Disappointed with T3 reskin? -not needed-
I’m marginally disappointed, although I’m even more disappointed by the degree to which some people are flipping out about it. It’s a mixed addition to the game, but you’d think it was some enormous social injustice by some of the reactions. (Emphasis on “some.”)
I’d have preferred to avoid reskins entirely, naturally, but it’s not that big a deal to me. I’d have preferred they avoid reskinning cultural armor, for the sake of pushing a little differentiation between cultures that characters can show off, but that’s not a huge deal to me, either. It’s more like I think it’s a so-so aesthetic decision than anything “unfair.”
I can’t say I’m too torn up about it, even if it’s not ideal.
It shows a lack of respect and is the straw that broke this camel’s back.
I’m disappointed in general with more lava on players than on volcanoes
Why do we need another thread on this?
We don’t, especially as the devs have put a resolution up on the forums for the issue now
The resolution wasn’t there when I posted this, and I was just after statistics. It’s no longer needed.