Disheartened guild wars fan since 2002.

Disheartened guild wars fan since 2002.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Demalii.9435


Hello, I will keep this post as short as possible, but am trying so so hard to see the daylight on the other side. I won’t express many of the guild wars players thoughts and perceptions in this post, yet I have indeed heard enough just tonight by a couple of friends to push my opinions on the facts, into this post.

Playing guild wars since 2003 betas, been reading about it since 2002. My career requires my time during the day, nearly every day of the week. Sundays during midday (12pm pst).. I am no where near a computer.

I felt the halloween 1 time event did not affect me because it did not reward players who haven’t spent their evenings doing dungeons/wvw and grinding. Nor did it reward anyone with anything (just fine since these events are schedualed).

Apparently even setting myself up for sucess during this lost shores 1 time event.. I was unable to pull through. With all of the bugs and disconnects, there was no way I was able to actually come home from work to sit and play for 3 hours due to not being able to continue past phase 1 bugs.

So I come on tonight after work and find that if you were even able to get to phase 3, many people got d/c and didn’t get the chest (I hear that people who were d/c will indeed get their loot for participating).

I find myself so disheartened by a company I grew to love.. As an avid gamer, I felt I was slapped in the face. Apparently people who mainly play sundays, have lvl 10’s as their highest characters, have played a total of 40 hours, trial accounts, as well as some deserving players, today.. they have earned themselves a precursor.

I have helped kill jormag about 15 times and have never seen a precursor linked in map from that, just to get a jist of where my logic comes from. I also haven’t even heard of anyone getting a precursor from jormag, yet I hear it’s possible. I play typically during the evenings when possible, some nights for hours and hours (if I’ve no work and 0 to do the next day) and then the rooster tells me the new day has started. I felt almost locked out of the event rather than being able to successfully set my time up for my personal self to complete this event. I was unable to permit anymore time to a game with bugged events that could lead my character to a great chest of loot.

If 1 time events are going to be in the future which I’m certain they will… Please anet.. please.. keep in mind what this does to the community of long time guild wars players as well as new fans.

I am not looking for replies, yet I want to be heard. Thank you.

Disheartened guild wars fan since 2002.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zid.4196


Sad to read this.

Disheartened guild wars fan since 2002.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snix Spoonman.3871

Snix Spoonman.3871

I agree, I don’t mind missing these one-time events as long as its just something like a cut scene, but to have such a small window of opportunity for people to take part in the finale, and then reward some of them with pre-cursors just stinks.

This as well as the 180 degrees Anet philosophy has soured things for me, especially if they insist on having these one-time events where they rewarding people, taking place at the same time on a Sunday, then some of us who have work comittments during these very small windows of opportunities will never be able to participate inone of these reward receiving event.

Disheartened guild wars fan since 2002.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Harvest.2506


just come back once everything is settle and stable, I give up on prophcies cause i had no idea what was going on. But then I came into guildwars from Nightfall when things really got into high gear. never regretted the break I took inbetween.

Disheartened guild wars fan since 2002.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Glad Wing Pomp.1940

Glad Wing Pomp.1940

I don’t know how people became such big fans of ArenaNet in the first place. They’ve never been the sort of outstanding company that reaches out to the community for game design decisions or anything. The two games they’ve made are good but making a good game is not a trait unique to ArenaNet. I urge you not to undeservedly put ArenaNet on some sort of pedestal because, frankly, they don’t belong there. It will save you grief in the future.

Disheartened guild wars fan since 2002.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

Yeah, the fact that some people got precursors from the one time event really disheartened me. I personally got a couple trash exotics. I really think having precursors drop from the one time event was a pretty big mistake.

At least you were allowed to make the loot roll. Unlike Australia.

Disheartened guild wars fan since 2002.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kuroin.1703


Got home early from my parents and hoped to participate. Loginserver says: NO U!

Disheartened guild wars fan since 2002.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

I don’t know how people became such big fans of ArenaNet in the first place. They’ve never been the sort of outstanding company that reaches out to the community for game design decisions or anything. The two games they’ve made are good but making a good game is not a trait unique to ArenaNet. I urge you not to undeservedly put ArenaNet on some sort of pedestal because, frankly, they don’t belong there. It will save you grief in the future.

It’s mainly because GW1 offered something MMOs of the time didn’t: No grinding for stats. That, not the overall quality of GW1, is what got them on the pedestal.

Disheartened guild wars fan since 2002.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zid.4196


Don’t try to simplify GW1’s feat.

It wasn’t just the no grind for stats. It was plenty of things, from the deck building to the art to who knows what magic.

The question is not what made GW successful. The question is why GW2 is so far off its predecessor while being too close to a WoW-clone.

Disheartened guild wars fan since 2002.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maina.5389


Don’t try to simplify GW1’s feat.

