Dizzy or Nauseous doing Jumping Puzzle

Dizzy or Nauseous doing Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: molewall.7943


Do you guys feel dizzy when doing jumping puzzles? Especially when the camera zoom in and out repeatedly when you are closed to the walls? This is especially bad on large characters like Norm or Charr.

I really don’t understand the logic behind this implementation. All the other games I played zoom out when there is a collision in the camera with the surrounding, giving a better view of the surrounding. GW2 does the opposite, it zooms in. What’s more, it is super sensitive. If the camera collides with an uneven surface, it zooms in and out repeatedly and rapidly. This cause motion sickness in my case.

Can this be fixed?

Dizzy or Nauseous doing Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


I’ve never had that problem but then I don’t usually get motion sickness unless I try to read in a car.

Unless you’re doing a timed puzzle you could stop and try moving the camera to a different position. There’s usually at least one place where there’s nothing in the way. Alternatively sometimes I just zoom it in. For some puzzles it can actually be helpful to get a close-up view.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Dizzy or Nauseous doing Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Solus.3926


Short answer … No

You are in a category of players that are more susceptible to “motion sickness” in video games than others … more correctly referred to as “simulator sickness,” since, unlike traditional cases of motion sickness, your queasiness isn’t triggered by actual movement.

It’s been brought up before and ANet did try to improve the situation. Many believed, however, it was just made worse.

I only do jumping puzzles, if I happen over one with my lead Asura … even then, you can get the same problems happening.

I am the menace. The one whose will is done. The haunting chill upon your neck. I am the Conundrum.

Dizzy or Nauseous doing Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skugga.5298


Not all the time, but I have had times when it happend.
Pretty annoying,.. but I wouldn’t hope for a camera change any time soon either.

Dizzy or Nauseous doing Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

Not me, but I can understand some would.

I recommend tweaking your graphics setting so that you will get a steady FPS, be it 60 FPS or 30 FPS. What I’ve heard from people who get motion sickness from games they usually have it worse when the FPS goes up and down a lot.

One – Piken Square

Dizzy or Nauseous doing Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linnea.5146


Not me, but I’m incredibly frustrated by the camera. It zooms in every time a small object gets in the way. This constant instant-zooming does easily give me headaches though.

Dizzy or Nauseous doing Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nage.1520


One possible solution to this (and it worked for me) is to turn down the color vibrance, color contrast on your video drivers. I use an nvidia card, so it’s called vibrance, but what I’m describing is color saturation.

I had this problem years ago and did some research. In one post I saw, this is how someone treated it and I tried it and it worked…for me.

Your mileage may vary…but it’s worth a try.

Dizzy or Nauseous doing Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaiyanwan.8521


As Norn, when your camera gets stuck on everything and you have absolutely no control over which direction to look, I sometimes feel rage.

Then I remind myself that it has been like this since day one and it will probably never gets fixed and with this I reach acceptance and tranquility.

The camera can probably be fixed, it is just no priority right now for ANet (and only some of the gods who left might actually know what is a priority for ANet at all…)

Dizzy or Nauseous doing Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: daimasei.4091


Yes and this was one of the reasons Liandri was “hard”. I’ll give a try to what Nage said.

Why fix the Necromancer for free when we can charge $$$ for the Revenant

Dizzy or Nauseous doing Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cmud.5689


I never had problems with the screenshake, but I turned the motion off in the options because I felt it does not contribute to my gameplay at all, in fact, with the camera issues I had doing puzzles, It screwed me more than once….

BUT, jumping puzzles could be easy renamed to “CAMERA PUZZLES GW2 edition” and it would be more accurate. Doing JP’s as a Charr, I had not idea where to jump on so many occasions its not even funny. Camera does react ridiculous on collision and shorter races have a huge advantage. Too bad I am not home, I could post some nice pics where I get kittened up by the camera…

-Sincerely, a guy that did all JP’s.

banished from time and space

Dizzy or Nauseous doing Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xyonon.3987


To be honest, my charr has an infinite toy soldier tonic just for jumping puzzles. It’s sometimes a pain to do some stuff in caves. Especially the one in lions arch where you go down the sewers first it a pain in the kitten

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Dizzy or Nauseous doing Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaiyanwan.8521


The whole game was designed around the Sylvari. Story, movement, camera.

