Do older people play this game?
yes they do, i am 76
30s is older? :-O
According to my co-worker in her early twenties it is
31 myself being in a 30+ guild with members all the way up from 30 to their 60s
Leader of “Servants of Balance” [SoB], a small guild endemic to the FSP.
Im 66 and been playing MMOs since Anarchy Online, if anyone can remember that.
Heres an interesting question though.
Trying to get one of my friends whose the same age as me into this game , and she hasnt got a lot of dexterity in her hands, so which class needs the least button mashing to play?
Have her look into one of the gaming mice, such as a Razer Naga. I have arthritis in my hands so they’re not very flexible and those mice are very nice. They have 12 side buttons which you use your right thumb to push. All the skills can be put on there. After that, she only needs the movement and F keys. If she rebinds the F keys, she can put them on keys she can hit with her left thumb while her left hand is resting on the movement keys. The combination of mouse buttons and rebinding keys means my hands don’t move much while playing.
ANet may give it to you.
Hey UO and Evercrack was over 15 years ago. GW 10 years ago. Assuming some of you started playing those MMORPGs in your freshman year of high school that’ll still put you at 24. Add four or more years if you started those games in college. If you were a PC gamer from days of old, playing Gold Box D&D, Ultima or Wizardry series you are going to be much, much older.
Ultima? Wizardy? Back in the day we didn’t need all those fancy graphics… Zork and Wumpus hunting got me addicted And if you wanted to bring friends, you could always head over to DragonRealms
Older players – Some older player’s are so old that they used to load games on a huge box of a computer with cassette tapes
Yeah, those newcomers acted like they invented the whole idea of computer gaming. Me, I was playing computer games before there WERE any such things as PCs. I played and wrote simulation games on IBM mainframes. I played Zork before it was known as Zork, back when it was just called “Dungeon” and ran on DEC VAX minicomputers.
And if I ever decide to get old and gray, I’ll be pounding my cane on the floor and yelling “Where’s HL2:ep3?”
I’m now waiting for someone to claim they’re one of the original creators/players of Spacewar.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Wow I didn’t realize I was one of the oldest. I’m 67…
Well I played Spacewar….and Prince…..and Dave…..and Mario ….sigh those were the days……
53 here, and both my wife and I play. At least 2 people in my guild are over 60.
49 and soon to be 1/2 a century
. |

In my Guild of 73 members (at the moment) has minimum age 20 and max age is ~55, most players are around 20-25 though and I myself will be 34 this year.
Im 66 and been playing MMOs since Anarchy Online, if anyone can remember that.
Heres an interesting question though.
Trying to get one of my friends whose the same age as me into this game , and she hasnt got a lot of dexterity in her hands, so which class needs the least button mashing to play?
In my opinion, a long bow Ranger has the least button mashing…
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
(edited by EdgarMTanaka.7291)
While I am in my 40s’, and it isn’t surprising at all that there are players older than the target age bracket. The game is casual, beautiful and friendly for the most part.
I pvp every day to preserve my youth!
~Dr. Seuss
I’m 42, so I suppose that might qualify if you are only early 30’s.
Im 66 and been playing MMOs since Anarchy Online, if anyone can remember that.
Heres an interesting question though.
Trying to get one of my friends whose the same age as me into this game , and she hasnt got a lot of dexterity in her hands, so which class needs the least button mashing to play?
I started MMOs in 1999 when I joined Everquest 1. I played Anarchy Online at launch in 2001, though. Didn’t stick with that one very long.
(edited by DrMcAwEsOmE.2839)
Im 66 and been playing MMOs since Anarchy Online, if anyone can remember that.
Heres an interesting question though.
Trying to get one of my friends whose the same age as me into this game , and she hasnt got a lot of dexterity in her hands, so which class needs the least button mashing to play?
As previously suggested a gaming mouse with the side buttons will help a lot. Out of all my characters I find my warrior the least demanding as far as key strokes go. They are forgiving during most PvE game play as well. A few minor mistakes are not detrimental to survival if some dodges and such are missed.
My older Naga buttons went on the fritz after about 10k hours of gaming…while I was waiting to get a new mouse, I had all sorts of struggles with turning and movement. My Warrior got preferential treatment there for a while.
Good luck, I hope your friend does join you in Tyria.
Edit; a Hunter might be good as well seeing someone else’ suggestion. I don’t play one and therefore have no basis to compare.
(edited by chefdiablo.6791)
I’m in my mid-50s and have loved computer & video games for decades. First started playing when all there was were mainframe computers at college and Pong in the bars in the 1970s.
And for the record, I’ve been with Guild Wars since Day 1 !!
Some of these ages… has me saying “not sure if trolling or…”
But I’m 38. Been playing games since Atari.
I’m 32, so I’m not sure how old is “older”
Im more intrested if the older generation of gamers are from na or eu.
In my early days of gaming back in 96 i met older people from na playing but it dident seem to be the same on my side of the waters ( Im from sweden btw )
and I just did the same thing by older Im refering to the 50-80 bracket being 33 myself
(edited by Linken.6345)
Im 66 and been playing MMOs since Anarchy Online, if anyone can remember that.
Heres an interesting question though.
Trying to get one of my friends whose the same age as me into this game , and she hasnt got a lot of dexterity in her hands, so which class needs the least button mashing to play?In my opinion, a long bow Ranger has the least button mashing…
I was going to suggest that very thing. While at long range there is more time to react to attack animations also. And then switching to a great sword if the mob closes doesn’t really require much button pushing either.
I retired this year so now have lots more time to play GW2. hehe
Started with UO/Catskills (sad day when I sold that account; still miss my tower with its rooftop swimming pool and stable of nightmares and dragons).
