Data consumption
350Gb is way more than enough to play this game, other than the main downloads I don’t find GW2 to be that heavy on the bandwidth, its more when you start streaming live content, youtube/twitch etc etc that you see that data disappear faster.
Thank you, I don’t stream at all. It’s just for play 3-4 hours by days and maybe more the week end.
>35 hours a week
>35 hours
>every week
>140 hours every month, plus the odd amount from days left over of the 5th partial week
>1680+ a year
>of your life
>to one game
anon plz no
>35 hours a week
>35 hours
>every week
>140 hours every month, plus the odd amount from days left over of the 5th partial week
>1680+ a year
>of your life
>to one gameanon plz no
the time is gone no matter what he spends them on, and trust me there are worse ways to spend your time
Actually in Canada for some weeks now, I have question about plan internet. I’m from France and we don’t really have internet limit. Generally I let Guild Wars open all day. I will have a plan with 350go by month at electronicbox. I wanted to know if it was enough, I will stop to let it open all day. I just want to know if it’s enough for play like 35hours by week.
Thank you for answer
Downloading client will take around 20GB space, so that you will need to take into account.
Nobody here know how large future updates and patches will be, so that is the only thing that might be eating up a large chunk from your dataplan of 350 GB each month. Playing the game by should probably not need that much bandwidth, but to be safe turn off auto log in from client (the first thing you will see when you start your client; same as where you have your account information) and manually log into your account from client. Also close game completely (close also page where you select char), so it will not make use of your dataplan when you are not playing or doing anything in game.
Make use of some kind of tracking application for how much data you are using the first time, so you will know what is normal usage for each application (including updating of these).
Here in NZ it’s costly for internet so I can give you a pretty good idea. I’m only on an 80gig per month plan fibre and I can tell you just playing GW gets no where near that limit. It’s mainly my brother doing downloads for his xbox that gets us close and even then we have never gone over. So you have nothing to worry about with 300+gig lol.
Actually we got close this month but that’s only because I had to re download the whole game again (20 gig) as my hard drive was low on space. So I downloaded to a bigger drive waiting and ready for Hot.
I have 20GB allowed to me each month before I go over and have to pay extra. I don’t have the computer on without needing it, but I play the game daily with no problems within the 20Gb.
ANet may give it to you.
>35 hours a week
>35 hours
>every week
>140 hours every month, plus the odd amount from days left over of the 5th partial week
>1680+ a year
>of your life
>to one gameanon plz no
Well life is but a series of actions we undertake to keep ourselves busy until we die.
>35 hours a week
>35 hours
>every week
>140 hours every month, plus the odd amount from days left over of the 5th partial week
>1680+ a year
>of your life
>to one gameanon plz no
Was this response really necessary?
There are some people, including myself, that spends at least double that amount of time in Guild Wars 2.
>35 hours a week
>35 hours
>every week
>140 hours every month, plus the odd amount from days left over of the 5th partial week
>1680+ a year
>of your life
>to one gameanon plz no
What’s funny is, some people sit and watch TV for several hours a day. But when someone says they play a video game the same amount, suddenly it’s a crazy amount of time.
ANet may give it to you.
>35 hours a week
>35 hours
>every week
>140 hours every month, plus the odd amount from days left over of the 5th partial week
>1680+ a year
>of your life
>to one gameanon plz no
What’s funny is, some people sit and watch TV for several hours a day. But when someone says they play a video game the same amount, suddenly it’s a crazy amount of time.
Indeed, or, shock horror, spend that, or more in work!
If you played GW2 for 3 hours a day, over a week that would amount to 21 hours. I’d put money on most people watch TV more than that in a week.
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Thanks to the people who posted specific details on their data limits (and how they haven’t reached them through GW2 alone).
Actually in Canada for some weeks now, I have question about plan internet. I’m from France and we don’t really have internet limit. Generally I let Guild Wars open all day. I will have a plan with 350go by month at electronicbox. I wanted to know if it was enough, I will stop to let it open all day. I just want to know if it’s enough for play like 35hours by week.
Thank you for answer
Downloading client will take around 20GB space, so that you will need to take into account.
Nobody here know how large future updates and patches will be, so that is the only thing that might be eating up a large chunk from your dataplan of 350 GB each month. Playing the game by should probably not need that much bandwidth, but to be safe turn off auto log in from client (the first thing you will see when you start your client; same as where you have your account information) and manually log into your account from client. Also close game completely (close also page where you select char), so it will not make use of your dataplan when you are not playing or doing anything in game.
Make use of some kind of tracking application for how much data you are using the first time, so you will know what is normal usage for each application (including updating of these).
That is entirely unnecessary as GW2 doesn’t use any bandwith when it’s just sitting there idle unless you have the new streaming function sent to max. Still though, the log-in screen and character screens do absolutely nothing unless acted upon, you could in essence leave them open 24/7 and never, ever come close to reaching the plan limit. I have a 250gb DL limit per month…and I’ve yet to even hit 20% of that amount, even if I’ve watched streaming and downloaded a dozen new games from Steam…all with GW2 open in the background.
He has 350gb per month allocated, 20gb isn’t even 10% of that amount…he’s got nothing to worry about.
>35 hours a week
>35 hours
>every week
>140 hours every month, plus the odd amount from days left over of the 5th partial week
>1680+ a year
>of your life
>to one gameanon plz no
~3.3k hours in 2 years of video games is not that bad at all. Still plenty of time remaining to get things done in a week if you spend 35 hours, unless you live a super busy life doing tons of work… but that doesn’t sound very enjoyable to me.
Average gameplay usage isn’t that high, 50 MB an hour +/- 10MB. Even double that rate it’s less than 75 GB a month at 24/7.
RIP City of Heroes
Actually we got close this month but that’s only because I had to re download the whole game again (20 gig) as my hard drive was low on space. So I downloaded to a bigger drive waiting and ready for Hot.
Coulda just copied the game folder from the current hard drive. That’s what I did when I got a new HDD, copied it from my laptop to my desktop. Took an hour, but it beats downloading it.
With 350gb/month you would literally have to go out of your way to cap that. Outside of initial download and some updates, you won’t even put a dent in it with just GW2.
Actually we got close this month but that’s only because I had to re download the whole game again (20 gig) as my hard drive was low on space. So I downloaded to a bigger drive waiting and ready for Hot.
Coulda just copied the game folder from the current hard drive. That’s what I did when I got a new HDD, copied it from my laptop to my desktop. Took an hour, but it beats downloading it.
I did think about that but I wanted a clean install just to make sure I had everything correctly as sometimes my game does strange things. I did notice the download was a little bit larger than what I previously had so maybe I did get a few extra files I was missing. Btw on my fibre the download was very fast even for a 20 gig download, probably about the same time frame, about an hour.