Dev quotes- from Reddit
“Out of the Shadows” Devs-Ask us anything
Living World
What were the required changes and shuffeling in the Living World/Dev team that preceded this release?
At the end of Season Two we had all shifted from Living World onto Heart of Thorns. So between Season Two and Season Three we’ve rebuilt and restaffed the Living World team.My goal is to make sure we have a sustainable cadence and don’t have to take down Living World to deliver the next expansion.
The Fractals, PvP, and Raids teams ship content when they’ve got something great to ship, not on a set schedule. This release had a new Fractal and a new PvP map bundled with it, because they were both ready, not because we’re trying to establish a pattern. There’s no way that could happen with each release.With WvW we’re shipping updates as frequently as possible, not bundling them with these larger releases.
This release has a skill balance update bundled with it, as did the January and April Quarterly Updates, but the next Living World release may not. There are specific times that are good for skill balance updates, where they don’t interfere with PvP seasons and tournaments, and Living World episodes won’t always line up with those times.
With all the little details in the story instances, particularly the first one, it feels as if you all had more time to breathe life into this release. Do you all feel more comfortable with the pace of release now?
I feel like we’ve gotten into a really good rhythm now. Polish and those little details are a high priority for us, and it’s great to have the time and resources necessary to be able to include the “little things” that make the world feel more alive.
ANet angelmccoy
I’ll add to Frosty’s comment and say that we’ve been working hard on Narrative storytelling details, such as NPC animations, dialogue integration with movement, and NPC staging especially when we want to create a particular story moment. There’s always room for improvement, and the Narrative team has been looking for (and finding) ways to make our storytelling more organic and immersive for you. Thanks for noticing and for the kind comment!
What feature/event/update did you guys implement in this patch that made you sit back and go, “Yeah… they’ll like that one.”
ANet LinseyMurdock
So many! My personal favorites in Episode 1 are Alari Doubleblade’s realization, the journal collections, and the diving goggles.
I also love her realization. She just fought for her life to get to the camp only to realize her life is gone. That hit me pretty hard!
(Andrew Gray here)
I’d say the GW1 throw backs were a big one for me. For example, when we realized that Hablion was killed on a bloodstone and could be all stuck in there and stuff, so we had to opportunity to give him the distinction of being the first boss to cross both games in the franchise, that was a “this is going to be awesome” moment. Same with recreating Jade Constructs and Spectral Agony in a way that would instill the same sense of dread they did in the original game.Even people who did not play the original Guild Wars can appreciate the depth of the lore in the franchise, and I’ve personally put a, let’s just say, questionable amount of hours in the original. So touching back on original prophecies lore was a labor of love, to be sure. Especially since War in Kryta was the first project I worked on as a designer.
What was the thought process behind adding the RNG gliding traps? And who’s idea was it to add the RNG moa transform that would cause someone to fall to their death for no real gameplay reason?
The thought process is that the bloodstone was a repository for any magic the ancient races could hide away from the dragons, and has continued to passively absorb magic, so the rapid release of that magic created unpredictable magical storms, that materialize in one of the schools of magic – elemental, chaotic, etc. It’s basically a giant sponge full of every type of magic you could imagine, hence the randomness of what you’re struck with.
As far as the moa? Yeah that was me. We knew we had to include magic that was within the realm of mesmers/mind/chaos since Mordremoth was very mind-y himself, and turning flying players into a flightless bird is hilarious. You can redeploy after the transform to avoid death, or just dodge the giant sparking magical storms in the sky to begin with.
Why wasn’t there a Trahearne Memorial? >:(
ANet angelmccoy
It would be awesome to be able to show every moment, but creating two memorial events would have been difficult to pull off well. We chose to focus on one and do it up right. We chose Eir because of her connection to Braham and his ongoing story with the player (you). We felt it had more potential emotional impact than a military leader would, and because you spend more time with her in the game than you do with Trahearne, we thought it would be more personal to you. Plus, we love the chance to show Norn culture.
