Dear Arenanet....

Dear Arenanet....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: I N C A.5148

I N C A.5148

Dear Anet

I am writing to let you know you have an “ok” game. I played gw2 in the beta, i have seen the ups and downs for everything you have done. I have stuck through the good and the bad alike. However over the past 6 months, i just cant do it anymore. I cant continually look past the glaring inadequacies of the game. I played gw1 for 6 years, i even played in the gw1 beta! Gw1 had its ups and downs to, and hard mode was the thing that killed gw1 in my opinion in every way by taking out the need to be interactive with other players. But now, now i see you doing the same things you did in gw1, always promising us things, always saying “we are working on it” to just push it back and push it back. Yes you give us new content every 2 weeks in pve, yes you have SAB (best thing ever) and some other great side distractions. However at the end of the day everything that you are doing is just to preoccupy us with some sort of new short term goal. Nothing, and i mean NOTHING you have released has stuck, or fixed the same problems you had on day one. Yes, some things are neat, but the problems that were there on day one, are still there today. I have no reason what so ever to log in and play the game. Yes there in some sort of new content to tide me over till the next 2 week content, but its nothing concrete. All your doing is putting ducktape on a leaky hull to try and patch the problem until another leak appears. The only time i log in, is for holidays and thats simply because im hoping you will give me something similar. I dont want some brand new mind boggling story that i have to complete, i want to see LA in christmas mode and all that it entails and smile because its the same as last year and its consistent as a whole. However now i digress, let me get back to my point.

The problem you had after 3 months of release was and still is player retention. I played gw1 for 6 years not because of the new content every 2 weeks, but because i knew logging in, it would be the same as when i last logged out. And now even after all this time, you have still not given me, us, the community, the one thing that would keep players playing is GvG and HA. Everyday i logged into gw1 to go HA because i wanted to be that cool r3 person, then i wanted to be that cool r6 person, and then i wanted to be that cool r9 person, and then i wanted to be that r12 person, but then said “LOL im good at r10”, but it gave me a goal, a goal that gave me purpose to play and interact, a purpose to hop on vent or ts everyday and talk with my guild mates about anythign whether it was new test spike builds, new gvg builds with modified runner builds, and even pve to go do dungeons/story simply to get gear. HA and GvG bring people together, give us back that fun, that enjoyment, that desire to go bambi someone and be like “NOOOOOOB” lol. Even when having a bambi was lame, it was still a way to make me feel good about playing.

WvW is just a zerg, 3-5 big blobs moving round countering each others blob. Yes you can break off into small groups, but in high ranked servers, its ultimately not practical. current structured PvP is just a hot mess. there is no spike builds, no iway builds, no singet spikes, no crappy yet incredibly enjoyable VIMWAY builds, or paraway, or w/p pressures. Its all just people running the same things and the only difference is who can split better. And with all this being said, I cant play guild wars anymore. I have lost hope and trust that you can fix the problems that have been around since the beginning. I have lost trust and hope that you will ever give us HA and GvG, and if you do, you will do it 2 years from now when the games dying just to bring it back to life.

In conclusion, I have played guild wars for almost 9 years in total, and spent a quite literal countless number of hours online. I cant do it anymore Anet, If and when you ever release HA and GvG (which i doubt) ill come back. I know im just one person, and i know this may never get read, and i know that you always say you have other things to do, But for once just give the players what they want, and stop giving us things YOU want us to want. I love you Anet, and i love Guild Wars, but i just cant do it anymore. I dont want to chidly say “give us this X or i quit” But you have had over a year, and almost 9 years of my total time. Like i said before, I just cant do it anymore….

-Mez Inca

(edited by I N C A.5148)

Dear Arenanet....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


Please edit in some paragraph breaks.

I do try to read posts when I click on the thread but that long wall of text hurt.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

Dear Arenanet....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: I N C A.5148

I N C A.5148

I just want to let you know…. after reading the final post again, my eyes began to well with tears. I love this game and the experiences and friends i have made, even friends i have met on gw1 that i later met in real life when we all flew to one of the guys house for a week. But i just cant anymore Anet…

Dear Arenanet....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shockwave.1230


Countless number of hours?
Use /age to see how long you’ve been logged into each game.

Kidding aside, there are numerous things people will disagree with you about in regard to your opinion on both games. However, the main point you were driving at is that there’s nothing you find enough value in repeating that forces you to interact with other players, and that stays consistent.

I would think that PvP and WvW are probably what you’re looking for based upon your HA comment, but there’s no worthwhile carrot you see worth chasing. The finisher animation is pretty much the equivalent of the /rank from Guild Wars you’re referring to.

Based upon what you’re looking for and what exists in GW2, it’d appear it’s all there.

Sylvari Elementalist – Mystree Duskbloom (Lv 80)
Norn Guardian – Aurora Lustyr (Lv 80)
Mia A Shadows Glow – Human Thief (Lv 80)

Dear Arenanet....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spendingallmytime.7249


You’ll be back. Until then, have a nice break.

Why you bein’ cute?

Dear Arenanet....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Immensus.9732


thats sad very sad, and it will be even more sad when they`ll realize that all we wanted to do is to help by telling them what is bad in the game, and instead they ignore us because “we are the guys that complaining all the time”…

Mesmers Shall Rule Tyria!

Dear Arenanet....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


I’ve express a lot of criticism on this forum but it’s only because I think this game is great and has great potential to grow.

I think so far Anet did a good job, not perfect obviously, class balance is still a problem with the overpowered hammer-warrior and underpowered staff ele (and between these extreme), the world didnt grow much in both WvW and world map, random loot is still questionable.

However what they did was good and sometimes great. SAB, Southsun and Sanctum were outstanding.

Like people said, its a free to play game, so take a break if you need it and come back once more content has been released in 2014.

Dear Arenanet....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Immensus.9732


I think so far Anet did a good job, not perfect obviously, class balance is still a problem with the overpowered hammer-warrior and underpowered staff ele (and between these extreme), the world didnt grow much in both WvW and world map, random loot is still questionable.

That`s probably the briefest sum up of what is mostly wrong with that game! I mean wow!
+10 points to that

Mesmers Shall Rule Tyria!

Dear Arenanet....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

6 years of GW1 + 1 year of GW2 = 9???


Dear Arenanet....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


i DO not believe this post 1 single bit, you better not come back because your post history will never change