Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


Um, no, it’s unfair that they get a very interesting summon and a pet.

Also, if you somehow forgot, there are still tons of us that didn’t get credit for that completely bugged out Lost Shores event, and got nothing from it.

The witches hat and devil ears will be back next Halloween, I have no idea what this baseball cap is, as I’ve never seen it.

The Halloween event is a yearly thing, so it’s moot to this topic so I’m not sure why you brought that one up.

The point is that they are giving out items to new players that regular players have no way of obtaining themselves, and that is an unfair way to treat the community.

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: brokenserenity.4638


Maybe a slight drop in the price on the gemstore for existing customers would be of use? i know i’d certainly be interested in the upgrade if it was half price during the promotion.

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Oh let’s see shall we?

-Unique Town Clothing that they can’t get (Baseball Hat, Devil Horns, Witch’s()Hat) because they were limited time only.
-Lost Shores Event: A three day event that reward players with precursors/exotics/rares, 20 slot bag, exotic trinket, armor skins, and all the experience that came with it.
-Shadow of the Mad King: A week and a half event that gave players exotics, a chest they could farm, 10 slot bags, weapon skins, Unique town clothing (limited time), and the experience that came with it.

And you think it is unfair that they get a few one use items and a Wizard’s() Hat? Let’s not forget that they are starting completely fresh and you have all your work that you have accomplished, and if you bought the game during beta, you got to participate in the beta weekend events as well.

Yep. All that stuff Anet has given you over the last few months that they cannot get is nothing compared to a Wizard’s() Hat and a few consumables.

but they get it for cheaper, and i could not attend anything but a cap that i kinda dont want….. and it cost me more. they should have thankyou gifts that cant be missed easily. if they wana look like cool grandpa

Prices raise and lower. Promotions go out all the time. It’s part of business. It doesn’t mean that a company is neglecting it’s previous customers. They are just trying to draw in more new customers by offering them promotions and discounts while still entertaining their old customers.

Anet has given you tons of content over the last few months that they will never have. How does that instantly mean they are neglecting because they are offering a small promotion all the sudden?

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


Just a thought. If ANet gave out the same promotion, but gave the new players 2 precursers, would your attitude be the same?

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bvhjdbvkjf.1987


Are people seriously still gripeing over this? It’s a promotion! You get absolutely nothing new but the hat, which gives no benefit at all. And you’re really going to complain about a Christmas sale? That’s like going to Wal-Mart in December after having bought a game in November and demanding a refund because it suddenly went on sale. Get over it, people!

Actually if it’s within a week (or two, don’t recall since it’s been that long since I’ve done this) and you bring your receipt as proof of purchase, Walmart will give you the difference in cost back.

On topic – I can understand why people would want the upgrade for being loyal… however I also understand the dev’s desire to bring more people in via discounted deals.

Some posters have said we get a whole lot of stuff since we’ve been loyal, but personally minatures don’t interest me the fact they get an Elite skill does. I’ve not gotten to use it so I don’t know whether it’s useful or not (and won’t be taking other’s “word” on it as no one can even agree which of the elites we have now are useful). I would love more variation in my skills – even more so if it turns out to be a decent Elite. Why is it new players who haven’t even had to deal with the fact our selection of good Elite skills is minor get access to this skill whilst the ones who have stuck through thick and thin get nothing?

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: yurtshone.7325


Oh for the love of…
Mods please stop these threads!

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Um, no, it’s unfair that they get a very interesting summon and a pet.

Also, if you somehow forgot, there are still tons of us that didn’t get credit for that completely bugged out Lost Shores event, and got nothing from it.

The witches hat and devil ears will be back next Halloween, I have no idea what this baseball cap is, as I’ve never seen it.

The Halloween event is a yearly thing, so it’s moot to this topic so I’m not sure why you brought that one up.

The point is that they are giving out items to new players that regular players have no way of obtaining themselves, and that is an unfair way to treat the community.

If you played GW1, then you would know that the Devil Horns and Witch’s() Hat won’t be back next year. There will be new hats for each year. That is how they have always done it. If you didn’t play GW1, check out the wiki on it. You’ll see that every year they released brand new hats for every holiday event. You couldn’t get old year hats.

And you have a way of obtaining it just as easily as they do. Go buy it like they are doing. There is nothing stopping you from doing so. It is not unobtainable. You can also buy the Digital Deluxe Upgrade from the Gem Store with gold (gold to gem transfer) if you didn’t want to spend real money on it.

Some posters have said we get a whole lot of stuff since we’ve been loyal, but personally minatures don’t interest me the fact they get an Elite skill does. I’ve not gotten to use it so I don’t know whether it’s useful or not (and won’t be taking other’s “word” on it as no one can even agree which of the elites we have now are useful). I would love more variation in my skills – even more so if it turns out to be a decent Elite. Why is it new players who haven’t even had to deal with the fact our selection of good Elite skills is minor get access to this skill whilst the ones who have stuck through thick and thin get nothing?

