Daily rewards
what makes you think this is supposed to be a trade-off? Aquiring Karma was deliberately made harder across the board as it was apparently deemed to be too easy to get. The luck item is just a new boon to get started on the mf. You get 10 times more salvaging the items of like 5 minutes playing.
“Daily and monthly achievement rewards now include Essence of Luck. To offset this, the amount of karma earned from daily and monthly achievements has been reduced.”
Totally agree with you. Would be nice to choose between Luck or Karma for Daily.
“Daily and monthly achievement rewards now include Essence of Luck. To offset this, the amount of karma earned from daily and monthly achievements has been reduced.”
Yep, they did say that, so Algreg’s question as to “why do you think that?” is very clearly answered: Because ArenaNet said it was so.
It is a terrible trade-off, that particularly hurts players who have an 80, but not a lot of time, and not really reasonable to suggest 50 luck = 6750 Karma (as it takes minutes to get enough blues/greens to get 50 luck, but hours and hours to get 6750 Karma) but that’s what ArenaNet haven chosen to do, and I don’t expect it to change.
“Daily and monthly achievement rewards now include Essence of Luck. To offset this, the amount of karma earned from daily and monthly achievements has been reduced.”
haha, ok, sorry, man, now that is one bad PR spin attempt. That seemed like such a silly concept I didnĀ“t even consider the possibility. Suits me right for believing they do anything right with the first try.
i want a piece of Ascended gear for my daily reward,no grinding no hard work after all its just a shiny skin with few good stats why grind so hard for it.
The karma jug was overkill, but the single essence is kind of insulting.
I’d like to suggest changing the daily essence of luck reward to be a percentage of our current %MF bar. 50 luck really is kinda insulting, especially at higher %MF levels.
How can something free, that’s useful, no matter how little you deem it useful, be insulting? Are people insulted because they feel they are worth so much more than that? Insulted because they feel they are doing ArenaNet a big favor by playing their game? I could understand a bit of disappointment, or mild bristling at change, but what exactly is this insult to their senses?
How can something free, that’s useful, no matter how little you deem it useful, be insulting? Are people insulted because they feel they are worth so much more than that? Insulted because they feel they are doing ArenaNet a big favor by playing their game? I could understand a bit of disappointment, or mild bristling at change, but what exactly is this insult to their senses?
Uh, if you read up the thread it’s very obvious.
ArenaNet claimed that they essentially had to reduce the Karma reward from the daily to make up for the awesomeness of the Luck essence. That’s insulting to our intelligence, and it’s an obviously unfair exchange, which is also easy to see as insulting.
It’s not “free” either – it’s a reward (explicitly, ArenaNet says so) from doing the Daily (which usually requires a bit of intentional play unless you are just playing literally all day), so you can’t argue that. Previously we could do X work and get Y reward, now we do X work and get fraction of Y reward, essentially.
This is because to get 50 luck’s worth of er, luck, you need to play for about 10-30 minutes (doing events or the like, or World Bosses), but to get 6000+ Karma, you need to play for what, multiple hours? 4? 6? A long time, anyway. So clearly the Luck is worth far less than the Karma.
The funny thing is MF helps us to get more greens/blues (and ideally more rares/exotics and craft mats) but usually it’s just more blues/greens. But how many 10’s of thousands of blues/greens do we need to salvage before we have 300% MF to start enjoying that to it’s full? And even then how long will it take to earn those 10’s of thousands of blues/greens back lol?
It’s like we are paying in advance with what we will be earning back in future….
The funny thing is MF helps us to get more greens/blues (and ideally more rares/exotics and craft mats) but usually it’s just more blues/greens. But how many 10’s of thousands of blues/greens do we need to salvage before we have 300% MF to start enjoying that to it’s full? And even then how long will it take to earn those 10’s of thousands of blues/greens back lol?
It’s like we are paying in advance with what we will be earning back in future….
