Dieing is NOT fun...
You Don’t have to fight those, dodge grab the gift and leave.
I did leave, logged out of the game. I hate dieing and to a stupid troll event even more…
You encountered a bug, they are looking into it.
Clam down.
(yes I know I spelled it c l a m, it was on porpoise)
Lololololol. I don’t do christmas or this similar themed event in GW2 and I am just ignoring/avoiding the stuff. No need to come and cry on the forums about the event, just accept that there are people who are enjoying the event and get on with something else in game.
I did leave, logged out of the game. I hate dieing and to a stupid troll event even more…
It’s completely avoidable. Don’t go near the presents.
They’re even marked on the map so you can avoid getting within visual range of them.
Don’t worry, another couple weeks and they’ll be gone for good.
There is a bug there? I just assumed that those were intended and meant to be a source of more loot. I just kill them all after opening a gift. I actually kind of like the challenge. I’m as glass-cannon as they come, so if I can do it I expect others can to.
Regarding the OP’s sentiment, btw, death actually can be fun in this game. In WvW, I’ll throw myself into certain death if it looks like it will help us win the objective. Its heroic. And stupid, really, but still heroic!
I’m gonna be “that” guy. You spelled dying wrong.
I only say that because I thought the thread title was Dieting is not fun.
To which I would agree.
On that topic, that’s a bug with level 31 enemies spawning in a level 1-15 zone.
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
I usually just kill them for more loot myself, however, I did find two that popped out enemies above me. I’m downed to lvl 13 and they were 31. Ouch. Made my way back and got the gift, but… yeah. Only found two that have done this though.
How the hell can anyone die by that? My warrior took it out in 2 seconds…
Legendary Ranger, Simon
How the hell can anyone die by that? My warrior took it out in 2 seconds…
There are a few that spawn lvl 30 enemies in a lvl 12 areas But yeah, when they are equal level you have a serious case of l2p disorder if you can’t kill them.
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer
Y’know, this is probably the only MMO I’ve ever played where I don’t mind dying so much. You die, you get up, you go at it again. Aside from some copper for armour repairs, it’s pretty inconsequential. Folks need to get over this.
I had a guildie tell me about doing a dungeon run and this one player died ONCE … and he left the group because he was so upset, leaving them a man short. I don’t understand this mentality.
(edited by Jayne.9251)
Dieing is NOT fun…
Then why do people enjoy Dark Soul?
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
Time to bring in a little cummings I think:
dying is fine)but Death
wouldn’t like
Death if Death
when(instead of stopping to think)you
begin to feel of it,dying
’s miraculous
cause dying is
perfectly natural;perfectly
it mildly lively(but
is strictly
& artificial &
evil & legal)
we thank thee
almighty for dying
(forgive us,o life!the sin of Death
…wtf, dieing is Not fun…
Depends, in your case I agree it doesn’t sound like fun… however death by eating charr hot sauce over and over while bouncing around in flames is a little fun.=P
For one, dying ain’t so bad, especially since it’s not real. Whenever I die, I still find myself sitting in my chair gaining weight, and not on the floor, bleeding, with my sword in my hand.
It appears that I only die in the game.
Second, I find these creatures very easy to defeat or run from. Maybe because I’m a Jew and the holiday has no real effect on me.
If they were to implement a “Hanuka candles” barrage, I’d be screaming away from these vicious little wax products.
… No need to come and cry on the forums about the event, just accept that there are people who are enjoying the event and get on with something else in game.
Hey, there are people in real life roaming the street aimlessly with a fully loaded gun in their back pocket. You may be saying that these people enjoys looking for some legit kills out there and we should get on with our lives since it is none of our business.
It is none of our business till the day we become the receiving end of that bullet. Whether things can and will be done to make the world better is one matter. To keep silent and to turn a blind eye to everything simply because it does not concern us NOW is implicit endorsement of a wrong which can and probably will affect us all in the future.
… No need to come and cry on the forums about the event, just accept that there are people who are enjoying the event and get on with something else in game.
Hey, there are people in real life roaming the street aimlessly with a fully loaded gun in their back pocket. You may be saying that these people enjoys looking for some legit kills out there and we should get on with our lives since it is none of our business.
Didn’t you take it a little too far there?
Ignoring a game event happening without disturbing other people, or even ganking and griefing other players is nothing like having a murderous people in real life in the streets.