Like I said to the other guy, anyone can get that Elite Skill. It is part of the Digital Deluxe version. Which anyone can upgrade to via the Gem Store or just by buying the Digital Deluxe version. Simple as that. It is not a gift to new players only, it is something anyone can get.

The ONLY thing they are getting that old players cannot get (unless you buy the promotion), is a Wizard’s() Hat. That is it. A Cosmetic Town Clothing Hat.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

(edited by SpyderArachnid.5619)

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Farzo.8410


Um, no, it’s unfair that they get a very interesting summon and a pet.

Also, if you somehow forgot, there are still tons of us that didn’t get credit for that completely bugged out Lost Shores event, and got nothing from it.

The witches hat and devil ears will be back next Halloween, I have no idea what this baseball cap is, as I’ve never seen it.

The Halloween event is a yearly thing, so it’s moot to this topic so I’m not sure why you brought that one up.

The point is that they are giving out items to new players that regular players have no way of obtaining themselves, and that is an unfair way to treat the community.

If you played GW1, then you would know that the Devil Horns and Witch’s() Hat won’t be back next year. There will be new hats for each year. That is how they have always done it. If you didn’t play GW1, check out the wiki on it. You’ll see that every year they released brand new hats for every holiday event. You couldn’t get old year hats.

The last Halloween of original Guild Wars made you able to get any of the hats you wanted through all the years.

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ulquiorra.6903


………………there is seriously an argument over a hat…….lol……..k. wow. I have a digital deluxe version which i purchased for the elite skill and the bank access. i would think those are the main reasons anyone would buy it, not for a hat that you prob aren’t going to wear. its not like they are offering new players a free precursor lol. if some random new player tried to show off their hat to me in lions arch…A- i would not even pay attention or B- id shove all the wealth i attained that they wont realistically attain in the amount of time i did simply because they are new.

again i really don’t get the point of this thread because you know……this stuff happens in real life everyday, like really do you go complain when you see something u bought is now being sold at a cheaper offer? i believe someone gave the xbox analogy which imo should be /end thread. if u want a hat that offers 0 advantage so badly go buy a new copy of the digital deluxe its $20 or 37gold 60 silver and 99 copper.
to op- you ask for an official response but i very much doubt you will get one or that there should even be one. u complaining would be like going to a store on black friday and crying that what you bought 2 months ago is now cheaper?!?!?

………..common sense..isn’t so common anymore

(edited by Ulquiorra.6903)

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Volomon.9147


You got stuff during the event didn’t you? That’s it.

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mimizu.7340


the wizard hat, like the witch hat, makes anyone bald – you seriously want that?

Mimizu Heavy Industries [Doll] – Underworld

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


At a 20,000 ft level (which would be rather frightening if it actually happened, especially if you just found yourself suspended there, not knowing how it happened or with any means to change your situation), it seems to be an odd question.

Something like this is an incentive to get new people to do something.

When you drive by an apartment complex that has a sign out front that says “Move in special: First Month Utilities Free!”, do you think to yourself, “That’s pretty slick, all those people that already live there get one free month of utilities too!”

I guess I don’t understand why an MMO promotion needs to include free things for people who are already here when it’s just that – a promotion to get people here. You are here, you don’t need a promotion.

Just thinking about this again at 20,000 ft (since I’m apparently stuck there now and can’t move, and it’s rather cold and drafty, and whoever thought to put me there didn’t bother giving me a jacket).

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


And an elite skill, the pet I think everyone got, not sure, it may be different. The digital Delux from the Gem store is 2000 gems, which at it’s current value on my server is roughly 36 gold, or 25$ cash. Just seems like a kick in the gonads to their players by saying "You guys get it for free, but you guys playing for months have to pay an extra $25, fo what they get for free)

It just hurts.

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gehenna.3625


So, people are upset because of a hat?

Am I getting this right?

That is a way to see it. Another one is “people are upset because of a videogame?”. But Id say Im upset because the way Anet is treating their customers.

Well a video game is something that you can put a lot of time in. Anything you put time into has value for yourself. But a free promo item that is a town hat, that hardly anyone uses only has value to you because you decided to be upset about it.

When you put hundreds or thousands of hours in a game and all that effort is suddenly invalidated, I can understand people being upset. This not so much.

It’s a game forum. The truth is not to be found here.

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


At a 20,000 ft level (which would be rather frightening if it actually happened, especially if you just found yourself suspended there, not knowing how it happened or with any means to change your situation), it seems to be an odd question.

Something like this is an incentive to get new people to do something.

When you drive by an apartment complex that has a sign out front that says “Move in special: First Month Utilities Free!”, do you think to yourself, “That’s pretty slick, all those people that already live there get one free month of utilities too!”

