Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyra Wolfe.1879

Kyra Wolfe.1879

Hello dear Arenanet,

I’ve been thinking on this for a while now, but I finally thought I’d take a gamble. [Sorry for having posted this wrongly before… did not know where to put it.]

A large portion of GW2 players Roleplay, and put a lot of coin and such into the game. I’m one of the people that has been very active in the game, and still loving it! And though I love what is given in terms of appearance, outfits, and such… I do wonder if we will ever get some roleplaying tools.

The only thing we’re given is an LFG, which nobody needs or uses. A few things for example I’d love to see are;

- Possibility of creating a description of your character by clicking the name (a lot of MMO’s have this!)
- Option of turning armor-glow and/or weapon-glow off.
- Dyeing of tonics.
- Choice of animation (for example choosing between male and female sitting animation, walking animation, class animation.)
- More possibilities for beards, horns and ears in some races. Maybe scars? Tattoos?
- Capes and/or cloaks.
- Possible pet-option. Meaning not a pet that is available in combat, but a mere model of something in-game to walk beside you.

I’d pay heavily for such things, and many of my roleplaying comrades would too. I know some are an easy thing to implement, and some take more time. I just wished to- well. Try my luck, put it out there. Because roleplaying is a big thing in Guild Wars 2, and it’d make a bunch of people immensely happy.

Thank you for listening, and apologies if this is in the wrong forum.


[ Answer to the original mail sent : ]

Dr.Panda here, Those sound like pretty reasonable suggestions to me. However In game support we can only help players with in game issues. We do not make changes to the game ourselves. The DEV team are the ones who would be able to make changes like these. The best way for you to get their attention would be to post on our official forums and/or on the GW2 sub Reddit. The devs read these forums every day. If you have any questions or needs please let me know <3.


GM Dr Panda

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ardid.7203


Another importan thing to add is a select box that helps you to go into worlds and maps populated by RPers. This is needed because megaservers nullified the RP servers.

Nowadays is way harder to found a map were people are randomly roleplaying… A select box to prioritize the RP preference would be amazing, IMO.

“Only problem with the Engineer is
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaxom.7310


Another importan thing to add is a select box that helps you to go into worlds and maps populated by RPers. This is needed because megaservers nullified the RP servers.

Nowadays is way harder to found a map were people are randomly roleplaying… A select box to prioritize the RP preference would be amazing, IMO.

that would just be an empty map tho… unless its one of the city hubs

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penelopehannibal.8947


Hello Kyra!

I’m a roleplayer too, from Piken Square.

Although some of your ideas I really like myself, I believe the biggest thing ArenaNet can do to help roleplayers would be to include a way to select which shard you’re in, similar to districts like we saw in GW1.

I don’t know what you mean by ‘dyeing of tonics’ but more beards, horns and stuff would be cool too. I think instead of a description (if editable by players themselves, could fruit unwanted troll type descriptions and vulgar for example), more titles would help as well, especially a suggestion I made in a previous thread, one of the titles could be In Character.

Edit: Another feature I’d like, though probably won’t happen, would be to give ‘make up’ to your character that made them look injured, such as cut lips or bruised eyes etc.

Blood & Merlot [Wine]

(edited by penelopehannibal.8947)

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: coso.9173


love all of those ideas, more customization options, more emotes, I’m fully supporting this!

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


Dyeing of tonics surely means things like the townclothes tonics. I’d far rather those became outfits (dyeable of course), with some tweaking to look like combos folks used back in the days of townclothes. Because I want my human guardian to have the hoodie with the town slacks and shoes, not with jodhpurs and riding boots >< I miss my mix and match townclothes to this day.

I agree with most all of the other suggestions.

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Although some of your ideas I really like myself, I believe the biggest thing ArenaNet can do to help roleplayers would be to include a way to select which shard you’re in, similar to districts like we saw in GW1.

