Disappointed and gone.

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valektra.9356


I’m done. I agree with several of the recent posts. WvW is a ghost town, there’s no unique gear at 80, and really not much in the game at all at any level which really detracts from immersion (really leveling for 15-20 levels in the same gear, finally get some new gear and it’s EXACTLY like the old) It’s really just plain boring once you hit 80. You can log in and grind dailies and monthlies.. but for what? There’s nothing to do or buy with the rewards. And there’s really no community. No one in chat helps or even responds, you can’t find anyone to do anything with, really the only time you even see other players is when they all zerg events for the aforementioned dailies. And one last thing on PvP, no factions really kinda kills it. There’s no “groups” pitted against each other, who are arch enemies. It’s just run in a pile and kill who ever you can find if you can actually find anyone.

This is where the disappointed part comes in. Really really wanted this to succeed. I’ve been looking for a place to call home since DAoC went under (yeah its still up, but its been officially dead a long time, EA kills everything they touch). Really enjoyed leveling, was hoping this was going to be the game to stay in a good long while. Unfortunately there’s just nothing here past the window dressing. The game is goregous, but good looks only get you so far.

Hopefully Arena Net will put my money to good use and develop this into a viable long term game. They’re welcome to email me when that happens, would love to give it a second chance.

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valektra.9356


I left out that crafting blows.

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Bye. This thread will be locked soon, because leaving threads are against forum rules as they are on most forums. Hope you find a game you like.

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kokiman.2364


What should we discuss about, Valektra?

GuildWars 2

Currently playing Heart of Thorns.

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gasoline.2570


Inb4 the defence force saying ur burn out and find another gaem.

Because defence force.

The balance team is chained to SPVP, and the PVE team is all about producing carnivals

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


The thing is are you going to destroy every thing your own in game and destroy your code so you never can come back? If not (and most ppl in there right mind will not throw away money like this) this is just more of a back all be it a long one but you can still come back any time you want. That the beauty of GW2 no monthly fees.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lukrath.6982


O.O what SERVER did u play in? lol wvw a ghost town….

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


I try to like WvW, but it’s just too pointless. The combat system is absolutely awful. Taking out trinity made this game a pile of shallow trash. There’s no rhyme or reason to it. The game is basically a skin grind. I’m sitting in WvW saying to myself, this zerg of players doesnt need me at all. Without the roles and tightness that brings to combat, everyone just mobs up and zergs the kitten out of everything. I really have no idea why i still log in. This game has fundamental design flaws that just arent going to get fixed. I can’t even explain, but the gameplay is just too shallow, leave it at that. Wish they had some integrity not to turn my favorite online game (GW1) into a steaming pile of average joe trash for the dumbo masses. Hope the cash shop sales have been worth all the disappointed fans that basically GAVE you the wherewithall to fund this dung heap. This game is trash.

actually there is a fundamental flaw with war. the only people who will enjoy it will take major roles such as commanders. However, peons will not feel any joy due to their task been reduce to supply carrier.

wvwvw has lots of coordination. the problem with peons is that they do not see it.

what do you call a class that you can never beat? – overpower

what do you call a large mass of players that kill everyone? – a zerg. although they may be coordinated

I kidda admit that the lack of build diversity is killing my interest. However, no holy trinity is not really one of the problems.

(edited by loseridoit.2756)

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Curuniel.4830


Sorry you found it that way (I don’t). Best of luck with your next game.

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


I left out that crafting blows.

i find crafting interesting.

All MMO crafting sucks which makes it profitable.

Barriers of entry makes a trade valuable. If the trade have a very low barrier of entry such as gw2, the trade will deem worthless. Even worse, gw2 have lots of alternates to get goods. If you are trying to advocate crafting to be an impossible task, then I wonder why do you like to grind?

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seren.6850


Plenty of good servers out there with strong helpful pve communities and plenty of wvw action

SoS original -“They mostly come out at night … mostly”
[FIRE] Serene Snow, Warrior

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dan.8709


Funny how experiences from person to person can be so diferente, hah. Bye!

