Do you feel like a 80 ?
1. How about achievements and playing for fun?
2. It continues the story of Guild Wars 1, where guilds did war and basically killed each other. It’s the same as saying “I don’t see the Mass Effect in Mass Effect 2”
3. So our screens would be spammed by names? No thank you. You can kill for gear and you can brag about the kills that you made on the team chat.
4. I’m level 80 too. I feel big and proud. There’s more to do for me now. More challenges to take. I’m able to fight the dragon in level 70-80 zone, I’m able to run dungeons and I’m able to spend time grinding in the level 80 zones. What’s the point on having the game easy? Would you really expect level 80-83 mobs to fall like flies to your might?
5. I don’t understand this one. It might be a nice idea though so you’ll have to explain
I actually get what you’re talking about, and I miss feeling like a high level.
I remember when I was in WoW, and I hit level 70, and I heard that Tarren Mill was being attacked and low level people were getting killed. I showed up, and blasted all the lvl 50-60 invaders, and we invaded Southshore instead. Then the lowbies /bowed and said thank you.
I remember when i was in FFXI, I was a level 75 White mage, and I helped to protect lowbies from the attack of Kraken on the boat, by healing the Paladin tanking the kraken. Also showing up at Valkurm Dunes or Qufim killing Bogy that are disrupting lowbie parties, or to help lowbies get Kazham keys.
I made people feel safe, and I loved that feeling.
I don’t feel that here in GW2 because I cannot protect anyone. Maybe I just have a healer’s heart.
(edited by Hycinthus.6483)
I think your title is a bit off the only one of those points that had anything to do with being 80 is 4. Other than that I agree with all of it.
4) I think they really need to up everyone’s base life or armor. Even if its only like 15% or so.
I never felt my guild was at war against another, figured it was a story line in the first one and the name carried over. As for do I feel like a level 80? No, not on either character.
Of my two that I have at level 80:
Warrior I feel like a level 90
Elementalist I feel like a level 65 (my first mage EVER to be a full-time mule)
Yes, but it wasn’t until being level 80 for a month and finding my perfect build that I did. My skill as a player continued to grow even though my stats didn’t.
Yea with the sidekick system its very hard to feel powerful at any lvl. Personally I don’t like the downscaling, would like to see it go all together. As I understand it, the reason this was introduced, was so that higher lvls can help lower lvl freinds etc, but seriously, how often does that really happen? Very little and for everyone to be reduced to having to fight lvl 1, 4 or w/ever when ur 80 is kinda demeaning imo. The only reason I’d go into lower lvl zones as a lvl 80 is to do exploration and suddenly i’m lvl 4! geez! And ofc, its not just lower zones, its all the zones. Only Cursed Shores, Lost Shores and parts of Frosgorge Sound are u playing at your lvl as an 80.
If Anet won’t remove the sidekick system entirely, then I wish they at least adjust it so that in any map say 20 lvls below you, the downscaling ceases to exit.
If Anet won’t remove the sidekick system entirely, then I wish they at least adjust it so that in any map say 20 lvls below you, the downscaling ceases to exit.
That would suck, then we’d have 80’s coming in an roflstomping the Shadow Behemoth and other bosses and events that are supposed to be challenging. Yeah, the down scaling does make you feel weaker, but overall it is more of a positive thing than a negative. Personally, I don’t need to feel like some uber powerful guy romping through the newbie zones to boost my ego anyway.
Considering you can already effectively roflstomp Shadow Behemoth and Fire Elemental as a downscaled 80, I don’t see the need in eliminating the downscaling system. I’d say they need to make it more strict at lower levels instead, since it feels pretty good in the middle levels.