I have a Silvary for all the relevant content…

Dizzy or Nauseous doing Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ceridwen.6703


Yes, OP, they bug me to the point I know I shouldn’t even attempt them, but I do. Clearly I’m a masochist. But I have a broken brain anyway, and have to come to expect these things will happen to me. Now I view jumping puzzles as my little challenges to overcome (although there are some I cannot and will never be able to do). I look forward to the day I can be one of those mesmers who regularly ports people across a puzzle. Long time coming most likely, but I can dream.

“Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Steve R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn.”

Dizzy or Nauseous doing Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

To be honest, my charr has an infinite toy soldier tonic just for jumping puzzles. It’s sometimes a pain to do some stuff in caves. Especially the one in lions arch where you go down the sewers first it a pain in the kitten

God kitten why did I not think of this. Thank you!

One – Piken Square

Dizzy or Nauseous doing Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ProtoGunner.4953


I never had motion sickness, not even with games like Mirror’s Edge. If you already get motion sicknes with jumping puzzles, it’s just bad luck. But understand that they can’t please eveyone and won’t take it out just be cause some people have this issue.

‘would have/would’ve been’ —> correct
‘would of been’ —> wrong

Dizzy or Nauseous doing Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: frinket.6281


Hi, i have exactly the same problem, the camera jumping back and forward….. makes me sick. The ony solution seems to be no jumping puzzels.


Dizzy or Nauseous doing Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zahld.4956


fix the jump puzzle camera for christ sake

Dizzy or Nauseous doing Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


Out of interest how do people who have this problem control the camera?

I’m wondering if part of the reason it’s not a problem for me is when I’m doing a jumping puzzle I constantly have the right mouse button held down to control the camera. I hold it where I want it, so the camera doesn’t get an opportunity to move around on it’s own.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Dizzy or Nauseous doing Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: shinreigari.7318


I only feel dizzy when i’m doing a jumping puzzle in narrow spaces. I guess there’s a lot of camera movement and zooming in those cases…. Then again, i also feel extremely nauseous when i play more than 5 minutes of any fps game… And also in almost every cave in Skyrim. So yea… the camera movement itself wouldn’t bother me if it didn’t cause this feeling.

Dizzy or Nauseous doing Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


If you have issues with motion sickness, you’ll be more likely experience issues like this with JPs. I’m prone to motion sickness in certain situations as well, and do experience these symptoms when trying to do some JPs. Its because of this that I can’t play any game that requires a first person perspective.

For JPs, I find zooming in as much as I can (to reduce how much the camera bounces), and taking a Dramamine (over the counter anti-motion sickness med) helps me. You could try similar.

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

Dizzy or Nauseous doing Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rainbow Sprint.3215

Rainbow Sprint.3215

I’m fine with the camera, i’ve learned to live with it during the hardest jumping puzzles. What they need to fix is enemies in a JP locking you into combat.

Dizzy or Nauseous doing Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maris.3164


I’ve had this on a couple of occasions when I’ve spent more time in certain jumping puzzles. It’s the only reason I haven’t revisited Scavenger’s chasm in Malchor’s leap as that seems to be the worst puzzle for me. I’d say it’s the tight spaces combined with sometimes awkward camera angles and movement. I have also started to hold the camera still by holding right mouse button while I jump, it helps a little.

Dizzy or Nauseous doing Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


I get motion/stimulation sickness from jumping puzzles where the walls restrict camera movement (Scavenger’s Chasm, Urmaug’s Secret, Troll’s End…). It happens regardless of me trying to keep the camera still because the camera collides with walls and yeah. I can FINISH the puzzles nowadays because i have higher fps than before, but I would get too sick to continue on my old laptop which had such a low fps that jumping was more guesswork than anything else and I had to run back and forth in confines spaces a lot.

Dizzy or Nauseous doing Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dace.8019


A long time ago, a dev from ANet posted regarding the issue of Norn/charr jumping puzzle camera rage. He said that he was the guy who did all the work and that, prior to launch, he tested all of the JPs with a full-sized Norn and the camera was fine. Then, with just weeks before launch, the camera was changed due to other considerations with the game and the camera problems were caused by this change.

