Daydreamer set: Amazing job

Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Supreme.3164


Terrific job, great design, texture and dye combination…fantastic.
I can hold great hopes for future legendary weapons and I can’t thank enough the Art Department for this.


Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rauderi.8706


They are some pretty weapons. Shame about the creepy faces on half of them. =P

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Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Endless Soul.5178

Endless Soul.5178

They do look very nice.

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Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zenleto.6179


The shield is the only one I’m interested in, and possibly the torch. Otherwise I find them sort of blah. Looks like some nice detail though.

Fire up the Hyperbowl ma, we’re going to town!

Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?

Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ProtoGunner.4953


They’re okay’ish. I like other sets better. Like the dragon’s jade set.

‘would have/would’ve been’ —> correct
‘would of been’ —> wrong

Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: WabbaJaga.3861


Another great axe skin. The game needs more axes …

(And I need more gold :/ )

Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Soinetwa.5193


they are well designed

just dont really fit my taste that well..^^

but ido like big artfull shields liek this one
(on the other hand i dislike this little piece of metal on all the cutting edges on swords dagger and axe)
i think id`d look much better if the metal keeps it together but the sharp edges of that crystal would cut my enemies

i LOVE focus and Hammer though
especially the hammer
anet seems to learn that we want BIG hammerheads and this one.. i might even buy this one..^^

Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aspirine.6852


They do look nice, one thing though. Anet could go with another GS look. Most of the gemshop GS look very much the same.

Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MeGaZlo.9516


I am sad that they don’t make underwater 3 anymore

Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ephemiel.5694


They’re actually really well designed. Only one i don’t really like is the Dagger since that looks nothing like daggers.

“Would you kindly?”

Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Soinetwa.5193


They do look nice, one thing though. Anet could go with another GS look. Most of the gemshop GS look very much the same.

u mean having a hilt stick to a long blade?

(i understand what u mean… give us more one shard edged greatswords like jotun.. bandit,legionaire,krait,ogre,pirate.. and a lot more… most of them kinda “dirty” and rigged only very few (like belindas) are fine worked and one edged

btw by klicking through the gs skins i found the godskul lgreatsword… thatd look AMAZING with the reaper o.O
(sure its not really fine work and looks more like a brutal slashing horror film..blabla.. but thats exactly what reapers should be like!!!

Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ralanost.8913


Eh, they are ok. Not my style. REALLY don’t like the creepy faces.

Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crimson Clouds.4853

Crimson Clouds.4853

Not a fan of the creepy faces, but love how highly detailed they are and the quality of the textures.

Compare the sword/greatsword from this set to the Dragon’s Jade set- it becomes blindingly obvious how poor the textures are on the older sets. :/

Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basaltface.2786


First set in a year that for me “does it right”. I might detest the outfit that goes with it for the fact that it is an outfit but for the ticket skins…. 10/10. Bought 5 so far and most likely gonna buy all but the shortbow (never used it and most likely never will)

Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


I love the face. It’s very Renn Fest. And I love the tiffany-glass-art-deco feel of the weapons. I’m sitting on three tickets trying to pick just three of the weapons to get out of my six must-haves and seven would-likes. Longbow and Hammer are in the lead right now …

Though the vivid color does mean it won’t mesh with a lot of color palettes. I’d say this is the first weapon set that really makes me yearn for dye channels. Even just one, on the main green area, that would go a long way. Especially if the pulsing glow effect persisted through any dye changes.

Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orangensaft.7139


they are very very nicely designed

but too bad that we cant dye the golden metal and the turquoise jade parts
so it actually fits our armorstyle :/
almost a waste of good design if you can just use them with so so limited styles where they fit….

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(edited by Orangensaft.7139)

Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DanteZero.9736


I think the use of green more so than the typical red, blue, black, and white colors is really nice. However, I’m not a fan of having faces on my weapons.

Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaymee.1560


What do some of you mean by Creepy Faces? I am meant to believe that is the Pale Tree’s face on that weapons, therefore they fully have my support!

I use to be a Ritualist and a Paragon in my former life…

Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ralanost.8913


What do some of you mean by Creepy Faces? I am meant to believe that is the Pale Tree’s face on that weapons, therefore they fully have my support!

Creepy is a subjective opinion, it’s hard to describe that feeling to someone else. That said, I just don’t like faces of any kind on weapons or armor. It just doesn’t help that I find this face in particular to be a bit creepy.

Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Niminion.1982


Weapons look great its really too bad the outfit looks like half the light armor in the game only green, and terrible on males as usual.

Can anyone there figure out how to make men look good in formal wear already!

Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rivurivurivurivu.3041


why all the scepters are terrible ? the daydreamer is a reeskin of the lovestruck, mordrem, and many other scepters.
why almost all the scepters are a stick with a round thing on the top ? why no more like zaitans reach or princess wand ?

Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandrian.8304


I love the faces! To me they give the skins a Melandru-ish feel – a wooden female face coming out of greenery.

Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


This is the first weapon set which isn’t gimmicky fire-themed that over 50% of the skins is actually pretty well-done, and the textures aren’t sub-par (shadow cough cough).