The point is that you can walk away from a game event, either by not playing it, or by shutting the game down.
Translation – I am not skilled enough to avoid death in Guild Wars 2, so now im going to have a good cry about it, and throw my dolls out my pram.
Dieing is fun, actually. Can’t wait for Dark Souls 2.
Dying has no e in it.
It’s hardly worth getting upset about is it?
Hi all,
Dieing can be great fun. Cutting, shaping or forming something with a die can give wonderful results!
Dyeing can be fun too! Especially tie-dyeing!
Seriously though, dying from those six little toys is not really fun. I assume that the OP is talking about the toy ‘ventari’ and the fact that they cast a ‘AOE ring’ that causes damage and seem to be able to cast a retaliation spell which cause the player character to receive damage when hitting them.
Thing is, out of all the fights I have had with those six little blighters, I have lost only one – I had been distracted by real life at the time. So, in my experience, the gift box ‘Ventari’ fights are really not that bad (the skrit fights are easy).
Anyone having trouble with the gift boxes in terms of fighting the mobs there are a few things that could be helpful;
1, Do not open the gift box or bother with them at all (I know that is not a good answer).
2, Wait for someone else to open gift then run in and take the gift(s) – you can also help ‘mop up’ the mobs for xp and potential of more gifts.
3, Team with someone to help with opening gift boxes.
4, Hit and run away – similar to second option but you open gift box run to gift(s) and take them then run away, run away.
5, Only do boxes in areas meant for your character level or lower (Yeah! This can be difficult for those new to the game).
I hope that anyone wanting to do the gift boxes can find a way to do them as they are a bit of fun and saving up the socks and other junk gives the oportunity to get some neat Wintersday tat from vendors.
@OP; Please do not be offended by my little bit of playing with words at the start of this post! I know very well that not all posting on these forums have English as a native, second or even third tongue. I also know that we are all prone to spellink and grandma issue from time to time. So long as we get our point of view across in a civil and understandable manner, I see no real problem!
(edited by UKNightWatch.5742)
How the hell can anyone die by that? My warrior took it out in 2 seconds…
There are a few that spawn lvl 30 enemies in a lvl 12 areas
But yeah, when they are equal level you have a serious case of l2p disorder if you can’t kill them.
The ones with the toys in them are actually rather tough if you are not a leveled-down 40+
They spam chill aoe and are all ranged.
I happened to be way out in the lvl 33 area of gendarran fields with my 28 D/D ele. I was able to handle the pirates out there (though they were hitting me like trucks when they connected), but I opened one of these surprises and ended up with a face full of ranged I wasn’t traited to deal with (because I don’t even have master line open). The thing is, they’re stronger than they look:
Because I opened the box, they spawned as lvl 28, but after the zerged me down, they demolished half the pirate camp too, and those pirates have 5 levels on em!
The ranged toys could use a tone-down, but I just went about my merry way. I’m not ticked that I can’t take on 5-6 ranged at once with a 1/6th-built elementalist, but it is true that this particular set of mobs is stronger than others.
So, logged in I’m in the asuran starting area and I head to open a gift..now, 6 little “toys” pop open and I die…wtf, dieing is Not fun..and who ever thought this would be cute or funny can receive a pink slip for Christmas this year..
Perhaps… you should play an MMO with friends?
- “Dying is not fun”
Captain Obvious to the rescue !
The little centaurs are surprisingly difficult compared to the skritt that pop out. They’re like an invasive species – they dominate the area into which they are introduced. The best way to deal with them is to not kill the other creatures in the area before opening the present. Open the present, grab the gifts, then run away a bit and come back and kill the toys after the other creatures wore them down a bit before dying. Or try to catch the other creatures right before they die, but that is a little riskier.
i found it rather funny the first time i saw those toy centaurs.
killed by toys, how heroic 8-)
Updated every Monday
i found it rather funny the first time i saw those toy centaurs.
killed by toys, how heroic 8-)
I think it’s an indication of things to come. If you talk to the NPCs inside Tixx’s airship, even the golem ALMOST gives something away!
The problem with this is that you get double knocked down for several seconds while the skritt attack you. The moment you get back up you’re nearly dead so you have to run away to restore health – only then can you attack them.
This, IMO, is a bad idea – the double knock down.
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