Here is one exemple of what would be nice in PvP
- If you watch the assassin video, the log chat screen in right-bottom corner, each skill used show in yellow. Look how fast you need to be in order to be very good player… to be like this assas, it take about 2 years of training **
that was real action, and challenging in pvp
I’m a bad kitten just because I’m a bad kitten my skill ((and communication)) show’s that to people not an arbitrary number that says nothing more than i invested more time than the other players.
as for the hole “healing hart” coment… dude I have run upto a group of downed players and use’ed my elit banner to Rally them all back into the fight . After words they were all like “man you got there just in time, THANKS!”
The downlevelin’ system is fantastic. Ya ever wonder why ya fight lvl 5 wolves at lvl 5, then lvl 80 wolves at lvl 80? Ya don’, they’re the same wolves, jus’ in different areas, an’ the downlevel system brings this home by keepin’ ‘em a challenge wherever ya are in the world. Sure ya can go ta a level 5 zone at 80 an’ face stomp some stuff, but that’s ‘cause ya’ve got better armor an’ weapons and a few more skills, not because those wolves an’ bandits are mysteriously weaker. It gets rid ah that “the world is ah video game” feel what tiered levelin’ forces on ya, an’ creates a world where some people are better than others, but not 80 times better. Yer heroes ain’ the people what can get ran over by a tank an’ stand back up because they got more hit points; they’re the people what know how ta fight tanks, as seen by havin’ more experience out in the world. Experience points mean “experience” then, not jus’ “power points”.
I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.
1) By PvP I’ll assume you mean the instanced team vs team. I agree with you, as it stands PvP is only for fun and learning your class. But Anet should probably try to promote the esports aspect of their PvP system, so my guess is that a few months from now, PvP will definitely get mediated.
2) Guild wars is related to the lore of the game. Play your character’s story quests and you should understand.
3) I was once a Knight online player myself a few years back. And seeing your name pop on the chat with each kill did give a very rewarding feeling. But KO players are not really demanding when it comes to UI comfort. Introducing that system will make people rage at the spam in their chat window.
Also, bear in mind that GW2 barely is 3 months old, you can’t really speak about “killer” reputations so early. My guess here is that there will absolutely be a similar rewarding system implemented at some point. I mean, just look at the scale of the WvW map, it’s impossible that Anet won’t do anything to promote the feeling of accomplishment and pride in that map.
4) To compare this to knight online, if you go with your max lvl character to solo a Troll Captain or a Dread Mare for example (I don’t remember much of the KO monsters so these two will do) you’ll more than likely get your kitten wooped. If we consider Troll Berserkers, which are a bit weaker, they’ll still be a good challenge, you won’t ever 1 or 2 hit it. So I really don’t think this point is valid, GW2 has a great PvE world, making it too easy wouldn’t do it any good.
5) That would make no sense in GW2.. In Knight online, you HAVE to spam your potions, while in GW2 you might never, ever use a single potion in your whole gaming experience. Food lasts 30 minutes, so at worst, it’s one double click every 30 minutes, unless you want to switch Food, which in itself isn’t that bad really.
But I guess adding an optional hot key bar for that wouldn’t hurt, but I don’t find it to be necessary.
I understand most of your points, but I have to say that, as you know, Knight online is heavily centered towards Hardcore gamers, it’s impossible to succeed in that game as a casual. GW2 is practically the opposite, it does everything to appeal to casuals while hardcore gamers such as yourself tend to feel weaker than what they’re used to.
As you said, give it a couple of months, you can’t have a definite opinion of the game at such early stages.
Nice to find a old player of Knight Online there xD We are not alot players of this kind here.
To the ones that know knight Online, heres thing I miss in this game that can be implented here, and would fit very well:
1) Something like Bifrost
Explain: Lets say its a kind of dunjon in middle of WvW that can be opened at certain time. In order to open it, your ’’nation’’ (world) have to kill a monument (remember its in a WvW environement). The nation that killed the monument can access (for 2 hours) a special instance where monsters drop very valuable items. This thing was happenning 3 times a day, and encourage people to make WvW.