I guess I don’t understand why an MMO promotion needs to include free things for people who are already here when it’s just that – a promotion to get people here. You are here, you don’t need a promotion.

Just thinking about this again at 20,000 ft (since I’m apparently stuck there now and can’t move, and it’s rather cold and drafty, and whoever thought to put me there didn’t bother giving me a jacket).

The problem I have (and apparently others do) is that they are getting an unlimited use Elite Skill that many many others do not get. To use your example, it’s like advertising “Move in special, first month is free and you get free utilities for life and a brand new fridge/washer/dryer/dishwasher”

It’s just bad forum right now with how so many people feel shafted after the last event to start giving out such things.

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Um, no, it’s unfair that they get a very interesting summon and a pet.

Also, if you somehow forgot, there are still tons of us that didn’t get credit for that completely bugged out Lost Shores event, and got nothing from it.

The witches hat and devil ears will be back next Halloween, I have no idea what this baseball cap is, as I’ve never seen it.

The Halloween event is a yearly thing, so it’s moot to this topic so I’m not sure why you brought that one up.

The point is that they are giving out items to new players that regular players have no way of obtaining themselves, and that is an unfair way to treat the community.

If you played GW1, then you would know that the Devil Horns and Witch’s() Hat won’t be back next year. There will be new hats for each year. That is how they have always done it. If you didn’t play GW1, check out the wiki on it. You’ll see that every year they released brand new hats for every holiday event. You couldn’t get old year hats.

The last Halloween of original Guild Wars made you able to get any of the hats you wanted through all the years.

That is because they stopped releasing new content for GW1 once GW2 came out. They are just updating and maintaining it now.

But all those years from the first event, they always had a new hat. The only reason they aren’t doing it now, is cause they are no longer making new content for GW1 anymore, and instead are working on content for GW2.

Again, if you played GW1, you would of known that as well. It was announced when they released GW2.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


At a 20,000 ft level (which would be rather frightening if it actually happened, especially if you just found yourself suspended there, not knowing how it happened or with any means to change your situation), it seems to be an odd question.

Something like this is an incentive to get new people to do something.

When you drive by an apartment complex that has a sign out front that says “Move in special: First Month Utilities Free!”, do you think to yourself, “That’s pretty slick, all those people that already live there get one free month of utilities too!”

I guess I don’t understand why an MMO promotion needs to include free things for people who are already here when it’s just that – a promotion to get people here. You are here, you don’t need a promotion.

Just thinking about this again at 20,000 ft (since I’m apparently stuck there now and can’t move, and it’s rather cold and drafty, and whoever thought to put me there didn’t bother giving me a jacket).

The problem I have (and apparently others do) is that they are getting an unlimited use Elite Skill that many many others do not get. To use your example, it’s like advertising “Move in special, first month is free and you get free utilities for life and a brand new fridge/washer/dryer/dishwasher”

It’s just bad forum right now with how so many people feel shafted after the last event to start giving out such things.

Again, you can get it. You just don’t like your options to get it, so you complain instead that they are getting something no one else can get.

BUT you can get it. Get the Digital Deluxe Upgrade from the Gem Store. Done. You now have the Elite Skill and all the consumables they get as well.

So what if you have to pay an extra 20-25 bucks? It is called business. It is a promotion to entice new players to join. All companies do it, Anet is no different. Just cause you have to spend a few extra bucks to get the same thing, doesn’t mean Anet hates you all the sudden.

Prices go down over time. Stuff gets cheaper. It is how the system works. I don’t understand how people don’t know simple things like this. It is the way the world works. People should be happy that this promotion is going on. It means more players, thus more people to play with. Everyone always complains that worlds are dead, and now Anet offers a cheap promotion to entice new players to join, and everyone complains again.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ulquiorra.6903


also just saying…. its like some of you people have never left your house/apartment or live under a rock…..these things are called promotions. it happens all the time like literally. when the iphone u paid $200 last year is now $1 wit ha new contract do you get $199 refund in the mail? when a cable company offers the same 2 year plan you have for $30 less for the first 2 months, do they also give it to you? when black friday sales are up, do you get a refund for that ps3 u paid $500 for that is noe $300 and comes with 3 games?…the answer is no. just pls get over it because you are seriously arguing over a hat…..yes that’s right…a useless hat, when stuff like this happens everyday with better deals.

tldr?- real life lesson 101, what you bought new today will be cheaper tomorrow and come with more.

(edited by Ulquiorra.6903)

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


You walk into a shop, and buy something, for the purpose of this thread let’s say you buy an Xbox.

The next day, or the next week, whatever, you walk past the same shop and see that they are now doing a 20% off sale, and/or that the Xbox is now being sold with an extra game as part of a special package.

Pray tell, what would happen if you walked into said shop and said something along the lines of

“Ohai, I bought an Xbox here yesterday/last week and I see you are now selling the same Xbox for 20% and with an extra game – any chance you can give me 20% back and give me the game?”