This was suggested and argued in length when megaserver was implemented and kittened up PvE communities (and thus, roleplayers). GW2 isnt the first nor last game to use instances and many other MMOs allow you too choose a specific one. A selectbox above the minimap with an expanded list of active instances and their average population would have been enough.

Anet didnt listen at all.

They wont do it now either.

So its best to forget about it.

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penelopehannibal.8947


They wont do it now either.

So its best to forget about it.

Never say never.

Blood & Merlot [Wine]

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyra Wolfe.1879

Kyra Wolfe.1879

Although some of your ideas I really like myself, I believe the biggest thing ArenaNet can do to help roleplayers would be to include a way to select which shard you’re in, similar to districts like we saw in GW1.

Hello! I am not too miffed about the sharding. So far it’s always been solveable with going to a party member, getting a taxi. I get it may be a bit annoying, but for me it’s not the preference. Also with dyeing tonics I meant the clothing tonics. They used to be dyeable, so the code should already be in place.

Further more, I’d love to hear other people’s ideas. I know that some of the things I described are more difficult to implement, whilst other things are a far more simple matter concerning coding etcetera. Please developers, listen to us roleplayers? :C

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penelopehannibal.8947


My ideas for roleplay support are as follows:

• Selectable shards.
• Convert clothing tonics to outfits.
• More beards, horns, Asura ears, tattoos etc.
• RP-Based title, such as ‘In Character’.
• Make up for stuff like black eyes, broken noses, cuts to face/body etc. Or perhaps have masks that do this in the style of armour pieces.

As Kyra pointed out, she doesn’t have much trouble with the shards, and usually neither do I. But sometimes there is difficulty determining which is the ‘real’ RP shard when asking a friend for a taxi. With selectable shards (like a drop down menu, perhaps give them a name) we RPers can all say ’let’s always use Shard X for RP’ so no RPer is left behind. Also, it’s kind of embarrassing having to ask for a taxi anyway, whether it’s for RP or PvE.

Blood & Merlot [Wine]

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Timskwah.5802


Another Piken roleplayer here, I heavily support all these ideas (and having been part of the brainstorm for ’em am responsible for one of them but shh) and really hope this is gonna be possible.
100% support.

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


When this Game should become ever RPG friendly, the followign thigns have to happen first…

1) Adding of several seperate ROLEPLAY SERVERS which have their very own ROLEPLAY RULES, especially for naming characters, player behaviours and anll that stuff that heaviliy influences the gaming immersion of players in a roleplaying environment with their own Moderators and GM’s which overview strictly these Servers that people don’t violate the specific RPG Rules.

2) Adding of ALOT and by alot I mean alot more Emotes, so that people will become able to express themself much better in roleplaying conversations in a trustworthy way that is believable and kind of realistic. This includes for example also the ability to sit on chairs and such stuff, or animations for eating and drinking things, animations for the whole crafting system that shows how you create your items and so on …

3) Alot more expanded Character Creation Options in regard of Hair Styles, Faces, Eye/Hair/Accessoire Colors, race specific special stuff like Horns, Tattoos, Fur Styles ect.

4) A Clothing System with alot more freedom and far alot more expanded content than these silly town cloth tonics

5) Return of the Personality System completely integrated into the game so that the environ,ment around you also reacts differently on you based on your personality, based on what you say to NPCs and so on…

6) Additionally to 5 above an implementation of a Reputation System based on the three orders, based on the other races, based on different kinds of factions in the game and so on which also affect how NPCs react on you and your personality.