ANet LinseyMurdock
Eir was a very close and personal friend of the player character. The whole world mourns Trahearne’s loss, and the player character chooses to do so privately as a comrade in arms. However, Eir’s loss hits much closer to home and at a time like that, it is important that we take the time to draw in those closest to us for support.
So narratively speaking, Norn have existed for centuries, and have been dealing with death for generations. Their customs for what you should do when someone passes are well established. Sylvari, on the other hand, are a young race and they’re still establishing those sorts of customs. It’s not that the sylvari aren’t dealing with the emotions of the death of a firstborn, of course they are, they just don’t have traditions already established on how they deal with them. How would we know, as humans, that a funeral or memorial is an appropriate response to death, except for the fact that our parents, and our parents parents have always done that?And from a development standpoint, two memorials would significantly slow the pacing of the content, and it was no small feat to make the one as it is. Other characters have died without the PC being invited to their funeral or memorial (Tybalt: never forget!) and it would be quite unsustainable to create a memorial for all of them.
Which means we have to keep Braham? And here I thought we have a better heavy hitter with Rytlock and we can finally say good bye to Braham (I am sorry, but he just feels stupid and unnecessary. Even more so with his DE connection gone).
ANet angelmccoy
Braham has been an integral part of Living Story from the beginning, and his story will continue to evolve.Rytlock also has more story to come. I, of course, can’t tell you where they’re going. You’ll just have to play and find out.
As time passes in game and in the real world will we see Taimi actually grow ?
She has already started growing!
ANet LinseyMurdock
Take a closer look. She is already larger in this episode than she was in previous
Continued from above
Are you going to be doing further quality of life changes in future patches?
Most of the QoL changes from this patch were a result of some down time between teams/larger projects for me. It’s usually what I try to do whenever I’m blocked on whatever I’m supposed to be working on. I don’t usually plan it ahead, it usually just comes from a suggestion from someone in the office/reddit/forums that happens to be low enough hanging fruit to fit in whatever gap in my schedule I have. I’m not entirely sure that’s how everyone else does it, but we play the game and the things that you guys want, we usually do too.
Will the next LS update be as large in terms of content and QoL updates as this one was?
Non-low hanging fruit does happen, but those require being in the schedule, and sometimes extra people. Like for the wallet, I ended up sort of being a one person team for a while just working on that. The wardrobe had a small team for months to make it happen.
Larger QoL changes aren’t off The Table™.
Any chance you guys can add more merchants to the new map?
We had discussed this prior to launch a bit, actually. Because the camps are all very makeshift and it isn’t easy for merchants to, lore wise, receive goods or have stockpiles of stuff, we decided against it. The poor Pact is pretty broken, so the low number of merchants helps support the idea that this place is rugged and rough. We were naturally concerned about the ease of access to merchants, though, which is why there is one located right near the waypoint in the ship. I suspect we’ll discuss it again when we see more feedback trickling in, but I can’t make any promises
Continued from above
What is the status of Legendary Armor? Is there any way we can at least get a preview of what it looks like or some sort of time table? It takes a lot of effort to get the items for the armor and right now we’re working for something we know virtually nothing about.
Legendary Armor is still in development, and we are working out the final stages. As soon as we are happy with how the final result will look and interact with the character models we will be sending out a preview and including it into the wardrobe viewer.
We don’t currently have any plans to majorly overhaul stat-swapping with Legendary Armor- it’s using the same system as the legendary weapons and backpacks where you can access the stat-swap menu whenever you’re out of combat.
Will there be a 3rd collection? Or only the two we have now and what the master craftsmen tells us we need to forge it with?
No, there are only going to be two Envoy Armor collections – you will be able to create your legendary armor after completing the second collection.
What’s going on with armor sets? .We can probably count on one hand how many have been added.
Armor sets are by far the most expensive reward we can make. A full set includes heavy, medium, light, times five races, times two sexes, so it’s like developing 30 sets. It takes nine months to develop. (That’s for a normal armor set — legendary is much longer.) It’s not something we can do for Living World episodes. Individual pieces are good rewards for Living World episodes; full sets are more something for expansion packs.
