(edited by acapela.2468)
Daily Event Etiquette
Great advice Acapela. I have a few things to say about your tips or to add to them:
1/2 – Not only is it helpful to others to share the event by calling it out but in most events you also upscale it which usually equals more loot bags for everyone. So it also benefits you.
3 – If you have a tag use it when calling these events and as acapela said always give a direction. However no need to keep your tag up after the event unless (filter) it chains into other events. It’s always good to tag down after an event.
4 – I like to use PVT on my main and do my daily on him as the PVT keeps me alive a bit longer (always good for a commander tag) and the other benefit is I do less damage than your typical zerker which means more people have a chance to tag the events. Consider tapping just a mob here or there and then kite around so others may turn up if it was called or wear some other gear like I do. Again the more people that turn up the more loot you usually get due to upscaling.
Now for a couple of my own:
5 – Always think twice about calling out events that are a simple kill vet or any other very quick ending type. People get upset when these types are usually called if they can’t make it due to the event going so quickly.
6 – Learn the maps and get to know the areas where events can happen often or where the best chain events start.
7 – Never port into a map and expect others to do all the calling. I’m sure we all know the type lol. Person teleports to map and “events?” comes from them. Nothing else and not even a ty if 1 is called, nobody likes that guy lol.
8 – Added to number 7. Use your initiative/time – instead of sitting around waiting for events to be called you have 3 options for something else you could do instead:
A – Go and look for events and call them out (this can tie in well with my number 6 above).
B – Learn where the “Garden” or “farm” spot is for that map and always teleport near there and gather from it while you wait for calls. Usually by the time you get to it and gather from it a call is made by someone. By garden/farm I mean the dedicated herb gather spots. Example Queensdale is the lettuce near Beetletun.
C – Roam around and gather wood/ore/herbs while waiting for calls and looking for events. Like above you can get to know where the good spots are and teleport near there. Example in Snowden Drifts I usually port in to the South of the map. From there I run East to the strawberry patch and then I usually go a little North to the bear cave as there is always a rich Iron spot. A lot of the maps have dedicated rich mining nodes. For those that don’t they have spots where they tend to appear often enough.
Hope some of that gives people some ideas and thanks Acapela for starting the thread!
(edited by Paulytnz.7619)
I agree that this is good advice but only if you can be reasonably sure the event will go on long enough that people will be able to get there and participate enough to get credit.
I’ve made the ‘mistake’ on more than one occasion of announcing an event and finding that by the time I’ve found a nearby waypoint or POI, posted it in map chat and written a short message like “event north of here” I barely have time to do enough damage to get credit and anyone arriving doesn’t have time at all.
Not that it takes a lot of time to do that, but if it’s a simple event (like ‘kill the vet/one group of enemies’) and 3 or 4 people show up who want to get it finished ASAP so they can move on to the next one it can be completed in about a minute.
I’ve ended up getting abuse from people who are angry at me (even accusing me of deliberately posting ‘fake’ events to troll people trying to do the daily, or to draw them away from real events so I can steal credit), plus people who are angry that I don’t immediately answer their whispered questions about what the event is, exactly how far north of the waypoint it is and how long it will take to complete that I’m now wary of saying anything unless I know the event is going to take at least 5 minutes to finish. (Either because there’s a timer or because there are waves of enemies and I know from past experience they show up at fixed intervals.)
Which is a shame because normally the GW2 community is lovely, but people who are stressed because they’re trying to finish their dailies as “efficiently” as possible seem to be an exception.
(And on the other side I’d say it’s worth bearing in mind that events on daily maps finish very quickly even if everyone involved tries to go slowly so if you don’t see an announcement when it’s first posted it’s best to assume it’s over instead of going to the waypoint and then getting disappointed or spamming the person who posted it to ask if it’s still going on.)
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
If you come across a NPC waiting for interaction from you before starting call it and wait a few seconds for people to start to arrive.
Please do not be greedy as there is nothing beyond gold. Think of where you need to guard pamfa’s lab from inquest in Brisban Wildlands: it takes a long time and there are usually more people than inquest (which arrive spaced out). Hard to tell if you have done enough damage but watch your combat tab.