Let me tell you what would happen.

The manager or other member of staff would politely apologise and say that, because you bought the item before the sale, you were not entitled to 20% of your money back and the free game. Then, after you’d left the store, they’d go out back and say to their store colleagues “Guys, you would not believe what this idiot customer just…”.

Then they’d all laugh at you.

Understanding that this is how sales work in the real world, I cannot FOR THE LIFE OF ME, understand why so many of you are crying that you are not getting a wizard hat.

The most common ‘argument’, if you can even call it that, is that, we are here and have supported this game, thus, we should get the wizard hat, not some guy who buys the game in the sale.

When you really think about this, this line of thought is absolutely absurd and completely defeats the purpose of the sales pitch.

The whole point of this ‘promo’ is that it entices people who were maybe on the fence about buying the game, to actually buy it. It makes these people think

“Well, I was thinking about getting the game, might aswell buy it now seeing as I can get a limited edition unique hat.”

Let me tell you something, if Anet were to pitch the sale saying

“Buy the game now and get this free Wizard Hat that everybody in the game also has”, it would not be successful at all.

I can only conclude that this train of thought is a product of this obscene self-entitlement generation that currently plagues the Earth.

To think, for a second, that you are entitled to this Wizard Hat on the grounds that you have played this game for however many weeks… Anet doesn’t owe you anything.

You paid them the 60 bucks and they gave you the game you paid 60 bucks for, along with free content that costs thousands of dollars to develop.

It’s like you buying the Wii U on the day of release for full price and then get butt hurt when 3 month down the line they are selling them at reduced prices and with game bundles. You are not entitled to the cheaper Wii U and the free games, just because you bought it and have supported the console since launch.


Use some god kitten common sense. And get over yourselves.

I’ve worked retail at a GameStop. If you had your receipt they’d give you the difference. Also I know Best Buy does this, Walmart, and most other retail stores. Your analogy was a failure.

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ulquiorra.6903


You walk into a shop, and buy something, for the purpose of this thread let’s say you buy an Xbox.

The next day, or the next week, whatever, you walk past the same shop and see that they are now doing a 20% off sale, and/or that the Xbox is now being sold with an extra game as part of a special package.

Pray tell, what would happen if you walked into said shop and said something along the lines of

“Ohai, I bought an Xbox here yesterday/last week and I see you are now selling the same Xbox for 20% and with an extra game – any chance you can give me 20% back and give me the game?”

Let me tell you what would happen.

The manager or other member of staff would politely apologise and say that, because you bought the item before the sale, you were not entitled to 20% of your money back and the free game. Then, after you’d left the store, they’d go out back and say to their store colleagues “Guys, you would not believe what this idiot customer just…”.

Then they’d all laugh at you.

Understanding that this is how sales work in the real world, I cannot FOR THE LIFE OF ME, understand why so many of you are crying that you are not getting a wizard hat.

The most common ‘argument’, if you can even call it that, is that, we are here and have supported this game, thus, we should get the wizard hat, not some guy who buys the game in the sale.

When you really think about this, this line of thought is absolutely absurd and completely defeats the purpose of the sales pitch.

The whole point of this ‘promo’ is that it entices people who were maybe on the fence about buying the game, to actually buy it. It makes these people think

“Well, I was thinking about getting the game, might aswell buy it now seeing as I can get a limited edition unique hat.”

Let me tell you something, if Anet were to pitch the sale saying

“Buy the game now and get this free Wizard Hat that everybody in the game also has”, it would not be successful at all.

I can only conclude that this train of thought is a product of this obscene self-entitlement generation that currently plagues the Earth.

To think, for a second, that you are entitled to this Wizard Hat on the grounds that you have played this game for however many weeks… Anet doesn’t owe you anything.

You paid them the 60 bucks and they gave you the game you paid 60 bucks for, along with free content that costs thousands of dollars to develop.

It’s like you buying the Wii U on the day of release for full price and then get butt hurt when 3 month down the line they are selling them at reduced prices and with game bundles. You are not entitled to the cheaper Wii U and the free games, just because you bought it and have supported the console since launch.


Use some god kitten common sense. And get over yourselves.

I’ve worked retail at a GameStop. If you had your receipt they’d give you the difference. Also I know Best Buy does this, Walmart, and most other retail stores. Your analogy was a failure.

lol when did you work at game stop? 10 years ago? because the only time that works is if you bought the item today and then literally the next day there is a sale…. not something u bought 1-3 months ago. …. try again

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


Um, no. You have 7 days. I’ve worked at a GameStop for over 10 years, originally when I was an EB Games employee and GameStop bought them out. I recently left the company, but still keep ties with my store. You can easily do this, as long as you are not outright returning the open merchandise or returning past the 7 day mark. You return it as brand new, then resell if and mark it off their receipt so it cannot be re returned. Also, since apparently you only wanted to use this as an attack on my comment, if you actually read the post he distinctly stated " yesterday/last week".