With the new backpiece/glider combo why can you dye the glider part of it but the backpiece reverts to the original color when you done gliding. It looks really wonky and i wish when dying it it worked across back pack and glider functions.
Backpacks and gliders are different items and came into the game at different times with different goals, needs, and different technologies available. By the time we were developing gliders, we were able to intentionally create them so that they could be dyed and had missed that opportunity with backpacks. My toon also has the new Shining Blade Backpack and Glider Combo that are mismatched due to this.
Continued from above
My question is how long from design to implementation does it take for you to create a new fractal?
It took us about 5 months to go from concept to finished with the new Chaos Fractal.
Does this mean that we can hope for only 2 new fractals yearly?
No, we’re working on multiple Fractals at once.
With the way development works, it’s easy to have one project in the polish & balance phase while another is in the prototype or fleshing out phase.
Does being able to re-use assets from existing fractals speed up development time significantly?
Not particularly.
The part of development that takes the longest is implementation, iteration, and polish. All of this work is done by designers, so artists working on new assets won’t really influence how long that takes.
interesting. how long does it take to revamp the older fractals?
1-2 months, depending on how much we’re changing
Regarding rewards, I still do not feel that fractals are rewarding enough for the time spent. Will we get some rewards increase or adjusting the ascended drop rate a bit higher? It doesn’t feel satisfying enough to do more than daily fractals..
Ascended drops need to remain tied to the daily achievements, so those cant be added to standard Fractal loot.The boss chests already give a significant amount of gold in the form of Fractal Encryptions, so I’m not sure there is much more we can do there.
The precursor for the legendary armor seems to be available only on raid, is there plans to have it available in fractals or are you guys making a different legendary armor for fractals?
No plans for legendary Fractal armor at this time. Ad Infinitum will remain Fractals only legendary for the time being.
As far for the fractals I really love the new UI, but… I’m kinda saddened with how most of them are made too easy and “to be fast”. Snowblind, per instance. And my question is – I know that you’d like to make more people play them and make them less nerve wrecking, but – what do you think, how much of this “easyfying” is going to happen any more and how much is enough for fractal to lose it’s… soul (if I could say it so)? Also, are the fractal level be going over 100? Because now we can have much more AR (if I got that right).
Anet_Ben Rivald
I can respond in reference to your fractals question. Snowblind didn’t really get much easier, the elemental source event did, but thats because it was frustrating before. The actual boss fight in snowblind as well as the intro event were incredibly easy yet long and tedious before. The changes to the elemental were intended to make the encounter go faster and be easier, but the changes to the boss made it more difficult yet also faster. Pacing is important and it just wasn’t good in the previous version.
Fractal scale is not the only measure of difficulty. Some fractals are just harder than others. For instance, chaos at scale 99 is going to feel harder than snowblind if it was also at scale 99. Going forward we will probably create fractals that have an even higher difficulty at the highest scales.
Continued from above
salvaging, inventory clutter
Has there been consideration given to being able to flag minor runes and sigils as junk? Or a similar solution.
ANet LinseyMurdock
We have talked about a salvaging system for runes and sigils for years, but it’s a rather large project, larger than you might expect, so we haven’t gotten to it.
We have had some discussions on possible changes we could make to reduce the inventory clutter of these, but haven’t settled on a solution yet. In the meantime, we set up the Bloodstone Fen rewards to try and give comparable rewards with less inventory management required.
Talking about inventory clutter; please give a collection to bloodstone ruby.
ANet LinseyMurdock
They are not what we would consider a material for material storage
ANet LinseyMurdock
They are not used in a single crafting recipe, therefore they are not a crafting material, therefore they do not belong in the crafting material storage. The map currency is Unbound Magic.
It would be great if the rubies weren’t exotic level material. Pressing accept every time you want to salvage it is quite unconvinient.
