Daily mega boss chests
Yes, on both counts. I had an exotic on my first guaranteed chest, just after the patch, yesterday. Today, I’ve had a couple of rares and an exotic from the actual boss chests.
I have never gotten an exotic from a chest, but I know it is possible. As for rares, this morning I got two from the Maw chest. At the same moment I also got a strange ‘bonus chest’ making appearance where the daily chests usually go. It had one rare item inside. Anyone know what such a bonus chest is?
The bonus chest is your guaranteed rare (it’s now account wide, so multiple characters can’t farm it). The actual chest only has rare or exotics if you’re lucky.
the actual chest can hold rares or exotics but the droprate has been reduced.
And after a bit of farming in Orr I get the feeling that the overal drop rate of rares has been reduced (except ofcourse for the usefull and wonderfull Pile of Putrid Essence)