Don’t jump in in the middle of a post without fully reading it.

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


Again, you are not reading the full thread. I care nothign about the cost, I’m upset that they get items others do not. The topic of the thread isn’t “Hey, can I get some money back?”, No. It’s asking about the ITEMS.

Now if I go out and buy an iPhone 5 with a GPS maps system that drives you into the ocean when trying to find a restaurant, and a month later they release an iPhone 5 that actually had a working maps system, but you had to either rebuy the phone or purchase a new expensive app to replace the crappy maps system they originally had, would you not get a bit peeved? Again, using your own analogy here.

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


Um, no. You have 7 days. I’ve worked at a GameStop for over 10 years, originally when I was an EB Games employee and GameStop bought them out. I recently left the company, but still keep ties with my store. You can easily do this, as long as you are not outright returning the open merchandise or returning past the 7 day mark. You return it as brand new, then resell if and mark it off their receipt so it cannot be re returned. Also, since apparently you only wanted to use this as an attack on my comment, if you actually read the post he distinctly stated " yesterday/last week".

Don’t jump in in the middle of a post without fully reading it.

It’s actually 30 days from their site.

Easier to google and lay out facts than argue who has more experience -_-. On a side note, if you don’t buy a game at release/pre-order, than you should wait for a sale before buying, because it’s bound to happen. If you bought a game later, not on a sale, then complain about it being on sale—-it’s your fault for not understanding how to use patience as a major advantage on prices.

[VZ] Sky Avalon – Guardian (Main)
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ulquiorra.6903


Again, you are not reading the full thread. I care nothign about the cost, I’m upset that they get items others do not. The topic of the thread isn’t “Hey, can I get some money back?”, No. It’s asking about the ITEMS.

Now if I go out and buy an iPhone 5 with a GPS maps system that drives you into the ocean when trying to find a restaurant, and a month later they release an iPhone 5 that actually had a working maps system, but you had to either rebuy the phone or purchase a new expensive app to replace the crappy maps system they originally had, would you not get a bit peeved? Again, using your own analogy here.

that analogy does not work because that would be paying for a fix, which this isnt the case. and i said “tldr?- real life lesson 101, what you bought new today will be cheaper tomorrow and come with more.” if you want to use an iphone example then what you are arguing would be if u bought the iphone 3g then later as in now the iphone 5 comes out for excatly the same price as what you paid for ur 3g excpt it is better and has 500 more “stuff” than ur iphone 3g. are you going to complain you did not get free stuff for buying an iphone earlier? sure i suppose but will u get a refund? prob not.

its ok to be a little irked, everyone has been in this sort of situation but thats life, u just get over it and wait for the next good deal.

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Patrikan Habaton.2548

Patrikan Habaton.2548

Don’t care about the money I spent ( I have CE) but I really look forward that someone answers me that ppl who already have collecters edition or digital deluxe will get the items as we’ll! It’s not about the cash It’s just that you buy a COLLECTER’S EDITION! and you have less ingame stuff than ppl who buy a NORMAL EDITION! doesn’t make sence to me:)

first scale 81 fractals

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Patrikan Habaton.2548

Patrikan Habaton.2548

Don’t care about the money I spent ( I have CE) but I really look forward that someone answers me that ppl who already have collecters edition or digital deluxe will get the items as we’ll! It’s not about the cash It’s just that you buy a COLLECTER’S EDITION! and you have less ingame stuff than ppl who buy a NORMAL EDITION! doesn’t make sence to me

first scale 81 fractals

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


Again, you are not reading the full thread. I care nothign about the cost, I’m upset that they get items others do not. The topic of the thread isn’t “Hey, can I get some money back?”, No. It’s asking about the ITEMS.

Now if I go out and buy an iPhone 5 with a GPS maps system that drives you into the ocean when trying to find a restaurant, and a month later they release an iPhone 5 that actually had a working maps system, but you had to either rebuy the phone or purchase a new expensive app to replace the crappy maps system they originally had, would you not get a bit peeved? Again, using your own analogy here.

First, that was a bad analogy, because the maps system is an a part of the software, so it can be easily updated (so you just need to wait for an update—not buy a new iPhone), but I get your point. Also, you do care about the cost. Because technically, the wizard hat is not gated. It’s actually at a price of $60 if you buy gw2 again with this promo; but it can also be said that it cannot be traded to your original account. But hey, who’s to say they won’t release it? At least wait until the next Gem Store update before making conclusions.

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Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ulquiorra.6903


there is no point even arguing about this topic anymore since neither side is going to change their opinion.

if you really think you were cheated or deserve the hat then make a support ticket.