2) Something like Castle siege war
Each guild (clan in KO) try to conquer the castle. This battle oppose all guild happens once a week. The guild that conquer the castle receive tax income on the npc merchant and have some privilege.
Well, I dont wanna make a thread where I complain how this game is not like another, but really I feel like there is something missing out there.
It’s the same as saying “I don’t see the Mass Effect in Mass Effect 2”
[nerd]The “mass effect” is the ability to create fields which raise or lower mass through the use of element zero. It’s used in the game’s FTL technology, biotic powers, and most of its guns. In short, there’s plenty of Mass Effect in Mass Effect 2. [/end nerd]
You know this question has been on my mind ever since I saw this post. Make heck no I don’t feel powerful at all. I don’t feel tough or legendary I don’t feel like a hero at all. It seems like monsters get more powerful every level while you continue to grow inmediocrity. Often getting knocked down, pulled, pushed, often killed. They even have titles for rezzing people. Why? Who likes to die so much. Its like a game that refuses to use the classic trinity with nothing replacing it except death.
Answer no I don’t I need another 20 levels to feel decent compared to the content they place us against.
I don’t feel tough or legendary I don’t feel like a hero at all. It seems like monsters get more powerful every level while you continue to grow in mediocrity. Often getting knocked down, pulled, pushed, often killed. They even have titles for rezzing people. Why? Who likes to die so much. Its like a game that refuses to use the classic trinity with nothing replacing it except death.
Well, two answers I’d give ya: First, except in yer personal story arch, none of us are heroes, but jus’ soldiers in ah war, or adventurers in ah huge world what doesn’ care how many Centaurs ya killed when you were 15th level. From start ta finish the game keeps a pretty even difficulty curve for fightin’ stuff your level – with a small benefit for fightin’ in lower level zones. As ya get higher level ya don’ really get “more powerful” compared ta the world yer in, ya get more options as ya pick up more skills, better equipmen’ an’ you – the player – learn how ta fight certain monsters better.
Answer #2: It keeps the game challengin’. Do ya really wanna reach the point where yer one shottin’ monsters left an’ right an’ not havin’ ta give it much of a thought? It keeps combat from turnin’ inta brainless button smashin’ and makes ya stay awake when yer playin’. I’ve played in plenty ah games where they letcha make a whitchamacallit (aaand poof, the word went right outta me head) where ya could program a row of attacks ta happen over an’ over again keyed ta one button. Then ya’d hit that button an’ walk off ta make a sandwich an’ on the off chance somethin’ got through yer auto fire mega pack, they couldn’ do enough damage ta kill ya before ya got back anyway. (an’ yeah, I’ve really done this)
An’ before ya start whinin’ about them vs us, I’m ah pretty casual player meself, so it ain’ like I’m callin’ ta make the game harder, or addin’ permadeath ta the mix … it seems balanced pretty good for people like me what can’ play every wakin’ moment.
I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.
It’s the same as saying “I don’t see the Mass Effect in Mass Effect 2”
[nerd]The “mass effect” is the ability to create fields which raise or lower mass through the use of element zero. It’s used in the game’s FTL technology, biotic powers, and most of its guns. In short, there’s plenty of Mass Effect in Mass Effect 2. [/end nerd]
Oh yeah? Oh yeah? Well why do most ah the adventures in Neverwinter Nights happen durin’ the day, can ya tell me that? ;P
(Okay, another bad example, though ta be fair the new people what are workin’ on the MMO don’ seem ta get the reference in the name an’ if they can get away with bein’ thick I can get away with profitin’ offa it.)
I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.
@ Jack of Tears I agree with everything you have said so I’m not going to repeat it
@ OP- I do feel like an 80, what’s more I feel much more powerful now than when I became an 80) and that has to do with skill.
I feel like a hero actually.
Just play for a bit on an alt and switch back to your 80 and you will notice the difference.