I’m 47 – 8 max level toons
Gaming is my main hobby that will never change.
GW2 is quite fun so I keep playing!
You’re going to find that many of the really old farts have been playing MUD’s & MMO’s" since Zork & Dragon’s Gate and we’re well into our 40’s…./cough +
It’s funny to think most people didn’t have a PC / Apple in their homes until the early to mid 80’s, unless you were in the software/tech industry and even then, it was your Dad’s Computer – with limited access! /grrr
The oldest people I know playing are over 70. The youngest I’ve met was 7. (Something to keep in mind the next time you see a complaint about ANet suspending people for poor word choices.)
I’ll keep that in mind with a game rated for Teens…
I pvp every day to preserve my youth!
OMG the secret to living forever! Feeding on your enemies tears!
I am 45, been playing the GW genre for 9 years.
I have played with people that are in their 60’s.
Born April 16th 1957, that makes me 58. Honestly, it also makes it really difficult for me to feel comfortable in a group. My tendency is to just solo play, avoid looking for a group or getting in team speak or the like. Love to play, hate drama and I don’t feel comfortable socializing.
44 years old, started off with Pong, then a ZX Spectrum, Atari ST, etc…. My brother – who is now a game dev, and also a GW2 player – is 2 years older than me, so I did pretty well for hand-me-down tech
My greatest gaming love was the MYST series, and then URU Online. Nothing quite matches that MYST feeling… or maybe I just think that because it was my first true love lol! (Somebody really needs to remake those for modern PCs. Riven was probably my favourite thing in the ’verse )
And yes, I remember the old days of trying to get cassette tapes to load…. and the loading noise will live with me forever too lol… red and green…then blue and yellow haha << so so old
I also remember…. it’s dangerous to go alone!
Mid 50s here, as is my wife, and we both play quite a bit. I have been playing online games since they were text only back in the ’80s.
I know quite a few others in GW2 that are quite a bit older than me. I remember back when I played DaoC, meeting a player that was in her late 70s…..and she was surprisingly good at RvR.
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.
The average age of my guild is just under 40. I’m 36, and have played games since Millipede for the Atari; then the NES. First computer game was Oregon Trail. One of my guildmates is in her 60’s, and has played games since at least the Sierra adventure games. There is also a different couple in their 60’s.
Im 66 and been playing MMOs since Anarchy Online, if anyone can remember that.
Heres an interesting question though.
Trying to get one of my friends whose the same age as me into this game , and she hasnt got a lot of dexterity in her hands, so which class needs the least button mashing to play?
Remember it….im logged into it at the moment!!! Been playing since near the beginning!
Warrior might be the class for her. I certainly dont press many buttons with mine
38 here and my heart is stile young
I’m 47, Also gaming since the late 70’s.
I actually like older players than younger players.
I’m only 20 years old, but still I rather play with older mature players.. most of the older players I’ve been playing with are alot easier to talk to, play and communicate anyhow.
And I just think it’s soo adorable when older couples are playing together, That’s so cute!
Cheers for older players!
(With ’older’ I don’t mean 80 years old wrinkled oldies who can barely walk..
20-60 yo~ are old enough,)
29 but just a few months and i am 30
bin playing GW since proph so…..bin playing games since snake on a dos OS
yay, people who know what spectrums are and don’t just look at me weird when I start talking about manic miner, and can feel the pain of trying to get the volume and tone on the tape player just right before you could play the game!
I’m in my fifties. My guild is full of “older players”, about 350 of them in GW2. So, yes.
I’ll be 46 on May 6th. I have played since the 3 day head start and have almost 3k hours played. Now that I have said it, I expect nice things in my mail for my birthday this Wednesday!
Yes, in a guild that is mostly over 40.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
I turn 37 in less than 2 months. I’ve been playing MMOs since the summer of 99.
I’m 47, my husband 53. Our guild’s oldest member is 70+, our youngest 23. Most members hover around the mid-30s.
Hi! I am 45 this year. My daughter and I found a common ground when we decided to play GW1 when it released. I love this game and if you ever want to run around with anyone in game just bling me.. My IGN is Kaami Kaazi or Hoo Dinni or Beda Zzle.
Just turned 18 last month, and the amount of people younger than me, that I’ve met, I could probably count on one hand… Not sure if that’s just because I never really asked, but I think it’s a good indicator of the average age.
(edited by ITheNormalPerson.9275)
63 here with over 6k hours in GW and over 5k hours in GW2. Mostly been playing GW lately along with Dragon Age: Inquisition and SWTOR.
My husband and I are in our 30s. We have guildies in their teens and early 20s. We’ve had guildies in their 40s and 50s. I have two guildies that where mere pups when I met them in GW1 and have watched them grow into fine young adults over the course of our time gaming together. (Wow, got teary eyed there for a moment) So.. yeah..we have pretty decent spread of gamers when it comes to age.
As you can see, if you look for older players, you can find them, but that doesn’t change the fact that a (probably huge) majority of the players are still in high school. There’s a reason the game is rated T.
As such, you can expect map chat to be filled to the bursting with referential humor and other pitiful attempts to get laughs (read: validation) from strangers. Sigh…
yes they do, i am 76
Wow…thought I was an old timer at 52….no offense intended.
I put ancient references in chat to fish out the old fogeys….like lyrics to songs from the 70s and things about 8 track tapes and The Rockford Files….
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)
51, been playing GW since shortly after launch, moved onto GW2 upon its launch.
Maybe someone better at searching can find them, but iirc there were two old threads that was about older gamers. In both threads I remember being surprised at some of the ages.
Its cool that people 60+ are playing the game.
Here was one:
I know there was another that had alot more posts, wish I could find it.
Please give us a keyring…
(edited by skullmount.1758)
52…almost 52…here.