(edited by Burnfall.9573)
Death Stealth Stomping, 'needs to go'
And a stability stomp is not unfair? Or the engineers elixir s transformation? Or the mist form from the eles?
Also elementalists don´t have stealth. Do you mean the ranger perhaps?
(edited by Turamarth.3248)
Eliminate the downed state imo. Theres nothing heroic or epic about dying & rallying over & over again in zergs which is most of WvW & the times where rallying is fun is too few & far in between. I see it as a hindrance to the game rather than a benefit.
Think outside the zerg OP. Watch a good small encounter or gvg video and you will find that more often than not the coordination over both reviving and stomping can be a huge decider.
Would you rather us thieves have stability or stealth stomps in the grand scale of things? I’m willing to bet this is QQ from someone who hasn’t played much of thief.
Any thief will tell you outside of stealth or black powder it’s pretty hard and pretty stupid to attempt s stomp in PvP OR wvw
Think outside the zerg OP. Watch a good small encounter or gvg video and you will find that more often than not the coordination over both reviving and stomping can be a huge decider.
Would you rather us thieves have stability or stealth stomps in the grand scale of things? I’m willing to bet this is QQ from someone who hasn’t played much of thief.
Any thief will tell you outside of stealth or black powder it’s pretty hard and pretty stupid to attempt s stomp in PvP OR wvw
i am not only making a case against thief’s’ stealth class, but to all stealth classes.
In WvWvW professions and builds are actually not meant to be universal rather an important part in a cohesive group that does well as a group, not as an individual. The point of the rally system is to offer more diversity to the fight and every profession (at least as far as I know) has a way to make unblockable stomps. Warriors have stability which is unblockable for any profession that uses KB (guardian), fear (necros), stun (ranger) in their downed state. However warriors can’t immediately finish some other classes which have blinks or transformations during that phase i.e. mesmers, thieves and eles. Thieves have mass stealth which makes them untargetable (no target no way to counter with skills that require a target in downed state) but AoE, fear and CC still have effect on them. If a thief is trying to finish you and you are out of any of those skills you depend completely on others to save you – that is a fact that can’t be changed and an important rule of the gameplay.
The only thing that I would change about downed state is the fact that downed enemy players can actually rally if someone kills a target they were attacking. I.e. if two players get downed and one of them starts attacking a nearby moa which gets killed by another enemy player that player gets a rally. That is something that really needs to be looked at the downed mechanics.
(edited by holodoc.5748)
Think outside the zerg OP. Watch a good small encounter or gvg video and you will find that more often than not the coordination over both reviving and stomping can be a huge decider.
Would you rather us thieves have stability or stealth stomps in the grand scale of things? I’m willing to bet this is QQ from someone who hasn’t played much of thief.
Any thief will tell you outside of stealth or black powder it’s pretty hard and pretty stupid to attempt s stomp in PvP OR wvw
i am not only making a case against thief’s’ stealth class, but to all stealth classes.
…..so thief mainly? I dont see much mesmers running around with torches. And guards can still interrupt a stealth stomp with their interrupt and so can rangers, and eles, and mesmers, and thieves. In that same regard, what thieves cant stomp safely via stealth we can do with shadow steps. If a down a guardian, ele, thief, or mesmer i dont even need to stealth first I can shadow step stomp so nerf that too. But do keep invincibility stomping or stability stomping, you know, the two where you can’t do anything to knock the person off.
/sigh. How do I delete threads?
Its not unfair,thief and mesmer have stealth stump cause they are vary squishy,if they remove this from them then they wont be able to stump any1 cause they will be dead wile trying to do so.Thief only def is mobility and stealth which both will be nerfed in next patch…if they remove stealth stump then how will we stump at all since we die after we take 2-3 hits from guardian or warrior.If guardian can take 5 people attacking him at same time wile he stump and still survives then its fair that thief gets stealth stump
There are many ways for safestomps, so why nerfing stealthstomps?
In Addition, if you cant stomp in stealth anymore, rezzing while being in stealth whould be removed, too. (No, this is no suggestion, just a simile)