It’s a long term mechanic… It’s not meant to be maxed in 2 weeks. It’s meant to be a steady slow rise over maybe a full year for casual players. I don’t see myself ever bothering maxing it either. Currently at 55% and I have not bought any blue/greens.
It’s fine as it is. Karma nerf is justified, it was too much karma gained from dailies compared to playing the game. Although 600 karma feels very low. 1.5k I would been happy with.
The essence of luck reward seems pretty low for the daily.
The karma change hurt, but I feel it was warranted. They needed to make karma more valuable once again.
But, in doing these changes they have made the daily not very worthwhile. I no longer go out of my way to make sure it gets done. The extra mystic coin is not worth the extra effort some days. The karma jug used to motivate me a little more.
84?!? w/o a +20% infusion? I’ve only seen champ farmers claiming those numbers at this point, over 100% and probably with added infusion. My biggest boost into the 60’s came from salvaging MC out of a whole lot of crafting from saved mat stacks. Then even 2000 points hardly gives 1%. Yeah, 50, very trivial. Still better than UO style luck suits (the fall of UO), but still…
I will say though, as far as daily and the rewards go, I’ve been getting a lot more BL items again. Used to get a lot of that stuff before they added ascended trinkets to the game.
(edited by Daywolf.2630)
It’s a long term mechanic… It’s not meant to be maxed in 2 weeks. It’s meant to be a steady slow rise over maybe a full year for casual players. I don’t see myself ever bothering maxing it either. Currently at 55% and I have not bought any blue/greens.
It’s fine as it is. Karma nerf is justified, it was too much karma gained from dailies compared to playing the game. Although 600 karma feels very low. 1.5k I would been happy with.
The thing is, those Luck essences are almost meaningless, as you’re proving with your 55% figure. Do you know what Luck a player would have if they did EVERY SINGLE Daily and Monthly for an entire year, and didn’t get Luck elsewhere? 59%. Barely more than you.
Two ENTIRE years? 77%
Three ENTIRE years? 87%. I really think someone doing every daily for three years (or even one) should be rewarded a fair bit more than that.
Yet in what, barely two weeks, you’ve made about a year’s worth of Luck!
I don’t play a lot, but even I’m at 42%. It’s really just an insulting amount of Luck that they’re giving you from the Dailies.
I can see nerfing the 4500/6750 pot a bit, but for this? Not very cool. I do agree that 1500 Karma would probably be okay, though I’d like to see the Luck reward go up a bit too.
I do wonder what will happen once you’ve maxed the magic find bar. Obviously this is a long way off even for the hardcore farmers but it will happen one day, and when it does it’s going to be annoying if people still keep getting essences of luck which are now useless.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
I would like them to change it to be a choice between karma or mf…
The 50 mf is really a completely insignificant, nearly worthless reward and it was not worth giving up 3,900 karma…
Its overall a loot nerf…
Anyone noticed, recently, that a lot of things in game are getting slight loot nerfs…not a coincidence…this is offsetting the vast rewards given away during Queens Jubilee & Clockwork Chaos and Invasions…
They broke karma by putting too much into the game (in bottles). Some players collected millions of karma. This needed to be fixed and they have done so by scaling down and removing those bottles.
There is an argument that your karma should be balanced with the karma of the players with the broken (millions) karma pool. It’s not valid. Rewards should be balanced across the game world and game content.
Anyone noticed, recently, that a lot of things in game are getting slight loot nerfs…not a coincidence…this is offsetting the vast rewards given away during Queens Jubilee & Clockwork Chaos and Invasions…
Not just that but all that came with champ zerg farming as well. With all that, I hadn’t seen rares drop so low in this game before as it did last month. Also lower level MC gear became 1c over price on the TP. Only mid-level rares were seeing any real market action. Now everything is up quite a bit since the initial luck essence, though slowly declining. The nerfs are really only after a significant buff that crashed prices.
Double the amount and let me decide, 100 luck or 1200 karma.
Personally I’m neither here or there with this. One laurel is basically 2100 karma if you are thinking obsidian shards.
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”