Day 1. Opinions

Day 1. Opinions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astramazz.4728


Hi everybody! I used to play the original Guild Wars when it first came out. Then I stopped [had to raise a family.] Now after a 8 year hiatus I decided to give the new Guild Wars 2 a try. I purchased HoT, and first impression was, “Gosh! I still need to download 20+ gig after purchasing the disk?” Okay. It would have been nice to load more data onto the disk. I am experienced in other MMO’s most notably Star Wars Galaxies, which IMO was the best. I ground my way to level 19 yesterday. Character creation was very good, except I could not find an option for eye color. I did not create a level 80 char because I needed to get the “feel” of the game first. Previous GW I role played a female human necromancer. Yesterday for the ease of getting back into the game I created a Human male Ranger. Now I only get 20 inventory slots, with 4 more options of 4 slot bags, which in my opinion is not enough slots. It’s a bit of a steep learning curve at first, it took me a while to figure out that selling items through the Black Lion TC pane is much more lucrative then selling items to a merchant. It’s nice to see a supply and demand market. I like the portals for ease of travel. The map is massive. Can’t wait to explore more! Movement with mouse and keyboard I found very difficult. My char doesn’t always go in the direction I am looking. I found movement easier when I discovered auto run. Still need to master that! I haven’t joined a guild yet. Still looking for a casual guild. Not too crazy about PVP, but still like that aspect every now and then. Even though I inputed my HoT key, most items are locked through the Black Lion TC. I took up the chef profession, but found it really tough to aquire peppercorn as an ingredient. I finally did…so anyways I guess I’m getting the hang of it. Overall I like the game, and can’t wait to play more. I still have no clue about “builds”. lol. See you guys and gals out there! Ranger Mitchell De Caen on Sea of Sorrows.

Day 1. Opinions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deadlypixel.8734


Welcome to GuildWars 2 \o/
btw if you’re still looking for a friendly, chill guild (and you’re on NA servers), you can always PM me, our guild is always looking for some friendly faces and enjoy helping eachother out.

Just a friendly community commander.
Shatterer CC Lead, Mesmer ports, Raid trainings. I’m here for you all!

Day 1. Opinions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Now I only get 20 inventory slots, with 4 more options of 4 slot bags, which in my opinion is not enough slots.

Bags are bought on the AH or crafted, up to 20 slots per bag. You only need to do dailies for like a week and you easily afford a full set of 18 slotters. So do the daily.

Regarding the camera, be sure to set a key to toggle action camera, you might find a mouselocked view better to your liking that free look.

Day 1. Opinions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kurfu.5623


- save your level 80 boost for after you’ve already taken a couple of toons to max level.

- don’t bother with crafting yet, you’re not gonna have the mats to get very far, and buying them off the TP can be expensive. For now, just gather every node you see.

- there are a few world bosses that you can do at your level – here’s how to find them:

Day 1. Opinions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


  • Most important things are: Gain XP to 80, gain gold, and explore the map in roughly that order. Don’t focus on crafting until you’re established
  • While it’s profitable to sell things on the TP, it is very tedious. It’s generally more efficient to salvage low level requipment for crafting materials and sell them in bulk. Also a fast way of compacting your bags.
    I like Free Camera because the camera adjusting itself made me dizzy. Disable “Melee attack assist” because it means you can’t pass through enemies and that sucks. Enable “show all target names” as many things require you to interact with an object, and so you don’t have to squint.
  • Exploring the maps and doing events (marked by orange symbols or circles on the map) gives you the most XP. Killing enemies not nearly as much, so you generally want to explore the map and find more events. Ideally, you’d explore more of the map each time you play.
  • Hearts (marked as a heart on the map) can be a good source of XP too, espeically if there’s an event happening.
  • Equipment. You want to upgrade your gear overtime, but do not go overkill— before 80 you shouldn’t spend more than 10s on anything. Typically (green) masterwork gear is very overpriced at low-mid levels, so (blue) fine gear works. Later on, past 65, green gear starts to decline in value which means you can start using them.

The most important thing to keep up to date is your weapon (every 5-10 levels). Chest/Leg pieces can be a good boost, so replace them every 10 levels. Jewelery is good but often expensive, so get at your own discretion. The other pieces are not important. so replace them whenever. Typically I would aim for gear that has +power and either precision or vitality depending on your needs.

Level 70’ish will probably be your last gearing before you go for end gear at level 80.

  • Food. There is a ton of food on the Trading Post that is very cheap. In fact, only a few copper which is literally less than vendor junk. Food is an item that works by double clicking on it— it gives you a buff for 30 minutes. Only one food can be active at a time; using another food just overwrites the previous. All food gives you a small XP boost for killing enemies which isn’t a big deal but it’s so cheap that there’s little reason to pass it up.

Suggested Food:
Level 15-30
Roasted Meaty Sandwich — 2c (gives power)

Level 30-40 (can skip— you can keep using the old food because chances are these levels will be fast, will probably only need a dozen of these. )
Chocolate Chip Cookie — 10c (precision, healing)
Cherry Cookie —3c (healing, vitality)-- not as good but cheaper

Level 40-55
Cherry Pie — 3c (Precision, life steal)

Blackberry Pie -2c (precision, life steal)

Mixed Berry Pie- 8c (precision, life steal) -It’s almost as good as the level 80 version.

  • Utilities. Utilities work just like food but can be used alongside food. Low level utility items are overpriced and a waste for low level content. In the past I used them to get experience boosts but they’re too inflated in price now and I don’t suggest them into you get to level 80 zones and they’re still optional.

Hardened Sharpening Stone -2s 81c

Quality Maintenance Oil — 2s

  • Buy Orders. If you’re willing to wait, when you buy something on the TP, you can always put in a bid instead of buying something instantly. Sometimes you’ll be able to get an item for cheaper; but only do that for things in bulk. Waiting for new equipment is generally pointless as it may already be obsolete by the time you get it. Same applies to sell orders.

Oh yea, and welcome to Guild Wars 2.

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

(edited by ArchonWing.9480)

Day 1. Opinions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astramazz.4728


Thanks everyone for all your awesome advice and replies!

Day 1. Opinions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

As for the eye color- if you meant you didn’t find a way to change it, It’s a select bar on the bottom of certain pages (eye shape customizing) similar to skin color on the bottom of the face page Welcome to the game!

Day 1. Opinions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094


If you want any free levelling food let me know. I have loads of it.

i5 4690K @ 3.5Mhz|8GB HyperX Savage 1600mHz|MSI H81M-E34|MSI GTX 960 Gaming 2GB|
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|

Day 1. Opinions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArtemisEntreri.8450



New player here too… They said everything needed, I just add the “usual” but still efficient advice: take your time. Every single activity rewards you with XPs. You won’t regret some extra time spent exploring, talking, gathering.