Did the camera height actually get lower?
I’ve just logged in to check, but I’ve not seen a change. That said, the center point of GW2’s camera (pivot) has always been too low IMHO. As weird as it sounds, having the pivot so low, means that forwards and upwards observation becomes a challenge – it’s like watching a badly top/bottom cropped movie.
I honestly think that ArenaNet should look at titles like Neverwinter, The Secret World , the upcoming Elder Scrolls Online and many others … gosh, even their own original Guild Wars to some extent, to see how to do camera height and FoV properly.
Playing GW2 feels like I’m wearing a baseball cap with the top flap really low, restricting my view of the sky, tall buildings – basically everything in an upwards direction, except if I tilt my hear really sharp. “Looking up” in GW2 is an unpleasant experience, not helped by the fact that the camera collides with the ground much easier when it’s so low, giving you that horrible zoomed-in, up-skirt shots. Ugh
And with the bad centralization of your character while zoomed out, it feels like you’re driving a really long stretch limousine, but with the steering wheel in the back seat. It’s awkward, plain and simple.