@ Tiger Ashante: that said it is demeaning to play in low level areas on your 80, I can only say
In a low level zone you have no ooohhh this is an 80 running around because all you see is a little down arrow- this is wonderful because all you then see is just another player.
I love this and I love playing in all parts of the world- I really do think they should be stricter with the down leveling because as it is, it is too easy especially in very low lvl zones.
I miss the prestige feeling of being a high level in mmorpg too.
No I don’t feel like a level 80, all the effort to get to 80, the weapons the gear, and for what.
I am still as likely to die in a lower level area, I am still likely to die because I pull too many mobs (thats 2 or more), I don’t get any level 80 rewards, and the rewards in lower level area’s are terrible.
And who want’s to struggle to stay alive in a lower level area, it’s just rubbish.
Oh wait, I’m a Ranger………………..
I don’t know what you’re talking about, in exotic gear I 2 shot normal mobs in low level areas. The downlevelling is too weak in some areas, it makes the areas too easy and boring.
Downlevelling and overall difficulty was a lot better in BWE1. Dunno why they nerfed it like this.
“I used to play [Game X]. Why can’t Guild Wars 2 be more like [Game X]??”
The short answer:
Because Guild Wars 2 is not [Game X] and never will be.
The slightly longer answer:
Guild Wars 2tries to set its own standards, and to innovate the MMO genre. They take elements from other games that work (and not just from the one game you like), and they are not afraid to try to deviate from certain MMO staples from older games, if they believe that their new system can actually be more enjoyable for a larger number of players.
If Anet won’t remove the sidekick system entirely, then I wish they at least adjust it so that in any map say 20 lvls below you, the downscaling ceases to exit.
That would suck, then we’d have 80’s coming in an roflstomping the Shadow Behemoth and other bosses and events that are supposed to be challenging. Yeah, the down scaling does make you feel weaker, but overall it is more of a positive thing than a negative. Personally, I don’t need to feel like some uber powerful guy romping through the newbie zones to boost my ego anyway.
Shadow Behemoth challenging? I could be stark drunk and the kitten fight would still be insanely easy compared to world boss in other MMOs.
I do actually feel like an 80 however i would love a guild hall of some kind that would be awesome.
As far as power goes it really depends on the profession right now. Condition builds are the weakest out there so most people are using the berserker burst damage thing. We’re stuck in only a single viable build for the most part until bleeding and poison damage is fixed.
When you’re in that situation where the build that was working at the start of the game is suddenly broken and no one’s doing anything about it it does feel like the mobs are entirely too powerful like those that are normal mobs have too much defense of one kind or another and take forever to kill even while in all exotics.
Is this thread about kitten ? Because my kitten is gigantic.
More seriously, I’m running what I think is a bit of an unsual spec for my thief compared to the average glass cannon build so with my gear in tune with my spec, I like to think I can hold my own yes.
Being 80 or max level if you like isn’t about being the pwnx0rd, but rather working out your weakness and your strengths for your selected profession, and how your spec comes into that to affect the outcome of each fights.
I can generally tell straight away when a mistake I made is gonna get me downed/killed or whether a risk I took was worth it.
While obviously your goal as a lvl80 is to maximize your gear to increase your efficiency, if you can’t read the fights well and do not follow suit with the adequate rotation then you are going to struggle both in engame pve content or pvp.
Personally I think the game is great and the gameplay mechanic are pretty awesome, so making mistakes and learning from them is no issue for me. Elitists love bashing around “L2P” as a way to ascertain their superiority over gamers making certain mistakes, as if they have already worked it all out. Which is complete BS.
Have fun, find a playstyle you like, and keep practicing no matter what others say. Your enjoyment is what matters most and out of it you will increase your skills.
TL;DR embrace your chosen class, mistakes are good to learn, ignore elitists who are simply running the latest OP build like drones, gear is only boost and you’ll get there, game is fun and makes sense the more you play it. Classic endgame.
