

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DreamyAbaddon.3265


Problem is, the reason why we even express our feelings and concerns in the forums is because we really care for this game. 3 months of awesomeness and we want to keep it awesome.

That’s really the only main reason. If we didnt care we wouldnt be involved in the Forum here.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ganzo.5079


Problem is, the reason why we even express our feelings and concerns in the forums is because we really care for this game. 3 months of awesomeness and we want to keep it awesome.

That’s really the only main reason. If we didnt care we wouldnt be involved in the Forum here.

I feel exactly like you too. Its painfull to see how much damage this patch has do to this game.
But if have to say that im loosing patience and hope day by day.

Because, like Guild Wars before it, GW2 doesn’t fall into the traps of traditional MMORPGs.
It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill"


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JDGumby.7685


Pokemon’s a bad example. It’s still obscenely popular. Its key to keeping its popularity as the sequels rolled out? Keeping most everything the same, just adding new systems and sticking to mostly incremental change for existing systems.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pinek.6972


3 months of awesomness? Didnt i get the memo? Because for me it was 3 months of open world zergfests and most shallow PvE content ever, weak storyline, weak character progression and insane grind even for simple crafting.

GW1 > GW2 in EVERY SINGLE ASPECT. Post and before Lost Shores Patch.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valtameri.2075


3 months of awesomness? Didnt i get the memo? Because for me it was 3 months of open world zergfests and most shallow PvE content ever, weak storyline, weak character progression and insane grind even for simple crafting.

GW1 > GW2 in EVERY SINGLE ASPECT. Post and before Lost Shores Patch.

Not even moving combat? I love GW1, but casting while running combat seems to take win here imo.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pinek.6972


I agree that its more arcade and dynamic in GW2 but GW1 have far more depth and skill (in terms of brain usage not ordinary reflexes like fps game) when it comes to combat.

They added casting while runing and they take everything else that makes GW1 combat fun, rewarding and unique.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Swoo.5079


You are 100% right. But you have to face facts. No amount of complaining will change it. It happens with most games. They start off great, and the developers either lose their touch or sell out. It’s happened to great game franchises. Resident Evil, Zelda, Dino Crisis and Pokémon to name a few.

GW1 was a great game. Just be glad you enjoyed it and move on. I, like most people, had high hopes for GW2. But when I completed it and realised it was terrible in every aspect (imo), I quit the game and never went back.

There are other amazing games out there. Stop wasting your time whining. Just some advice.

Didn’t you get the memo?
Whining in forums is called feedback now and they lead to changes.
(at least if those changes reflect what was already decided by someone, I just hope the results expected by the change are the complete opposite – I’m doing my part and stop my €15-20 monthly gem purchases)

Ascended items are Anet biggest mistake and a kneejerk reaction.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Himei.5379


Personally I’m glad its not like GW1. I love GW1 but would have been bored if 2 was the same. Playing since release and still having a blast, with all the problems (aka my Ranger’s problems) and other things. I just can’t seem to stop playing and I’m sure many agree with me also.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

GW1 was far from a great game. It had its charm and I enjoyed it. But it was far from great. GW2 is superior to it in almost every way. Yet even GW2 has a long way to go.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conncept.7638


Pokemon has literally been the exact same game over a dozen times with a different skin, it’s not a franchise that has ‘betrayed’ its foundation, it is one that has stagnated, which seems to be what some wish of the Guild Wars franchise.

I played GW1 as much as I could stand to. Don’t get me wrong, if it had been a book, I would have read it; if it had been a movie I would have watched it. Great story, incredible visuals, interesting characters, cool and interesting choices to be made throughout. But it wasn’t a movie or a book, it was a game, and like all games it has an extra layer of design no other media has – gameplay. And it failed on every level in every way when it came to gameplay experience.

Yes, it had a really cool customization features that people loved and became attached to, but those features are not gameplay, they are an appendage to gameplay. If infinite customization is all you want, go play with paper dolls, it’s the same thing if there is no well-designed gameplay interaction to be had by those customizations.

And I cannot think of a single way in which GW2 isn’t just as good, and I can think of many ways in which it is superior. It’s not perfect, and obviously early in post-production design stages, but saying GW1 was better is no different than saying 007:Goldeneye is better than Halo. One could not exist without the other, but one is clearly a step up in design in every single way.

(edited by Conncept.7638)