Dear Devs: About the Crafting Interface

Dear Devs: About the Crafting Interface

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Timberfox.3961


I have been playing for about a month now, and this game is absolutely stunning! One of the things that really impresses me is the attention to detail. Most things are so well thought out it surprises and pleases me. But, I suppose you can’t think of everything.

The crafting interface needs some help. When you open the window, you are met with a “wall-o-text”. You can’t find anything.

Now, it seems to me that a bunch of computer people would have organized this more like the Windows file system. When you open the crafting window you should see the UNexpanded category titles, which you can then click on to expand to find the specific item you want. The default for the list should be UNexpanded.

As the system is now, I am dreading my future crafting experience. I’m only doing level 35 items now, but by level 80 I won’t be able to find anything at all without a long tedious search through the “wall-o-text”. I hope this makes it into a future build.

Dear Devs: About the Crafting Interface

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


There’s a search bar as well as the option to filter recipes.

Dear Devs: About the Crafting Interface

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712



Dear Devs: About the Crafting Interface

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neural.1824


This suggestion is at the top end of my list of requested QoL items. The lists simply need to be collapsed at opening. For the way I use the crafting system, it simply would make things much faster, without having to mess with the filters or search queries.

Where are my gem sales? I want gem sales! Nerf EVERYTHING!

Dear Devs: About the Crafting Interface

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blude.6812


This suggestion is at the top end of my list of requested QoL items. The lists simply need to be collapsed at opening. For the way I use the crafting system, it simply would make things much faster, without having to mess with the filters or search queries.

This^ and ‘refinement’ should always be first and at the top,

Dear Devs: About the Crafting Interface

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


Agreed with Neural and Blude. But I’ll note we’re still miles better off than we used to be. The last major crafting QoL (other than the recent account-wide recipe learning) was the nesting components. Before they put that in, you had to note what sub-items you needed, back out to the main menu, go to that sub-item, remember how many you needed, make it, return to the thing you were making (if you remembered what it was and could find it), rinse and repeat. Cooking was an especial nightmare involving this. Heck, in the very beginning of the game, you had to craft from inventory rather than your bank.

So they do actually improve things over time

Dear Devs: About the Crafting Interface

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Generally, new players aren’t impressed with "the interface is so much better than before — they deal with the quality of the interface today.

And I agree: there should be a toggle to “expand all” (and the default should be “collapse all”. The sort order leaves a lot to be desired. There should be visual distinctions between among the rarity of recipes and it should be easy to tell the rarity of the product (right now, you have to mouse over to get either).

In the meantime, as Ayrilana.1396 said, there’s a fantastic and easy work-around: the search bar.

  • For ascended refinement, type “asc”
  • For armor crafting refinement, type, “ore” or “scrap” or “section”
  • For weapon crafting refinement, “ore” or “log” (or “section”)

There’s generally a single, short phrase search that will filter the recipe(s) you want.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

(edited by Illconceived Was Na.9781)