We went back and forth on that- it’s irritating to salvage them due to the confirmation, but if they’re low enough rarity to not trigger the warning, they get automatically salvaged with salvage all. Eventually I think we’d want to add a way to exempt specific items from the salvage confirmation, but we didn’t have time to implement that for this release.
Continued from above
What has been the most hilarious bug you have come across during the development of the game?
If you use the leyline gliding skill (5) right before you hit the ground running, you get a super speed boost for a few seconds
ArenaJonJon Olson.8439
Jumping while sleeping
So specifically in this release, a bug resulted in a pretty good work around for that bug. Using the gliding skill “Ride the Leyline” while inside a leyline would shoot you into the top of the map at the max velocity possible in the game. So to fix that, we made it so using that skill in a leyline blows you up, and gives you a warning and achievement to “not cross the streams.”Outside of this content, I may or may not have made the Rata Novus turrets shoot Farren in a speedo as a projectile during HoT development.
ANet darapotocska
There was a time where the Bouquet of Roses could be thrown at enemy creatures. When they caught the bouquet, they would get a new set of skills that they didn’t recognize and would freeze up. Basically, they were defeated by gifts of love and would lock up till they were defeated. Joshua Davis found this one. =p
A bug during HoT testing in which updrafts in the guild hall shot your character into the stratosphere. There was no way to stop it, just… to the moon uncontrollably.
The only way out was to fall to your death
Continued from above
On behalf of most Ele players, is there any chance we can see the old cooldowns restored and instead apply the nerf to the skill damage directly?
ANetGaileGrayCommunications Manager
I find that with balance changes, it’s a good idea to play the skills in a variety of game modes before making a judgment. In the past, I’ve felt strongly that something won’t work, or is changed too dramatically.(Basically, I admit it, I’ve gone “Oh nooooo!” when I’ve read the notes.) But when I play it and as’sess it real time, I realize it works fine. Having said that, naturally we want your feedback once you’ve played
One of the priorities for the team is to create new maps for sPvP. We can’t say how many we will get out over the next year but we intend to include new maps as part of our teams content creation.
As for putting Capricorn into rotation, that will depend on community reception.
Any chance we could get Courtyard back as an option with a checkbox like for Stronghold and Conquest?
ANet IsaiahCartwright
Unlikely deathmatch isn’t something we’ve ever been super happy with and not something we want to support as a major game type.
What do you think of the idea of having PvP only include “DPS” builds? Also, where do you see Guardian in the future of PvP?
ANet IsaiahCartwright
There has been debate here on the subject but it’s more along the line of what are ways we can speed up the game.
As for guardian I’ve always liked the feel of less mobility but high effectiveness that scales more with more people making them strong group fighters but I think with a lot of the changes the guardian’s ability to sustain compared to other professions has been a major issue causing them to be less effective and something we need to work on but it can come into conflict with speeding the game up so it’s a bit tricky.
Any chance of a 5th ‘season’ in PvP so those of us un1337 enough to finish the legendary backpack in 4 can claw out a little more progress before eventual failure? XD
There will still be a path to achieve the back piece in future seasons. We currently do not intend to prevent players from progressing the backpack after season 4.
Is unranked being looked at in PvP, or are you generally satisfied where it is? I remember playing unranked during the tail end of season 3 and most of the matches were terribly one sided. That said I still found the experience less stressful when playing with guildmates that have a lower skill level then me.
The reason unranked can feel volatile around off-season is for two reasons: First, the ratings for everyone who didn’t move exclusively to ranked arena spread out over time to match the population. Second, the ranked players that go back to unranked once the season is over have stale ratings that swing up and down while they find their true rating again. The addition of off-season ranked will help prevent these large population swings from affecting the accuracy of ratings
The WvW team has a different release schedule than the other teams and we will continue to release outside of the quarterly releases.
Repair hammers will be coming in the beginning of August. 2 Alpine, 1 Desert and Scoring are tentatively coming the end of August. Cannons will be coming sometime after that (we don’t want Cannons and Scoring going out at the same time).
