Dear Developers

Dear Developers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Prysin.8542


After reading your post regarding “The Road Ahead”.
Which can be found here:

I would like to adress one issue in particular.
CPU Overhead.

you got… a LOT of it…
Now, i know it is a monumental task to undertake. But making the move to DX12 or Vulcan would alleviate some of this overhead simply by allowing better use of hardware.
Now. i know it is NOT an easy task to write multi-threaded workloads and even less easy to get proper parrallellization going. But for MANY of your users, this is something we need.

I saw very huge performance change going from a AMD FX 8320 to a Intel Core i7 4790k… despite the Intel CPU being nearly 40% stronger in raw multi-threaded workloads, and about 70% stronger in single threaded tasks.

Now fast forward to my point. Enter “The Witcher 3”. A game that is based on DX11, but most importantly a game that is HEAVILY multi-threaded.

Net result? A AMD FX 8320/8350 will be within 10-15% of the i7 4790k..
By just getting better multi-core support, you would allow bigger fights, better fights and most important to ALL of your players, less lag.

A LOT of the lag we experience seem to be from CPU overhead in congested situations. Especially WvW could benefit here.

Just please. Work on it. To stand the test of time, you need more then 2-4 threads being used properly. Hardware and core count IS going up. and as such, the games should reflect that.

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

Dear Developers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ferdi.1452


I don’t think this is ever going to happen. It’s just too costly in terms of time and resources.