Daniel Cousland – Darkhaven

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nevets Crimsonwing.5271

Nevets Crimsonwing.5271

Sorry about your experiences!

If you don’t mind, would you send me all your stuff before you quit? Working on a legendary and all…

Good luck, and all the best!

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wooboost.8527


Can I have your stuff?

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kishter.9578


good bye from skin wars 2 hope to see you in skin wars 3

We just don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2. No one enjoys that.

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rakanarshi.5892


You will be back.

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Curo.2483


What’s the point of this thread? Do you want us to convince you to stay, or do you want to convince others to leave so you have some feeling of power?

Curo Lunesque – “Concerned Citizen and Community Builder”
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I try to like WvW, but it’s just too pointless. The combat system is absolutely awful. Taking out trinity made this game a pile of shallow trash. There’s no rhyme or reason to it. The game is basically a skin grind. I’m sitting in WvW saying to myself, this zerg of players doesnt need me at all. Without the roles and tightness that brings to combat, everyone just mobs up and zergs the kitten out of everything. I really have no idea why i still log in. This game has fundamental design flaws that just arent going to get fixed. I can’t even explain, but the gameplay is just too shallow, leave it at that. Wish they had some integrity not to turn my favorite online game (GW1) into a steaming pile of average joe trash for the dumbo masses. Hope the cash shop sales have been worth all the disappointed fans that basically GAVE you the wherewithall to fund this dung heap. This game is trash.

Many agree with you trust me.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I try to like WvW, but it’s just too pointless. The combat system is absolutely awful. Taking out trinity made this game a pile of shallow trash. There’s no rhyme or reason to it. The game is basically a skin grind. I’m sitting in WvW saying to myself, this zerg of players doesnt need me at all. Without the roles and tightness that brings to combat, everyone just mobs up and zergs the kitten out of everything. I really have no idea why i still log in. This game has fundamental design flaws that just arent going to get fixed. I can’t even explain, but the gameplay is just too shallow, leave it at that. Wish they had some integrity not to turn my favorite online game (GW1) into a steaming pile of average joe trash for the dumbo masses. Hope the cash shop sales have been worth all the disappointed fans that basically GAVE you the wherewithall to fund this dung heap. This game is trash.

Many agree with you trust me.

And many don’t. See how easy this is.

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


I try to like WvW, but it’s just too pointless. The combat system is absolutely awful. Taking out trinity made this game a pile of shallow trash. There’s no rhyme or reason to it. The game is basically a skin grind. I’m sitting in WvW saying to myself, this zerg of players doesnt need me at all. Without the roles and tightness that brings to combat, everyone just mobs up and zergs the kitten out of everything. I really have no idea why i still log in. This game has fundamental design flaws that just arent going to get fixed. I can’t even explain, but the gameplay is just too shallow, leave it at that. Wish they had some integrity not to turn my favorite online game (GW1) into a steaming pile of average joe trash for the dumbo masses. Hope the cash shop sales have been worth all the disappointed fans that basically GAVE you the wherewithall to fund this dung heap. This game is trash.

Many agree with you trust me.

And many don’t. See how easy this is.

They are just people who wanted Guild Wars 2 to be Guild Wars 1 with better graphics. They will get over it, or go back to their awesome GW1.

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tom.7468


This thread will probably be locked but you are not alone about this. I have done almost everything in the game but i don’t care about legendary. So i often just come online get my daily laurel and go play other games which reward skill.

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snowy.9580


All good things to those that wait? We’ll see if the same song is being sung in a few months time.

We’ll stop to sleep when the game is the best possible game we think it can be.
We’ve been awake since March 2007! Please help!
“GW2 the game with more rolls than roles!”

