Different saved gear sets, build, & more?

Different saved gear sets, build, & more?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Joly.4586


I am one who enjoys changing things and playing a different style for the different things that i do.
Not class for i enjoy my necromancer too much to leave and go to a different class, i mean my build and gear set that i am wearing.
I was a bit curious if we could set in place something that would allow these changes to be quick and easy.

For example have a second gear tab next to the current gear set that is being worn and have the ability to switch between the two when out of combat.
Much like the switching of weapons but with the restriction of needing to be out of combat.

Another would be the build set ups.
Have 2 or 3 saved tabs of different builds that can be switched between with one simple easy click.
Something like having a set specialization of -Blood Magic: top, middle, top- -Spite: bottom, top, middle- -Death Magic: bottom, bottom, top- then another specialization of somthing different like -Soul Reaping: middle, middle, top- -Spite: top, bottom, top- -Blood Magic: middle, bottom, bottom-
(these are not actual settings just a quick example)
Having these different things saved and able to change to them easily in something like a tab at the top next to the word <Specialization> in the build tab.

With the different gear sets and build i thought it would be nice during dungeons or similar things where sometimes a little more dps is needed or survivability within the party you have.
Sometimes the group reaches a point where everyone dies many times and cannot pass the point they are on and there isn’t much that can be done because the gear they have is all they have and no room to change.
Or a different occasion where the dps is not high enough to kill something within the small window of time that is given.
With a different set of the players choice they could have a backup that would help them through frustrating challenges as these.

This thought could probably also be implemented in many different places.

I would love feedback if this is even a good idea or not
thank you for reading my thoughts ^^

Different saved gear sets, build, & more?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zalladi.4652


This suggestion has cropped up several times over the years; the closest we got to an answer was a developer post a year ago. Though, nothing ever came of that.

Different saved gear sets, build, & more?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Joly.4586


Awe ok thank you