Um, no. You have 7 days. I’ve worked at a GameStop for over 10 years, originally when I was an EB Games employee and GameStop bought them out. I recently left the company, but still keep ties with my store. You can easily do this, as long as you are not outright returning the open merchandise or returning past the 7 day mark. You return it as brand new, then resell if and mark it off their receipt so it cannot be re returned. Also, since apparently you only wanted to use this as an attack on my comment, if you actually read the post he distinctly stated " yesterday/last week".

Don’t jump in in the middle of a post without fully reading it.

my mistake. in any case the bottom line is you got what you paid for and there is no refund policy on gems as far as i am aware of which you should have been aware of when you made the purchase. also the original person you quoted did make a valid point as maybe in your experience you were able to refund a person or give them the difference but i have also witnessed what he stated. i work in the bookstore at my university and there is no way in hell anyone would get a refund because what they bought past the refund date is now being offered for less.

(edited by Ulquiorra.6903)

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


Oh let’s see shall we?

-Unique Town Clothing that they can’t get (Baseball Hat, Devil Horns, Witch’s()Hat) because they were limited time only.
-Lost Shores Event: A three day event that reward players with precursors/exotics/rares, 20 slot bag, exotic trinket, armor skins, and all the experience that came with it.
-Shadow of the Mad King: A week and a half event that gave players exotics, a chest they could farm, 10 slot bags, weapon skins, Unique town clothing (limited time), and the experience that came with it.

And you think it is unfair that they get a few one use items and a Wizard’s() Hat? Let’s not forget that they are starting completely fresh and you have all your work that you have accomplished, and if you bought the game during beta, you got to participate in the beta weekend events as well.

Yep. All that stuff Anet has given you over the last few months that they cannot get is nothing compared to a Wizard’s() Hat and a few consumables.

but they get it for cheaper, and i could not attend anything but a cap that i kinda dont want….. and it cost me more. they should have thankyou gifts that cant be missed easily. if they wana look like cool grandpa

How did the cap cost you more?

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Again, you are not reading the full thread. I care nothign about the cost, I’m upset that they get items others do not. The topic of the thread isn’t “Hey, can I get some money back?”, No. It’s asking about the ITEMS.

Again, you are not reading either. Those items that you are so upset about, ANYONE can get them. They are part of the Deluxe Edition that anyone can buy. Even the Digital Deluxe Upgrade from the Gem Store comes with those items.

And you already got items that they can’t get. So it is okay for you to have items that they can never have, but it’s not okay for them to have something that you can’t get? Selfish much?

The ONLY item that you won’t get, is the Wizard Hat. Unless of course, you buy the new promotion going on.

And you just now stated it yourself “I care nothing about the cost” so what is the issue then? Go buy the Upgrade if you want the consumables or go buy the promotion if you want the Wizard Hat. You have nothing to complain about now.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

(edited by SpyderArachnid.5619)

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


I don’t find it unfair at all. Sure it would have been nice to get that stuff for free too, but like someone said earlier, it’s like complaining you paid full price for something when it goes on sale a few months later.

In fact, that happened to my friend the other day, who for some reason bought a nice big flatscreen two weeks before Black Friday. I got the same TV over 50% cheaper because I waited for Black Friday. Sure he’s upset about it, but that’s how things work.

For the record, that summon skill is pretty useless. Merely a novelty.

People need to quit being greedy. Them having this stuff for free does NOT affect your gameplay in the slightest. You just want to have everything that everyone else gets no matter what the circumstances.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


Why do people keep bringing price into this, I am talking about the items, the skill mainly.

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ophidic.1279


I’m fine with this, although it does bug me there’s an exclusive hat I don’t have the opportunity to get. I guess the witches hat is pretty much the same.

I don’t even really want more town clothes until Anet figures out a way to store them without them taking up all the extra bank slots I bought.

Elyl Jrend

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ophidic.1279


As for EVERYTHING ELSE aside from the hat, the skill and bla bla bla, you can get all that in game, the boosters… whatever. The tome of influence might be nice, but again… I can just earn that influence by just working at the game.

Anet was very generous in giving me the chest from the Lost Shores event, even though I missed it the first time around. That had a good ring and a 20 slot box, so honestly I can’t complain.

Elyl Jrend

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


OP, do you cry when you buy a new car, and then 3 months later the dealership comes out with a promotion that gives you a free ipad with the purchase of a car?

This is a promotion – what else are you gonna cry about?

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Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Feirlista Xv.1425

Feirlista Xv.1425

Lets stop trying to explain it to him he is one of the growing number of people that think they are entitle to everything, so he’s not going to get it in more ways than one. It’s stupid threads like this that are giving this forum a bad name. Mods please lock this thread before it gets out of hand!

Opinions are like ______ everyone has one I could
put the correct term in but not everyone has kittens

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


Why do people keep bringing price into this, I am talking about the items, the skill mainly.