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I try to like WvW, but it’s just too pointless. The combat system is absolutely awful. Taking out trinity made this game a pile of shallow trash. There’s no rhyme or reason to it. The game is basically a skin grind. I’m sitting in WvW saying to myself, this zerg of players doesnt need me at all. Without the roles and tightness that brings to combat, everyone just mobs up and zergs the kitten out of everything. I really have no idea why i still log in. This game has fundamental design flaws that just arent going to get fixed. I can’t even explain, but the gameplay is just too shallow, leave it at that. Wish they had some integrity not to turn my favorite online game (GW1) into a steaming pile of average joe trash for the dumbo masses. Hope the cash shop sales have been worth all the disappointed fans that basically GAVE you the wherewithall to fund this dung heap. This game is trash.

Many agree with you trust me.

And many don’t. See how easy this is.

They are just people who wanted Guild Wars 2 to be Guild Wars 1 with better graphics. They will get over it, or go back to their awesome GW1.

I never played GW1 but I have heard it’s much better in every way except the graphics in GW2.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


I try to like WvW, but it’s just too pointless. The combat system is absolutely awful. Taking out trinity made this game a pile of shallow trash. There’s no rhyme or reason to it. The game is basically a skin grind. I’m sitting in WvW saying to myself, this zerg of players doesnt need me at all. Without the roles and tightness that brings to combat, everyone just mobs up and zergs the kitten out of everything. I really have no idea why i still log in. This game has fundamental design flaws that just arent going to get fixed. I can’t even explain, but the gameplay is just too shallow, leave it at that. Wish they had some integrity not to turn my favorite online game (GW1) into a steaming pile of average joe trash for the dumbo masses. Hope the cash shop sales have been worth all the disappointed fans that basically GAVE you the wherewithall to fund this dung heap. This game is trash.

Many agree with you trust me.

And many don’t. See how easy this is.

They are just people who wanted Guild Wars 2 to be Guild Wars 1 with better graphics. They will get over it, or go back to their awesome GW1.

I never played GW1 but I have heard it’s much better in every way except the graphics in GW2.

So you heard something and you believe it’s true? I’ve played GW1 for a lot of years and GW2 does a lot of things far better, GW1 is not better in every way.

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I try to like WvW, but it’s just too pointless. The combat system is absolutely awful. Taking out trinity made this game a pile of shallow trash. There’s no rhyme or reason to it. The game is basically a skin grind. I’m sitting in WvW saying to myself, this zerg of players doesnt need me at all. Without the roles and tightness that brings to combat, everyone just mobs up and zergs the kitten out of everything. I really have no idea why i still log in. This game has fundamental design flaws that just arent going to get fixed. I can’t even explain, but the gameplay is just too shallow, leave it at that. Wish they had some integrity not to turn my favorite online game (GW1) into a steaming pile of average joe trash for the dumbo masses. Hope the cash shop sales have been worth all the disappointed fans that basically GAVE you the wherewithall to fund this dung heap. This game is trash.

Many agree with you trust me.

And many don’t. See how easy this is.

They are just people who wanted Guild Wars 2 to be Guild Wars 1 with better graphics. They will get over it, or go back to their awesome GW1.

I never played GW1 but I have heard it’s much better in every way except the graphics in GW2.

So you heard something and you believe it’s true? I’ve played GW1 for a lot of years and GW2 does a lot of things far better, GW1 is not better in every way.

No I know the things that I don’t like about this game. I don’t like knowing that I invested time leveling 4 level 80 toons and the loot drops are totally different now than they were right after beta. I also don’t like that so much money was put into how beautiful a game is only to try and mask how shallow it is and how everything is focused on the cash shop. I like games that let players play the game they want to play. I was discussing this with a friend earlier who quit for the same reasons so I know there are at least 2 people who feel the way I do.

It’s like buying a BMW and getting it home to only find out later it has a bad engine and they have no plans on doing a recall.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


Can I have your gold? Thanks!

