Disappointed by the leveling experience
It’s a good thing then that they’re going to be making changes to the leveling experience on the 9th then.
Hopefully it’ll be better.
My advice for any new player is to take it slow. There’s so much to see in the game and it’s nice to explore whatever areas of the game interest you the most. There really is no race to get to level 80, but since you are already level 80 I feel I should congratulate you on the speedy leveling for a new player.
Try completing the game a little slower so that you don’t run out of new content to play through. GW2 has gotten the reputation among several players for having the slowest content release compared to other major MMORPGs despite the vast player base to support it. Many people have sped through all the content in the game that pertains to their interests and are left wanting more.
How long did it take the OP to reach 80? If it was less than a month or 2, I see the problem as following advice in a rush to reach 80. If I used suggestions to Zerg and level quickly for my first (or even 2nd or 3rd) characters, I would be disappointed too….
You can’t expect an “experience” if you bypassed the entire game to reach 80 quickly.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
How long did it take the OP to reach 80? If it was less than a month or 2, I see the problem as following advice in a rush to reach 80. If I used suggestions to Zerg and level quickly for my first (or even 2nd or 3rd) characters, I would be disappointed too….
You can’t expect an “experience” if you bypassed the entire game to reach 80 quickly.
I did attempt map grind and heart completion to level at first, but it was slow and repetitive. At least WvW follow the leader is fast and repetitive
(edited by rapthorne.7345)
My advice to new players is to avoid EOTM. It might be tempting, but ultimately if youre not on your xth character (x>3) theres whole world out there to explore.
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
if you felt the need to rush to 80 in a week, this probably isn’t the game for you.
your priority was grinding to 80 the fastest way possible.. of course it won’t be any fun, you’re not prioritzing fun.
if you want to enjoy this game, find the content/modes you enjoy playing and play that. the levels will come on their own as you play.
Northern Shiverpeaks
(edited by GrandmaFunk.3052)
Why it took me that long to get to 80, a week and my 2nd toon too. Isn’t this play how I want?
You have more options at 80, join a social guild.
Have three eighties, and about 88% map completion. I personally love the leveling experience.
I don’t get where people seem to think every quest is “go kill stuff”.
I’d prefer more quests with a “go kill stuff” OPTION, instead of “do menial task forty times”.
How long did it take the OP to reach 80? If it was less than a month or 2, I see the problem as following advice in a rush to reach 80. If I used suggestions to Zerg and level quickly for my first (or even 2nd or 3rd) characters, I would be disappointed too….
You can’t expect an “experience” if you bypassed the entire game to reach 80 quickly.
I did attempt mapo grind and heart completion to level at first, but it was slow at repetitive. wvw follow the leader is fast and repetitive
Why grind map? Explore map, do events/hearts as they come by and ultimately thers 5 starting zones and multiple leveling zones for each bracket.
Now youre 80. What exactly you gonna do now? More EOTM? Because it is fastest way to karma/badges (gear) etc
In truth, you basically skipped whole game ;P
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
Come hang out with me and watch how I level OP. Bet it would be a different experience.
There’s dungeons, fractals, temple events, dry top which all requires you to be 80. WvW is not fun when you are under leveled. Tried it and got owned.
Dungeons and fractals technically you can do at lower level but joining a group will be difficult. I don’t feel I missed anything. Mapping is currently 82% which I took the time after I maxed. got the DM title and the ascended backpack. Tequati, Jormag, other boss events require high level toon.
I was lucky tho was in a small guild with awesome guild mates and my best friend came back to play with me.
(edited by layzoe.6035)
Players wanted more levels (how can you tell your WoW friends you awesome character is only level 20? GW1’s end game) and Anet gave them levels.
You have no one to fault but the fan base.
I was simply doing as was advised by my guild after being frustrated with how slow I was levelling. When things are changed up with this levelling patch, when ever it arrives, I suspect I will take things much slower and get to know the game more intimately, but as it stands I was informed that, and I quote “the game doesn’t really start until you hit 80” so yes, I wanted to reach 80 quickly.