I actually get what you’re talking about, and I miss feeling like a high level.
I remember when I was in WoW, and I hit level 70, and I heard that Tarren Mill was being attacked and low level people were getting killed. I showed up, and blasted all the lvl 50-60 invaders, and we invaded Southshore instead. Then the lowbies /bowed and said thank you.
I remember when i was in FFXI, I was a level 75 White mage, and I helped to protect lowbies from the attack of Kraken on the boat, by healing the Paladin tanking the kraken. Also showing up at Valkurm Dunes or Qufim killing Bogy that are disrupting lowbie parties, or to help lowbies get Kazham keys.
I made people feel safe, and I loved that feeling.
I don’t feel that here in GW2 because I cannot protect anyone. Maybe I just have a healer’s heart.
You can do that in GW2 as well, I do it all the time. Go to the low level areas, even scaled, your still much more powerful then a real lower level. See a player trying to get a skill point? help them defeat the boss or mob to get it. See someone about to die from a fight? go help them. I can’t count how many times I have done the same skill fights over and over just to help someone else who was trying to cap it.
Is this thread about kitten ? Because my kitten is gigantic.
More seriously, I’m running what I think is a bit of an unsual spec for my thief compared to the average glass cannon build so with my gear in tune with my spec, I like to think I can hold my own yes.
Being 80 or max level if you like isn’t about being the pwnx0rd, but rather working out your weakness and your strengths for your selected profession, and how your spec comes into that to affect the outcome of each fights.I can generally tell straight away when a mistake I made is gonna get me downed/killed or whether a risk I took was worth it.
While obviously your goal as a lvl80 is to maximize your gear to increase your efficiency, if you can’t read the fights well and do not follow suit with the adequate rotation then you are going to struggle both in engame pve content or pvp.
Personally I think the game is great and the gameplay mechanic are pretty awesome, so making mistakes and learning from them is no issue for me. Elitists love bashing around “L2P” as a way to ascertain their superiority over gamers making certain mistakes, as if they have already worked it all out. Which is complete BS.
Have fun, find a playstyle you like, and keep practicing no matter what others say. Your enjoyment is what matters most and out of it you will increase your skills.
TL;DR embrace your chosen class, mistakes are good to learn, ignore elitists who are simply running the latest OP build like drones, gear is only boost and you’ll get there, game is fun and makes sense the more you play it. Classic endgame.
great post-
I agree with you totally and I run a condition hybrid build on my mesmer.
I love the challenge of learning how to play effectively and I get a huge kick out of being good at my class.
As an 80 I’ve had the time to explore my class much more and to find the build that suits me and to kit for it.
I certainly don’t feel under-powered and I am adaptable enough to take on different situations- this has greatly enhanced my enjoyment as well.
Yea with the sidekick system its very hard to feel powerful at any lvl. Personally I don’t like the downscaling, would like to see it go all together. As I understand it, the reason this was introduced, was so that higher lvls can help lower lvl freinds etc
But there system is based on an illogical premise.
Their premise is that a level 80 cannot help a level 10 if the level 80 is treated as a level 80 by the game. But this is clearly incorrect. A level 80 is more able to help a level 10 as a level 80 than as another level 10.
The fact that you will kill low level mobs a heck of a lot faster as a level 80 than as a level 10 is the entire point of being level 80 and isn’t a problem that needed to be solved. For the most part level 80 players more likely prefer killing low level mobs faster (in 1 hit) than they prefer having to fight mobs as if they were level 10 again.
There is also an inherent problem with the system of deleveling players and that is how stats are reduced. If your stats are reduced based on gear and the system is set to make it so that a player rocking epix is the baseline equivalent to a level 10 player in average gear then a level 80 player in mediocre gear who gets stat reduced to level 10 would have the stats of a naked level 10 and thus be completely screwed over.