Attempts at ele specs:

Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lioka qiao.8734

lioka qiao.8734

Reminds me of the Glass weapon skins from Skyrim.

Im not a fan if only because i want a weapon that doesn’t look like i’ll break it when i hit something with it (that greatsword…).

Little red Lioka

Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ProtoGunner.4953


Compare the sword/greatsword from this set to the Dragon’s Jade set- it becomes blindingly obvious how poor the textures are on the older sets. :/

Er what? Have you checked them in game? Be cause I think the Dragon’s Jade have some of the most amazing skins detail-wise. Just look at the dragons of the shield, the details are awesome!

‘would have/would’ve been’ —> correct
‘would of been’ —> wrong

Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PaxTheGreatOne.9472


They are some pretty weapons. Shame about the creepy faces on half of them. =P

Isn’t that Melandru?

Melandru is the goddess of nature, earth, and growth

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Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.

Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ralanost.8913


They are some pretty weapons. Shame about the creepy faces on half of them. =P

Isn’t that Melandru?

Melandru is the goddess of nature, earth, and growth

Probably. Nothing concrete in game about it other than the GW1 wiki stating that some statues are made out of dreamflowers. Doesn’t change the fact that people find the face creepy, whether it’s of a goddess or not.

Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Firelysm.4967


I agree, Daydreamer set in general looks the best so far! BUT, i can’t get over myself here.. and i have to express myself, why are last 4 Longbow releases so CHEAP and BORING looking, so THIN that what ever effect you add, its not even visible?

TL;DR: PLEASE, show some love to Longbow, and spend 5 more min while designing them, because they are horrible :S

EDIT: Just look last 4 weapon releases of LONGBOW, it’s a joke..

Wish I could get back to GW1.. PvP-GvG. It feels like we are outcasted, not desired or rewarded..

Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tigaseye.2047


Yeah, they’re lovely – like Labradorite.

I agree, Daydreamer set in general looks the best so far! BUT, i can’t get over myself here.. and i have to express myself, why are last 4 Longbow releases so CHEAP and BORING looking, so THIN that what ever effect you add, its not even visible?

TL;DR: PLEASE, show some love to Longbow, and spend 5 more min while designing them, because they are horrible :S

EDIT: Just look last 4 weapon releases of LONGBOW, it’s a joke..

Crimson Lion one isn’t thin, to be fair.

Although, even with that, the shortbow is a prettier design, IMO.

Only problem is the short bow cuts into the back of your char’s head, as you run.

They should angle them slightly more so the end goes above the shoulder; like the longbows’ ends do.

“Turns out when people play the game, they don’t admire your feet at all.” sephiroth

(edited by Tigaseye.2047)

Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: blubberblasen.3901


I agree, Daydreamer set in general looks the best so far! BUT, i can’t get over myself here.. and i have to express myself, why are last 4 Longbow releases so CHEAP and BORING looking, so THIN that what ever effect you add, its not even visible?

TL;DR: PLEASE, show some love to Longbow, and spend 5 more min while designing them, because they are horrible :S

EDIT: Just look last 4 weapon releases of LONGBOW, it’s a joke..

i love this skin

Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vegito.3048


Personally it’s one of the few sets I see almost no appeal in, the exception being the green flame on the torch.

Rantev [Warrior]

Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rapthorne.7345


They look great, I just wish you could dye weapons. green is not anywhere even close to being a colour I appreciate

Resident smug Englishman on the NA servers, just because.

Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


Longbows are too thin? Egad. And here I’ve been upset by how many of them are huge clunky things that I can’t imagine lifting one-armed to rapidly fire arrows from. Not to mention they don’t look like they could flex worth a darn, which is fairly important in archery.

I love the Daydreamer Longbow. It will definitely be one of the three Daydreamer skins I get. I just have to decide on the other two before I commit my tickets >< I get so paralyzed by choice, sometimes.

Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


Well, I personally didn’t like the staff. I wish they would make more staves like the Bloody Prince one, the design structure is really well thought out.

Attempts at ele specs:

Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: caveman.5840


I really like the sword … I just wish the dagger was a mini version of the sword

and the great sword and shield look pretty awesome

Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tigaseye.2047


Longbows are too thin? Egad. And here I’ve been upset by how many of them are huge clunky things that I can’t imagine lifting one-armed to rapidly fire arrows from. Not to mention they don’t look like they could flex worth a darn, which is fairly important in archery.

I love the Daydreamer Longbow. It will definitely be one of the three Daydreamer skins I get. I just have to decide on the other two before I commit my tickets >< I get so paralyzed by choice, sometimes.

My guess is that he feels that the centre of them is a little too narrow, as opposed to the ends.

They do tend to be narrower in the centre than the shortbows, even though they’re longer.

They could be slightly more substantial in the middle, like the short bows and then tapering and slightly more curling, towards the ends.

“Turns out when people play the game, they don’t admire your feet at all.” sephiroth

Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hamfast.8719


Very tired of staves that look like boat oars. The head shouldn’t be bigger than my character’s head.

How about some more hand-to-hand combat looking staves? Each end weighted equally (but NOT oversized again; I’m not looking for a giant Q-Tip.)

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