It wasn’t just the no grind for stats. It was plenty of things, from the deck building to the art to who knows what magic.

The question is not what made GW successful. The question is why GW2 is so far off its predecessor while being too close to a WoW-clone.

Same reason Star Wars 4-6, was better than 1-3. kittening audience….

Disheartened guild wars fan since 2002.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Merthax.5172


Don’t try to simplify GW1’s feat.

It wasn’t just the no grind for stats. It was plenty of things, from the deck building to the art to who knows what magic.

The question is not what made GW successful. The question is why GW2 is so far off its predecessor while being too close to a WoW-clone.

Guild Wars 1 wasn’t a perfect game, but it did MANY things right that other games missed the boat on. It broke many tropes which needed to be broken. Unfortunately, I have yet to find another game that continues on this path.

Disheartened guild wars fan since 2002.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zid.4196


GW1 being imperfect is why GW2 held so much promise, so many things that could have been improved.

Turns out GW2 was so busy becoming a wow-clone the only improvement that was nailed was jumping.

Disheartened guild wars fan since 2002.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhapsedy.1569


I have to agree with this poster. Why in the world would yup put in a one time event when we can kill Jormag over and over and over again?

I have a life. I have a wonderful family I love to spend time with. I have a great job that I love to go to as well. But when you make one time events that people can’t make it to you put a very sour taste into people’s mouth.

I know the game is free to play. Thank you for that. But quite frankly I’d rather pay monthly for a game like WoW than be so totally frustrated with your game.

I am going to stop playing your game. I hope that you will revise your decision to make these one time events that leave half of your players screaming in frustration. I will move on and play something else. Good luck.

Sahalla Sylvermyst – Ranger – Most nerfed class in GW2

Disheartened guild wars fan since 2002.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

GW1 being imperfect is why GW2 held so much promise, so many things that could have been improved.

Turns out GW2 was so busy becoming a wow-clone the only improvement that was nailed was jumping.

How many WoW clones have we seen fail horribly ?

Have you seen any succeed ?

I’m thinking there is one very important thing all MMO developers need to realize: If you try to take customers from WoW you will fail. If you want to succeed, find your customers somewhere else.

Disheartened guild wars fan since 2002.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zid.4196


GW1 being imperfect is why GW2 held so much promise, so many things that could have been improved.

Turns out GW2 was so busy becoming a wow-clone the only improvement that was nailed was jumping.

How many WoW clones have we seen fail horribly ?

Have you seen any succeed ?

I’m thinking there is one very important thing all MMO developers need to realize: If you try to take customers from WoW you will fail. If you want to succeed, find your customers somewhere else.

Well that’s so funny

Because one of the most famous, if not the most famous speech on this very topic and championing not-being-a-clone was given by one of ANet’s three co-founders!

Disheartened guild wars fan since 2002.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jin Saotome.5320

Jin Saotome.5320

Since Nexon got their paws on 15% NCSoft’s share, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were pulling some strings. NCSoft is already bad enough as is, and they just keep pumping money into Aion for whatever reason. Add to the fact that Crystin Cox is the Monetization Producer (This doesn’t sound like a money grubbing position at all!) at ANet (previously worked for Nexon and NCSoft…), finally take into account that a lot of the original staff isn’t there anymore and it’s pretty easy to see that GW2 was sold to us with tons of hype and PR when the higher ups (not the devs, since they’re usually the victims sadly) pretty much had no intention in letting the devs follow the manifesto and had planned to do this bait and switch from the start.
Now it COULD be worse, if Nexon was a majority share holder in NCSoft there would be no gold > gems conversion and everything would be ridiculously expensive.
Want superior sigils and runes? That will be $10 each. Want a bank slot? 15! Extra inventory? That will be another 15. Dyes? A few bucks each. Do you want to be able to res during combat? That will be $3!

sigh Still not all that comforting to be quite honest.

Disheartened guild wars fan since 2002.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaliron.4098


Im too extremely dissapointed in Anet.

I got up at 3am before work for the halloween event which was a “one time” event and it was only a cut scene, I couldn’t make it to the final event here but foolishly thought Anet would be of the same opinion that they wouldn’t greatly award players for making it too an event like this. However this afternoon after logging on after work i discovered that my guild mates told me everyone was rewarded with multiple exotics and precursors.

Anet, i would never have a problem with one time events and missing out on them if you only rewarded people with a onetime cut-scene, but giving out rewards like precursors just shows how out of touch you are with the community. When you said you were going to address the price of precursors i though you were going to introduce something that casual players could achieve, even if it was a month long scavenger hunt.

Perhaps some helpful information for Anet, Would it really be hard to have an instance that would only activate once every 2hrs and you can only join it once. Have the event re-run for the length of the day? “Oh but that would take away making the event special because people can watch it before hand on youtube.”.. Well you really did a great job running it this way keeping it special for everyone.