Continued from above
discussing the engine
What is the darkest, weirdest corner of GW2’s engine that no developer even thinks about touching? Or did you guys find a magic bullet for Technical Debt?
ANet SquadLeaderBennett
For me, it is ‘MapLayout’. The system that sets up the smooth Google earth style world map is, in many ways, a practice of the dark arts. Any time someone wants to add something to that system I pad in at least an extra week to peel back the layers.
Can confirm, MapLayout has a lot of pieces that are pretty much elder sorcery. I’m working on making it more user friendly right now, but sometimes I Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn feel like it’s a neverending task.
ANet barefootmatthew
For me, it used to be our compositing system for creating NPC’s, mostly because it requires designers to sync ALL of the raw texture files for characters which is…a LOT. Most of us now have big fat SSD/HDD’s now so it’s more accessible, but it’s still something of a mystery to get us set up to make them without everything coming out as a naked headless man (our default composite which indicates you’ve done something horribly wrong).
While I think MapLayout is the winner here, I’ll also add the chat system and especially chat codes. It sounds innocuous enough at first glance, until you start to think about all the things that it has to support…
Continued from above
Mac client
third AMA, same question: any update regarding the development of the mac client?
ArenaJonJon Olson.8439
Currently we can patch, run around in several maps, we don’t fall through the floor anymore. It is progressing and we will let you guys know when we’re ready to go into beta.
Does the native Mac client actually deliver equivalent performance as the Windows client?
ArenaJonJon Olson.8439
We haven’t started optimization phase yet, so it’s hard to say, but that is the hope.
Reporting players in PvP
My Vial of salt was never so full
[The OP discusses playing PvP and shows a screenshot of insults from one player directed towards him for winning]
ANet Dornsinger
Man, that’s a good deal of salt. Please tell me you used the handy-dandy right-click to report them…
As if that would make a difference. Seen so many people threatening others and saying stuff like OP posted and nothing ever happened to them.
ANet Dornsinger
Never happened to them: Based on what? I doubt any user would gladly and honestly tell you they got actioned, because being caught is embarrassing. I know I wouldn’t tell, and possibly even say that I know a GM to help me get out of ANYTHING. (Which, by the way, you can also report, because knowing a GM is either going to get that GM in trouble for bypassing the rules OR, much more likely, the user is trying to be clever and will get in trouble for claiming to have hook-ups…)There are very, very few things a player can say or do to be immediately and permanently banned from the game. Just because you do not see it does not mean that a user was not actioned. And actions start at being suspended a few hours.
However, at salt levels the height of a rock-salt-mine like in the screenie, chances are that user will be a repeat offender. And that is where things get interesting, Kurfürst, because with each action we have to take, the punishment goes up. Last week we suspended a user who could not understand that PvP isn’t a free pass to behaving like a caveman a suspension for over 1000 hours.
That does mean they will be back, yes. And it also means that, should they not understand how to play nice, they may be actioned again. That’s why, instead of firing back your own insults, the best come back is always a report. They add up.
well when two people argue at each other in guild wars 1(entirely different admins) they would write off reporting someone else and you as Mutual argument in pvp like fa or jq…if both parties were guilty both would get warnings and nothing would happen. Here if someone starts an argument then the other argues or name calls then they are both under mutual?
ANet Dornsinger
That really depends on what’s going on.The argument “but THEY started it”, however, stopped working for most of us players 20-40 years ago in the real world, and it’s no different in game. If you (and this is a general you, not a Lithril-you) think ‘defending yourself’ is sending back even worse, you’re a) making things worse and b) may get smacked with the suspension stick as well. (Smaller than a ban hammer, but can hurt just as much in the long run…)
The only thing is we don’t see anything visibly, nor eperience the abuse toning down. Perhaps you could work on something so that we know our reports are actually being dealt with, some visibility on that it does matter and people who tell you to go hang yourself dont get away with that.
