Do I have to reinstall?
should have been put in program files/ you can go find it and repin it. the game isnt GONE, your shortcut is
You dont need to reinstall.
You should be able to find the executable in C:\gw2 (assuming you didn’t change the directory on installing). After that, you can right click the Gw2.exe and select create shortcut and you will be back to normal.
I wont lie, it sounds like this is your first PC…
Open Start menu then just type “Guild Wars” and it should show up on the list. Right click it and pin to task bar again and ur done. If you have trouble feel free to call me on skype and show me the problem and I’ll try to help.
My skype is: DreamyAbaddon
You dont need to reinstall.
You should be able to find the executable in C:\gw2 (assuming you didn’t change the directory on installing). After that, you can right click the Gw2.exe and select create shortcut and you will be back to normal.
Hmmmmm. Only thing I get when I type gw2 is GW2.EXE with numbers behind it. When I typed Guild Wars in the search box under the Start menu I got nothing and when I checked in the program files nothing was there saying Guild Wars 2, so what is baffling to me is how could simply unpinning a shortcut from a taskbar cause everything to disappear?
Any way thanks for the attempted help.
You dont need to reinstall.
You should be able to find the executable in C:\gw2 (assuming you didn’t change the directory on installing). After that, you can right click the Gw2.exe and select create shortcut and you will be back to normal.
Hmmmmm. Only thing I get when I type gw2 is GW2.EXE with numbers behind it. When I typed Guild Wars in the search box under the Start menu I got nothing and when I checked in the program files nothing was there saying Guild Wars 2, so what is baffling to me is how could simply unpinning a shortcut from a taskbar cause everything to disappear?
Any way thanks for the attempted help.
gw2.exe is exactly what you want.
Here is a question. If I reinstall from the disk I bought will I still have access to HOT which I also purchased ?
Here is a question. If I reinstall from the disk I bought will I still have access to HOT which I also purchased ?
All of your account information is stored in ANet’s servers, not your computer. So yes, you will still have access to HoT.
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]
Here is a question. If I reinstall from the disk I bought will I still have access to HOT which I also purchased ?
All of your account information is stored in ANet’s servers, not your computer. So yes, you will still have access to HoT.
Ty sir. I have no idea how I’ve been able to play the game since the game itself isn’t showing up on my pc and all I did was unpin a shortcut from the taskbar.
Reinstalling the game seems like a waste of space since it’s on my pc somewhere and I’m just unable to locate it but at this point I see no other alternative if I’m going to continue to play the game.
The exe file you’re looking for is GW2.exe
Double click on that and the game will launch. Minimize the game (windows key or ctrl + esc will do it) and you can repin the game to your task bar. You may even be able to right click on the exe file and pin it to the taskbar.
(or gw2-x64.exe, if you’re on Vista/Win7/Win8/Win10)
Remember, remember, 15th of November
The exe file you’re looking for is GW2.exe
Double click on that and the game will launch. Minimize the game (windows key or ctrl + esc will do it) and you can repin the game to your task bar. You may even be able to right click on the exe file and pin it to the taskbar.
I think I uninstalled the game and left the icon on the task bar and somehow after uninstalling the game I was still able to access the game with that icon. The reason I say this is when I looked for the game on my uninstall programs list, it wasn’t there.
I’m gonna reinstall the game and see what happens. Thanks for all of the help.
The game won’t necessarily show on the uninstall list, depending on how it was installed. Remember, that it’s a portable application that can simply be copied to another computer, with no instalation, and still work perfectly fine.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
The game won’t necessarily show on the uninstall list, depending on how it was installed. Remember, that it’s a portable application that can simply be copied to another computer, with no instalation, and still work perfectly fine.
I couldn’t find the game in my Programs file either and when I did a drive search I couldn’t find it yet, with that icon, I could still play the game. I find this to be quite odd.
Do a search on gw2.dat, and check the directory where that file will show in. The executable (and all other required files) will be here as well.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Press the start button and type GW2.
I reinstalled and now I have the Gw2 folder in the programs folder and I can now “Press start and type GW2” and actually have something show up unlike before. I even now have GW2 showing on my uninstall program list unlike before.
I must have uninstalled the game and forgot but didn’t delete the shortcut and when I returned to playing the game I used that shortcut which enabled me to play the game “after” uninstalling it which means, all tho I was lead to believe I uninstalled the game in reality I didn’t.
So uninstalling this particular game really does not uninstall it because even after going through the uninstall process I was still able to log onto the game and play it simply by using the shortcut.