Do we get to keep the demo characters now?
:> That isn’t how demo works.
AFAIK, demo character will be deleted after demo test
But… one more month to go, Hype!!
* Event Timer (including HoT Meta), Daily, WvW, Pact Supply, Account. Trading Post, etc:
* Google Playstore Link
No, but you can always re-make them after the demo is over.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
You can remake them, if you have 2 empty character slots. Of course, the new remade characters won’t come with all the features of a demo character, such as instantly being L80, nor all the goodies packages. (You can somewhat recreate that feature by using any available L80 Boosts you might possess, of course.)
Good luck.
Make sure anything you gathered is in the bank or it will be deleted as if you deleted the character yourself.
Make sure anything you gathered is in the bank or it will be deleted as if you deleted the character yourself.
It will be deleted even if you put it in the bank yourself.
Make sure anything you gathered is in the bank or it will be deleted as if you deleted the character yourself.
Anything you gathered during the demo gets deleted regardless of what you do with it. The “bank” isn’t your bank; it’s a copy of it just for the demo.
You can still “buy” things you would normally be able to with in normal gaming mode and bank them, but not PoF specific items.
Nothing, absolutely nothing, is saved from anything done with a Demo character or on a Demo map. Regardless how it was acquired, or what it was. No need to bank/save/anything else any item your character acquired.
OP if you could do like you say then you would have lost that money used on demo account on your normal account.
And since you can easily go blow all your gold buying materials/items on demo account character and then see you dont have said items/materials and no gold lost on normal account.
Please stop spreading missinformation.