Ok, then go buy the DDE from the Gem store for 2000 Gems, and you to can get the same skill, and items (minus pointy hat, but you got access to stuff that new players will never get to see).

New players are in fact not getting a skill that you cannot get.

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


Apparently none of you get the point I was trying to post here, so I give up.

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


Apparently none of you get the point I was trying to post here, so I give up.

You said price/cost was not the issue. You said mainly the skill was the issue. The skill is available to you to get right now. So what is the point then? Please describe your point without bringing up cost/price or availability of the skill.

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grey Warden.2983

Grey Warden.2983

Apparently none of you get the point I was trying to post here, so I give up.

People understood your point, they simply do not think it is valid.
Now if you were to say that you were willing to send a company more money when they have a price increase shortly after you purchase, then your point will carry more weight.

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


Oh for the love of…
Mods please stop these threads!

I hear ya.. some folk just gotta cry over anything these days… must be real tough pill to swallow when you get so wound up over another person having a few pixels on their screen that they have’nt got.

I bet alot of the whinneres work in or around Sales & Marketing teams as well… yet they fail to understand what a business has to do in order to keep the products viable and in the customers faces.
The rest are just kids acting up and feeling jealous… I want some candy, I want!

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Korgan Dunblane.4907

Korgan Dunblane.4907

Hey peeps, just saw the front page and this link

That mean you have to buy another copy to get a hat? or are the guys + gals who bought Digital Deluxe from the beginning going to get a head warming mail or miss out?

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miflett.3472


Who wants a refund? I just want an equal opportunity to get in-game items as someone who bought the game after I did. Please also show some respect to those who actually care about items like this, your precursor item might be another’s cosmetic item.

Surely, having equal ability to get something isn’t as horrible a notion as it’s being made here on these forums. For those who DO value this type of item, it does seem like a slight slap in the face — that’s all we’re trying to say. No crying kiddies here.

Leader of Grim Omen [GO]

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scorpion.3691


You walk into a shop, and buy something, for the purpose of this thread let’s say you buy an Xbox.

The next day, or the next week, whatever, you walk past the same shop and see that they are now doing a 20% off sale, and/or that the Xbox is now being sold with an extra game as part of a special package.

Pray tell, what would happen if you walked into said shop and said something along the lines of

“Ohai, I bought an Xbox here yesterday/last week and I see you are now selling the same Xbox for 20% and with an extra game – any chance you can give me 20% back and give me the game?”

Let me tell you what would happen.

The manager or other member of staff would politely apologise and say that, because you bought the item before the sale, you were not entitled to 20% of your money back and the free game. Then, after you’d left the store, they’d go out back and say to their store colleagues “Guys, you would not believe what this idiot customer just…”.

Then they’d all laugh at you.

Understanding that this is how sales work in the real world, I cannot FOR THE LIFE OF ME, understand why so many of you are crying that you are not getting a wizard hat.

The most common ‘argument’, if you can even call it that, is that, we are here and have supported this game, thus, we should get the wizard hat, not some guy who buys the game in the sale.

When you really think about this, this line of thought is absolutely absurd and completely defeats the purpose of the sales pitch.

The whole point of this ‘promo’ is that it entices people who were maybe on the fence about buying the game, to actually buy it. It makes these people think

“Well, I was thinking about getting the game, might aswell buy it now seeing as I can get a limited edition unique hat.”

Let me tell you something, if Anet were to pitch the sale saying

“Buy the game now and get this free Wizard Hat that everybody in the game also has”, it would not be successful at all.

I can only conclude that this train of thought is a product of this obscene self-entitlement generation that currently plagues the Earth.

To think, for a second, that you are entitled to this Wizard Hat on the grounds that you have played this game for however many weeks… Anet doesn’t owe you anything.

You paid them the 60 bucks and they gave you the game you paid 60 bucks for, along with free content that costs thousands of dollars to develop.

It’s like you buying the Wii U on the day of release for full price and then get butt hurt when 3 month down the line they are selling them at reduced prices and with game bundles. You are not entitled to the cheaper Wii U and the free games, just because you bought it and have supported the console since launch.


Use some god kitten common sense. And get over yourselves.

I’ve worked retail at a GameStop. If you had your receipt they’d give you the difference. Also I know Best Buy does this, Walmart, and most other retail stores. Your analogy was a failure.

Oh really? Gamestop would refund the difference on an item that was purchased 3 MONTHS earlier? I call BS on that…30 days with a reciept yes…but 3-4 months absolutely NOT…and in the case of this game..its been like 4 months…so YOUR reply IS a failure…

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


if you really wanted an official response from Anet then you would have gone to the support area…or call and ask them…and if you still didn’t receive the answer you wanted to hear…then perhaps putting it in the suggestions area of these forums. Cause by putting a specific question in general then your always going to get responses from everyone else, many of which you don’t want to hear or refuse to believe…so…who’s trolling now?…

I did that. Here is the answer: “Thanks for contacting Guild Wars 2 Support. Someone will be reviewing your ticket shortly. If you would like to add to or update your support ticket, please reply to this message or update your incident by clicking the link below. We appreciate your patience and will reply shortly.”