Attempts at ele specs:

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I try to like WvW, but it’s just too pointless. The combat system is absolutely awful. Taking out trinity made this game a pile of shallow trash. There’s no rhyme or reason to it. The game is basically a skin grind. I’m sitting in WvW saying to myself, this zerg of players doesnt need me at all. Without the roles and tightness that brings to combat, everyone just mobs up and zergs the kitten out of everything. I really have no idea why i still log in. This game has fundamental design flaws that just arent going to get fixed. I can’t even explain, but the gameplay is just too shallow, leave it at that. Wish they had some integrity not to turn my favorite online game (GW1) into a steaming pile of average joe trash for the dumbo masses. Hope the cash shop sales have been worth all the disappointed fans that basically GAVE you the wherewithall to fund this dung heap. This game is trash.

Many agree with you trust me.

And many don’t. See how easy this is.

They are just people who wanted Guild Wars 2 to be Guild Wars 1 with better graphics. They will get over it, or go back to their awesome GW1.

I never played GW1 but I have heard it’s much better in every way except the graphics in GW2.

And I’ve heard from others who didn’t like Guild Wars 1 at all and like Guild Wars 2. I actually like them both. Both have upsides and downsides, much like any other game.

But then you have guys like Clay who say Guild Wars 1 was much better at launch and then died, and I’ve heard many other people say the game got better as it went on.

That’s why it’s called an opinion.

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flamenco.3894


It’s a fact that GW1 is better than GW2.

Prince Rurik and Lady Althea. Anyone else see the incompatibilty here?

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


It’s a fact that GW1 is better than GW2.

Best post ever. This, more than anything you’ve said, shows that what you say needs to be taken with a grain of salt. Opinions are not facts.

It might be a fact that YOU like Guild Wars 1 more than YOU like Guild Wars 2. It’s not a fact that it’s better. It’s an opinion. And you’re entitled to it.

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flamenco.3894


Facts are stranger than fiction.

Prince Rurik and Lady Althea. Anyone else see the incompatibilty here?

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Facts are stranger than fiction.

Depends on the fiction…and on the fact. I have a little bit of experience with both.

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flamenco.3894


Facts are stranger than fiction.

Depends on the fiction…and on the fact. I have a little bit of experience with both.

How much do you know about the lore regarding the jungle dragon Mordremoth?

Prince Rurik and Lady Althea. Anyone else see the incompatibilty here?

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snowy.9580


How much do you know about the lore regarding the jungle dragon Mordremoth?

It’s real name was Steve and it had a pet Rhino, and it also wore a Quaggan backpack at the weekends! /lore

We’ll stop to sleep when the game is the best possible game we think it can be.
We’ve been awake since March 2007! Please help!
“GW2 the game with more rolls than roles!”

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flamenco.3894


How much do you know about the lore regarding the jungle dragon Mordremoth?

It’s real name was Steve and it had a pet Rhino, and it also wore a Quaggan backpack at the weekends! /lore

What? But that’s impossible!

Prince Rurik and Lady Althea. Anyone else see the incompatibilty here?

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gillius.2856


wow shame you feel that way, altho i find myself only logging on when my mates are on, having said that when we do have a game i really enjoy it.

Maybe well see you in the future when things change, as they seem to change all the time..

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I try to like WvW, but it’s just too pointless. The combat system is absolutely awful. Taking out trinity made this game a pile of shallow trash. There’s no rhyme or reason to it. The game is basically a skin grind. I’m sitting in WvW saying to myself, this zerg of players doesnt need me at all. Without the roles and tightness that brings to combat, everyone just mobs up and zergs the kitten out of everything. I really have no idea why i still log in. This game has fundamental design flaws that just arent going to get fixed. I can’t even explain, but the gameplay is just too shallow, leave it at that. Wish they had some integrity not to turn my favorite online game (GW1) into a steaming pile of average joe trash for the dumbo masses. Hope the cash shop sales have been worth all the disappointed fans that basically GAVE you the wherewithall to fund this dung heap. This game is trash.

Many agree with you trust me.

And many don’t. See how easy this is.

They are just people who wanted Guild Wars 2 to be Guild Wars 1 with better graphics. They will get over it, or go back to their awesome GW1.

I never played GW1 but I have heard it’s much better in every way except the graphics in GW2.