ANet Dornsinger
I do not think that we’ll have space in game for stockages…Right now, the process is:
- We get a report
- We investigate the report
- We determine if there was a provocation (“but they started it”…)
- We check the account’s current standing
- We action OR DO NOT, depending on what we see. (Not every “go kitten yourself” gets a ban.)
I fully understand that one might feel curious and would hope for a bit of Schadenfreude at catching out the other guy, but please also understand that we need to keep things moving along. Stopping each process to write a list on who got actioned when on what isn’t a terribly great idea – and, worse, could lead to folks then being harassed in turn.
The best you can do, for your own salt levels as well, is to move forward. Dude had a go at you. You reported him or her. They’ll get theirs and if you put them on your block list, there’s nothing you need to fear from them again and you can go back to enjoying your game.
GM-PvP (calling GMs on someone to make sure they get wiped out) was a game I played in other games as a GM and it sucked for everyone involved. :\
Honestly I think an indicator in game as to how often someone has been disciplined (similar to how Steam shows VAC bans, or used to) would help players out.
ANet Dornsinger
I totally get what you’re saying. But as I mentioned with GM PvP: These players would also be targeted for harassment in turn. “Hah, that guy totally gets all riled up easily, let’s see how long he can take if I gank him in WvW!”
In an MMO, it would work a lot differently than it would on, say, Steam, which you mentioned.
Didn’t think of that. Wouldn’t that balance out over time, though, if people just started harassing those in bad standing?Or would you consider making it so that people in bad standing are segregated from people in good standing, like some games have started doing with people who have been caught cheating?
I appreciate it’s a lot of effort. I know however it would certainly encourage me to take part in competitive PvP, something which I currently have no interest in doing simply because of the current toxicity in PvP.
ANet Dornsinger
I feel your pain. I totally AM on your side and understand the desire to unlock a new form of game mode for yourself.But as a GM I need to look at operation and how players interact in general. If you single someone out or make them a target, you drastically reduce their value as a player and customer. That’s why a human being reviewed these reports and not an algorithm: Someone who is super toxic and calls people names and puts them down on a regular basis will get hit much harder than a guy who had a bad day and simply ‘lost his kitten’, even if these two people said the precise same thing.
Right now, any action I take against Roger, Bob or Sandy are confidential. It’s between them as a rule breaker and us as a rule keeper. A change to that isn’t impossible, but while someone in this is a clear aggressor, they are also still a customer and a fellow player. It’s not something that could be implemented as easily as you suggested, but talking about it is absolutely not something that’s unwarranted.
I would actually advocate the opposite, an automated program would be a lot better.
ANet Dornsinger
Well, let’s bring out another argument.You’ll find a lot of threads here about “banned for no reason”. Each time one of these comes up, you’ll find users very swiftly pointing to other bans – no matter if they were related or not. And each time you’ll find users complain that we’re overzealous, that we automate bans, that no one observes things or does not take the situation into account.
Your suggestion would pretty much feed users with that argument, no?
Question on this: When you submit a report like this, and the other player continues trash talking to you after you’ve sent it, do you need to submit a 2nd report for you guys to see the chat after the report or is it enough to send the one?
ANet Dornsinger
One report is enough, unless you think a second report would make matters clearer. However, I also am a huge fan for the block command. No need to sit there and have them scream at you, “Talk to the Hand” is much more satisfying once you understand how much it angers such players when they cannot spray their vitriol.
They can still grief matches where the matchmaking teamed you up, since last time I checked that is not taken into account when matchmaking.
ANet Dornsinger
We were, I thought, speaking about verbal abuse. If you block them, they cannot ping you any longer.As for emotes, well, if someone whoops butt and then /laughs @ … that really is allowed. Sure, it may tick someone off, but some of these things are to be expected in PvP and as I said, we do not action everything that might drive someone’s blood pressure higher. (Else I’d action SO MANY more names than we actually do. My role-player soul demands it, my mantle as a GM prevents it.
As for griefing in other forms: Report it, move on. There really is no better medication than being the bigger person.