Also try to anounce when an event is complete. It is very anoying to read an event call only to find it was finished more than 10 minutes before.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
To Paulytnz, I don’t think there is anything wrong with porting in and first asking if any events are active. After all, I may go into the map with the intention of doing the daily, but literally have no idea what is going on where/when. So therefore, I need to ask, to get me pointed in the right direction, otherwise I’ll be wandering around aimlessly. The people who do list off events are obviously willing to let people know. I mostly ask “Events?” when I have WP’d in blind. Events get done so fast when it’s a Daily, you never know what will be next.
But yes, people should at least say thank-you for being directed towards an event. But if people don’t ask if an event is going on or not, they may never know. So that’s not he problem.
The worst offenders are the ones who gather together and kill a boss without giving other people time to arrive. That one frustrates me the most, but I don’t get angry or petty over it.
Guild: Moonlit Renegades (Moon)
Highest-Level Toon: Markus Emmerich, 80 Human Scrapper
I have the event tracker up but I have found that most of the time it won’t show an event on first port in. I have to wp in, then wp again, then my tracker works. So if I don’t see an event called out shortly after I load in I will ask if there are any around or I find myself wasting silver and loading time just to find the first event.
After that I do my best to call out events for others, following all the etiquette in the above posts. But I fully understand why one might make a request on first entering the map and I try to link an event I know will work for others when I see them making the request. Also once I have my four events done, if I see an “events?” question before I leave, I’ll check my tracker and mention “I see an event icon at x location, I don’t know the event status,” to help steer folks without promising they can make it there on time.
To Paulytnz, I don’t think there is anything wrong with porting in and first asking if any events are active. After all, I may go into the map with the intention of doing the daily, but literally have no idea what is going on where/when. So therefore, I need to ask, to get me pointed in the right direction, otherwise I’ll be wandering around aimlessly. The people who do list off events are obviously willing to let people know. I mostly ask “Events?” when I have WP’d in blind. Events get done so fast when it’s a Daily, you never know what will be next.
But yes, people should at least say thank-you for being directed towards an event. But if people don’t ask if an event is going on or not, they may never know. So that’s not he problem.
The worst offenders are the ones who gather together and kill a boss without giving other people time to arrive. That one frustrates me the most, but I don’t get angry or petty over it.
Usually this does not bother me much but it can get spammy after a while. Actually I think I may get annoyed after a while because you can see some people come into the map and ask for an event, fair enough. But then once one is called and you can clearly see that said person at it what do you think happens once that event ends? Yup, same person will just stand there and ask “events?” again right away. I mean come on dude, we are probably all right here with you…..
I think it’s these people that give everyone else a bad rep or negative view towards those porting in and asking right away. To those people who just stand there after an event I again would and do say “use your initiative, go and look for one, go and gather mats, sooner or later you will come across an event or someone will call one out”. Tbh it’s not rocket science. People like me will always call out events because as I said earlier it does benefit both others as well as myself.
After all, I may go into the map with the intention of doing the daily, but literally have no idea what is going on where/when. So therefore, I need to ask, to get me pointed in the right direction, otherwise I’ll be wandering around aimlessly.
Interesting. The very first thing I do when I waypoint into a daily map is…check the map for contested waypoints. 9 times out of 10, there’s an event going on there.
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
A good try but one of the reasons why I never do Daily Events is because people will never follow any etiquette. That and it takes too long regardless. Gather, grab a vista, then the quickest WvW daily.
What percentage of GW players even look at the forums, let alone will see this post? It’s a nice idea, but trying to establish any kind of etiquette is fairly pointless.
Best advice: Lead by example.
When I first arrive in a daily event map, I say: “Just arrived, any events?”
Announcing that a relevant event is a chain (assuming you know the event), how much time an event has left, how quickly it is going, and/or when an event is done, is probably a good idea.
I will often open the world map and scan the zone for contested waypoints. Especially in low-level zones (in contrast, some WPs in higher-level zones are permanently dysfunctional and always show contested), this often indicates a nearby event is active (though not all events affect waypoints like this). When players on the map are not prepared to be helpful (which is all too common), this is about the only thing I can think of to orient on events at a distance.
Leading by example, and asking for clear directions, is helpful… though as I say there are a great many people who are (for whatever reason) just not helpful, even (or perhaps especially) when asked, hence my forum post.
Ideally, perhaps ANET could add a feature that allows all events active in a zone to be visible on the world map to players in the zone, at least when the zone is a daily event zone. This would probably be counterproductive to the “dynamic”/“exploration” paradigm if this feature was always “on” in every zone.