reopened. The tab of dailies in the achievements list them as well, but here they’re all thrown in one stirred bowl of soup.

Luckily, over the years I learned to look at the icons. A castle for WvW, swords for PvP and a star for PvE

Daily Achievements improvements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rasimir.6239


No more dailies, please, and especially no more complex, specific ones. It’s already bad enough when there is a daily adventure or jp and everyone and their mother is crowded around that one spot. Having played in the days of the Queensdale champ train, I really don’t want to see people clash with each other on the subject of having to do specific event chains/meta events.

We already have more than enough daily tasks to choose from in this game. ANet doesn’t have to make more of them or make them more specific. If you feel the need for more specific goals each day (and have the time for doing them all), just set your own goals. Check the wiki for event chains going on in the different maps and go for a specific one. Set yourself a number of materials you want to gather, and go out and get harvesting. You’re already rewarded by gaining materials and experience from gathering, karma and experience from events, opening of special vendors and so on.

If it’s achievement points you’re after, dailies aren’t the only way to get them. In fact, dailies were never even meant to be the main way to get them. Check your achievement log, and you’ll most likely find a lot of achievements that would make good short- or long-term goals to pursue. Have you finished the slayer achievements yet? The explorer achievements? JPs and minidungeons? Everything fractals have to offer?

It’s all there, and ready for each of us to choose for ourselves. No need to complicate things with yet another (or an extended) list of suggested achievements that give the equivalent of a cookie as extra reward. The activities are all there, as well as the rewards. Just go out and choose your own road to fortune and fame.

Daily Achievements improvements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537



I prefer having all the dailies that count towards the meta in one list, because it means when I’m trying to decide which ones I’m going to do I just have one page to look at instead of having to switch between 4 or more. I don’t find it difficult to tell which are which, they have slightly different images, or at absolute worst you can read the text and it’s immediately obvious what part of the game it’s for.

Different dailies for different accounts

I think you’re looking at these the wrong way round. It’s not that some dailies are hidden or taken away from accounts with HoT – the list we get is the ‘main’ one but accounts that don’t have HoT (or new accounts with only low level characters) get ‘compensation’ dailies so they can complete it without being told they have to go to areas they can’t enter.

The downside of that is much less variety. Without even logging in I know my free account will have event completer in a starting zone, and the other options available will be a vista viewer and either gathering or a world boss. Because I don’t have HoT, can’t enter WvW (free accounts have to get to level 60 first) and don’t do PvP that’s my only options.

I’m not complaining because 2g for doing the dailies is a big deal on an account I play rarely and where my highest level character is about level 25. But I definitely see that as the one that’s at a disadvantage compared to my main account which has the normal list of options.

Monthly/Weekly meta achievements

I wouldn’t mind seeing monthlies come back. But while I’m not sure why they were removed I assume Anet had a good reason so it seems unlikely they’d go back on that decision.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Daily Achievements improvements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aenia Shadowforce.9148

Aenia Shadowforce.9148

I understand why ‘low level achievements’ were introduced, I dont
understand why they are hidden (but doable) for accounts with 80 level
character. This is an issue – I want to be able to see them ingame
like all the others, instead of going to wiki to check them.

Aim of dailies is to provide players with small goals, direct them
into specific content, help them group for specific content (while on
normal day there might be no people interested in doing 14lvl fractal,
when it is daily you are guaranteed to find party) and to reward them
a little – hence AP and reward chests. Reaching daily/montlhly cap is
not a problem in my opinion. Only the reward is slightly decreased (no
more AP) – every other aspect of them is preserved.

PvP and WvW dailies (bear in mind I only provide examples) :
1. making them a little bit more specific would help a lot in my opinion.
– Daily Skyhammer, Daily Skyhammer Winner, Daily Skyhammer or Battle
of Kyhlo, Daily Skyhammer or Battle of Kyhlo Winner – those would make
people visit specific maps even if they are not too popular, which one
of them is the best – I dont really have an opinion
– Daily Poisoner, Daily Interrupter, Daily Evader, Daily Blocker, Daily Critical Hits – those are pretty
simple and connected with combat mechanics. There is a chance players
would try new classes/builds to complete these easier and can be used for PvE aswell
– Daily Ore Synthesiser, Daily Berry Synthesiser – those would
complete while gathering in WvW and could have multiple effects:
people running more and searching for camps to gather these easily,
people playing a little longer in WvW, players visiting multiple maps
to search them or just loading into one map every few hours to go to
controlled by their team keep to get them. I would argue most of these
effects are somewhat positive to WvW.
– Desert Borderlands Camp or Tower Capturer – simply increases population on given map
– Daily WvW Score – would be increased after each 5 minute cycle
– Daily PvP Netralizer, Stronghold Minion Slayer…

Daily Achievements improvements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aenia Shadowforce.9148

Aenia Shadowforce.9148

Rasimir, I think we disagree on baisc level. You seem to dislike big amount of people in certain area doing the same think, as they will “clash” with each other. Let me adress this:

1. Guild Wars 2 design is such that players generally speaking help each other instead of being obstacles. You cant steal somones gathering, Jumping Puzzle Chest or kill reward. On the other hand you can guide somone throught JP, provide portal, spawn more enemies in events or get rezzed when killed/downed easier. On general level more players is better.
2. The flocking you mention would be greater issue if we had 3 dailies to complete meata and only 3 available each day. Having more dailies and more specific ones (which I suggest) would direct people into specific places, but also spread them to more specific places.
3. As I mentioned earlier – Daileis are not only rewards and AP. It is improved ability to socialise by giving more poeple similar tastks each day. They are not only about ‘having something to do’ but as much as ‘having somone to help you’.

Daily Achievements improvements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

I’m still not sure why you want the ‘hidden’ Dailies showing. It’s not like if you complete them, you would get rewarded. Do you just want to see what the HoT owners and low-level accounts are doing that day? If so, the Wiki provides that information.

As for Synthesizer, I thought that one would only be fulfilled in Guild Halls. Seems rather easy, even in WvW. There are plenty of gathering spots available. Unless, I guess, you belong to a bottom tier World, and then that would seem rather unbalanced game-wide.

No ideas/comments about PvP. Never set foot in there, not for lack of trying twice.

Good luck.

Daily Achievements improvements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


As for Synthesizer, I thought that one would only be fulfilled in Guild Halls. Seems rather easy, even in WvW. There are plenty of gathering spots available. Unless, I guess, you belong to a bottom tier World, and then that would seem rather unbalanced game-wide.

Even on a low tier you could still flip a camp … so this that would just be an easier version of the daily camp capturer