Destructible vs indestructible gear
hardcore mode is always an option (just choose not to repair your stuff and destroy it yourself when it breaks)
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You don’t get drops from killing ambients, which is what “fluffy bunnies” are. Permanent loss of gear would be completely counterproductive to everything MMO. The problem we have now is we don’t make enough money from regular sources, and what you want is everyone fleecing each other to get a few gold?
I can see griefing potential in this, so I disagree.
There are better ways to make the game more challenging than forcing a prehistoric mechanic on everyone..
Sure it may be a argument that it is anoying to have to repair, but stabbing bunnies all day long will with time make your blade dull, and then its time to get it sharpened.
You will still have to go find a repair NPC for your repairs, so I don’t understand this part of your post.