Having more skills available to use as a stat reduced level 80 than you had at level 10 isn’t going to make you feel more accomplished or stronger when you find yourself hitting those level 10 mobs with attacks that were weaker than when you were actually level 10! To quote The Gamers, no one wants to see their max level character hitting like “an asthmatic princess.”
For me this was one of Anet’s biggest mistakes made in designing the game.
It’s the same as saying “I don’t see the Mass Effect in Mass Effect 2”
[nerd]The “mass effect” is the ability to create fields which raise or lower mass through the use of element zero. It’s used in the game’s FTL technology, biotic powers, and most of its guns. In short, there’s plenty of Mass Effect in Mass Effect 2. [/end nerd]
If you were a nerd you would have noted that the poster used “Mass Effect” to denote a specific game title. If they were refering to the pseudo science within the game world they would have used “mass effect.”
And as a true nerd you should also have known that Bioware actually altered how mass effect fields work when going from Mass Effect 1 to Mass Effect 2.
In Mass Effect 1, mass effect fields could increase or decrease the mass of objects as well as create gravimetric wells which operated irregardless of the mass being acted on. So every enemy could be lifted by a biotic power that created a strong gravimetric well regardless of the mass effect field that enemy was being subjected to via their armor or their use of biotics.
In Mass Effect 2, gravimetric wells can only affect objects with low or no original mass. So an enemy with heavy armor on would not be affect by a gravimetric well even though physics says that gravity acts on every object equally regardless of whether it has high or low mass. Bioware also changed how mass effect fields function so that a mass effect field now always cancels out a biotically created gravimetric well even though the only thing a mass effect field does is reduce or increase the mass of matter within the mass effect field and so this change runs counter to both real and ingame physics.
When looked at in this manner there is actually very little “Mass Effect” or “mass effect” in “Mass Effect 2.”
When I was level 60 on my Ranger I felt like I was level 80. Now that I’m level 80 with max gear I feel like I’m level 60. :/
» My current Guild Wars 2 game annoyances
Considering you can already effectively roflstomp Shadow Behemoth and Fire Elemental as a downscaled 80, I don’t see the need in eliminating the downscaling system. I’d say they need to make it more strict at lower levels instead, since it feels pretty good in the middle levels.
I agree, with a high level character in a level 40 area it feels like I’m roflstomping everything in my path. Stroking someone’s ego by telling them “oh, you are so powerful now!” is considerably worse, and loses its appeal significantly faster, than keeping the entire game challenging and thus viable for all characters all the time.
For the most part level 80 players more likely prefer killing low level mobs faster (in 1 hit) than they prefer having to fight mobs as if they were level 10 again.
Your premise is wrong.
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons
Meh, you’re still stomping low-level mobs in full-exo. And I really feel a lot stronger and able to survive some boss hits that kill lower level players in one hit.
But this only makes this whole delevelling system useless. Because if it is not working now, why having it in-game at all. Or anet could make it optional.
So player can either stay at his level but recieve no loot\exp\events in this zone or to delevel and “enjoy” content with newbie friends as it is now.
(edited by Isslair.4908)
it’s not just about hitting 80, by the time you have every sigil & rune and perfect exo’s and hundreds of hours of practice all in your favourite set of skins you should be feeling like a boss
[FIRE] Serene Snow, Warrior
3) Getting knocked down by some backstab thief while typing is bad enough without having to read their obnoxious name splayed across your screen [eg. X X G R I M R I E P E R X X]. Anyways, ties into #2 as you can still see which guild is stomping the map.
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of
Also about #3
Since www is actually more like zerg-wars this name anouncement would be kinda stupid.
It really depends on luck who gets the kill when 50vs50 mob exchanges their AOE. There is no reputation to gain there.
Commanders are more than enough to feel yourself important.
No I don’t feel like a level 80, all the effort to get to 80, the weapons the gear, and for what.
I am still as likely to die in a lower level area, I am still likely to die because I pull too many mobs (thats 2 or more), I don’t get any level 80 rewards, and the rewards in lower level area’s are terrible.
