Deleted gemstore item, no support answer

Deleted gemstore item, no support answer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terensz.5324


I deleted accidentally a musical lute (800 gem) last autumn, as I carelessly deleted a character. It was all my fault, but it would be nice if I could get that back.

First time I wrote an in-game ticket immediately when the “accident” happened, on 22th of October, last year. Next time I wrote another about 1 month ago.

I didn’t get an answer, even a “grab my ear” from the support.

What do you suggest? Let this go, and live together with the fact, there is no support at all?

Deleted gemstore item, no support answer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IEatCabbage.1907


the support here is mostly good, you sure you send the right ticket?

Deleted gemstore item, no support answer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


You stated you wrote an in game ticket. That is not the proper support channel for such issues. In game reports do not go to customer support and will not receive an answer. You need to file a ticket via the support link located at the top of the page.

If you submitted a ticket via the support website and never even received the auto email with the ticket number then you should check to make sure Anet emails are not going into your junk mail or blocked.

If you get the auto email and nothing after that you can post your ticket number for review in this thread if it has been longer than 3 days (edit currently support is saying it might take 4 days).

The Burninator

(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)

Deleted gemstore item, no support answer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terensz.5324


That was the way I did: Esc (game menu) / Support / (ladybird tab) / “Area” rolldown menu: “Black Lion Trading”, “Sub-area”: “Gem store”, filled and submitted the form, wrote a letter to the “Description of the issue” input field.

Did I do something wrong with this method?

Deleted gemstore item, no support answer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


That was the way I did: Esc (game menu) / Support / (ladybird tab) / “Area” rolldown menu: “Black Lion Trading”, “Sub-area”: “Gem store”, filled and submitted the form, wrote a letter to the “Description of the issue” input field.

Did I do something wrong with this method?

Yes, you need to submit your request via the support link at the top of this page > Submit a request link located at the top right of that page. Fill out the form required fields marked with an asterisk and submit. You then should get an auto response email with a ticket number and hopefully within 3-4 days or less hear from support via email. In game reports do not go to customer service and do not receive a response. They are for things like bug reports.

The Burninator

(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)

Deleted gemstore item, no support answer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


Yeah, you submitted a bug report rather than a support ticket. Do as Trogdor suggested above. Unfortunately, since it’s been this long since the deletion, they might not return the item. But there’s no harm in trying.