7) Complete overwork of the full story system so that playing the whole games story feels more like playing for example a Bioware game, where you constantly have to make DECISIONS which will affect your personal story, how the world reacts on you.
Personal Story is a neverending thing, not something like now, which basically completely stops after you beat Zhaitan >.< Roleplaying is a neverendign story and that should be reflected upon you also in the genreal game story that should merge with the roleplaying of you with other players around you, only then you can feel yourself fully immersed into the games world, when the games story and the general roleplaying of you with other players feels like beign merged together being just one big thing for everybody, where everyone needs to play constantly his/her role like in a theatre with no breaks (another reason why somethign like this woudl work only with own seperate RPG Servers, because they would be gameplay technically also a complete different thing, than normal servers due to this)

8.) Give players the features to make their characters truly unique with own personal stories and histories, titles, own weapon names ect. ect. that other players can read about when opening up an others players Personal Data via right click on a character name to see all kinds of interestign informations about that character that are or can be relevant for roleplaying with the feature, that players can decide about it, what others can get to know about their characters and with some kind of “relationship system” with that players can unlock more interestign infos about other players, if they rise the relationship levels towards other players to get to know more about them over time. to keep roleplaying with other players interesting, because its just all naturally that nobody should be able to instantly know basically everything about someone’s other life, unless you get to know first each other better ….

However, technically I think this is all impossible, a real true complete roleplaying game environment where the devs deliever for that specific servers that give the players all the tools to really play in every facet out their roleplaying characters in their roles I think will always be just a wish dream, that will never happen.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyra Wolfe.1879

Kyra Wolfe.1879

When this Game should become ever RPG friendly, the followign thigns have to happen first…

1) I don’t agree this is a necessity.

2) Also not at all in my personal necessity list, as I express myself in my emotes. Plus they’ve explained their reason to not implement seating in chairs.

3) We did state it before, totally agree this would be nice!

4) In my opinion there is a lot of diversity in attires, outfits and armor. So it’s not really a necessity…! Only reason I brought up the dyeable clothing tonics is because it is likely easy to implement for Arenanet, as the code was mostly made for that before.

5/6/7/8) That’s a lot to ask for, I don’t agree. As Roleplayers work between players, this isn’t needed whatsoever and is a lot to ask from Arenanet to implement.

Long story short; I think asking such huge changes isn’t fair- but however the smaller ones that were listed before are definitely something manageable in a reasonable amount of effort. I don’t see why Arenanet would whisk away the former wishes, but most the ones you just listed I can fully understand why they would refuse.

EDIT: Now that I re-read your post, I think you may have confused text-ROLEPLAYING with a Roleplaying-game.

(edited by Kyra Wolfe.1879)

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rauderi.8706


My ideas for roleplay support are as follows:
• Convert clothing tonics to outfits.

Repeating this until the end of time.


I’d love to see more RP support as well (except, y’know, cancelled legendaries…), so some other things to beg for:

  • More emotes (Maybe not FF14 level, but we’ve got so few!)
  • Butts in seats! We can’t use chairs.
  • +1 to shard opt-in/out (I’d like to be able to duck away from cringe-worthy personal RP done in public, honestly.)
  • Right-click menus on character names for emotes (as with /say /map, etc), to block those who spam or /emote inappropriate content
Many alts; handle it!
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linken.6345


While we do have some roleplayers in gw2.
It would be a lie to say a large portion of the playerbase are that, it’s like the raiders saying they are the majority

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyra Wolfe.1879

Kyra Wolfe.1879

I’d never say we are the majority, but we are certainly not a small portion. There are plenty, and plenty to consider for Arenanet.

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


There were enough roleplayers at launch to completely fill two servers (Tarnished Coast and Piken Square, having been selected by rp’ers as the unofficial rp servers pre launch, became near impossible to get on soon after launch). That’s a good hunk of players, enough to be an important demographic to consider.

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penelopehannibal.8947


I’d never say we are the majority, but we are certainly not a small portion. There are plenty, and plenty to consider for Arenanet.

There were enough roleplayers at launch to completely fill two servers (Tarnished Coast and Piken Square, having been selected by rp’ers as the unofficial rp servers pre launch, became near impossible to get on soon after launch). That’s a good hunk of players, enough to be an important demographic to consider.

Agreed, the roleplaying community is larger than non-roleplayers think. There are also plenty of players whoso PvE/Raids/WvW etc and do RP as a side project, not so often as say a ‘full time’ roleplayer.