And I’ve heard from others who didn’t like Guild Wars 1 at all and like Guild Wars 2. I actually like them both. Both have upsides and downsides, much like any other game.

But then you have guys like Clay who say Guild Wars 1 was much better at launch and then died, and I’ve heard many other people say the game got better as it went on.

That’s why it’s called an opinion.

Or when you don’t agree with it you call it tripe ;-)

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaall.3420


I’ve played both GW and while I liked GW1, 2 is better for me. This MMO is still relatively new, look at others for example, within their first year they’re completely different to how they are now. There are things that ANet have to work on but that’s like every game, if you’re completely giving up now then I’m afraid you’ll never be happy with gaming. Taking your frustration that all mmo’s are this way out on 1 of them is just stupidity, and to be fair the game’s better off without you and your complaining. Not meaning to sound harsh just the way it is.

And just to point out, there will never be true fact that 1 game is better than another. A game can be better in sales figures but consider how long GW1 has been out and how long 2 has been. You basically have no viable argument because it’s all opinions and while you can argue opinion, ultimately nobody will win, so good luck trying.

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


It’s a fact that GW1 is better than GW2.

Based on?

Also, you forgot to add “In MY opinion”.

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


No I know the things that I don’t like about this game. I don’t like knowing that I invested time leveling 4 level 80 toons and the loot drops are totally different now than they were right after beta. I also don’t like that so much money was put into how beautiful a game is only to try and mask how shallow it is and how everything is focused on the cash shop. I like games that let players play the game they want to play. I was discussing this with a friend earlier who quit for the same reasons so I know there are at least 2 people who feel the way I do.

It’s like buying a BMW and getting it home to only find out later it has a bad engine and they have no plans on doing a recall.

Nothing is focused on the cash shop, I was never forced to use it in any way, that’s nonsense. I also play the game the way I want to play and never found it shallow, if you can’t grasp the complexity of the game it’s your fault.

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


No I know the things that I don’t like about this game. I don’t like knowing that I invested time leveling 4 level 80 toons and the loot drops are totally different now than they were right after beta. I also don’t like that so much money was put into how beautiful a game is only to try and mask how shallow it is and how everything is focused on the cash shop. I like games that let players play the game they want to play. I was discussing this with a friend earlier who quit for the same reasons so I know there are at least 2 people who feel the way I do.

It’s like buying a BMW and getting it home to only find out later it has a bad engine and they have no plans on doing a recall.

Nothing is focused on the cash shop, I was never forced to use it in any way, that’s nonsense. I also play the game the way I want to play and never found it shallow, if you can’t grasp the complexity of the game it’s your fault.

Or if I don’t agree with you it’s a L2 kitten ue.

If the cash sho kitten o unimportant then why is there an economist that monitors the game economy and why is there a cash shop if it’s so unimportant?

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


No I know the things that I don’t like about this game. I don’t like knowing that I invested time leveling 4 level 80 toons and the loot drops are totally different now than they were right after beta. I also don’t like that so much money was put into how beautiful a game is only to try and mask how shallow it is and how everything is focused on the cash shop. I like games that let players play the game they want to play. I was discussing this with a friend earlier who quit for the same reasons so I know there are at least 2 people who feel the way I do.

It’s like buying a BMW and getting it home to only find out later it has a bad engine and they have no plans on doing a recall.

Nothing is focused on the cash shop, I was never forced to use it in any way, that’s nonsense. I also play the game the way I want to play and never found it shallow, if you can’t grasp the complexity of the game it’s your fault.

Or if I don’t agree with you it’s a L2 kitten ue.

If the cash sho kitten o unimportant then why is there an economist that monitors the game economy and why is there a cash shop if it’s so unimportant?

You do know what the cash shop does I hope…

Saying that the game is based on it is false, you can play and do everything in the game without ever touching it.