And who want’s to struggle to stay alive in a lower level area, it’s just rubbish.
Oh wait, I’m a Ranger………………..
Since I didn’t see the /sarcasm at the end, this post baffles me. Last night two friends came along with me into the story mission “Attack on Claw Island.” At one point, I was interacting with Commander Claw-Island-Will-Never-Fall. One of my friends was with me. We finished the dialogue, and looked out to see that the other friend, a ranger, had aggroed most of the 20-30 undead in the mustering yard, and was in the process of kiting and killing them. It looked a little like an old-style raid, except in reverse and with movement.
I absolutely feel like a lvl 80 character. I can go to any zone I want, do any content I want, and not worry about having to level to do something. That, to me, is the definition of max level. I miss the days of a lvl 20 level cap that could be reached in a day or two, but getting to 80 doesn’t take much longer, and then I can stop worrying about my level, equip any gear I can afford and do whatever I want to do to have fun.
Do I feel epic? I feel like I look pretty epic in my exotic set. Do I feel like I’m epic and powerful? Well, it’s not the Korean MMO I played before I found GW where I could go to low level areas with my lvl 100+ character and 1-hit bosses to show off…. but I don’t care. I can go to low level areas, teach beginners how to do tricky vistas, or help organize an event because I know what I’m doing. I feel like I’m lvl 80 every time I whip together an impromptu group in Malchor’s Leap to do the Temple of Lyssa event and make sure all 3 points get covered….
I think the question is: What does max level mean to you? For me, it means freedom from the tutorial time of leveling, and I have that in spades. Real progression is about playing better, not out leveling content or out gearing content.
I guess the part that is sad though, is that getting to lvl 80 does not ensure people have enough mastery of the game to do well in all areas of the game. There are few places that take skill + max level just to get to, and that, I suppose would be nice to have. Allows there to be a place for the ‘epic’ players to congregate and work on harder challenges.
For the most part level 80 players more likely prefer killing low level mobs faster (in 1 hit) than they prefer having to fight mobs as if they were level 10 again.
Your premise is wrong.
One dissenter among a sea of agreers does not change the tide.
I feel like that old commercial… “I’ve fallen down and i can’t get up!” level 80 shmeighty, i feel 60 when i hit the Shores, risen suck mmk.
When I was level 60 on my Ranger I felt like I was level 80. Now that I’m level 80 with max gear I feel like I’m level 60. :/
I thought this funny too, I felt much much stronger at lower levels. Because you are. Stat’s scale better, I think.
I didn’t feel like I actually achieved max level until well after I reached level 80. It must have been a couple of weeks that I simply did not know how I wanted to build my character, which exotics to go for, and which skins, and I still had a lot to learn about the game and my class to improve my skill.
Now I do feel like a max level character. I have a build that I like, I understand the game and my class a lot better. And I have awesome looking armour and weapon skins.
Just earlier today in WvW the commander and his army were discussing which towers and camps they needed to hit. I soloed the second camp they planned to hit (Greenwater). As the commander and his group of 15-20 players arrived in the camp I had just dispatched my last foe. I then took a bow in front of that little army, and we moved onto the nearby tower.
The particular level number is meaningless. What matters is whether you have max stats and you understand your class.
You can still blow up lower level enemies. A Thief friend of mine was doing map completion on lower level areas a little while ago… Dancing Dagger on a power focused Thief means as many kills as there are bounces. Yes, not all lower level content is trivial, but there is still trivial content when you are at your max.
Also, what good is there to being max level if non can oppose you? Playing as an all powerful being does is not as exciting for most people.
they should remove levels at all, they is no reason to have a high level at all, if everything was for everyone the whole game would make more sense
and what you peole describe here is hillarious, gw2 is with downscaling designed to be challengeling even for high levels so you dont get bored and not to wipe a low lvl area by yourself