Plus – most of the things suggested in this thread would benefit more than just those who roleplay.

Blood & Merlot [Wine]

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linken.6345


There were enough roleplayers at launch to completely fill two servers (Tarnished Coast and Piken Square, having been selected by rp’ers as the unofficial rp servers pre launch, became near impossible to get on soon after launch). That’s a good hunk of players, enough to be an important demographic to consider.

That is not totaly true since there are none rpers joining those servers aswell, I know for a fact I dont rp and Im on piken square.

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyra Wolfe.1879

Kyra Wolfe.1879

Donari meant there were enough to fill those. And they were -unofficial- roleplay servers, so that is very much true.

Also, the points given here would actually bring a lot of former RPers back, and lure more. RPers are a well-spending group Gem-wise as well, so that should also help.

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Norgri.5741


Come on ANet. Surprise us by showing that you really do care about your Roleplaying community. Let us sit on chairs!!!

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Endless Soul.5178

Endless Soul.5178

Role player newbie here and I can completely understand these requests and support them.

I say “newbie” because I never did role play until I ran into a role play guild a couple months ago, and then performed the necessary steps to join them. Before, I was just playing Guild Wars, now, I’m living it.

Asura characters: Zerina | Myndee | Rissa | Jaxxi | Feyyt | Bekka | Sixx | Akee | Tylee | Nuumy
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linken.6345


Donari meant there were enough to fill those. And they were -unofficial- roleplay servers, so that is very much true.

Also, the points given here would actually bring a lot of former RPers back, and lure more. RPers are a well-spending group Gem-wise as well, so that should also help.

But were it really? what if only 50% on each server are roleplayers then there were just enough to fill 1.
Maybe the % on each is even lower/higher we dont know.

Fact is atleast 1% me on piken square is not a roleplayer so the statment that there were enough to fill both is untrue.

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyra Wolfe.1879

Kyra Wolfe.1879

Just because you were on a server, doesn’t mean it couldn’t be filled fully if wished. Perhaps all roleplayers were spread across servers? We don’t know.

Anyhow, straying off the subject. Us roleplayers have needs too! ;__;

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linken.6345


Just because you were on a server, doesn’t mean it couldn’t be filled fully if wished. Perhaps all roleplayers were spread across servers? We don’t know.

Anyhow, straying off the subject. Us roleplayers have needs too! ;__;

Ofcourse I understand and wish you would get what you want.
But dont state your a bigger group then you are and wer fine

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyra Wolfe.1879

Kyra Wolfe.1879

I truly don’t know which of you is right in this issue, and I don’t really care [I didn’t RP from the start of the game, but later.] As it’s not the point at hand whatsoever.

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linken.6345


I truly don’t know which of you is right in this issue, and I don’t really care [I didn’t RP from the start of the game, but later.] As it’s not the point at hand whatsoever.

Maybe edit the OP and change, to reflect that its you personaly who want this not some invisible huge mass?

A large portion of GW2 players Roleplay, and put a lot of coin and such into the game

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyra Wolfe.1879

Kyra Wolfe.1879

There is a large portion. So no, I will most definitely not change it. It’s not me personally, there’s quite the group that wishes it. Don’t write the Roleplayer-community off as two hands full of players.

You are dead wrong.

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Norgri.5741


Over 12,400 accounts exist on Guild Wars 2 Roleplayers (Enjin), and even then; I’ve roleplayed with countless people who don’t have one.

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaxom.7310


lets stop bumping this thread…

thats about 0.1771%

so… it was nice u said wut u like to see, now let it go

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyra Wolfe.1879

Kyra Wolfe.1879

No, we can bump this thread as we are on topic and are discussing the topic at hand. If you have nothing productive to say to the thread, please refrain from commenting.

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penelopehannibal.8947


Like I said there are more roleplayers than people think – that includes people not on and Jaxom’s link means nothing since 7 million certainly includes currently inactive accounts, and probably gold sellers.