I think you will enjoy being 80 more. I did… I am more relaxed about leveling the other lower toons I have but yes I knew I wanted to enjoy all the things that I only could do at max level. Now just slowly gear up your first 80 and explore different ways of playing this game… But like others said, updates are few and in between so take it slow.
I solo’d map completion and moderate crafting till I hit 80, now I’m in completionist mode, unlocking everything I can on 2 of my characters, the other 3 are pretty much stagnant as I don’t really find their classes fulfilling.
It may be harder to ‘solo’ things now but you can still take your time. I started my story at level 80 so there wouldn’t be any of those ‘oh, I’m too low level, I have to grind now’ moments between story chapters.
BTW Anet, sitting on the Arah part of my personal story because I can’t do it without others which means that it’s not really MY STORY, I’m just a kitten minion!
Map grind? Zuh? That’s a new one. You don’t have to map grind at all to level up. There are multiple 1-15 zones, multiple 15-25 zones, etc. You explore as much or as little of each as you want, then go to the next one. At no point did you ever have to do 100% completion of the zone to move on. In fact, I tell new players not to even bother with 100% map completion until they hit level cap. I suggest wandering aimlessly in a zone, hitting events as they come up, and if they are satisfied they’ve explored that zone enough, go to one of the other zones for that level range and do the same.
Makes a world of difference.
But EoTM for a new player, for their first character? Big mistake. That’s how you create terrible players who don’t understand much of anything in the game other than to follow blue dorito and attack red things. You level up fast, but you’re left with “now what…?”
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Keep in mind that there are many start zones, and multiple zones for specific level ranges all the way to 80. If you felt obligated to go to WVW or EOTM, then you may have missed this. My first 80 (A long time ago now, mind you), I never even touched WvW Content until i was already 80. Look for things to do. There’s no way you could have done all quests hearts in the zones for your level, explored, killed mobs, Crafted, etc… and not hit 80.
The biggest thing to remember while leveling, is that the level zone doesn’t matter if you’re higher than it. EXP Gains are % based, not a static number of points awarded. You can do all of the starter zones available, and gain a good amount of exp along the way. You may not get great gear upgrades that way, but you can most certainly level. You’re never limited to being forced into the wvw content in order to hit 80. It may be faster, but if it’s not your cup of tea or dont’ like being the target of everyone who wants easy bags, there are other ways.
Ahh see you are rushing to 80 cause “80 is where the fun starts”. I will point out all the “80 and I am bored” threads.
Rushing through the game will not necessarily make it more fun at 80. Also as others noted you don’t have to grind maps. In fact, I hate that so much I have never done it, with 17 level 80s behind me, I never completed all map content to get to 80. All except 1 toon just explored, snatching all waypoints, PoIs, Vistas and Skill Points I could tolerate on maps. Usually a few hearts (tasks) here or there, easy ones that I kinda like doing. Grab this event or that. I usually complete the Orr maps, Frostgorge and eventually Mount Maelstrom/Fireheart Rise for the rewards to sell/salvage. Usually by the time I am finishing those last 3 the character is already 80.
I was simply doing as was advised by my guild after being frustrated with how slow I was levelling. When things are changed up with this levelling patch, when ever it arrives, I suspect I will take things much slower and get to know the game more intimately, but as it stands I was informed that, and I quote “the game doesn’t really start until you hit 80” so yes, I wanted to reach 80 quickly.
bad advice on their part.
game starts at level 2.
I always chip in when I see guildies suggest this. Should never tell new players to eotm. It’s a very very boring leveling experience.
It’s far better to take your time. Doing dungeons at the appropriate level is fine. Just start your own group. It will fill. (though some paths fill easier than others.)
Do what you enjoy, you don’t really need to do hearts or full map completion. I ran around completing a few maps, and then I just went chasing waypoints and doing events I came across.
I played WvW at level60 for a bit. (but having less traits now, is really noticeable in there.)