Do legendary skins confer legendary effects?
“does transmuting a legendary skin onto another item confer the effects as well?” yes. I gave my thief 3 fake Quips in total (my engineer is the one with the real one) and I got everything, starting from sound effects, ending with the aura with it.
“does transmuting a skin onto a legendary preserve the effects?” pretty sure that it does not. However having in mind that you’ll have the legendary skin permanently in your wardrobe, trying this experiment out will only cost you 2 charges, so you’re free to test it
I’m pretty sure yes. When using a legendary or ascended skin on another item, you should get the full effects, just not the stats.
I’m pretty sure yes. When using a skin on another item, you should get the full effects, just not the stats.
How about the other way around? I am just too cheap and lazy to try it out myself.
Effects as in the animation changes etc.
The animations and all are the same 100%