I think it’s safe to say considering the amount of Non-Piken roleplayers that I know of, we have about a server full of people who RP either full or part time – they just don’t all RP at the same time.

Blood & Merlot [Wine]

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Excell.1042


- Possibility of creating a description of your character by clicking the name (a lot of MMO’s have this!)
- Option of turning armor-glow and/or weapon-glow off.
- Dyeing of tonics.
- Choice of animation (for example choosing between male and female sitting animation, walking animation, class animation.)
- More possibilities for beards, horns and ears in some races. Maybe scars? Tattoos?
- Capes and/or cloaks.
- Possible pet-option. Meaning not a pet that is available in combat, but a mere model of something in-game to walk beside you.

Massive problems here that the fact that the game is still experiencing a heavy content drought, I would not really like to see these changes, not because I wouldnt want them but because most of these things seem like they need new systems to develope, and that would make stuff like Living World take even longer.

Also, two of these things logistically is not “drag and drop” into the game;
Animations are set on a rig that could be varying from male characters to female characters, so the animations will just break.

The ability to change class animations would be ridiculous in pvp where reading of animations is essential, also, imagine movement animations to be buggy as all hell, with their hitboxes not actually lining up with the animation.

Capes have been worked on before and asked for for the longest time and it seems like there was no progress on them.

Still nice ideas, tho

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyra Wolfe.1879

Kyra Wolfe.1879

Also, two of these things logistically is not “drag and drop” into the game;
Animations are set on a rig that could be varying from male characters to female characters, so the animations will just break.

As I stated, I know some of the points are not as easy as the rest, but I liked to make them regardless!

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Excell.1042


Lets say it like this, -if- anet scrapped new legendary weapons because they thought too little players would involve themselves in the content, the chances of these things happening are saddly zero as im sure theres more people trying to go for legendaries than there are people roleplaying :p

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaptainVanguard.4925


Your assuming everyone in the roleplaying community has the same interests as you, someone whom I already know on a personal level for negative reasons and who has created a number of negative problems for me and several other players in the past.

OP, you’re not the RP community, your a part of it.

Dont think you represent everyone.

If you want me to be productive however, lets be productive.

Your suggestions are mostly based on things that would take at least a full content patch to add, not all of which will ever make it into the game.

Dying tonics is pointless, honestly, its better if they just-re-added old outfits as transmog pieces.

Character description would be nice, but honestly has no real impact on the rp community tbh. Frankly I feel it could create more metagaming, as people would use it to abuse secrets written in the descriptions themselves.

Turning glows off is more likely going to be a graphical change than anything to help with FPS if it ever becomes a thing, for purely cosmetic reasons? nah, they wont change the shiny weapon philosophy.

Choice of animation would take a hell of a time to work on, were talking a full expansion, even 2, not likely going to happen, we may however see more animations for emotes.

New hairstyles were already datamined and on the works so beards will probably come eventually.

Cape and cloaks were being worked on since launch, they will come its just a matter of “when” not if, probably by next expansion.

The pet option thing is not likely going to be a thing, a-net made pets for a reason, they’re combat assistance for rangers.

Anyway, weather you take offence at my rebuttle or not, im simply sobering your dreams, not trying to drown them. Some of your ideas have merit but the reality is, most of them are very optimistic and would require “alot” of work for the game and tuning.

Often the easier solution is to make a simpler way to apply such content, like adding old outfits to the gemstore instead of making tonics dyeable.

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyra Wolfe.1879

Kyra Wolfe.1879

Your assuming everyone in the roleplaying community has the same interests as you, someone whom I already know on a personal level for negative reasons and who has created a number of negative problems for me and several other players in the past.

OP, you’re not the RP community, your a part of it.

Dont think you represent everyone.

If you want me to be productive however, lets be productive.