And sorry, I didnt have the intention of making you angry for not having the deluxe version, all I want to know is how do I claim the hat. Since I had no response for my ticket, I decided to try the forums for a faster answer. Which I am still waiting for.

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


Actually you got more benefit since you likely have items from all the events that preceded the promo (e.g. mad king, lost shores), experience, higher levels, and are closer to a legendary (if you care about that sort of thing). Not to mention that you probably got to experience the rather fun Halloween events (and the cool mad king cutscene when you werent expecting it!), whereas someone who just bought the game hasnt nor ever will have experienced those events like you have. Someone who buys the game later will have less benefit because all they get is a town clothes hat.

My guess is if you had to choose between buying GW2 earlier, or waiting several months and buying it for the town clothes hat it comes with — most people would choose to buy it early.

The point is: I am not losing the content because I bought the game later. It is because I bought the game before. That doesnt make sense to me.

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


How is this a punishment? All games are like this. The price goes down. Why? Because people quit buying it. How do you get more sales? Some sort of a special.

No one is complaining about price.

Most games lump in DLCs, or come out with a Special Edition or Game of The Year version. These specials get people to buy the game.

When GW did this, they gave the “older” palyers the same items avaiable in the special edition.

I can understand rage if they were getting a full expansion this early lumped into their purchase. Or if they were getting items that actually meant something. Or like 2000 free gems. But its a hat. A freaking hat. Town clothing, which makes it even less valuable than free armor skins.

The gems can be purchased. The expansions can be purchased. The hat is not obtainable. Even if I bought a new account, it would be attached to another account. I myself dont even care a lot about cosmetic clothes, I only like collecting stuff.

For all products, value goes down over time. This is a fact for everything. If you want good deals on stuff, don’t buy when its brand new. You can either play it sooner, or save money by playing it later.

As I said, no one is complaining about the price or asking for a $20 refund.

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


So ANet is “disrespecting its customers” by offering a business promotion, just like every other company in the entire world?

I’m beginning to think that we’re just going to get complaints towards ANet staff over everything and anything now, even stuff that it makes no sense to complain about.

You can tell how well-grounded the folks in this forum are. “I didn’t get a hat in a video game, my life is being ruined by these evil corporations!” First-world problems, indeed.

No, it is disrespecting customers for making content available for new players that is not available for older players who supported the game when they needed money to finish the game.

And the problem here isnt the hat itself, but some people are just too narrow-minded to understand this. That is why companies in game ndustry do whatever they want without considering what customers expect.

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


………………there is seriously an argument over a hat…….lol……..k. wow. I have a digital deluxe version which i purchased for the elite skill and the bank access.

I purchased for both the elite and the cosmetics.

its not like they are offering new players a free precursor lol.

precursors are also cosmetic items and they can be obtained ingame.

if some random new player tried to show off their hat to me in lions arch…A- i would not even pay attention or B- id shove all the wealth i attained that they wont realistically attain in the amount of time i did simply because they are new.

some people collect things, even if they dont use them.

if u want a hat that offers 0 advantage so badly go buy a new copy of the digital deluxe its $20 or 37gold 60 silver and 99 copper.

hat will be attached to the new account.

to op- you ask for an official response but i very much doubt you will get one or that there should even be one. u complaining would be like going to a store on black friday and crying that what you bought 2 months ago is now cheaper?!?!?

no, im not complaining because it is cheaper. im complaining because i want to be able to have this item in my collection and so far I dont know how to do it.

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


So, people are upset because of a hat?

Am I getting this right?

That is a way to see it. Another one is “people are upset because of a videogame?”. But Id say Im upset because the way Anet is treating their customers.

Well a video game is something that you can put a lot of time in. Anything you put time into has value for yourself. But a free promo item that is a town hat, that hardly anyone uses only has value to you because you decided to be upset about it.

When you put hundreds or thousands of hours in a game and all that effort is suddenly invalidated, I can understand people being upset. This not so much.

Some people like collecting stuff. Ive put lots of hours in GW trying to get money to improve my minipet collection. What was the use for them? None. Some people put their time in getting a precursor/legendary. Whats the use for them? None. I like collecting things, specially minipets, and the fact I might not be able to have a complete collection because of content released after I have purchased the game annoys me.

I personally dont see the point of whining because one didnt get a precursor from karka chest and his friend/neighbor/guildie got. Precursors are still avaiable in the game, anyone can get. But the fact that I cant obtain something to my collection just because it might be exclusive to people who bought the game later (which I dont believe will happen, by the way) doesnt sound fair to me.