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I try to like WvW, but it’s just too pointless. The combat system is absolutely awful. Taking out trinity made this game a pile of shallow trash. There’s no rhyme or reason to it. The game is basically a skin grind. I’m sitting in WvW saying to myself, this zerg of players doesnt need me at all. Without the roles and tightness that brings to combat, everyone just mobs up and zergs the kitten out of everything. I really have no idea why i still log in. This game has fundamental design flaws that just arent going to get fixed. I can’t even explain, but the gameplay is just too shallow, leave it at that. Wish they had some integrity not to turn my favorite online game (GW1) into a steaming pile of average joe trash for the dumbo masses. Hope the cash shop sales have been worth all the disappointed fans that basically GAVE you the wherewithall to fund this dung heap. This game is trash.

Many agree with you trust me.

And many don’t. See how easy this is.

They are just people who wanted Guild Wars 2 to be Guild Wars 1 with better graphics. They will get over it, or go back to their awesome GW1.

I never played GW1 but I have heard it’s much better in every way except the graphics in GW2.

And I’ve heard from others who didn’t like Guild Wars 1 at all and like Guild Wars 2. I actually like them both. Both have upsides and downsides, much like any other game.

But then you have guys like Clay who say Guild Wars 1 was much better at launch and then died, and I’ve heard many other people say the game got better as it went on.

That’s why it’s called an opinion.

Or when you don’t agree with it you call it tripe ;-)

Looks like the post has been deleted, because I can’t find it. But I don’t use that word without reason.

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


Mail me your things before leaving plz

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cobrahorse.4329


Well he is saying why he things the game is not for him so imo this is constructive feedback not just complaining so its not against the rules. But i guess arenanet make their own rules sometimes

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: clay.7849


Don’t worry OP. Lots of us feel the same way. Good for you for posting on the forums. Most just leave without telling the devs why – which is a shame because they should know.

Maybe one day this game will get better, but I have a feeling all the fanboys will be begging people to stay around sooner than later, rather than laughing at them as they leave. Eventually, they’re gonna need someone in the game to play dungeons and DE’s with.

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flamenco.3894


Don’t worry OP. Lots of us feel the same way. Good for you for posting on the forums. Most just leave without telling the devs why – which is a shame because they should know.

Maybe one day this game will get better, but I have a feeling all the fanboys will be begging people to stay around sooner than later, rather than laughing at them as they leave. Eventually, they’re gonna need someone in the game to play dungeons and DE’s with.

Agree with this completely.

Prince Rurik and Lady Althea. Anyone else see the incompatibilty here?

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andovar Edoras.2143

Andovar Edoras.2143

Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penatbater.4710


I try to like WvW, but it’s just too pointless. The combat system is absolutely awful. Taking out trinity made this game a pile of shallow trash. There’s no rhyme or reason to it. The game is basically a skin grind. I’m sitting in WvW saying to myself, this zerg of players doesnt need me at all. Without the roles and tightness that brings to combat, everyone just mobs up and zergs the kitten out of everything. I really have no idea why i still log in. This game has fundamental design flaws that just arent going to get fixed. I can’t even explain, but the gameplay is just too shallow, leave it at that. Wish they had some integrity not to turn my favorite online game (GW1) into a steaming pile of average joe trash for the dumbo masses. Hope the cash shop sales have been worth all the disappointed fans that basically GAVE you the wherewithall to fund this dung heap. This game is trash.

Many agree with you trust me.

And many don’t. See how easy this is.

They are just people who wanted Guild Wars 2 to be Guild Wars 1 with better graphics. They will get over it, or go back to their awesome GW1.

I never played GW1 but I have heard it’s much better in every way except the graphics in GW2.

And I’ve heard from others who didn’t like Guild Wars 1 at all and like Guild Wars 2. I actually like them both. Both have upsides and downsides, much like any other game.

But then you have guys like Clay who say Guild Wars 1 was much better at launch and then died, and I’ve heard many other people say the game got better as it went on.

That’s why it’s called an opinion.

Or when you don’t agree with it you call it tripe ;-)

Looks like the post has been deleted, because I can’t find it. But I don’t use that word without reason.

but but but… tripe is a part of a cow/pig. So someone is a piece of meat?

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moderator.6837



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