Ah, ‘Vanguard’. I do remember you, and I’m afraid the stories on the other end of the coin is that you are a problem to a lot of RPers. I also do not know you on any personal level. Yet I do not know why that is to be brought up here, that wasn’t the subject. Odd, really.

I never assumed to be representing the Roleplaying community, never have I stated such, I merely made a post that I know a lot of people in my contacts do agree to.

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


It doesn’t help the thread to start badmouthing each other, so both of you knock it off. While many of these suggestions would be nice, I expect they would involve too significant a time investment for relatively little return on A-net’s part. In order:

- Possibility of creating a description of your character by clicking the name (a lot of MMO’s have this!)

While this would be nice- and I loved that Dungeons and Dragons Online allowed this- I can’t imagine it being something many non-RPers would get much use of, and thus probably very low priority.

- Option of turning armor-glow and/or weapon-glow off.

As someone said above, if this happened it would more likely be for FPS reasons than anything else. My suggestion would just to stick with some of the more down-to-earth skins, of which there are a fair few good ones. Now, you might have more luck just petitioning for more simple, straightforward armor and weapon skins, as I imagine there are a fair few players of all stripes who wouldn’t mind more pragmatic looks.

- Dyeing of tonics.

This would require completely reworking how tonics work at the moment. If you just want the old town clothes back, ask A-net to make them an outfit. As for the more unusual ones… I can’t think of a simple solution for making dyes work on them.

- Choice of animation (for example choosing between male and female sitting animation, walking animation, class animation.)

A tremendous amount of work that would, as people have mentioned, possibly complicate things in pvp modes.

- More possibilities for beards, horns and ears in some races. Maybe scars? Tattoos?

This I am 100% behind this- more options for character appearance are always good.

- Capes and/or cloaks.

Not against it, but I’ve seen a few posts mentioning that Charr complicate implementing this a bit. Might not be feasible.

- Possible pet-option. Meaning not a pet that is available in combat, but a mere model of something in-game to walk beside you.

Minis. You might convince them to make some that are, well, less mini in appearance, but I think that’s the closest you could possibly get out of them. Again, it would be making a whole new system for a relatively minor change.

I guess the short of it is that cosmetics are always good, and benefit the whole of the playerbase while also usually being much appreciated by RPers, but implementing anything more complex is going to use resources most likely better used elsewhere. As a roleplayer myself I would much rather have new zones to explore or more current events to work stories into than more options when standing around a tavern.

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


- Possibility of creating a description of your character by clicking the name (a lot of MMO’s have this!)

While this would be nice- and I loved that Dungeons and Dragons Online allowed this- I can’t imagine it being something many non-RPers would get much use of, and thus probably very low priority.

Actually this is the suggestion most likely to be used by more people. If you have a custom text field that anyone clicking on your name when they target you can read, I would expect lots of creative applications. Some of them coarse, yes, some of them reportable, which might mean ANet doesn’t want to have such a feature for fear of the abuse. But it does have use beyond RP.

I remember a Pink Day party in LA where the hosting guild had a GW1 trivia race requiring people to follow a clue from one posted spot to another, getting more whispered clues as they reached the next spot. The people providing the clues could save a lot of stress if they didn’t have to spam them out but could just stand in place being a billboard. To think of just one idea off the top of my head.

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyra Wolfe.1879

Kyra Wolfe.1879

I’d be good with bigger mini’s myself! I’d pay for them, no problem! And further, I myself don’t RP too much in taverns… I do like new zones. But the description for example, or the more options for customisation, and the capes- would be nice and not too difficult I’d think.

I know there’s clipping issues with capes… but there are clipping issues as is so!

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaptainVanguard.4925


Tbh, id settle for things that they could actually add.

- Chair emotes or sittable chairs.
- An actual /roll command.
- A roleplay specific megaserver, probably the only one that needs the most work, adopt the SWTOR system which currently uses a PVP/PVE megaserver, just add a roleplaying one and you win the internet.
- Possible new tatoo colours for norn, new sylvari skin patterns/tones and charr fur/asura colours.
- A return of the personality system from the launch.
- Culture specific outfits (much like megaservers, this a timesink, but certainly plausable, like the wedding outfit).