I can’t recall if he said he was going to continue working on this problem, but if he did say or intend that, then it was 12+ months ago.

Dizzy or Nauseous doing Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nage.1520


A long time ago, a dev from ANet posted regarding the issue of Norn/charr jumping puzzle camera rage. He said that he was the guy who did all the work and that, prior to launch, he tested all of the JPs with a full-sized Norn and the camera was fine. Then, with just weeks before launch, the camera was changed due to other considerations with the game and the camera problems were caused by this change.

I can’t recall if he said he was going to continue working on this problem, but if he did say or intend that, then it was 12+ months ago.

They said they wouldn’t be redoing old JPs but the problem wouldn’t exist in new JPs that were created after.

Dizzy or Nauseous doing Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: X The Manimal.5293

X The Manimal.5293

The camera was one of the QOL items that I thought would be included in this feature pack but its not on ANet’s priority list so we’ll probably never see an improvement. The only way I can think of is not legal and can get you banned. It messes with me too and gives me a headache. At this point I have a hard time wanting to play GW2 so a ban doesn’t seem like too bad of a risk.

(edited by X The Manimal.5293)

Dizzy or Nauseous doing Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


Camera on JPs is absolutely atrocious. I’m used to it now, having done all JPs multiple times, but I feel so bad when I run a new guildie through JPs knowing that some of the easy jumps are extra hard because you literally are zoomed into the back of your characters head, blocking all view.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Dizzy or Nauseous doing Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hotcatz.6834


I’ve only been able to do some puzzles on my charr because I already know the way due to having done them on one of my silvari characters. Often it’s impossible to see where you have to jump to because the camera is being such a pain….

Dizzy or Nauseous doing Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Im Mudbone.1437

Im Mudbone.1437

Sorry, never had this happen to me.

Blackgate Megaserver – [LaZy] Imperium of LaZy Nation
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger

Dizzy or Nauseous doing Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KarateKid.5648


To be honest, my charr has an infinite toy soldier tonic just for jumping puzzles. It’s sometimes a pain to do some stuff in caves. Especially the one in lions arch where you go down the sewers first it a pain in the kitten

God kitten why did I not think of this. Thank you!

Indeed – put this in the players helping players thread!

Dizzy or Nauseous doing Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sunshine.4680


The whole game was designed around the Sylvari. Story, movement, camera.

I have a Silvary for all the relevant content…

So true.

Dizzy or Nauseous doing Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azizul.8469


i’m sooooooo bad at JP i only got a few done….

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

Dizzy or Nauseous doing Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Short answer … No

You are in a category of players that are more susceptible to “motion sickness” in video games than others … more correctly referred to as “simulator sickness,” since, unlike traditional cases of motion sickness, your queasiness isn’t triggered by actual movement.

It’s been brought up before and ANet did try to improve the situation. Many believed, however, it was just made worse.

I only do jumping puzzles, if I happen over one with my lead Asura … even then, you can get the same problems happening.

I disagree. It I’d bring triggered by actual movement. camera movement.

. I’m the same as OP and I don’t get sick in other games here I can set up the appropriate FoV for my needs, and games where he camera doesn’t adjust back and forth. In gw2 the camera tries to automatically adjust to objects around you, so it shakes a lot like its having an epilepsy attack. It’s incredibly dizzying. The camera should cut through objects/terrain instead of trying to adjust. This would even help a lot when playing in tiny rooms like cadecus manor. I can’t we anything when I’m playing the because the camera gets confused when it tries to adjust to the low ceilings and claustrophobic walls.

I don’t get motion sickness even sailing a boat or roller skating.

I will try some tiny tonics as someone suggested (I thought you couldn’t jump as a tonic)? I wonder if bringing a transparent / modeless mist would prevent camera from moving. If so, can we have a tonic like that anet?

And yup I control the camera with the mouse but it seems to make it worse. It increases the chances the camera tries to adjust to terrain.

I like doing spontaneous jumping puzzles in other games when I find a cool place to explore. But in gw2 I don’t.

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)