(edited by CaptainVanguard.4925)

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheMagickDoll.7594


More animated emotes and sitting in chairs would go a long way. So many social places in game filled with chairs we as players cannot use. Its getting annoying.

Also fixing the range of /em being seen would be nice as well, as it way too large. Putting it as the same range as text I think would fix that and not sure why it has not been done all this time.

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anchoku.8142


Convert endless tonics to the old town clothes system. In effect, let people craft or forge, then dye non-combat outfits.

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ameepa.6793


Also fixing the range of /em being seen would be nice as well, as it way too large. Putting it as the same range as text I think would fix that and not sure why it has not been done all this time.

This should be done immediately and there is no reason why the range should be as long as it is now. I’m tired of seeing these endless roleplay emote floods while being in totally different part of DR. I have way more roleplayers on my block list than people blocked for real reasons because of this.

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penelopehannibal.8947


Also fixing the range of /em being seen would be nice as well, as it way too large. Putting it as the same range as text I think would fix that and not sure why it has not been done all this time.

This should be done immediately and there is no reason why the range should be as long as it is now. I’m tired of seeing these endless roleplay emote floods while being in totally different part of DR. I have way more roleplayers on my block list than people blocked for real reasons because of this.

You do know if emotes bother you so much, you can turn them off? Me thinks you’re just you block roleplayers just because you don’t like roleplayers. Well, hmmf!

Blood & Merlot [Wine]

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheMagickDoll.7594


Also fixing the range of /em being seen would be nice as well, as it way too large. Putting it as the same range as text I think would fix that and not sure why it has not been done all this time.

This should be done immediately and there is no reason why the range should be as long as it is now. I’m tired of seeing these endless roleplay emote floods while being in totally different part of DR. I have way more roleplayers on my block list than people blocked for real reasons because of this.

You do know if emotes bother you so much, you can turn them off? Me thinks you’re just you block roleplayers just because you don’t like roleplayers. Well, hmmf!

Just illustrates the problem of the emotes being seen too far away, for everyone, no matter what their gaming preferences my be.

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Farzo.8410


If GW2 had a few very “simple” changes I would actually bother RP in it.

Improved chat box, aka fixed emote system that is not map wide. Also customised chat colours.

Official, dedicated roleplay server, aka something that lets us end up in a map or a server with ONLY roleplayers, and people who ticks this box and want to end up on a roleplay ID map or server.

That’s what would make me RP in Guild Wars 2 full time.

I don’t play GW2 at all at the moment.

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penelopehannibal.8947


Just illustrates the problem of the emotes being seen too far away, for everyone, no matter what their gaming preferences my be.

I do agree the emote range is too wide. Blocking people because of it (people who might later on offer help if you have a question but you’ll miss it), over emotes that you can turn off or put in a separate chat tab, I don’t agree with. But of course, it’s that player’s prerogative to do so I guess.

Blood & Merlot [Wine]

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reverielle.3972


Another importan thing to add is a select box that helps you to go into worlds and maps populated by RPers. This is needed because megaservers nullified the RP servers.

Nowadays is way harder to found a map were people are randomly roleplaying… A select box to prioritize the RP preference would be amazing, IMO.

that would just be an empty map tho… unless its one of the city hubs

Not really. You’d be surprised how many players RP their character more immersively (e.g. if their character is doing something in-game, it’s in-character/RPing). There are many types of RP, not just the well-know “stand around in cities/bars and chat/emote types”.

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reverielle.3972


Also fixing the range of /em being seen would be nice as well, as it way too large. Putting it as the same range as text I think would fix that and not sure why it has not been done all this time.

I agree. It’s too far. I’m guessing it’s so for the NPCs that try and get your attention when there’s an event on and they want to tell you about it, but it’s a little too far I think.